Chapter 433 A good idea

   Jiang Xinxin's expression did not change, pretending not to know each other.

"You are?"

   Mrs. Luo looked at Jiang Xinxin with a bit of nitpicky in her eyes.

   She is indeed prettier than Lou Yinghua, but in other respects, she does not see much attractiveness.

  Luo Patriarch spoke first: "We are Luo Yicheng's parents, and I came here today to visit you."

   Hearing him say that, Mrs. Luo did not speak.

   Jiang Xinxin's expression was light, "Please come in!"

   After she finished speaking, she turned around and stepped into the living room. She didn't know the purpose of the two, so let's take a look.

  Luo Xi didn't expect these two to be his cheap grandfather and grandmother, and the originally polite smiling face faded a bit.

   After his sister came back from the island, she had already told him the attitude of the Luo family and these two.

   These two don't like their mother and son, and he doesn't like them either.

Because of this,    ignored the two of them, and followed Jiang Xinxin into the room first.

  The face of the Luo family remained unchanged, but Mrs. Luo's face was ugly.

   She snorted coldly, "Is this the attitude towards parents-in-law? Our good grandsons have been taught badly."

   She doesn't like Jiang Xinxin.

   I met at the door just now. Luo Xi is well-behaved and sensible, with a delicate appearance, a bit like her son, and her first impression was okay.

   Now watching Luo Xi turn cold with his mother, she is particularly unhappy.

   This woman not only ruined her son, but also taught her grandson.

   Luo Ning was so hostile to the Luo family before, maybe this woman encouraged her behind her back.

  Luo Patriarch had already guessed that there would be a cold reception. "We and she didn't admit to each other. Yicheng was still locked at home. Luo Ning must have said something after returning, so it's not surprising for her to do this."

   Mrs. Luo disapproved: "Even if I don't admit it, am I not her mother-in-law?"

   Luo Patriarch suddenly felt a little tired, "Madam, don't forget the purpose of our visit today."

   "If you want to be completely divorced from your son, you will be making trouble here."

   "And if you can quarrel with Luo Ning, I'll follow you."

   Mrs. Luo snorted unwillingly after hearing what he said, "I'll put up with her first for the sake of my son."

   She knew that recently because of Lou Yinghua's incident, the old man had a pimple in his heart, and he was not as accustomed and indulgent to her as he used to be.

  The old man is her support, so she knows when to be petty and when to bear it.

   But this account was all recorded on Jiang Xinxin's body.

   When this woman goes to the island, she will let the other party take good care of her mother-in-law.

  The owner of Luo then brought Mrs. Luo into the door.

The people inside also heard Jiang Xinxin say that Luo Yicheng's parents are here.

   Dad Ji originally wanted to take his family to leave, for fear of disturbing their private affairs.

   But Qi Yuelan didn't leave, so she sat on the sofa with Jiang Xinxin.

   She was afraid that the old woman would bully her good sister.

   Luo Ning was a little surprised by the arrival of the two.

  Although she heard Lu Xun say that the old woman also came to the imperial capital, she really didn't expect the other party to come to her house.

   After the two came in, Jiang Xinxin's attitude was still cold.

   "Please sit down!" Then he didn't ask the two of them what they wanted to drink, and went straight to pour two glasses of boiled water and put them in front of them.

   This made Mrs. Luo even more displeased. She was used to being particular about it. What she drank was either the mountain spring raised in the family, or the best tea and water made from flowers.

   She frowned and said in disgust, "When you entertain guests, it's just boiled water?"

   Jiang Xinxin hadn't spoken yet, Luo Ning spoke first.

   "It is natural to use good tea when entertaining others, and it is good to entertain you with plain water."

   Mrs. Luo's face was a little ugly, "Our elders are talking, why are you a junior?"

  Luo Ning rolled her eyes, "What kind of elder are you? We don't recognize the Luo family, let alone an elder like you."

   Mrs. Luo's face is really big.

   Mrs. Luo knew that she couldn't say enough about Luo Ning. She had already experienced the poison of this dead girl at the exchange meeting.

   So she looked at Jiang Xinxin and asked, "That's how you educate your daughter?"

  Jiang Xinxin has a really gentle and intellectual temperament. Usually, she doesn't get angry or quarrel, but she is not weak to be bullied.

   She looked directly at Mrs. Luo, "I think my daughter is fine."

   Mrs. Luo laughed in anger, "Is it nice to be disrespectful to your elders?"

  Jiang Xinxin had a faint smile on her face, "Then the elders must be respected. My daughter respects other elders."

   She also clearly satirized Mrs. Luo as being old and disrespectful.

   "You!" Mrs. Luo didn't expect that Jiang Xinxin would dare to mock her, and she was half-dead with anger.

  The owner of Luo interrupted the dispute between the two, "Okay, we didn't come here today to quarrel."

   He knew that his wife was Miss Qianjin when she was at Lou's house, and she was the wife of the head of the house when she arrived at Luo's house.

   She is high above everything she does, and he spoils her, so when she gets angry, she vents directly, and no one dares to quarrel or contradict her.

   So when it comes to quarrel or irony, the wife will definitely fail when facing Luo Ning and Jiang Xinxin.

   Jiang Xinxin, a daughter-in-law who disrespected her elders, also gave birth to a bit of dislike.

   But for the purpose of coming here today, he will not be like a wife to pick on the thorns in public.

  Jiang Xinxin also didn't want to go around in circles with the two of them, "Then are you here?"

  Luo Patriarch looked at Luo Xi with gentle eyes, "Let's come and see our grandson."

   Originally wanted to talk about seeing his grandson and granddaughter, but he only said half of it for fear of being caught by Luo Ning.

  Luo Xi has a good temper, but she's not prickly either.

   "What do I look good on? Like my sister, I don't recognize the Luo family."

   If you don't recognize the Luo family, you naturally don't recognize your grandparents.

   Mrs. Luo saw that her well-behaved grandson was also so rebellious, her previous good impression was gone.

   She wanted to speak, but was stopped by the Luo family holding her hand and pinching her.

   Luo Patriarch looked at Luo Xi and said, "Whether you admit it or not, you still have the blood of my Luo family on you."

   "We came here, in addition to wanting to see you, we also want to convey your father's message."

  Luo Xi has not seen her father for a long time. He misses him very much, so he asked with concern: "What happened to my father?"

The head of the Luo family replied: "Your dad is cultivating in the Luo family, and he wants to take you home, but now is the critical time, so this time our husband and wife came to the imperial capital in person, just to take you back to the Luo family to reunite with him. ."

   Of course Luo Xi wanted to be reunited with her father, but she felt that what this cheap grandfather said was unbelievable.

   He didn't speak, but looked at his sister.

  Luo Ning's words to old man Luo were a little unexpected. It's hard not to, want to be soft?

   Or the old man knew in his heart that he couldn't control her father for long, so he wanted to use Huairou's strategy to coax the three of them back to Luo's house, so as to keep her father.

   And if they agreed to go back to Luo's house, the Moon Sword would naturally be brought back.

  This old man really has a deep scheming and a good idea.

   (end of this chapter)

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