Chapter 451 Thin White Lotus Offline

   Many people are skeptical that Luo Ning can star in this international blockbuster.

   But Luo Ning doesn't care, he has been hacked a lot, and his mind has long been peaceful.

   Those stars who wanted to fight for the heroine role were very upset.

   But given that all those who deliberately targeted Luo Ning had been counterattacked before, and that Lu Xun was escorting Luo Ning, they had to endure what they wanted to do.

   had already begun to calm down, but who knew that a post would suddenly pop up, written specifically for this matter.

   In general, it means to express a meaning. Luo Ning is now completely relying on Lu Xun to take the top position, and various resources are also obtained by Lu Yingdi to help.

   also said that during the variety show, Lu Xun and Luo Ning were very ambiguous.

  Luo Ning was able to get to now, completely by holding Lu Xun's thigh.

   Posts like this are posted, and generally they sink in a while.

   But this time, he was fired, and the navy took the rhythm to fly.

   Fang Yan felt that something was wrong and went to check.

After    got the result, he went to Luo Ning.

   Fang Yan said speechlessly, "Bo Xiangxiang is messing with you again, is she sick!"

   "I also think she is sick." Luo Ning was also quite speechless.

   She hadn't met Bo Xiangxiang for a long time, and there was no conflict between them.

   But that woman still stared at her, just like in her previous life, as if Bo Xiangxiang would not be able to live without stepping on her to death.

   Then he stole some luck with the transfer array, and Bo Xiangxiang floated away and wanted to make trouble again.

  Since Bo Xiangxiang took the initiative to commit the crime to her, then this time she will use a ruthless attack and solve it once.

   Fang Yan asked: "What should I do with this post? Should it be blocked or clarified?"

  Luoning replied: "Don't worry, Lu Xun and I are already together. This post says that we are ambiguous or something, which is also very good. It will give fans and the public a little association."

   "In the future, when we announce our relationship, we won't be so caught off guard."

   "As for the influence, it will soon be replaced by Bo Xiangxiang's headlines, and the attention of this post will naturally go down."

   Fang Yan knew that Luo Ning was going to clean up Bo Xiangxiang.

   "Alright, Bo Xiangxiang is going to come out and jump around soon, like Xiao Qiang who can't be beaten to death, it's annoying too."

   He asked: "Do you want me to do it here?"

  Luo Ning smiled and shook her head: "No, I will find someone to put things out, let's not touch our hands."

  The handle, never leave it behind.

   Fang Yan smiled knowingly, "Okay."

   He believed very much in Luo Ning's ability.

   After Fang Yan left, Luo Ning sorted out the things photographed by the mini drone.

   I found that Bo Xiangxiang and Shi Ji have been walking around a lot recently, so naturally they do that every time.

   The two met once the day before yesterday. Bo Xiangxiang complained about Luo Ning to Shi Ji in various ways, and secretly wanted Shi Ji to help her take revenge and clean up Luo Ning.

   But Shi Ji didn't answer much, but he hinted a few words, and there was a post.

  Luo Ning first packaged the video photos of Bo Xiangxiang and Shi Ji and sent them anonymously to the gossip account.

   She used hacking methods, and with the technology of this world, it is impossible to trace and query her IP.

  The heat of Shi Ji and Zhen Da hasn't completely faded away, but there is a new melon, and the gossip account will naturally not let it go.

   So the gorgeous videos and photos of Bo Xiangxiang and Shi Ji were posted.

   This kind of thing, people on the Internet like to join in the fun.

   [This stone seems to have the same taste, and he all hopes for the white lotus type. 】

  【Who said that Bo Xiangxiang was pure and simple before, he was so unrestrained, hehe. 】

  【Isn’t Shi Ji the gold master of Zhen Da? Why are you still hooking up with Bo Xiangxiang? 】

  【When watching the video and photos, Bo Xiangxiang was with Shi Ji very early. 】

  【No, I remember that Bo Xiangxiang is married, right? 】

  【If you don't tell me, I forgot, Bo Xiangxiang seems to have received a marriage certificate with the young master of the Feng family, and he showed it once before. 】

  【So Bo Xiangxiang is wearing a green hat for her wealthy husband? 】

   [Not one, but a lot of likes, go and see the new post. 】

   Not long after the first video was posted, Luo Ning sent the video photos of Bo Xiangxiang and all the men to the gossip account.

