Chapter 480 is so sinister

   None of the people present thought that the head of the Ming family was actually the head of the International Black League.

   This is even more unbelievable than Luo Yiqi being the big leader.

   The Lou family head and the Wen family head are both stunned. They are all relying on some people, and they are hiding too deeply.

   Luo Patriarch's head was buzzing, and he looked at Ming Patriarch with incomparable complexity.

   "All these years, your Ming family has been acting behind the Luo family's back, right?"

   Who would have thought that the Ming Patriarch, who has always had the lowest sense of existence, would have such an identity.

   Ming Patriarch played with the folding fan in his hand and smiled, "Almost."

   "I actually didn't expect the identity to be revealed today."

   After standing up from Lu Xun, he was still considering whether to reveal his identity.

If    is exposed, the disadvantages are not small, and the above will definitely know.

If    is not exposed, the inheritance jade seal may be taken away by Lu Xun.

   Even if Luo Yiqi is not afraid of Lu Xun, he is not very confident about inheriting the jade seal in Luo Yiqi's hands.

  This thing is too important for the International Black League, and he feels that he still has to control it in his own hands.

  No one here knows that, in addition to stealing the dragon's veins, the inheritance of the jade seal can also steal the dragon's energy to prolong the yang life.

   Their international black leagues have been around the world for so many years, and naturally they need dragon veins to bless their fortunes, and by the way, they also make a stumbling block for China.

   And he also wanted to steal the dragon energy to prolong his life. After all, who doesn't want to live forever?

   was also broken by Luo Ning, and he admitted it without hesitation.

  I don't admit it, with Luo Ning's temperament, there must be someone behind to reveal his identity, so there is no need to hide it.

  Luo Yiqi looked at Patriarch Ming and smiled, "It's really the oriole behind."

   In addition to being surprised that the head of the Ming family is the head of the International Black League, he was actually surprised that the other party actually came in person.

   Ming Patriarch said with a smile: "You must know what this plan means to us, how can I not come and see for myself."

  Luo Yiqi said indifferently: "It's just right when you come, just bring your people to get the resources you want, and I'll go first."

   Ming Patriarch walked in front of Luo Yiqi, "Since everyone is here, why bother to go back."

   "It's not good for our identities to be exposed, so there are some people here that don't need to be kept."

  Patriarch Ming glanced at Luo Ning and Lu Xun with a clear gaze.

  Luo Yiqi frowned, "They must have already spread the news, so it's not necessary to silence them?"

   Ming Patriarch raised his eyebrows, "I thought you really broke the kinship, but it doesn't seem to be."

   "I don't want to break my identity, but Luo Ning has done such a thing, so naturally I can't let it go."

   He paused and said, "As for Lu Xun, he must be arrested. I believe that with him as a hostage, people outside would not dare to use missiles."

  Lu Xun has a special status. Not only is Mr. Lu's most precious youngest child, but he is also highly valued by above.

   So he had already thought about it, and he wanted to bring people back with their whole body, and Lu Xun was their umbrella.

  Luo Yiqi sneered: "You dare to try Luo Ning."

   He doesn't care about his parents, but he still cares about his younger brother and sister.

   Therefore, he loves Wu Jiwu, and of course he has to protect his younger brother's daughter.

   These words hurt the Luo family and Mrs. Luo.

  This is their most important son? After being cultivated to such a large age, it is too hurtful to regard the lives of their nieces as more important than them.

   Mrs. Luo couldn't help but wanted to cry and scold, but was stopped by another look from the Luo family.

  The Luo family master can see it, the eldest son really doesn't care about their life and death with the Luo family. It's useless to cry, so why be more embarrassed.

   Ming Patriarch laughed again, "The big leader really is a man of temperament."

   "Okay, since you insist on keeping Luo Ning's life, then I will sell you a face."

   Then he turned around and said, "But it requires a condition."

  Luo Yiqi raised his eyebrows, "What conditions?"

   Ming Patriarch said bluntly: "Give me the seven inheritance jade seals in your hand for safekeeping."

   He originally planned to wait for the end of this place, ran to intercept Luo Yiqi midway, and forcibly took the jade seal.

   By the way, he killed the big leader who had been against him, and re-established a puppet.

   At that time, the cauldron of the death of the big leader Luo Yiqi can be thrown onto the heads of the ancient Fengshui family and above.

   Then he did things under the pretext of revenge for the big leader.

   Use these to cover up, and then secretly go to Huaxia to steal the dragon veins, the plan is perfect.

   It's a pity that Luo Ning and Lu Xun messed up the situation, and he was exposed first, so he can only be rude now.

  Luo Yiqi sneered, "So that's what you came up with."

   "I got the Inheritance Jade Seal, why should I leave it to you for safekeeping?"

   He didn't bother to pay attention to the Ming Patriarch, and waved to Luo Ning, "Ning Ning, come here, I will take you out of the island and take you back to the imperial capital."

   Luo Ning said with a bit of helplessness: "Uncle, we can't leave now."

   Even if she could leave, she couldn't leave Lao Lu alone.

  Luo Yiqi thought she was worried about Lu Xun, so she thought about it and said, "Come here with Lu Xun, and I'll take you to the battleship."

  Luoning shook her head, "It's not this."

   She looked at the head of the Ming family and said, "In the realm of the unity of heaven and man, the head of the alliance hides deeply enough."

   She used to be in a small world where man and nature were united, so she was shocked to find out that Patriarch Ming started to communicate with heaven and earth just now.

   No wonder this guy looks calm and calm, and he is bound to inherit the jade seal.

   What's more, he felt Patriarch Ming's killing intent towards her uncle.

  Luo Yiqi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Patriarch Ming in disbelief, "Are you united?"

   Patriarch Luo and others also looked at Patriarch Ming with disbelief.

real or fake?

   Patriarch Ming's indifferently smiling face suddenly sank. This Luo Ning is so **** damn good, he repeatedly sabotaged his plans.

   He didn't want to reveal the strength of the unity of heaven and man today, **** it!

   He didn't admit it this time, "How is this possible, Miss Luo, don't talk nonsense for the sake of grandstanding."

   Everyone is also dubious.

  Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, "You can communicate the qi of heaven and earth, but the heaven and man are not yet united? Are you teasing everyone again, or do you think I'm stupid?"

   As she said, she raised her hand and drew a talisman in the void.

The character drawn by    went straight towards the Ming Patriarch.

   Ming Patriarch snorted coldly when he saw this, and reached out and tapped to break Luo Ning's Void Talisman.

  Luo Yiqi clicked a little bit first, helping Luo Ning's Void Talisman to bless, and also inspired the power of inheriting the luck of the jade seal.

The    also shattered on the top of the head of the Ming Patriarch, but it also revealed the flow of luck around the Ming Patriarch.

   Those who are strong can feel that there is a trace of the power of heaven and earth around the Ming Patriarch.

   It means that Luo Ning didn't tell a lie, this guy was really secretly communicating the power of heaven and earth just now.

  If it wasn't revealed by Luo Ning, this guy would be able to do things quietly so that everyone wouldn't find out. It's really insidious.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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