Chapter 490 You are not innocent either

  After Mrs. Luo was taken away, the owner of the Luo family looked like she was a decade or two old.

   The black hair that was originally full head turned completely white in an instant.

   He used to look like an elegant and handsome middle-aged man in his forties, but now he looks like an old man.

   It can be seen from this point that Mrs. Luo is definitely the true love of the Luo family.

  Besides the hatred of the children, the mother, and the innocent women who were murdered, the Luo family master could no longer be able to share the bed with Mrs. Luo.

   can no longer face his wife who is pure on the surface and so vicious behind the scenes.

   He looked at Luo Yicheng and the three of them and sighed, "It was just what your mother said just now, don't take it to heart."

  Luo Yicheng said: "We have already taken it to heart."

  Luo Patriarch: "..." Can you still say something, this **** is not a thing at all.

   It's no wonder that playing with Lei Lifei from childhood to adulthood is a **** stick.

   He looked at Luo Yicheng displeasedly, "I have sent your mother to the cold courtyard, what else do you want?"

  Luo Yicheng said with a smile, "What can I do? Didn't you send someone to the cold hospital to help her get off the crime?"

   "After all, if the evidence is collected and conclusive, according to the clan's rules, she will be given a white silk or a glass of poisonous wine."

   "Of course, I didn't want her to die either, so that's it."

   After all, she is her biological mother, and it is impossible for them to force people to death.

   This is also quite good. Staying in a cold courtyard for the second half of his life is probably more uncomfortable than death for Mrs. Luo, who has always been beautiful and controls many rights of the Luo family.

  Luo Yicheng's words broke through the mind of the Luo family, and he did not argue.

   sighed again, "Anyway, it's your mother after all."

  Luo Yicheng smiled, "Father, do you want to put all the blame on your mother?"

   "Don't forget that the reason why your mother does so many disgusting things is because you are used to it."

   "Let the eldest brother marry Lou Yinghua, the younger sister marry Lei Lifei, and let me share the two rooms. Although it was my mother's proposal, you didn't object. You are still an accomplice."

   "So you are only half a catty, and you are not innocent. Don't talk about anyone, no wonder you can make a loving couple."

   Luo Patriarch was so angry that he vomited blood again.

   It's just that he didn't squirt it out, but overflowed from his lips, "Nizi, you Nizi."

  Luo Yicheng said indifferently: "You think I'm a rebel, so that's it."

   He said straight to the point: "Don't think about playing any emotional cards, our three brothers and sisters will not stay in the Luo family."

   "The position of the heir, we don't care much."

  The owner of Luo's family was very angry, and he also knew that this was a **** and would not be obedient at all.

   So he looked at Luo Yiqi and Luo Yihan, "Do you think so too?"

  Luo Yihan nodded, "Yes, let's just pretend that we have no parental relationship."

   "In the future, Yingying and I will not return to the island, nor will we step into Luo's house again."

  Luo Yiqi sighed, "Dad, the heir of the family, if you cultivate another one, just treat me as dead."

  The meaning of the two is very obvious, agreeing with what Luo Yicheng said, and it is really like that for the Luo family and Mrs. Luo.

  Patriarch Luo's energy seemed to dissipate a lot, and he didn't speak for a while.

  The Luo family wanted to leave first, but they didn't expect to hear this when they stayed.

  The Luo family brothers and sisters do not recognize Mrs. Luo, so why not to the Luo family master.

   But they didn't dare to say it, they could only complain in their hearts.

   In my heart, I really feel that the Luo family and Mrs. Luo have done things before, especially the two houses, and it is disgusting to find someone like Lou Yinghua.

   Of course, these people completely forgot that the Luo family all supported the two houses.

  It is a pity now that Luo Yicheng was forced to leave the Luo family because of this incident.

  Otherwise, if Luo Yicheng were to be the heir to the Luo family, their Luo family would be ranked first in the world in the feng shui profound arts family.

   In the past, the clan elders and elders would definitely jump out and persuade Luo Yicheng in various ways or use coercive means.

   But now they don't dare, because they know Luo Yicheng's temperament, not only can it not make sense, but they may be cleaned up.

  I can't do anything without seeing that the Luo family owner is a father.

  Luo Patriarch looked at the three and asked, "Do you really want to leave today?"

  Luo Yiqi said: "I've been away from home for many years, and I'm really not used to staying on the island. Let's go today."

  Luo Yihan also said: "I'm going with my brothers, there is nothing I miss here for a long time."

   The remaining Luo Yicheng did not hesitate, "I have been separated from my wife and children for so many years, and I will spend the rest of the time with them."

   He added, "Father, take care, if we don't see you in the future, we won't see you again!"

   Those things in the past are really impossible to forget and disappear.

   Luo Patriarch waved his hand with a gloomy face, "Let's go, you all go."

   In the past, he could use tough means to keep his two sons, but now the wings of the two have grown hard, and he has no choice.

   As for daughters, they owe a lot.

   He thought for a while and said, "Go to the warehouse and pick up some things you like to take away."

  Luo Yicheng all three shook their heads and refused, "No need."

   They leave neatly and cleanly, so why should they take things and gossip or entangle with the Luo family.

  Luo Patriarch was very uncomfortable, and he didn't expect that he would get to the point where his wife and son were separated.

   Family affection can’t be moved, and people don’t want things, so what else can you do?

   Can only be together and scattered!

  Patriarch Luo didn't say anything anymore, raised his feet and left first.

The    clan elders were still a little unwilling, and wanted to say something to brother Luo Yicheng.

   Ke Luo Yicheng was in a hurry to see his wife and son, so he didn't have time to chat with them.

   was exuding air-conditioning pressure, and these clan elders knew that he was not willing to speak, so they did not go forward.

  Luo Yicheng greeted his eldest brother and sister, and dragged Luo Ning to the guest house.

  Luo Yiqi also quickly got rid of the clan elders tough and indifferent, and took his sister back to pack up.

   In the guest yard, Jiang Xinxin and Luo Xi were very worried, but they were ordinary people. They were afraid that going out would be a drag, so they could only wait anxiously in the yard.

  The courtyard door was suddenly pushed open, and the two of them looked over and were stunned.

   Jiang Xinxin's eyes turned red, and her red lips trembled as she said, "Luo Yicheng, you're finally back."

  Luo Yicheng walked over quickly and hugged his beloved wife tightly in his arms.

   "Wife, I'm back!"

  The two embraced before Luo Yicheng let go of Jiang Xinxin.

   reached out and hugged Luo Xi, "My son has grown up."

   Luo Xi shouted with red eyes: "Dad, we miss you so much."

   "I miss you too." During the time that Luo Yicheng was locked in the forbidden area, he was all supported by thinking about his wife and children.

   Being able to unite man and nature so quickly, his wife and daughter are also his motivation.

  Luo Yicheng wanted to get closer to his wife, but it was obviously not a good time.

   "You pack up, let's get out of here."

   Jiang Xinxin and Luo Xi also wanted to leave for a long time, and immediately nodded with a smile: "Okay."

   Three chapters are finished, I'll make corrections again~



   (end of this chapter)

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