Chapter 454 Extremely surprised

  Lu Xun also brought back a map, which is where the International Black League imprisoned Xue Ying's parents.

  Luoning looked at the map, "Xue Ying doesn't seem to have any scheming, but he's actually a smart person."

   She now understands that Xue Ying pretended to promise the International Underworld to seduce her, and he always behaved in a moderate manner in front of her, because he didn't want her to hate him.

   He should have seen the relationship between her and Lu Xun, so he will fight it out this time.

   Xue Ying understood that to solve the predicament of the Xue family, not only her help was needed, but also Lu Xun's.

   After the parents of the Xue family were rescued, they needed Lu Xun to arrange for them to be sent back to Huaxia.

  Otherwise, if you are rescued today, you can still be arrested again tomorrow.

  Lu Xun also thought of this, "That's why he is Dong Xue's favorite son, and he is actually the most visionary."

   In a situation like the Xue family, only when they return to Huaxia can they get shelter to protect their family.

   Then the two discussed how to save people.

  Lu Xun contacted the international mercenary to rescue people on the surface, while Luo Ning went to rescue in private, and she was the main force.

After    negotiated, the two went into action that night.

  Lu Xun contacted the international mercenary, and he also took the people from the special department's overseas branch to the vicinity of that location.

   Luo Ning avoided the surveillance outside the hotel and drove a car alone.

   The place where Xue Ying's parents were detained was near the suburbs, in an abandoned building.

   Luo Ning found that the formation had been arranged here as soon as he arrived at the building.

   She didn't break the formation, but bypassed the trap of the formation, and used Yin Sha to manipulate the monitoring, and then she went upstairs.

   She successfully found the room where Xue Ying's parents were locked up.

   At this time, there were several big men sitting outside the room drinking and playing cards, and they all had guns in their hands.

   Luo Ning did not move, and has been hiding in a dark corner waiting.

   About ten minutes later, gunshots were heard outside.

   After hearing this, several big men immediately threw their cards, picked up guns, and rushed down.

   Luo Ning used Yin Sha to destroy the surveillance here again and walked to the door of the room.

   Seeing the ghost talismans painted on the door, she thought it was no wonder those big men rushed down without fear of people running away.

  There is such a thing, if it is not a feng shui mysterious master with profound strength, people outside can't go in at all, and people inside can't come out at all.

   She quickly took out the rune pen and changed it on the ghost drawing at the door.

   After a few minutes, the evil spirit wrapped around the door dissipated little by little.

  Luo Ning used Yin Sha to unlock the door again, pushed open the door and walked in.

   A gun was placed on his forehead.

  Luo Ning said without changing her face: "Xue Ying asked me to rescue you."

   and took out an ancient coin from Xue Ying's pocket while filming.

   Seeing the ancient coins, Xue Dong put down the gun, and the whole person was slightly relieved.

   This is a gift he gave to his son a few years ago, only their father and son know.

   When he looked closely at Luo Ning, he also recognized her.

   "It turned out to be Miss Luo." He knew that the people from the International Underworld had arranged for his son to imitate Ji Xingheng in an attempt to hook up with Luo Ning.

   I have also heard that Luo Ning is very good at Feng Shui Mystery.

   This is also a relief.

   "This is not the place to talk, you come with me."

  Luo Ning looked around the room and asked, "Where's your wife?"

   Dong Xue showed a sad expression, "She died of a heart attack a few days ago."

  His wife has always had a heart attack, which was not serious because of the good convalescent care.

   Now that I was locked here, I was in a bad mood and the whole room had a gloomy feeling, and it didn't take long for me to get sick.

   He couldn't open the door, and it took a lot of time for people outside to ask for help.

   As a result, while those people brought the doctor, his wife died because the treatment was not timely.

   He didn't want his wife's body to be disposed of by these people, so he strongly demanded that his wife be cremated, and he watched it with his own eyes.

   Finally he was able to collect his wife's ashes.

   After he finished speaking, he went to a desk and picked up an urn, "Let's go."

  Luo Ning didn't say much, and took Xue Dong downstairs and avoided the people who were exchanging fire outside.

   When she met the guards, she used Yin Sha to knock them unconscious.

  The car was hidden in the woods outside the old building, Luo Ning didn't drive immediately, otherwise it would attract attention now.

   So I sat in the car and watched the fight outside the old building.

   Soon the international mercenaries retreated, and those big men did not chase.

   When several people were about to go upstairs, a car suddenly appeared downstairs in the abandoned building.

   Someone got out of the car and opened the door respectfully.

  A man in a black cloak walked down, he was wearing a cloak hat and could not see his features.

   At this moment, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at the position of the grove, but soon turned his head back and led people into the building.

   When he turned his head just now, Luo Ning also saw the face under the cloak.

   When someone else was in the dark night, and the light was so dim, it was definitely impossible to see the person under the cloak.

   Ke Luo Ning has almost reached the realm of unity between heaven and man, her eyesight is not generally good, she really sees it clearly.

   also stared at him slightly, obviously very surprised.

   But this was not the time to think too much, she immediately started the car and left.

   Soon, there was a car chasing behind, but Luo Ning used his gorgeous driving skills and a flat tire to throw it away.

   Throwing away the pursuers, Luo Ning originally planned to drive people to another hotel arranged by Lu Xun.

   Dong Xue said in the back, "Miss Luo, can you please take me to a place first, and I'll get something."

  Luoning thought for a while and nodded, "Okay."

   also contacted Lu Xun, he quickly came over to meet her, and got into the car.

   After seeing Lu Xun, Dong Xue relaxed the tense expression on his face and greeted each other.

   Xue Dong was not going to the place where the Xue family lived, but a suburban manor.

  The manor looks dilapidated and in disrepair at first sight.

The    car drove in and stopped in front of the only building in the manor.

   Dong Xue walked in with the two of them, without using the key, he pushed open the door directly.

The inside of    is even more messy. At first glance, it was turned over by people. Not to mention valuable things, even the usable things were turned over by people.

   Dong Xue did not turn on the light, but used his mobile phone to illuminate it, and took the two to the basement.

   After groping for a long time, he opened an old wooden barrel and used a special percussion action on the wall behind the barrel.

   After a while, a small iron door popped up from the wall.

   President Xue reached out and took out a wooden box from the small iron gate.

   Holding the box tightly, he said to Lu Xun, "This is what the International Black League wants. I want to bring it back to China and present it to it."

  Lu Xun also found out that the International Black League had arrested Xue Dong and his wife and locked them up. On the surface, it was for the Xue family's property and to threaten Xue Ying, but in fact they wanted to find something.

   Now it seems to be the box that Xue Dong is holding in his hand.

   He nodded: "Okay, I'll arrange for you to return to China tonight."

   Dong Xue said: "I hope Xue Ying will accompany me."

   "Don't worry, I have arranged for him to get on the plane first."

   As soon as Lu Xun finished speaking, the three heard the sound of the helicopter.

The remaining two chapters will continue at 17:00~ Don't worry, the dug hole will definitely be filled in the text before it is finished, there is still a lot of content~~ That is, every time I write nearly one million words, it will appear very deep During the burnout period, I don’t know what to write, and then I am very lazy, and the procrastination is aggravated, sorry~~



   (end of this chapter)

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