Chapter 511 Cannon Fodder Princess (5)

   The next day, Luo Ning went to her family's home, Dingguohou Mansion.

   Dingguohou is currently serving in the Ministry of War, and this meeting is not at home.

   Mrs. Hou is Luo Ning's mother, and the prince is her brother.

   Hearing Luo Ning coming, Mrs. Hou took Mrs. Shizi to the door to greet him.

   Luo Ning reached out to support Mrs. Hou who was about to salute, "Mother doesn't need to be more polite."

   She has now merged the memory and emotion of the original body, so she is very kind to Mrs. Hou.

   Mrs. Hou's face was a little pale, she took Luo Ning's hand and smiled and said, "The ceremony cannot be neglected, why is the princess here?"

  Luo Ning helped Mrs. Hou to enter the door, "I heard that my mother has been unwell recently, and I was worried and came to visit."

  The mother-in-law is in the palace, and the dog man is often not in the palace, so she is relatively free.

   Mrs. Hou's heart warmed, "I'm fine, but I've been feeling a little down recently. The imperial doctor said it was caused by the bitter summer."

  Luo Ning didn't look at Madam Hou's face because of a bitter summer.

  She has been learning Feng Shui from her father since she was a child, so she saw that Mrs. Hou had the appearance of an early death.

   She smiled and said, "I'll have lunch with you."

   Mrs. Hou also wanted to talk to her daughter, "Okay!"

  The two went to the backyard, and Mrs. Hou asked Mrs. Shizi to prepare meals, so she left a close friend.

   Then he took Luo Ning's hand and asked worriedly, "I heard that you brought two concubines from the palace yesterday?"

   Luo Ning nodded, "Yes, the concubine wants to let the prince spread the branches and leaves, of course I won't stop it."

   Mrs. Hou looked even more worried, but she knew that the prince had only been with his daughter in the past.

   Now suddenly there are two more beautiful concubines, how sad the daughter must be.

   She could only persuade: "Since it was given by the concubine, you don't have to be negligent, but don't wrong yourself."

   Luo Ning sighed, "I won't wrong myself, but I don't care anymore, that's why I help him take a concubine."

   Mrs. Hou looked at her puzzled, "Did you quarrel with the prince?"

  Luo Ning didn't hide it. She approached her and whispered, "Mother, Lu Xiao always said that he loves me. As long as I am the only one, he doesn't take a concubine, which is not the case."

   Mrs. Hou was surprised, "What's going on?"

  Luo Ning said truthfully: "He has someone in his heart. Before I married him, he and Luo Chun had an affair, so he is now guarding the body for the palace, and I'm just a shield."

  Although it wasn't before the palace banquet to find out about the two of them, Luo Ning decided to break it down with Mrs. Hou first.

   Mrs. Hou was stunned for a while, then her face was full of anger, "How dare they?"

   "Shameless, so shameless, as expected of that woman."

  Luo Ning reached out and held Mrs. Hou, "Mother don't need to be angry, I've already thought about it, and it won't make them feel better."

   She asked: "By the way, is father still pacifying his wife?"

   Mrs. Hou still had a look of anger on her face, "Why didn't you mention it? Yesterday, she was talking beside me that Luo Chun gave birth to a prince and was promoted to the position of a concubine. It would be inappropriate to have a mother who is a concubine."

   "Let me relax and raise that woman as a flat wife as soon as possible."

   She sneered: "But as long as I am here, that woman will not want to be a wife."

  Although she is the wife of Dingguo Mingmei, but that man had a beloved outer room before marrying him, and it was Luo Chun's mother.

   After she found out, she took the person back and became a concubine, staring at her under her eyelids.

   I just didn't expect that Ding Dingguohou still has such an infatuated side. He has been doting on that woman for more than 20 years, and now he is old enough to protect him like something.

  Especially after the woman's daughter entered the palace and gave birth to the prince and concubine, the entire Hou residence raised the woman to be almost the same as the real wife.

   If Dingguohou had said that she had true love before her engagement, she would have never married her if she had brought her back to the palace.

   But the man cheated. When she got married, she found out that it was too late. After so many years, she was not reconciled.

  Luo Ning knew that Mrs. Hou would die of illness soon, and that woman didn't need to be a wife, she directly became Mrs. Hou and took power in Hou's mansion.

   Her eldest brother also died in an accident half a year later when he was on the battlefield, and the woman's son became the prince.

  After Luo Chun became the empress dowager, the Hou Mansion was reused even more, and the power was monstrous.

   "Mother, have you ever thought that they want you to be away?" Luo Ning didn't go around in circles.

  In order to live, Mrs. Hou must be prepared, and it is best to stay away from the Hou residence.

  It used to be that Mrs. Hou did not agree to marry his wife, and it was only the scumbag and the true love that let Mrs. Hou die. This is very cruel and vicious to the dog and the man.

   Mrs. Hou trembled, "You said they were going to deal with me?"

   Luo Ning nodded: "I suspect that you are unwell now, and they did it."

  The original body also suspected that Mrs. Hou and her brother were killed by the scumbag, but after asking the imperial doctor and outside doctors to see, Mrs. Hou was not poisoned to death.

  Although there is no evidence, it is impossible for the two of them to die so coincidentally, making way for Luo Chun's mother and younger brother.

  Luo Ning reminded, "Mother, you'd better let someone check the meals and the supplies in the room. Many things are not necessarily poisonous, but the combination can cause physical damage and death."

   She has acted in palace fighting dramas before, so she went to watch a lot of palace fighting novels and TV series on purpose, so she had some guesses.

   Mrs. Hou was a little dejected and sad, "I didn't expect a husband and wife for more than 20 years, but he didn't miss the old love."

   She believed her daughter's words, and felt that her body was not quite right.

   But she also went outside to see the doctor in private, but they all said that it was caused by the bitter summer.

   Luo Ning held her hand and persuaded: "Mother, if you are sure that they harmed you, then you should leave the Hou residence."

   "This is a wolf's den, I don't trust you to stay here." She said again.

   Since Daddy and True Love wanted Madam Hou to die, as long as they were in the Hou Mansion, they would be hard to guard against.

   Mrs. Hou was stunned, "Let me think about it."

   "You don't have to worry about how it will affect my brother and me, as long as you are safe and comfortable, I think my brother will think the same way." Luo Ning said.

   As he was talking, Mrs. Shizi walked in, "Princess, mother, it's time to eat."

   Luo Ning supported the somewhat dazed Mrs. Hou and went to dinner together.

  In addition to Mrs. Shizi, the other three-bedroom wives also brought their daughter-in-law over to accompany the meal.

   After sitting down, Luo Ning's eyes showed a clear look when he saw a few dishes on the table.

   She smiled and asked, "Is this the dish arranged by my sister-in-law?"

Mrs.    said truthfully: "There are a few dishes that were set before, and I asked the kitchen to add a few more dishes that the princess liked."

   After she finished speaking, she pointed her finger along, "I added this to my kitchen, and I don't know if the princess likes it or not."

   Luo Ning came back suddenly, and they didn't prepare it at first, so she went to the kitchen to add some dishes.

  Luo Ning said with a smile, "I have troubled my sister-in-law, but my taste has not changed."

   She pointed to the dishes in front of Mrs. Hou and asked, "Do you often eat these dishes?"

   As soon as she asked this question, Luo Ning found the maidservant behind Mrs. Hou, showing a nervous look, but she quickly recovered, but she was caught by her.

   (end of this chapter)

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