Chapter 499 I saw it today

   The fear in the old lady's heart has been reduced a lot.

   He looked at Luo Ning and said, "I'm Xi Shu's grandmother, we're a group, don't hurt yourself."

   Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, "Who is with you? You have such a big face."

  The old lady saw that she hadn't gotten the snake down and made it bigger, so she bit her head and said, "It doesn't matter if it's not a gang, you helped me save my grandson, and I won't pursue this matter today."

   The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was necessary for Luo Ning to save her grandson. After all, this dead old man harmed their family because of this Luo Ning.

   So he said more confidently: "We are in trouble because of you. Not only do you want to save my grandson, you also have to compensate, otherwise I will go to the police."

   Luo Ning found that the family was not only vicious, but also rogue.

   She sneered: "Your grandson is full of grievances and can't be saved."

   This is not to fool the old lady, but true.

  Liu Erye didn't show mercy at all, and all the grievances from the mummified corpse were passed on to cousin Xi Shu, and it took more than half a month.

  Unless he used the method of Second Master Liu to transfer the life and health of a normal person to him, he would not be able to survive for three days.

   When cousin Xishu heard this, he couldn't even retire.

   "No, you are so powerful, and you defeated this dead old man. You must have a way to save me." He stared at Luo Ning.

  Luo Ning glanced at him coldly, "Don't say I can't save you, even if there is, it's impossible to save you."

   "In addition to being fooled this time, you didn't actually kill people, but you also have human lives in your hands. This is retribution."

   Cousin Xi Shu's expression changed, "No, no."

  Luo Ning has already seen it, "A year ago, didn't you deceive a girl from the mountain, and then accidentally suffocated her to death?"

   After she finished speaking, she looked at Aunt Xishu again, "This person is your accomplice, and she participated in the deception of that girl."

   "Like this time, you buried someone in a barren mountain, but this time you were alone. Your aunt also helped last time."

   There are really no good people in this family.

   Although the children of Aunt Xishu's family did not have a life lawsuit, they also had bad intentions and did many wicked things.

   Cousin Xishu was terrified. Only he and his aunt knew about this. It was amazing that this woman could see it.

   He no longer had any luck, and immediately ran over crying.

   "It was my aunt who tricked me that time. I didn't mean to kill her, but you can see that I made a mistake. Please help me, I don't want to die yet."

   Luo Ning shook his head: "Don't make unnecessary struggles, you can't be saved."

   Cousin Xi Shu saw Luo Ning's firm attitude, and looked at the double-headed snake on her wrist with fear.

   He thought about it, looked at Xi Shu and said, "Xi Shu, you help me, you let her save me."

  Xi Shu shook his head in disgust, "Luo Ning said it can't be saved, that means it can't be saved, stop struggling."

   Xishu's cousin's face showed anger, "You stinky girl who loses money, you dare to watch me die, and I will let my grandma and fourth uncle beat you to death."

  The old lady didn't dare to provoke Luo Ning, but she was not afraid of Xi Shu.

   She rushed straight towards Xi Shu, "I killed you, a money loser. If it weren't for you, your cousin wouldn't have been killed like this."

   She rushed in front of Xi Shu and raised her hand to slap Xi Shu's face, but Huo Rui grabbed her arm.

   He snorted coldly, "You dare to hit her."

  Xi Shu's whole body went weak, but he stood up and slapped the old lady twice.

   She said happily, "You hurt me and my sister. My cousin deserves to be damned. You are used to him being like this. This is your malicious retribution."

   Xi Shu slapped her with all her might, but the slap in the face was not heavy, but the old lady was stunned.

   After all, she was used to being intimidating at home, and no one had ever dared to touch her.

   Huo Rui grabbed his hand and couldn't fight back.

   Then she suddenly sat on the ground and burst into tears, "What did I do to get my granddaughter slapped in the face, you will be punished for this dead girl."

   "Fourth, your mother is going to be beaten to death by your family's money losers." He shouted habitually.

   Xi Shu rolled his eyes, "Stop shouting, my dad isn't here, he won't hear you if you scream."

   This made the old lady choked, so she cried again to ask the eldest son and daughter to clean up Xishu.

   The two wanted to clean up Xi Shu, but they were afraid of Brother Huo Rui and Luo Ning, so they didn't come forward.

The old lady insisted that Xi Shu let Luo Ning treat her grandson, and her mouth was even more stinky. She kept scolding and cursing Xi Shu, and then extended to Xi Shu's sisters, and finally her fourth son and daughter-in-law. Cursed and cursed together.

   Huo Ye was stunned as he watched the old lady who was sitting on the ground howling and scolding unreasonably.

   He was born into a wealthy family, and it was the first time he saw this kind of battle.

   He sighed, "No wonder it is said that many TV dramas come from life, I have seen it today."

   Luo Ning said: "After all, this is a minority. There are still more normal and kind people in the world."

   was talking when a group of people entered the courtyard.

   "Luo Ning, are you alright?" The person who came was Han Lie from the special department, and he had a good relationship with Luo Ning.

   They were originally in a nearby city, and they rushed over immediately after receiving a call from the minister.

   Luo Ning shook her head, "I'm fine."

   She pointed to the second master Liu on the ground, "This is the feng shui mystic master who ran away from the Liu family last time. I suspect that there is someone behind him. Take it back and have a good interrogation."

  Han Lie didn't expect that the person who acted as a demon this time would actually be Liu Erye.

   "He actually came back from Nanyang, didn't he die before? How can he still have the energy to be a demon."

   They had hunted down Erye Liu before, but when he was in Nanhai City, Erye Liu was sent to Nanyang first.

   At that time, Mr. Liu was seriously injured, and he looked like he would not live long.

   Luo Ning replied: "He was treated with special methods to prolong his life, so I suspect that there is someone behind him, you should check carefully."

  Han Lie nodded: "No problem."

   Then let the person who brought him take away the unconscious Liu Erye.

   He asked again: "When will he wake up?"

  Luo Ning replied, "He was poisoned by snake venom, and he couldn't wake up without the antidote."

   After saying that, he handed Han Ying a bottle, "Take it back and pour it into him."

  Han Lie put away the bottle, "Okay."

  Luoning pointed to the old lady on the ground and several people in the yard, "They are suspected of kidnapping and intentional murder, and they also colluded with the feng shui masters of the International Black League. You will take them away together."

   The old lady who was still wailing on the ground was frightened, especially when she saw that there were several people in uniform behind Han Ying.

   She got up immediately, hiccupped and said, "We didn't kidnap and kill intentionally, you wronged us."

  Luo Ning snorted coldly, "Isn't it true that you kidnapped Xi Shu and her sister and asked them to change your grandson's life?"

   (end of this chapter)

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