After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 426: When things go wrong, there must be demons

   Chapter 426 If something goes wrong, there must be a demon


  Patriarch Luo felt stuffy in his chest and wanted to vomit blood, but this time he endured it.

   "Nizi, since you like it here, just stay."

   "The chance to let you out is just this one time, don't regret it if you don't cherish it in the future."

  Patriarch Luo turned around again to leave after finishing speaking, and was not going to stay this time.

  Luo Yicheng said behind him: "I never regret what I do, I just hope you don't regret it."

   "By the way, Dad, you went to the imperial capital. If my daughter loses a hair, I can only get it back at Luo's house for her."

   "If something happens to my daughter and the Luo family is wiped out in the future, don't blame me for being cruel."

   "After all, they were all forced by you. If the ghosts of the Luo family are looking for you, they have to look for you."

   His voice was still condescending, but one could feel the seriousness and ruthlessness in it.

   Although his father is unlikely to kill his baby Lemonade, it is still necessary to warn and threaten.

  Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, he will find someone to cry.

  Luo Patriarch felt that he shouldn't have come today, he was really going to be mad at this villain.

   He snorted coldly, "I won't be so mad that I will kill my granddaughter."

   Although he disliked that granddaughter who specialized in the Heluo family more and more, he really never thought of killing her.

  Luo Yicheng said roguely: "I know you won't kill you, but if you don't, it doesn't mean others won't!"

   "For example, the poisonous widow that you and my mother raised meticulously, if she does anything to my daughter, I'm sure the Luo family will be responsible for the debt."

   "Dad, do you think I'm right?"

  Luo Patriarch couldn't help but swear, "Damn, I really don't know what the **** I did in my previous life to give birth to a **** like you."

  Luo Yicheng said with a smile: "Why do I think you have accumulated a lot of fortune in your past life to give birth to a son as talented as me?"

   "You, you..." The Luo family was so shameless that he couldn't say anything else.

   He couldn't say that he was a bastard, so he chose to leave quickly so as not to die of anger.

   Just when the Luo family head just walked to the gate of the forbidden area, Luo Yicheng's voice came again.

   "Dad, I don't care who takes action on my daughter. Anyway, you went to the imperial capital. As long as something happens to my daughter, I will ask the Luo family to be responsible."

   He is relying on the Luo family anyway.

   This is not only to prevent the Luo family from taking action, but also to let the Luo family serve as a talisman for Luo Ning, otherwise he will cause the Luo family to be destroyed.

  The owner of Luo family couldn't help raising his hand and smashed a large stone next to him, wishing that this stone was the son of a **** inside.

   He didn't speak, and left the forbidden area quickly. Not only did he regret coming here today, but he also regretted that he had announced that he would go to the imperial capital in person.

   After returning to the yard, looking at his depressed wife, he still cheered up and said that he was going to the imperial capital.

   Mrs. Luo suddenly became interested, "I'll go with you too."

   She wanted to see what the vixen outside was like, and she was so fascinated by his son that he was so rebellious and disobedient that even his parents and family didn't want it.

  The owner of Luo family did not want his wife to go, for fear that something would happen to her.

   You can see that she is looking at herself with hope, she can't say anything if she refuses, she can only nod her head: "Okay!"

   "Husband, you're the best!" Mrs. Luo hooked her lips and threw herself into the arms of the Luo family.

the other side.

   The sea was very calm this time, and when we arrived at the port of Nanhai City, there was no interception.

  Lu Xun ordered the guards to withdraw, and the bombing plan was useless.

   After getting into the car sent by the special department, Lou Ranran opened the car window and looked at the endless sea.

   After a while, he said, "It's going to be windy."

  After the wind, it may be a violent storm.

  Luo Ning sat next to him and chuckled: "It's good that the wind is blowing, it's sunny after the rainstorm."

   "You're right, I just like to watch the rainstorm hit." Lou Ranran nodded in agreement and closed the window.

  Because Luo Ning was going to bring the yue knife back to Beijing, she couldn't take the normal flight.

  Lu Xun contacted the private jet, and the group returned to Beijing the next day.

   Lieutenant Sikong and Lu Xun went to Lu's house. After arriving in the imperial capital, he would go to see his uncle first, whether it was out of courtesy or otherwise.

  Lei Qiu took the Lei family and Lou Ranran and followed Luo Ning to her house.

  At the foot of the mountain, not only has he built his own courtyard house, but also a yard dedicated to entertaining guests not far away. The Lei family can just live there.

   Lou Ranran also moved to that yard.

   When I got home, Jiang Xinxin and Luo Xi were both there.

  The mother and daughter sat and talked, and when Luo Ning said that her husband/daddy might be back soon, Jiang Xinxin was very happy.

  After dinner, Luo Ning went back to the room to make a phone call with Xi Shu and talked about the next work arrangement.

After talking about the business, Xi Shu thought about it and said, "Ning Ning, that Bo Xiangxiang recently took over as the heroine of a big-budget movie. She participated in a variety show a few days ago, and she performed very well and became popular. "

   then reminded, "You guard her, I heard that she caught up with Mr. Fu's uncle."

   Luo Ning was a little surprised, "Okay, I will be careful."

   After hanging up the phone, Luo Ning looked at the recent entertainment news and hot searches, and she saw a lot of news about Bo Xiangxiang.

   With the help of that variety show, Bo Xiangxiang gained a lot of fans, plus there was a team behind him, it was a lot of whitewashing.

   Bo Xiangxiang played the female lead in the big-budget movie. The male lead is a popular actor in the acting school. The supporting roles are also very popular, and their acting skills are quite good. Just looking at the cast, the box office will not be bad.

  Luo Ning remembered the box-office hit movie in her previous life when she saw the cast.

   But the number one girl in the previous life was not Bo Xiangxiang, but now she has changed her person, which means that Bo Xiangxiang has robbed others of the opportunity again.

   What surprised Luo Ning was that Bo Xiangxiang's previous heroine's halo had disappeared, and it should have been bad luck.

   Looking at the entertainment industry news in the last week, Bo Xiangxiang's luck seems to have returned, but even worse.

   This kind of situation is not right, and if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

   So Luo Ning called Lu Xun and asked him to check.

   Soon, Lu Xun called back.

   "I found that not long ago, Shi Ji and Bo Xiangxiang had a lot of contact. Since the two hooked up again, Bo Xiangxiang has not been unlucky."

   "With the help of Shi Ji, I received the variety show, and then I turned over a small plate."

   "Bo Xiangxiang also hooked up with Fu Ci's uncle, and with his help, got the female lead role in that movie."

  Lu Xun added: "This is very wrong. Bo Xiangxiang's luck has been wiped out and disappeared normally, and it is impossible to recover again. There must be a problem."

  Luoning said: "I also think there is a problem. I will take a chance tomorrow to see Bo Xiangxiang himself and see if I can find the reason."

   "Okay, I'll make arrangements." Lu Xun was going to check Bo Xiangxiang's travel arrangements later.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~ Don't worry, Bo Xiangxiang will be completely offline after this time~



   (end of this chapter)

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