Chapter 383 Going the opposite way

  Luo Ning ate fruit leisurely and waited for someone to come.

   Soon, a dozen people appeared in front of the two of them.

   Luo Ning looked at a team of young people with some surprise. She could perceive the strength of these people, and they were all rookies.

   The level is not much different from Lou Wu, so you want to find fault with her?

   Could it be that you want to bully people with more people?

   Lou Ranran was also stunned when she saw the person coming.

   said to the person in the front, "Leiqiu, what are you trying to do? Bring so many people to our Lou family's territory and want to fight?"

  Raichu ignored Lou Ranran, but looked at Luo Ning.

   He said, "Miss Luo, I'm here to invite you to Lei's house today."

  Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, "Ask me to visit Lei's house? I don't seem to know you."

   Lou Ranran leaned into Luo Ning's ear and said, "This is the youngest son of the current heir of the Lei family. His father had his leg broken by your father a few years ago."

   Luo Ning instantly understood Raichu's identity.

   The child that her aunt's ex-husband really loves, this relationship is complicated enough.

   Lou Ranran's voice was not small, and Leiqiu and others also heard it.

   Leiqiu's face was a bit ugly, and he asked Luo Ning: "Do you dare to visit our Lei's house?"

  Luo Ning asked back, "Are you trying to repay your father's debt to your daughter?"

   Raichu clenched his fist, "Yes, the grievances of the previous generation are resolved, and we will resolve the grievances of this generation."

   After his father's leg was broken by Luo Yicheng and he took away the eldest lady, he was ridiculed behind his back by people in the family, and some even wanted to use this to compete for the position of heir.

   His father was also hit by Luo Yicheng, and he was always depressed.

  My father loved them very much, so he hated Luo Yicheng too.

   But he went to Luo Yicheng, but found that the other party was locked in a forbidden area by the Luo family, and he kept his breath in his heart.

   Until last night, someone told him that Luo Yicheng's daughter came to the island and was a guest at Lou's house.

  Since he couldn't find Luo Yicheng to vent his anger for his father, he could make Luo Ning's father's debt repay.

  The man also told him that Luo Ning and Lou Ranran would come to this island today.

   He kept people watching, and found that the Lou family really had a boat out to sea, and then quietly brought people to follow.

  Luo Ning was a bit dumbfounded, and swept away Leiqiu and the people behind him, "Just because you want to fight with me?"

   "A group of chickens came to fight Luo Ning, are you kidding me?" Lou Ranran also found it funny.

   Not to mention Luo Ning, even if she makes a move, she can easily push down these little cubs.

  Leiqiu checked Luo Ning before he came, and knew that she not only defeated Elder Luo Ba, but also trapped Elder Lou Wu, and also cleaned up Lou Wu two days ago.

   He reached out and drew a gun from his waist and pointed it at Luo Ning, "I'm not a fool. If I want to invite you to Lei's house as a guest, it's not the only way to fight."

   Following his movements, the people behind him also drew their guns and pointed at Luo Ning and Lou Ranran.

   Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, "It's still a little brainy."

   "But it's all someone else's idea for you."

   She roughly understood the false widow's plan, which was to drag the Lei family into the water.

   Her father had a grudge against the heir to the Lei family for his little aunt. If Leiqiu came to trouble her, she would definitely resist.

  If Raichu accidentally had an accident during the fight, she and the Lei family would have a deadly vengeance.

   In addition to his father's grievances, Lei's family had to deal with her to death.

  This is really fun to use a knife to kill.

   Raichu stiffened his neck and said, "You don't care if it's someone else's idea, I'll ask you if you follow us."

  Lou Ranran's eyes were full of disdain, as long as it wasn't the latest type of cannonball attack, this bullet wouldn't hurt them at all.

   She cast a questioning look at Luo Ning, "Go?"

  Luo Ning has been observing the people on Raichu's side. One of the young men had an excited look in his eyes when he heard Lou Ranran's words, and the gun was aimed in the direction of Raichu.

   Sure enough, she guessed it right.

  If she and Lou Ranran shoot, then in the chaos, this person will directly shoot Raichu fatally, and then let them take the blame.

   With the strengths of her and Lou Ranran, no one would believe them even if they explained, and besides, this person would provoke others to throw the pot at them.

  The pot and they have already decided.

   Luo Ning gave Lou Ranran a calm look.

   She looked at Raichu and asked with a half-smiling smile, "There is a saying, it is easy to ask God to send him off, are you sure you want to invite me to Lei's house?"

  Raichu didn't know why, looking at Luo Ning's smile, she always felt that she had bad intentions.

   But when he was on the Lei family's territory, he wasn't afraid of this woman.

   He snorted coldly: "I came to invite you today, so naturally I will invite you back."

  Luo Ning found that the child who was pampered and grew up was well protected. In addition, he had never been out of the island and faced some darkness. This child was just like Lou Ranran's nephew, a little innocent.

   She smiled and said, "Okay, I'm very interested in the feng shui metaphysics of the Lei family. It's good to visit your house to communicate."

  Luo Ning asked Lou Ranran, "Are you going?"

   Lou Ranran was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

   She has experienced the baptism of darkness, and she has a good understanding of conspiracy, and she immediately understands the plan of the false widow.

  Although the Lei family has been defeated a bit over the years, it is an ancient Fengshui family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

  Raichu is the youngest son of the Lei family heir, and the son who loves the most.

   I heard that even the head of the Lei family and his wife dote on this little grandson.

  If this guy dies here, the Lei family will never let Luo Ning go, whether it is out of true affection or love, or because of the face of the aristocratic family.

   Don't say that the trick of false widow is really poisonous.

   Lou Ranran also guessed Luo Ning's plan, which is to do the opposite and prevent the false widow's plan from succeeding.

   She was worried that Luo Ning went to Lei's house alone, and said with a smile, "Okay, I haven't been to Lei's house before, I just went to play."

   Raichu: "..." How happy are these two?

   And it’s so easy to get it done? Did these two give in too quickly?

   He still pointed the gun at the two of them, "You guys don't want to play any tricks."

   Lou Ranran rolled his eyes, "Little brother's brain is a good thing, you'd better take it out in the future."

  Luoning got up, "We're going to Lei's house now, you lead the way."

   Raichu originally wanted to fight a battle, although he was not going to hurt Luo Ning, but he also imagined tying people home and publicizing them, making the Luo family embarrassed.

   Who knew that these two were so self-conscious that he had no room to play.

   No wonder they say Lou Ranran is a pervert, and the people who play with her are out of their minds. Now it seems to be true.

   When he was distracted, Luo Ning and Lou Ranran had already walked in front of him.

   Lou Ranran raised his hand and patted Leiqiu's forehead, "What are you in a daze, lead the way!"

  This kid is quite funny, and today's events are definitely on his own.

   She was suddenly looking forward to it. The senior management of the Lei family saw how she and Luo Ning looked when they were guests, and thought it would be fun.

   (end of this chapter)

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