Chapter 428 was designed

   The next day, Luo Ning and Lou Ranran went to the crew to film.

  Because they took a week off, they missed a lot of shots, and the two were busy making up for the next few days.

  People from the ancient Fengshui family have also come to the imperial capital in the past few days.

  Leiqiu and Captain Sikong also brought people from the family and joined the people from other families, and no longer lived at Luo Ning's house.

   After filming that day, Luo Ning found that Ji Xingheng's face was not very good.

   She could not help but stepped forward and asked, "What happened to you today?"

   When filming, Ji Xingheng was also a little out of shape and was NG several times.

   Ji Xingheng only recovered when he heard Luo Ning's question.

   He thought about it and said truthfully: "I was designed by someone."

   The person he trusted most, besides his parents, was Luo Ning.

  Luo Ning frowned, "What's going on?"

   Ji Xingheng replied: "I went to the bar with Xia Mian to drink last night, and after two drinks, I felt a little uncomfortable."

   "Then asked the assistant to take me home, and I fell asleep after getting in the car."

   "Who knew I woke up in a hotel this morning with a naked woman lying beside me."

   He continued with a dark face: "Then the woman said that I touched her last night, and the bed was still red."

   "I don't remember doing such a thing at all, I thought the assistant was bribed, so I called to ask."

   "Who knew the assistant insisted that he sent me home last night."

   "So I asked people to call up the surveillance cameras near my home, and found that the assistant did send me home before leaving, and did nothing else."

   "And the surveillance showed that after more than an hour, I came out of my house by myself and drove to the hotel."

   He pursed his lips and paused: "Then I saw from the surveillance camera that I was at the door of the hotel, grabbed the woman and brought her to the room."

   "There is no surveillance in the room, I can't see what I did last night."

   "But I don't remember these things subconsciously at all, I just remember getting out of the bar and getting into the car and falling asleep."

   "So I suspect that the person in the surveillance video is impersonating me?"

  Luo Ning felt something was wrong after hearing what Ji Xingheng said.

   She said, "Hold out one of your hands and I'll help you see."

   Ji Xingheng stretched out left and right and handed it over.

  Luo Ning took Ji Xingheng's pulse and found traces of drug residues in his body.

   "The wine you were drinking should have been ecstasy."

   Then she looked at Ji Xingheng's palm again, stood up, pulled away the collar of his shirt, and looked at his neck.

   When he saw that Ji Xingheng had a very light blue mark on the back of his neck, his eyes turned cold, "You were also hit by a spell."

   "Do you still have that video? Show me."

   Ji Xingheng replied: "Yes, I have someone send my email, and I will forward it to you."

  Luo Ning clicked the video and watched it carefully, and found that when Ji Xingheng came out of the house in the early morning, his eyes were not very bright, and it could even be said that he was a little dull.

   Walking is not as fast as usual, but rather slow, like a marionette.

   She turned off the video and said, "The person in the surveillance video is indeed you, but obviously you are being controlled."

   Ji Xingheng frowned, "I was controlled? How did they control me to go out and drive to the hotel by myself?"

   He doesn't remember anything, how can he drive?

   "In fact, it is the next hint to you that you will accomplish this by instinct."

   "For example, when you go out to walk and drive."

   Ji Xingheng's face was even more ugly, "Then I won't really be controlled, and then what's the matter with that woman?"

   "I don't think I would do something like that, but I'm really afraid they will control me to do it."

   When he remembered that he had **** with a woman, he felt terribly disgusted.

  Although he knew that it was impossible to have a relationship with Luo Ning, he didn't want to have a relationship with other women, especially in this case.

  Luo Ning looked at Ji Xingheng's face carefully, and took his pulse again.

   "You shouldn't have had that kind of relationship with her."

   She checked the pulse for Ji Xingheng and found that he had not vented the pulse.

   "But you have indeed begun to show signs of rotten peach blossoms on your face, so be careful recently."

   She reminded, "If you can transfer this video surveillance, the person who designed you must have a share, and it will be used as a means of attacking or threatening you in the future."

  Ji Xingheng has not announced that he is quitting the entertainment industry yet. If a video like this spreads out, if that woman comes out again and speaks with rhythm, his reputation will definitely be greatly affected.

  Luoning asked: "Is that woman responsible for you to get up this morning?"

  Ji Xingheng shook his head, "No, she kept crying, looking at me with hatred in her eyes, as if I forced her last night."

   "Anyway, what she showed was reluctance, and it was my fault."

  If he hadn't been tricked by Bo Xiangxiang, he couldn't help but believe the accusation in the woman's eyes, thinking that he might have done something.

   Now he is resolutely unbelieving, he only has Luo Ning in his heart, and now he is not interested in the affairs of men and women.

   It's not that no woman deliberately seduced him before, but he just felt disgusted and couldn't get hard at all, so what?

   Of course, he is not sick physically, but he is obsessed with cleanliness in his mind, and he is really indifferent to other women.

   So seeing what happened to the hotel this morning, his first thought was that he was designed.

   He didn't even feel it, how could he still have a relationship with that woman.

   I was worried that someone would control him to do that kind of thing, but after Luo Ning finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, nothing like that happened, otherwise he couldn't help but feel sick now.

   "If that's the case, this woman should still appear."

  Luo Ning continued: "If I guessed correctly, it may be an unintentional encounter that seems to be a coincidence."

   she asked: "Have you offended anyone recently?"

   Ji Xingheng thought for a while and said, "I recently suppressed Yuan Hanyi together with Xia Mian, and the others don't seem to have offended anyone."

  Luoning asked again: "Did Xia Mian encounter the same thing yesterday?"

   Ji Xingheng replied, "I didn't ask him."

   When such a thing happened to him, he felt embarrassed to death, how could he go talk to Xia Mian.

   "Let me ask him." Now he thinks he should ask Xia Mian, so that the other party is not designed by others.

   Then he called Xia Mian.

   Xia Mian answered the phone after a while, her voice a bit tired, "Is something wrong?"

   Ji Xingheng was not ashamed, he told Xia Mian what happened last night and asked Xia Mian if the same thing happened.

  Xia Mian was surprised, "I was normal last night. After drinking, I went home and went to sleep. When I woke up, I was at home."

   Then he changed the subject: "But when I came out of the company in the afternoon, I hit a woman with my car and injured her. She will be in the hospital waiting for the other side to have an operation."

   (end of this chapter)

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