Chapter 438 She didn't even let her go

   A few days later, after filming, Ji Xingheng gave Luo Ning a look.

  The two met in the nanny car in the underground parking lot.

   Luo Ning asked: "Is there a situation?"

  Ji Xingheng nodded, "I went out to play with Zhen Da twice here, and I made an appointment for her to ignore me."

   In order to solve the problem as soon as possible, he also worked hard, enduring nausea to get along with that woman.

   "She has basically lost her defenses and vigilance towards me. Now she has changed her strategy, and it is estimated that she will show a fox's tail soon."

   "The progress is faster on the side of Xia Mian."

   He took out his mobile phone and retrieved a photo that Xia Mian sent him.

   "That woman gave him a present yesterday, look."

   Luo Ning took over the phone and looked at the photo, which was a string of obsidian bracelets.

   "There was something wrong with that woman before. Her father was seriously ill and the hospitalization money was not enough. Xia Mian helped her pay in advance, so she gave this bracelet."

   "The woman told Xia Mian that obsidian can ward off evil spirits and protect the body, and turn evil into good fortune. She went to the temple to ask a monk to help open the bracelet. I hope Xia Mian is safe and healthy, and good people have good rewards."

   Luo Ning smiled sarcastically, "Evil protects one's body, turns evil into good fortune, and vice versa."

   "I will draw a talisman, and you will hand it over to Xia Mian in private, and let him wear the bracelet first, and I will help him deal with it after a while."

  With her talisman suppressed, Xia Mian's luck will not be lost.

   She looked at Ji Xingheng again and said, "It is estimated that there will be something wrong with Zhen Da's house soon. If you need help, you should bleed first."

   These people's routines are relatively deep, but they are also easy to guess.

  Ji Xingheng nodded, "Okay."

   As Luo Ning expected, three days later, Zhen Da's brother had a serious car accident. The surgery and post-operative recuperation required a lot of money, and she couldn't come up with it.

   So he looked like a strong man had broken his wrist, found Ji Xingheng, and wanted to borrow money from him.

   Ji Xingheng borrowed the money, and Zhen Da insisted on writing the IOU, saying that if she had money, she would pay it back, and she was very strong and self-reliant.

   After her brother's surgery was completed, Zhen Da gave Ji Xingheng a gem cufflink to thank him.

   also hints that he hopes Ji Xingheng can wear it often.

   Ji Xingheng showed Luo Ning the cufflinks that day, and there was indeed a problem.

   Luo Ning drew a talisman for Ji Xingheng and asked him to wear cufflinks.

  When filming, Zhen Da looked at Ji Xingheng wearing the cufflinks she gave, and her eyes were both proud and sweet.

  Although he obeyed the orders to approach Ji Xingheng and wanted to take him down.

   Ke Ji Xingheng is not only rich and handsome, but also top-notch. He is not gentle, with a kind of arrogance and publicity. He is occasionally ruffian, but Zhen Da really likes him.

   And if she can marry into a wealthy family, she doesn't want to work hard to be a little star.

  Although she was hot and cold towards Ji Xingheng and pretended not to care, but in her heart she could not wait to stick to his side every day, looking at his handsome face, she felt like it was time to eat.

   It’s a pity that Ji Xingheng didn’t have a successful relationship with her when he arrived at the hotel last time.

   If it wasn't for the fear of affecting the plan, she would rather throw people down, she was jealous of Ji Xingheng's people.

   As Ji Xingheng gradually softened his attitude towards Zhen Da, sometimes he would take her out to play with friends.

   When Zhen Da was filming, she would deliberately find an angle to talk to Ji Xingheng, which made people look ambiguous.

   And every time Luo Ning is there, he is so deliberate, obviously to anger Luo Ning.

  Luo Ning also cooperated, not only became more and more indifferent to Zhen Da, but also made everyone discover her disgust for Zhen Da.

   Zhen Da was not only not angry, but she was even more proud, thinking that this was Luo Ning's jealous expression.

   What if Luo Ning is a top-tier flower now? Ji Xingheng hadn't been snatched away by her.

   It's a pity that the man who seduced Lu Yingdi was too slow, otherwise all the high-quality men around Luo Ning would run away.

   On this day, Lu Xun finished filming in the morning, and went to arrange the breaking of the formation in the afternoon. All the formations laid out in the big city had been successfully locked, and he was almost ready to start.

  There is an advertisement, Xi Shu followed Fang Yan to connect, and Luo Ning drove home by himself.

   When she was about to turn at an intersection, her car was suddenly hit by a sports car.

   The impact was not severe, and Luo Ning stepped on the brakes.

   She was not sure whether the other party was intentional in the car, so she parked the car and opened the door to get off.

  A handsome young man got off the sports car at the same time, looking arrogant.

   What made Luo Ning immediately determine that the other party had a problem was that the other party gave her a feeling of Ji Xingheng's copy.

  Although they don't look alike, their temperament and other feelings are very similar.

  Luoning deliberately stared at the little handsome guy for a while, and the other party came up.

   The little handsome guy didn't seem to see Luo Ning, so he came over and asked impatiently, "I'm sorry, my car slipped, are you alright?"

   This impatient look is even more like Ji Xingheng.

  Luoning seemed to recover, "It's fine, but you still have to be careful when driving."

   The handsome guy said in an irrefutable tone: "I crashed your car, and I'll let you drive it to repair it."

   Luo Ning was amused, this person imitated really well.

   She seemed to show some memories, but she quickly recovered, "The car you crashed was naturally driven by your people to repair it."

   The handsome guy left his contact information and made a phone call to have Luo Ning's car drive away.

   and said to contact her after the repair.

   Luo Ning also agreed very tolerantly, and added the little handsome guy as a friend.

After   , the handsome guy showed more impatience, but he said that he would send Luo Ning, but she declined.

   He didn't force himself, and took the initiative to help Luo Ning call a taxi.

   After Luo Ning got in the car, she pushed the person's friend card to Lu Xun and asked him to check this person.

   also sent Ji Xingheng the video recorded just now with the driving recorder in his car in a nasty manner.

   After posting the video, I sent another message.

  Luoning: You used to look like this dog, and this handsome guy is a copy of you.

   Ji Xingheng, who was black-faced just after watching the video, saw the news sent by Luo Ning, he was dumbfounded and a little sad.

   Seeing the man in the video, he also found that he used to be a good dog, and he looked very bad.

   Then he sent a message back to Luo Ning.

  Ji Xingheng: The hero does not mention the courage of those years, but when he mentions it, he will cry.

  Ji Xingheng: This fellow is here to seduce you at first sight, and he even imitates me, shameless.

   He thought to himself, now Lu Xinji's dog is going to be sour.

   Luo Ning smiled.

  Luoning: Don't worry, you are my brother now, they made a mistake.

  Those people probably thought she had Ji Xingheng in mind, at least that childhood sweetheart was still engraved in her heart, so they would find a similar copy to seduce her.

   Luo Ning actually didn't expect that the other party would even let her go. I don't know if it was too confident or too arrogant.

  Ji Xingheng: [Little fox crying expression]

  Ji Xingheng: They should find someone who imitates Lu Gou, brother has been photographed on the beach by Lu Gou.

  It's more fun that way, to see if Lu Gou's black heart can break through.

  Luo Ning: ...Go away!

   The two sent a message and joked a few times with each other.

   After Luo Ning got off the bus, Lu Xun's phone came.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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