Chapter 484 is so strong

   This cold snort made everyone present stunned.

  Patriarch Luo's originally decadent and unbearable eyes suddenly showed a bit of light.

   He also didn't want to see his granddaughter killed by the Ming Patriarch, but they really couldn't stop it.

  It is useless for the eldest son to threaten the head of the Ming family with the jade seal of inheritance, and it will also lead to death.

   He is not only a father, grandfather, but also the head of the family. He can't go out and stop it and lead to the extermination of the Luo family.

   So he could only watch the Ming family take the initiative, possibly killing his granddaughter, his eldest son.

   Now that the little son is here, it’s great!

  Lei Lifei and the others knew that Luo Yicheng was here as soon as they heard the voice, and immediately showed an excited surprise.

  Ming Patriarch's side didn't care that much.

   After all, the head of the Ming family is already in harmony with nature, and they thought that Luo Yicheng would be sent to death when he came.

   Ming Patriarch also heard Luo Yicheng's cold snort, and he also didn't pay much attention to it.

   The movement in his hand did not stop, and soon a void talisman was formed.

   He raised his hand and patted, and the Void Talisman went towards Luo Ning.

   Seeing this scene, the Luo family master and others were shocked and thought it was over!

  Who knew that the Void Talisman hadn't touched Luo Ning yet, and the Moon Blade in Luo Ning's hand suddenly flew up and was pulled by a force of heaven and earth to move automatically.

   Then he slashed straight towards the Void Talisman.

   The scene that made everyone drop their glasses happened.

   I saw that the sword cut by the Moon Sword actually split the void talisman drawn by the Ming family master with the power of the jade seal, and annihilated it in mid-air.

   "Pfft!" As the Void Talisman disappeared, Patriarch Ming suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, obviously the backlash was not light.

   Patriarch Ming covered his chest with disbelief, "This, how is this possible?"

  He looked up and looked straight ahead.

   The others also looked in that direction together.

   Seeing the handsome and flamboyant Luo Yicheng, he came over from far to near.

   He looks like a handsome young man in his twenties, and the years have left no trace on his face.

   Of course, this also has something to do with the unity of heaven and man.

   When the unity of heaven and man is reached, although it is not possible to live forever, it is not a problem to live two or three hundred years old, and it can also delay aging.

   Luo Ning couldn't help her eyes turning red when she saw the same father as she remembered.

   After Luo Yicheng walked to his side, she looked at him aggrieved and pitiful.

   "Dad, they all bully me."

  Luo Yicheng rarely sees Luo Ning with red eye circles, which is a pain in the ass.

   immediately raised his hand and touched Luo Ning's head, "If anyone bullies you, Dad will make it difficult for him."

   He reached out and hugged Luo Ning again, and patted her gently on the back, "In these years, the three of you, mother and daughter, have been wronged."

   In a blink of an eye, his daughter was so slim.

   Something happened today, so Luo Ning kept her mother and brother in the yard and didn't come.

   Luo Ning was very happy, and when she heard what her father said, tears flowed down unconsciously.

   Like when she was a child, she pulled up her father's sleeve and wiped away her tears, "Dad is the best!"

  Luo Yicheng's eyes are full of doting, "Be good!"

   Now is not a good time to reminisce, Luo Yicheng comforted his daughter, then raised his eyes and looked at the Ming Patriarch coldly.

   He said domineeringly and wantonly: "Patriarch Ming is so powerful, he not only brought people to my Luo family's territory, but also killed my daughter and eldest brother. Who gave you the courage?"

   Ming Patriarch was completely stunned, and only recovered after hearing this.

   He asked in a shaky voice, "Are you also united?"

how can that be? How could Luo Yicheng quietly touch the harmony between heaven and man.

   In this world, shouldn’t he be the only one who is united with man and nature?

  Luo Yicheng rolled his eyes at him, "You are blind, you can't see it yourself?"

   "No wonder my daughter asked you to pee and look in the mirror, I think you really should."

   "On this level of affordability, how could you still be the leader of the international black alliance, what kind of black alliance you have, I think it's just a bunch of trash organizations run by a mob."

   "The strong man who is still in harmony with nature, I stand in this realm, and I have been brought up by people like you, and I have been embarrassed."

   "It's like this, if I were you, I'd die as soon as possible, so as not to be embarrassed."

  People present: "..."

   Ming Patriarch, who is in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, should die quickly, how can they feel.

   No wonder Luo Ning's mouth is so poisonous, it is definitely hereditary.

   Ming Patriarch was very angry with Luo Yicheng, "Don't be too arrogant."

  Luo Yicheng glanced at him with contempt, "I'm crazy, what can you do to me?"

   Then he announced, "Your International Black League will no longer exist from today."

   Ming Patriarch's face was ugly, "Luo Yicheng, what if you beat me just now, can you still kill me?"

   "As long as I am here, the International Underworld will always exist."

   He was very depressed and aggrieved.

   Originally thought that he came out as Wang Zhai, the world's number one strength.

   Who would have thought that Luo Yicheng would have a double king bombing, and he would replace him as soon as he came out.

  It is no wonder that Luo Yicheng has been hailed as the most talented man of the family for hundreds of years.

   He had to admit in his heart that Luo Yicheng's talent was indeed awesome.

  He joined Heaven and Man last year, but Luo Yicheng just stepped in, but his strength is better than him.

   He pushed up by force, and Luo Yicheng obviously realized that man and nature are one by himself, no wonder there is a gap between them.

  If Luo Yicheng wanted to kill him, he had the power of heaven and earth to protect him, and he was not afraid at all.

  Luo Yicheng raised his eyebrows, "You look down on yourself too much."

   Ming Patriarch snorted coldly and said sternly, "Then if you have the ability, kill me now."

  Luo Yicheng sneered: "Why should I kill you? You bullied my daughter and I let you die, isn't that too cheap for you?"

   "I beat you into a dog today, then locked you up, and still destroyed your International Black League."

   "I'll just see how the International Underworld survives if you are alive."

After   Luo Yicheng finished speaking, he raised his hand and quickly drew a talisman in the void, and slapped it straight at Patriarch Ming.

  The people present felt this pressure stronger than the previous Ming family master's talisman, and they were all stunned when they saw his flying speed.

   What made them even more stunned was still behind.

   I saw that the talisman fell on the head of the Ming family who didn't have time to draw the talisman for defense.

   slapped the Ming Patriarch directly on the ground and vomited blood.

   Then Luo Yicheng walked over, slapped the face of the Ming family head for an unknown number of times, and beat the Ming family head into a pig's head.

   He also stole the inheritance jade seal in the hands of the Ming Patriarch.

   Borrowing the power of inheritance of the jade seal, he raised his hand and drew seven Void Imprisonment Talismans, enclosing the Ming family master inside.

   After doing this, Luo Yicheng said, "This will be your pigsty in the future. You can spend the rest of your life here."

   Everyone was completely stunned after watching this series of actions.

  Damn, this guy is a pervert within a pervert, and he was so strong that he came out of the forbidden area in harmony with nature.

   (end of this chapter)

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