Chapter 414

  Luo Patriarch really felt that Luo Ning, the granddaughter, needed to clean up and teach her a lesson.

   This time, he has to bring her back to Luo's house to sharpen her edges and corners. He has some ways to make her behave.

   Originally, he and the elders had already planned how to force Luo Ning to take him away.

   But when he heard that the Sikong family invited Luo Ning to be a guest, he didn't know why, and he had a bad feeling.

   He didn't tell anyone that he felt that he couldn't let Luo Ning leave this time, otherwise it might be a disaster for the Luo family.

   At the same time, I regret it again. I used the wrong method for Luo Ning before, and I should have brought people back to Luo's house.

   When he thought that there was still a son in the forbidden area who refused to obey discipline and could be a ticking time bomb at any time, his head hurt even more.

  The elders all had a headache after hearing the words of the Luo family.

  How could Luo's family have such a trouble, it's so troublesome to catch someone.

The elder    asked: "Then do we want to change the plan?"

  Luo Patriarch pondered for a moment and said, "If the Sikong family comes forward to block it tomorrow, let the clan elders do it."

The    elders were stunned, "As for asking the clan elders to come forward?"

   This time, a clan elder from the Luo family followed quietly, and the other families did not know about it.

   Under normal circumstances, there is no major event, and the clan will never come forward.

  Luo Patriarch closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he was a little more determined, "I also hope that it will not be used, but I have to guard against it. This time I must bring Luo Ning back."

   He also doesn't want to break his granddaughter's wings, but Luo Ning's granddaughter is too wild.

   Not only is he a genius, but his IQ is even more difficult. For the future of the Luo family, he has to do this.

   Seeing that the head of the family is so cautious, the elders also pay more attention, "Yes!"

  An elder asked, "Then what should I do with Lou Yinghua? Bring it back for interrogation?"

   Lou Yinghua's problem is more serious than Luo Ning's problem in their opinion.

   Has the Luo family clashed with something recently, and everything is coming together.

   Speaking of Lou Yinghua, Luo Patriarch's eyes were dark and deep, "Go and have a look now."

   That woman has been hiding too deeply over the years. If it wasn't for Luo Ning and Lei Lifei's trouble at the exchange meeting, they wouldn't even know that Lou Yinghua had a problem.

   has been hidden for so many years, and the picture is definitely not small, which makes the Luo family owner a little scared.

  The elders paid more attention to Lou Yinghua's problem, got up and said, "Yes, let's go and see if you can find anything."

   So under the leadership of the Luo family, the group went to the courtyard where Lou Yinghua was imprisoned in the house.

   "Meet the head of the house and the elders!" The people guarding the yard immediately saluted.

  Luo Patriarch ordered, "Open the door, let's go in and see Lou Yinghua."


   The guard immediately opened the door, and the family head Luo walked in.

   Seeing Lou Yinghua lying on the table, the Luo family master felt ominous.

   immediately walked over and pushed it.

   Then Lou Yinghua fell to the ground, his face pale and he couldn't even breathe.

The    elders were shocked, "How could this happen, Lou Yinghua committed suicide?"

   Several people hurriedly squatted down and touched Lou Yinghua's breath and pulse.

   "Man is dead." Then came this conclusion.

   They all looked ugly, why did Lou Yinghua die?

   They still haven't found any clues. If people die like this, wouldn't it be more troublesome?

  Patriarch Luo frowned deeply, stepped forward and squatted down to look carefully at the people on the ground.

   Then he instructed the person, "Go and invite Madam here."

   The guard at the door immediately left to invite Mrs. Luo.

The    elders didn’t know why the head of the family asked his wife to come over, but they guessed that there must be a reason for him to do so.

   Soon, Mrs. Luo walked in with a bad face.

   When he saw the lifeless Lou Yinghua lying on the ground, he was stunned for a while, and then his face became even more ugly.

   She frowned and asked, "Why did she die?"

  Patriarch Luo stood up and stepped forward to support her gently, "You brought her back to raise her, I want you to take a closer look, is this Lou Yinghua?"

   Mrs. Luo pursed her lips, looked at the elders after a while and said, "I want to check her body, please go out first."

   Several elders naturally disliked this, and immediately went out one after another, and closed the door thoughtfully.

   Mrs. Luo squatted down slowly, and after the Luo family turned her back, she reached out and pulled the clothes of the person on the ground and looked back.

   Soon she pulled up the other party's clothes, stood up and said, "It's not her."

  Patriarch Luo turned around with the expression on his face as expected, "Are you sure?"

   Mrs. Luo nodded, "When she was a child, when she first arrived at Luo's house, I was afraid that she would be afraid, so I washed her twice and found a small red mole on her back."

   "But I haven't mentioned it to her, and she may not know it herself."

  The small red mole is not an obvious birthmark, and most people will not notice it.

   Now this person is not behind.

   Mrs. Luo's face was a little pale, and she leaned softly on the head of the Luo family, "I really didn't expect her to be such a person."

   All the hard work that Lou Yinghua has cultivated over the years has been fed to the dog.

  Luo Patriarch narrowed his eyes, "I don't know if she was fake during the previous exchange meeting, or if she was detained here and was stolen."

   But no matter which one it is, there is a big problem.

   Mrs. Luo heard this, squatted down after thinking for a while, and sniffed carefully, "This person should have been exchanged here."

   "The smell on her body is not Lou Yinghua's."

During the    exchange meeting, she was sure that the person who came with was Lou Yinghua.

   She also came from a family of Feng Shui. Although her abilities in feng shui profound arts are average, she also has her own specialty, that is, she is very sensitive to fragrance.

   She can smell incense to identify people, smell incense to determine identity, etc.

   But this ability, she only told her husband, Lou Yinghua didn't know it.

  Luo Patriarch knows his wife's special abilities, which is why people invite her over.

   He held Mrs. Luo's hand, "Mrs. Hard work."

   Mrs. Luo asked: "What are you going to do?"

   "Husband, let's just say that Lou Yinghua committed suicide, and this matter will come to an end."

   How much she liked Lou Yinghua, the big daughter-in-law, now she hates it.

   And because Luo Ning and Lei Lifei have a rhythm, she now thinks of some of the actions of her eldest daughter-in-law, and always feels that the **** usually seduces her husband intentionally or unintentionally.

  Although she also knew that this might be a psychological effect, but she was too ill.

   I don't want to mention Lou Yinghua's name again, I don't want to see this person again.

When    declares suicide, what happened before, and the shame, will end with the death of that bitch.

  The owner of Luo Family can guess what his wife is thinking, he knows that she wants to deceive herself because of disgust.

   After being pampered for so many years, he still couldn't help wanting to follow her.

   He took Mrs. Luo into his arms and reassured him: "Okay, listen to you, I'll announce that this is Lou Yinghua in a while, and she committed suicide without face."

   It's not bad to have a smooth sailing boat. He doesn't want to mention Lou Yinghua again because he hates it like his wife.

   Instead, I wanted to take advantage of Lou Yinghua's death to check it out. After all, the person has already run away, and following the other party's plan can also make the other party take it lightly.

   He will never let the hidden dangers that threaten the Luo family exist. Lou Yinghua and the people behind him must be dug out.

   (end of this chapter)

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