Chapter 497 Not bad, I did it

  The old lady and others looked at it for a while, and they affirmed the master's power.

  Liu Erye said without surprise: "This person's fate is still a little short, and the grievances of that grievance cannot be pacified."

   For this result, the old lady and others were disappointed.

   After all, Xi Shu works well and can make money now. They can often ask for money on the grounds that the fourth child is going to see a doctor. It would be a pity if he died.

   But in the face of the fate of their grandson/son, they can only endure the pain.

  The old lady pointed at Xi Shu, "Then use her method."

  Liu Erye nodded, and threw a talisman from the table again, flying to the top of Xi Shu's head.

   This time, the talisman was not natural, but instead landed straight on Xi Shu's forehead and stuck to it.

   Another talisman also landed on the young man's forehead and stuck to it.

  Liu Erye picked up the bell and chanted the mantra while shaking it, then dipped the talisman in the cinnabar, walked to the young man, and drew on the talisman.

After    finished painting, he walked to Xi Shu again.

   It's just that this time I just put the talisman on the talisman on Xi Shu's forehead, but I couldn't draw anything.

  Liu Er Ye was stunned, went back and dipped in cinnabar again, and tried again, but still failed.

   He felt that something was wrong, and looked down at the talisman carefully.

   Suddenly a trace of Yin evil flew out from the talisman and got straight into his eyebrows.

   "Ah!" Second Master Liu screamed with a forehead headache, and then took a few steps back.

   Then he covered his forehead and looked around the yard.

   shouted with a sullen face: "Who, come out!"

   This talisman was drawn by Second Master Liu just now and handed to Aunt Xishu to arrange on the table, so it is impossible for someone to change it.

  It means that someone in the yard has moved his hands and feet.

   Hearing Second Master Liu shouting, Aunt Xishu immediately ran to turn on the lights in the yard.

   Luo Ning didn't hide anymore, and jumped from the big tree.

   Seeing Luo Ning jumping down and seeing her appearance again, the old lady couldn't help but exclaimed, "How could it be you?"

   At the same time, Second Master Liu also exclaimed, "Why are you?"

   Obviously he was also surprised that Luo Ning would appear here.

   Luo Ning walked towards them, "Why can't it be me?"

   She glanced at the old lady coldly, "You are so cruel, even your own granddaughter."

   Luo Ning waved his hand and untied the spells that had been placed on Xi Shu and Wu Niu.

   The two soon woke up and sat up straight.

   The two of them were hit by Erye Liu's spell. They were awake, but they couldn't open their eyes to wake up.

   So what happened before, they all heard, and fear and despair were born in their hearts.

   And what Liu Erye wants is their emotions and reactions, which is more convenient.

  Xi Shu didn't expect Luo Ning to appear here. She watched Luo Ning's eyes turn red, and her heart warmed.


   Luo Ning appeared in the yard, it must be for her.

   She was very moved, and Luo Ning was also her best friend.

   Luo Ning said to her: "We are here."

   then shouted: "Come in."

   Brother Huo Rui, who was already waiting at the door, heard Luo Ning's shout, and immediately kicked open the courtyard door and walked in.

  Xi Shu looked at Brother Huo Rui in surprise, and tears fell directly.

   "Huo, Huo Rui, why are you here too?" She didn't expect her boyfriend to come, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, sweet, happy and heavy.

   Huo Rui threw a soothing smile at her and said distressedly, "I can't worry about you, so I came here."

   said and walked over to help Xi to relax.

   When the old lady saw this, she immediately ordered her son and son-in-law, "Hurry up and stop them, don't destroy the master's practice."

   The two also reacted and rushed to stop Brother Huo Rui.

   was quickly thrown to the ground by Huo Ye.

   Brother Huo Rui is the direct descendant of the Huo family. They have been trained since childhood, so naturally they are not afraid of them.

   Huo Rui also walked over to Xi Shu smoothly and helped her up.

   The old lady was about to rush over when she saw this, but was kicked down by Huo Rui, "Get out!"

  Kicking such a vicious old lady, he has no psychological burden at all.

  Xi Shu's legs were a little soft, and he was able to stand up against Huo Rui.

   She then said to Huo Ye, "please help my sister up too."

   Huo Ye nodded, walked over and helped Wu Niu, who was also weak on the ground.

   The four of them moved towards Luo Ning.

  The old lady saw Xi Shu being helped over, and yelled at her daughter, "Why don't you go and arrest someone, why are you standing?"

   Aunt Xishu can only bite the bullet, and her pair of children.

   But Huo Ye supported Wu Niu and easily kicked the three to the ground.

  Luo Ning said to Huo Rui, "Let's help them to sit over the flower bed and rest for a while."

   Huo Rui also found that his girlfriend was very weak, "Okay!"

   The old lady immediately got up when she saw this, but this time she was smart and did not go up by herself, but asked Second Master Liu for help.

   "Master, they broke your way, you can't let them go." After speaking, he glared at Luo Ning.

   She didn't expect to find Xi Shu's colleague during the day and find it here.

   This is the yard that her daughter and son-in-law bought. Except for their husband and wife and the eldest couple, even the second and third children do not know, let alone the fourth and fourth family.

   So she couldn't figure out how the three of Luo Ning knew about this place.

  Liu Erye looked at Luo Ning gloomily, "Your strength has become stronger again."

   Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, "Each each other, I thought you were already dead, but I didn't expect you to be Xiaoqiang who couldn't be killed."

   mentioning this, Liu Erye was full of hatred.

   "If it weren't for you, my Liu family wouldn't be in despair, and I wouldn't be seriously injured and flee to Nanyang."

   Although his body is fine now and his strength is much stronger than before, he has to pay a great price.

   And once something goes wrong, he will suffer even more backlash.

   He took Luo Ning as the culprit behind all this.

   Luo Ning sneered, "This is the retribution for your Liu family's luck, but it has nothing to do with me."

   She glanced at cousin Xi Shu, whose skin was festering on the ground, and said to the second master Liu, "This man's resentment is your fault, right?"

   Liu Erye didn't bother to argue, "Yes, I did it."

   He asked curiously, "But do you know how I did it?"

  Luo Ning understood what was going on when she saw the appearance of cousin Xi Shu.

   "You let him be with a dead woman, and they were in the same room, so naturally he was full of anger and resentment."

   "What you said just now to save him is just to transfer the healthy life from Xi Shu to him to continue his life."

   "It's just that there are only a few of his continuations, and most of them will be stolen by you."

   "So even if he does well today, he won't live long."

   She looked at the old lady and the others with a bit of sarcasm, "It's a pity that these idiots not only don't know that you are the murderer, but also bring people to toss with you."

   (end of this chapter)

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