   After the first post was almost hyped, the gossip account put all the rest on it.

   The name of the new post is "Bo Xiangxiang - A New Generation of Queen of the Sea".

   After watching the video and photos, everyone was stunned.

  【God, Bo Xiangxiang has an affair with so many men, and he is so unrestrained. 】

  【The first thing about Hei Luo Ning was really related to Bo Xiangxiang, she had an affair with Yan Qiuping. 】

  [After reading it, I found that there are not only a lot of fish in Bo Xiangxiang fish pond, but also the quality is not low. 】

   [Tell me about it, a wealthy young master, a well-known director, a first-line male star, the editor-in-chief of a brand magazine, a former gold broker, a fashion celebrity, and the company president, this female Neptune is a real cow! 】

  【I didn’t expect the male star I like to get on the bus of Bo Xiangxiang. I feel so dirty and lose my powder. 】

   [Suddenly I found a problem. It seems that most of these men in Bo Xiangxiang's fish pond are not single! 】

  【Yes, except for a few people, the others are either married or declared to have girlfriends. 】

  【I cracked, there is no lower limit, these three views are drunk! 】

  【The director I have always liked turned out to be such a person. He cheated on the bus and couldn’t bear it. He didn’t watch any of his movies in the future. 】

  【Bo Xiangxiang is really the king of the sea kings. He managed a lot of time. Watching the video time, people went to meet five men one morning, noon and night, really awesome! 】

   [The key is not only that most of the people she hooked up with cheated, but she herself was married! This is too harsh. 】

  【Bo Xiangxiang's husband is not a green hat, but a green grassland. 】

  Bo Xiangxiang instantly occupied the first place in the hot search, and all the popularity of the entertainment industry was given to her that day.

   This is what Bo Xiangxiang has always wanted, but she herself did not expect to do it in such a way.

   Feng's villa.

  Bo Xiangxiang was stunned holding the phone.

   She originally wanted to wait to see Luo Ning's joke, but she ate the melon instead.

  Suddenly, the door of the room was kicked open, and Feng Yuhao rushed in with a furious face.

   Then he ripped off Bo Xiangxiang's hair and beat him violently.

   "You bitch, how **** are you, to hook up with so many men outside."

   "I beat you to death today, this bitch, and let you go to the waves."

  Feng Yuhao doesn't usually read hot searches, so he didn't know about it at first.

  But he received a lot of calls to watch jokes, and they all asked him how wide the grassland above his head was, and he just read the post.

   Then his face turned green. He really didn't expect that after getting married, Bo Xiangxiang would go out and steal so many people behind his back.

   The key was also released, and he lost all face in his life.

  Bo Xiangxiang was almost beaten to death by Feng Yuhao. The Feng family didn't send her to the hospital, she could only have her assistant send her.

After    went to the hospital, everyone looked at her with strange eyes.

   She called Shi Ji and others, but the men who had loved her so much all seemed to have disappeared, they didn't answer the phone at all, ignored her, and finally put her on the blacklist.

   Even if someone answered the phone, not only did they not help her, but they scold her in various ways.

  Bo Xiangxiang also became the "Bo Jinlian" that everyone called and beat for a while, because the influence was too bad, he was directly criticized and banned by the general telegram.

   How many people's luck she absorbed before, now not only have they all turned back, but they have doubled.

   In the end, Bo Xiangxiang suffered a backlash, and the luck on her body, including her own, was all lost.

   The director of that movie immediately announced the change of the heroine, which was exactly the actress who was originally going to be used.

   lost all resources and was banned, and Feng Yuhao was also greeted by her divorce, and she went out of the house.

   She had no choice, so she ran to find Shi Ji herself, but Shi Ji, who felt ashamed and was also furious, asked her to be sent to be with Zhen Da.

   Since then, Bo Xiangxiang has been completely silent.

   Continue at 16:00~



   (end of this chapter)

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