After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 338: Then don't blame her for being rude.

   Chapter 338 Then don't blame her for being rude

  Luo Ying felt like she was an out of place in Luo's house.

   But she doesn't care about the attitude of the Luo family.

   She has always been looking for an opportunity to take her mother out of the island, free from the glory and **** of those **** ancient families, and live a normal life.

   So this time, I know that Luo Yuefeng was sent by the family to experience, and I strongly request to come out and experience together.

   After seeing the outside world, she strengthened the thought in her heart.

   But she didn't expect that the idol she likes would actually be the daughter of her uncle, which made her and Aidou feel a sense of enmity.

   Luo Ning felt that it was really difficult for her father to be born in such a family.

   She also finally knew why her father in the last life appeared so long after that, and took care of the heroine and all the male protagonists with a thunderous strike.

   Dad must have broken through to the realm of the unity of nature and man, and then broke out of the forbidden area. No one in the Luo family can stop him from leaving the island.

   Feng Shui mystic masters have reached the realm of unity between heaven and man, and will no longer be bound by the power of the book world, so Dad can hit the daughter of destiny and the son of destiny.

  Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to escape the fate of being the main cannon fodder for both men and women.

  Luo Ying looked at Luo Ning and sighed and said, "Brother Ning, it's not easy for you to reunite with your uncle now."

  The feudal family killed people, making it impossible for father and daughter to reunite.

   If my uncle didn't agree to the two rooms, he would definitely not be able to get out of the forbidden area, and grandma and grandpa would not recognize the identity of Luo Ning's mother and daughter.

   She didn't know how to comfort Luo Ning's cousin, and at the same time didn't want the other party to be kept in the dark, so she told the truth.

  Luo Ning smiled, "It's okay, we can reunite one day."

   As long as she knew her father's whereabouts and that there was no danger to her life, she was relieved.

  Luo Ying nodded: "I also believe that you can be reunited." I just don't know how long it will take.

   "Although the Luo family doesn't recognize your identities now, I can't take you back to the island, but I can help you communicate with my uncle."

   "If you have anything to tell my uncle, you can tell me, I will bring it back for you, and try to find a chance to tell my uncle."

  Luo Ying actually wanted to take Luo Ning back to the island secretly to see her uncle, but unfortunately it was too difficult, the Luo family who were not recognized could not get on the island at all.

If    is just a message, she has some hope of doing it.

   After she went back, she secretly ran to the forbidden area to see if she could get in touch with her uncle.

  Although she had sneaked away to see her uncle in the forbidden area before, she was discovered by the guards.

   Then not only did he not see anyone, he was also scolded.

   But for the sake of Brother Ning and Uncle, she just went to the forbidden area a few times, and she risked it.

   Luo Ning could see that Luo Ying's broken wrist looked like he was about to go to the battlefield. While he laughed, he also felt warm.

   "No, since my dad is in the forbidden area, let him retreat well. Bringing words in will affect him."

   Dad must be thinking of coming out to find the mother and daughter as soon as possible, so he is in the forbidden area to attack the realm of unity between heaven and man.

   She also didn't want to interfere with Dad's promotion.

   She narrowed her eyes and said decisively, "Since the Luo family does not recognize the existence of our mother and daughter, then I will not recognize the Luo family."

  The Luo family's father once forced his father to run away from home, and after the people returned, he continued to try to force him to resign and marry another, and to do as they wanted was simply too deceiving.

   Such a family and relatives, she absolutely does not recognize and will not want.

  Luo Ying looked at Luo Ning pitifully, "Brother Ning, you don't recognize the Luo family, but don't deny me and my mother!"

   Her mother's feelings for the Luo family are also very light now.

   For my uncle, my mother and my grandmother also had a big fight, and they also contradicted my grandfather.

   If it wasn't for getting rid of Lei's family, for fear of her being hurt in Lei's family, mother wouldn't take her to live in Luo's family.

   Mom wanted to take her out of the island, but the Keluo family disagreed, and freedom was completely restricted.

   She is better. Although she has changed her surname to Luo, she is from the Lei family after all.

  Otherwise, it would be impossible to follow along this time.

   She has no feelings for the Luo family, including her grandfather and grandmother, who are also separated by a layer.

   She can also disown the Luo family, but she doesn't want to break up with her uncle and cousin.

   They are more like a hard-working family.

   Luo Ning shook her hand with a smile, "Of course, your mother is my aunt, you are my cousin, and we are relatives."

   It can be seen that the aunt and the cousin really regard her father as her relatives, so she will naturally regard them as relatives.

   As for the other Luo family members, there is only the word "hehe".

  Luo Ning suddenly asked: "Your grandfather didn't let my dad marry a woman outside, just because he was worried that the child born would not have the talent for feng shui metaphysics?"

  Luo Ying was stunned for a while, then thought for a while and replied, "Part of the reason is this, but the focus is on exclusion."

   "The marriage between ancient Fengshui families has been passed down for many generations. In the eyes of these old antiques, only those in the island circle are orthodox and can be recognized by them."

   "So although the aunt is an orphan, she comes from a family of feng shui. She was brought up to the Luo family and cultivated since she was a child, so they recognized her identity."

She added: "It's like Luo Yuefeng, even if it's not the Luo family's own, but because she was born in an ancient Fengshui family and has talent, she can also get along well in the Luo family and the ancient Fengshui family circle. "

  Luo Ying continued: "The two children born by my scumbag father are actually quite talented, but they don't get much attention from the head of the Lei family, that is, my grandfather, because they were born by women outside."

   "According to what their older generation said, they are concubines and concubine daughters, who are not qualified to inherit the family business."

   That's why her scumbag will try to find a way to make a positive for her true love and true love child.

   If her uncle hadn't appeared and took her and her mother away from Lei's house, she doubted whether their mother and daughter would survive.

   She said with disgust: "Anyway, this kind of family is feudal and exclusive."

   Otherwise, the scumbag wouldn't have been forced to marry her mother in order to stabilize his position as heir back then, and his true love would be wronged.

  Luo Ning also understands that these ancient feng shui families may have contradictions with each other, but in dealing with external relations, they are all unanimous and exclusive.

   As a result, although my father married and had children outside, he was not recognized by the family.

   Her two cheap grandparents are even more intent on breaking up their families, just to satisfy their selfish desires.

  Since that's the case, don't blame her for being rude.

   Isn't she looking down on these outside children, then she will let the Luo family and these rotten ancient families see, there is no so-called marriage to strengthen the blood, she is still better than the proud sons and daughters of the sky that they have carefully cultivated.

   (end of this chapter)

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