Chapter 488 This set is useless to us

  Luo Patriarch could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard the eldest son's words.

   Fortunately, the eldest son has surrendered to him long ago, otherwise the status of an international black league leader would definitely be tragic.

   He asked, "What are you going to do with the International Black League?"

  Luo Yiqi replied: "The reason why I surrendered to the top is that I know that I am from China and will always be loyal to China, and the second is to avenge my adoptive father."

   "He rescued me in the deep sea back then, and after taking me back, he taught me a lot."

   "It's a pity that his wife and children were killed by the Ming Patriarch, and he was also chronically poisoned. When he found out, he couldn't solve it."

   "He has only one wish, to destroy the International Black League and let the leader of the League subjugate the law."

   He said: "I want to repay his life-saving grace, and naturally I will fulfill his last wish."

   That's why he didn't go home, he stayed in the International Black League to prepare, and secretly hooked up with it.

   Of course, he chose not to come back because he didn't have much nostalgia for this family.

   After listening to his words, Luo Patriarch nodded with relief, "That's fine, you have also made a contribution to the above this time."

   "When you go home this time, you won't go out, right?" Although he asked, his tone was affirmative.

  Luo Yiqi shook his head, "I won't stay at Luo's house, I'm going to live in the imperial capital."

  Luo's family's face turned ugly, "This is your home, and you are the heir of my Luo family, why do you want to live in the imperial capital?"

   Mrs. Luo was also at this time, wiping the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, looking at Luo Yiqi with a heartache.

   "Yiqi, you are going to dig my heart!"

   "Are you still blaming us? But we didn't know Lou Yinghua was such a person before."

   "Of course, although we don't know the secret, I'm really sorry for you."

   Before she could finish speaking, Luo Yicheng interrupted: "Mom, you all know that I'm sorry for my brother, why are you talking so much?"

   "You're not going to cry and pass out after you finish speaking, are you?"

   He pulled Luo Yiqi and Luo Ning back a few steps, "If you're going to faint, go to my dad's side, don't touch our porcelain."

   Mrs. Luo did cry a little like she used to, and every time she did this, her husband and eldest son would compromise.

   Now that the second son Dao Po said it in public, it was full of sarcasm, making her blushed for a while with anger.

   She couldn't help but glared at Luo Yicheng, "Nizi, I'm your mother, do you talk like that?"

  This **** has been disobedient since he was a child, he only knows how to be angry with her.

  Luo Yicheng's smile faded, "Mother, you need to be respected, but you have to be worthy of it!"

   "I don't know yet. It turns out that your grandmother's death was related to you."

   His eyes became colder and colder when he looked at Mrs. Luo, "It's no wonder that you can get along with a poisonous woman like Lou Yinghua. You are the same raccoon in love."

   He and his sister were brought up by grandma, and their feelings for grandma are much stronger than for this mother who is not very close.

   He still has memories of when he was a child. He doesn't remember that his grandmother treated his mother harshly.

  After grandpa left, grandma didn't care much about Luo family's affairs, and put all her mind on raising their brothers and sisters.

   The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. He looked at Mrs. Luo in confusion and asked, "I dare to touch my chest and say, Grandma is definitely not a bad mother-in-law, and there is no place for you to feel sorry for you. Why can't you tolerate her so much?"

   Mrs. Luo's eyes flashed, "Lou Yinghua's nonsense, you actually believe it?"

   "Do you still have my mother in your eyes?" Her tears fell again, "I'm happy only if you are mad at me."

  Luoning said aside: "This tear is still a bit fake, bad review!"

   She added, "Didn't Lou Yinghua leave evidence before? In fact, just check carefully to find out."

   Mrs. Luo's face turned pale, and she looked at Luo Ning with annoyance, "Why is there anything to do with you? Here are all the elders, do you have the opportunity to speak as a junior?"

  Luo Ning hasn't fought, Luo Yicheng quit.

   "Why can't my Ning Ning speak? You can cover the sky with your hands at Luo's house. Why is it wrong for my daughter to tell the truth?"

   He hummed again, "Mom, you fake crying every time you feel guilty. You look so ugly now, and only a man with a blind eye like my dad would find it good-looking."

  The Luo family owner, who was lying on the side with a gun, "..."

   How did he give birth to such a wicked obstacle in the first place.

   When Luo Yiqi heard his brother's words, he would feel embarrassed before he died. After all, this is their mother anyway.

   Now it feels a little funny, he suppressed a smile and coughed lightly.

  Luo Yicheng turned his head to look at him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Brother, don't you think that Mom's crying is fake now?"

   Mrs. Luo really wanted to go up and beat this **** son, but she knew that she would definitely not be able to beat him.

   So she looked at her eldest son with sadness and helplessness in tears, hoping that he could say something considerate.

  Luo Yiqi clenched his hand into a fist and put it on his lips and coughed a few times, the corners of his lips raised and said, "It used to be quite fake."

   Every time something goes wrong, I cry or get dizzy with this set. After a long time, there are many times. Who doesn't know that this was done on purpose.

   It's just that because he was the eldest son and the heir to the Luo family, he could only follow her.

   He has already been victimized, and he doesn't want his younger siblings to be swayed again, so he does what his parents asked him to do, and is obedient and considerate to his mother, so that they can let his younger siblings go.

   But after experiencing the death catastrophe that time, he really died as the heir to the Luo family.

   When he went to the International Black League, he not only was not afraid, but felt relieved.

   Now naturally, he will no longer follow his mother, otherwise she will definitely ask him to stay and continue to be the heir to the Luo family in the next step.

   After finally getting rid of this bondage, and getting rid of the International Underworld to become a free man, he was stupid to fall into it again.

   These words made everyone present stunned, obviously not expecting that he would say such a thing.

  Luoning looked at Madam Luo's paler face, and couldn't help laughing, "See you uncle."

  Luo Yicheng also smiled and hugged Luo Yiqi's shoulder, "Brother, it seems that you were not so honest before."

  Luo Yiqi rolled his eyes at him, "I'm not a fool."

   Mrs. Luo really did not expect her two sons to speak of herself like this in public.

   She felt dizzy holding her head. I also want to avoid it.

  Luo Yicheng immediately said: "Mom, don't faint, this set is useless to us."

   Mrs. Luo was trembling with anger and pointed at Luo Yicheng, "Damn, I should have known that I shouldn't have given birth to you."

  Luo Yicheng shrugged indifferently, "It's all born, it's useless for you to regret it, can you still put me back?"

   "You!" Mrs. Luo choked.

   If she changed to the past, she would definitely lean towards the Luo family head crying and let the Luo family head out for her.

   But now she felt that her husband was exuding a kind of unhappiness all over her body, she was afraid that he would settle accounts, so she endured it.

   (end of this chapter)

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