Chapter 422 How is this possible?

   The stronger people on board are also supporting, but obviously they won't last long.

  Elder Luo Jiu was seriously injured in the first place, but now he was eroded into the body by the yin evil of the Moon Blade, which aggravated the injury.

   couldn't help vomiting blood again, and the whole internal organs felt pain as if they had been dislocated.

   "Stop!" He couldn't help looking at Luo Ning and shouted.

  Luo Ning just ignored him and continued to use the yin sha of the Moon Sword to do things.

  A wisp of yin shattered into the old man's body from the soles of his feet.

   also caused the clan elder who was fighting with the snake king to lose his balance in controlling Yin Sha, and he was attacked at once.

  The Snake King took the opportunity to ram his entire body towards the Luo family's boat again.

  This time, the clan elder wanted to stop it, but he was half a beat too slow. It was really eroded by the evil spirit in his body, and he was also very uncomfortable.

   When he reacted, the Luo family's entire ship capsized.

  The people on the boat fell into the sea one after another, and the wooden frame and the crescent knife also fell towards the deep sea.

  Luoning asked the Snake King to control the snake group and brought back the Moon Blade.

  The Snake King immediately issued an order to make the group of snakes that had been dispersed to gather again.

   Then the sea snakes were intertwined, like weaving a big net, supporting the wooden frame and rising towards the sea a little bit.

  Because the yin evil of the Moon Blade is too powerful, the snake group will replace a wave of snakes on the wooden frame every tens of seconds.

   After holding the wooden frame out to the sea, the snake king used the tail of the snake to forcefully pick at the wooden frame.

  The wooden frame was instantly shaken to pieces, and the crescent blade on it was also lifted up by that force, and flew towards Luo Ning's direction.

   Elder Luo Family and Elder Luo Jiu couldn't help but turn pale when they saw this.

  When the boat capsized, they thought about trouble. The moon sword was going to fall into the deep sea, and they had to work hard to get it back.

   But he didn't expect the snake group to support the wooden frame, and the Snake King even flew the Moon Blade to Luo Ning.

   But soon the two of them showed gloating eyes.

  Luo Ning really underestimated the yin evil of the Moon Sword. If she dared to pick it up with her hands, the consequences would not be something she could afford.

The elders of the    clan did not dare to directly use their hands to take the Moon Sword that had unlocked several talismans, otherwise he would be eroded by Yin Sha and frostbitten.

Although    Luo Ning is stronger than him, if he dares to do so, the same result will be obtained.

What the    clan has always known, Luo Ning is not stupid.

   She did not directly pick up the Crescent Sword with her hands, but threw the two halves of the chain that had been cut from the old man's hand and flew out, wrapping the Crescent Sword.

   Then he took out the last few jade ornaments on his body and placed them on the boat, forming a seven-star white battle formation.

   Only then did he roll up the Moon Blade and land in the center of the Seven Stars and White Dou.

  The moon blade vibrated spontaneously as soon as it landed, eroding the chains on the blade directly and breaking it inch by inch.

  The people on Sikong's ship all stepped back a certain distance after seeing this, trying to stay away from the crescent blade as much as possible.

   Captain Sikong didn't expect Luo Ning to bring the Moon Sword.

  But obviously the Moon Sword is not obedient at all right now. If it can't be suppressed, everyone will be in trouble.

   He couldn't help but ask: "Want to help?"

  Luo Ning was taking out the rune pen and the super high-quality cinnabar from her bag. She didn't look up when she heard this, and continued her actions, "Can you help?"

   Lieutenant Sikong choked and smiled shyly, "It doesn't seem to be able to help."

   This time, he brought three elders from the Sikong family to the imperial capital.

   He turned to the three and asked, "Can you help suppress it?"

  The three clan elders shook their heads without hesitation, "Unless the clan elders in the family come, we can suppress it together, we can't."

   Their strength is slightly stronger than that of the elder Luo Jiu, but much worse than the elder of the Luo family.

   The other party couldn't suppress the Moon Sword, and even more so.

   Captain Sikong could only helplessly say to Luo Ning: "If you can't suppress it, you can't take it away."

   means that if you can't, just throw it away, don't play big fat.

   Luo Ning heard what he meant, "Who said I couldn't suppress it? Who knows if I don't try."

   She quickly drew a few talismans and pasted them on the spot that was previously uncovered by Elder Luo Jiu and the clan elders.

  The crescent blade that was trembling frantically also stopped a lot along with the talisman.

   Captain Sikong was overjoyed, could Luo Ning really be able to suppress Yanyue Dao?

   At this moment, the Luo family was held up by a big turtle.

   He stood on the turtle and looked at the ship board with a sneer: "Luo Ning, the superb talisman you drew is indeed comparable to the talisman we removed before, and sealed most of the evil spirits of the Moon Blade."

   "But if that's the case, you would be naive to think that you can suppress the Moon Sword."

   "Is the wooden frame on which you held the crescent sword a decoration? It is made of special wood that contains yang essence for thousands of years, in order to suppress the crescent sword."

   He swept the wooden frame that was shattered into pieces at the sea and continued: "It's a pity that the Snake King destroyed it, Luo Ning, you can't steal the chicken and eat the rice."

   "This is something belonging to the Luo family, and no one can take it away." He added confidently.

The    couldn't suppress the Moon Sword, and the Sikong family's boat couldn't bear it at all, so they could only throw it into the sea, otherwise no one on the boat would have a better life.

   When the time comes, he will let the people in the clan come and salvage it.

   It’s a pity that the wooden frame has to be rebuilt.

   He felt distressed again when he thought that there were not many wood families left.

   But it was better than losing the Crescent Sword, he comforted himself in his heart.

   Luo Ning stood up and looked at the old man, "You're too happy too early."

   After she finished speaking, she took out the compass left by her father.

   As expected, the needles on the compass trembled, and a trace of power gathered, as if injecting new vitality into the compass.

   Luo Ning felt the change of the compass just now, and now he can see why.

The   compass was her father's magic weapon, and it was stained with his breath.

   Although his father was locked in the forbidden area of ​​Luo's family, he also belonged to the scope of the island, so he was able to use the secret method to bless the compass and use his power to use the compass to play a lot.

   Dad must have sensed the trend here, so he blessed the compass with a secret method to help her.

   Luo Ning bit his finger and dripped a few drops of blood on the compass.

   Quickly put the compass at the center of Qixing Baidou's formation, and began to bless the secret method to suppress the Moon Sword.

   She actually thought of this method before, but her own strength is still a little weak.

   Now with the blessing of her father's secret method, she is much more relaxed.

   Soon the compass began to suppress the Crescent Sword.

   At first, the Moon Blade resisted fiercely, but gradually the tremors became weaker and weaker.

  After Luo Ning drew another talisman and put it on, he also sealed the repressive power, and the Moon Blade was completely motionless, so it would be like a dead thing.

   Luo Ning's eyes filled with joy, "It's done!"

   She stretched out her hand and picked up the Crescent Sword, which weighed several hundred kilograms, and danced a few times in front of the Luo family elder.

   "Good knife!" Luo Ning looked at the old Luo family with a smile, "Thank you for the gift from the Luo family, I like it very much!"

  The Luo family's old eyes shrank, and their eyes were full of shock and disbelief, "This, how is this possible?"

   The last chapter has not been written yet, at 14:00~ After the last chapter is published, I will go back to catch bugs and correct my mistakes~



   (end of this chapter)

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