After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 492: I'm afraid something happened

   Chapter 492 I'm afraid something happened

   After returning to the imperial capital, Luo Ning also started to work.

   won the domestic actress crown, and Luo Ning's coffee position has risen to a higher level.

  Fang Yan received two luxury advertising endorsements for her, and a magazine cover shoot.

   Recently, Xi Shu took leave and returned to his hometown, and Fang Yan also served as an assistant.

   After Luo Ning finished the work at hand, Xi Shu hadn't come back.

   And for almost a week, Xi Shu has not contacted her.

   Luo Ning felt that something was wrong. She called Xi Shu several times, but there was no answer.

   was about to make a divination for Xi Shu when she received a call from Huo Rui.

When    answered the phone, Luo Ning first asked, "Did something happen to Xi Shu?"

   Huo Rui was stunned for a moment, then said, "I don't know, I haven't been able to contact her for two days."

   "I still want to call and ask, have you contacted her these two days?"

   Luo Ning replied, "No, she hasn't contacted me for almost a week."

  She asked: "Did you contact her a few days ago, did you call her?"

   Huo Rui said: "No, her hometown is in the mountains, and the signal is not very good. We all send short messages."

   "Calls often have no signal, or no answer."

   "Two days ago, she said she was going to her aunt's house. It was in the mountains and the signal was even worse, so she was afraid that she would not be able to contact me."

   Huo Rui said again: "I sent her a message in the past two days, and she didn't reply, but I don't know why, I was very worried in my heart."

   For Xi Shu, he really likes it, and that's why he misses and worries.

   Luo Ning frowned, "Is she going back this time because her father is seriously ill?"

   Xi Shu and her took leave for this reason.

   She looked at Xi Shu's face, there were horizontal lines in the position of the parents' palace, it was true that the relatives were sick, so she didn't think much about it.

   Huo Rui replied: "Yes, it is said that her father was sick and hospitalized, and her family called several times."

   He sighed, "I originally wanted to go with her, but she didn't want me to go."

  Luo Ning knew that the situation of Xi Shu's family was a bit complicated, a group of superlative relatives.

  If he knew that Xi Shu had such a wealthy boyfriend, he would definitely want to stick to him to **** blood or something.

   Therefore, Luo Ning guessed that Xi Shu didn't want to take Huo Rui back, just because he didn't want those people to know about it, not because Huo Rui looked down on her family.

  Luo Ning thought for a while and said, "I'm going to visit Xi Shu's house."

   She was also really worried about Xi Shu.

  According to the current situation, Xi Shu was afraid that something had happened, so she was going to see it in person.

   Huo Rui immediately said: "I'll go with you, I thought so too."

  Luoning looked at the time and said, "Then you book today's ticket, we will leave early."

   This meeting is only in the morning, so I can make it to Xi Shu’s house today.

   Huo Rui asked, "Is Lu Xun going?"

  Luoning replied: "He has gone abroad and will not be back until a few days later, so I will go."

   "Okay, then I'll call Huo Ye together." Huo Rui thought about it and said.

   He and Luo Ning are single men and women after all, so avoid it.

   Luo Ning is also a public figure, and it is not good to be alone together.

   He was also afraid that Lu Xun would be jealous, so it didn't matter if he brought his younger brother.

   Luo Ning also felt that his arrangement was better, "Okay."

   Half an hour later, Huo Rui drove to pick up Luo Ning.

   He booked a flight at the nearest time.

   After more than two hours, the three got off the plane and a special car came to pick them up. This was arranged by Huo Rui long ago.

   After driving for more than two hours, we arrived at the county seat.

After arriving at the county seat, Huo Rui asked Luo Ning, "Do you know where Xi Shu's house is? She didn't tell me the details before."

   Although Luo Ning has never been to Xi Shu's house, she does have the detailed address of Xi Shu's house.

  When they went to college together, Xi Shu would ask Luo Ning to help buy medicine and mail it back when he returned home during the holidays.

  Luoning reported the address, "It's here."

   So the driver navigated and drove to it.

   After leaving the county seat, going to the town where Xi Shu’s house is located is basically a mountain road, which is very difficult to walk.

   Huo Rui did not dislike it. Before he and Xi Shu were together, Xi Shu took the initiative to talk about her family situation.

   He looked at the mountain outside the car window and said to Luo Ning, "Do you know much about her family?"

   Luo Ning replied: "I know roughly."

   "In addition to her parents, she has three older sisters and a younger sister. After her father fell off the roof while working, he had problems with his legs and feet, and his health has never been very good."

   "She has a pair of patriarchal grandparents, three uncles and an aunt."

   "Uncle and aunt's family belong to the kind of blood-sucking worm, and they squeeze a lot of their family."

   "She was admitted to university before. Originally, her grandmother did not allow her to study. She sneaked to school and applied for student loans."

   "Not only did the family not give her monthly living expenses, but she had to work and earn money by herself, and she had to spend money to buy medicine for her father every month."

   She looked at Huo Rui and asked, "You should know all this, right?"

  Xi Shu is a strong girl who is not very ambitious. Poor is poor. She never pretends and has a sense of responsibility.

   Therefore, based on Luo Ning's understanding of Xi Shu, Huo Rui should have been told about the situation at home.

   Huo Rui nodded: "She told me all about it."

   "I also asked her if she wanted to bring her parents to the imperial capital. I can help arrange it here, but she declined."

   "She is the exact opposite of my last girlfriend. That person is a brother-in-law who often asks me to help her parents' family. Xi Shu is the opposite. I offered to help, but she refused."

   "I don't think she doesn't accept my help, but she really doesn't want to bring her parents to the imperial capital. I'm actually a little puzzled about this."

   "After all, she buys medicine and mails it home every month, and also pays her parents. She also goes back to visit her home during holidays. It seems that she still values ​​her parents."

   In fact, not to mention arranging Xi Shu's parents, but arranging all her sisters, for him, it's just a small effort.

  Luoning said: "Maybe it's because I'm afraid that the best ones will stick to it too."

   "Or there are other secrets that we don't know, we should be able to decrypt it this time."

  Everyone has their own secrets. She and Xi Shu are best friends, but it is impossible to explore the private affairs of other people's families.

   Xi Shu said everything he could say, and Luo Ning wouldn't ask questions if he didn't.

   It is very comfortable to get along with Xi Shu. Xi Shu has been a good temper since two lifetimes, so Luo Ning thinks that even if there is any secret, it is a family problem.

   Huo Rui nodded, "Indeed, after I go this time, I also want to know more."

  Luo Ning sat in the co-pilot, turned her head to look at Huo Rui seriously and asked, "Are you going to marry her?"

   She still wants her best friend to be happy.

   Huo Rui nodded solemnly, "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be here today."

   At the entrance of the village, because the mountain road was too narrow, the car could not drive up, so Huo Rui asked the driver to wait below.

   He walked into the village with Huo Ye and Luo Ning.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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