After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 660: Star Withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (11)

   Chapter 660 Interstellar withered imperial rose cannon fodder (11)

   Luo Ning's clothes and jewelry need to be changed, so I agree.

   Now that online shopping is very developed, the entire empire has also established a virtual world network. You can use your mental power to connect the terminal to enter the virtual mall, and you can also try clothes.

   Just after you buy it, you can't take it away, you have to deliver it to your door.

   Of course, brick-and-mortar shopping malls still exist. Generally, when asking friends, family members, or letting their boyfriends/husbands go shopping together, many people choose brick-and-mortar stores.

  Bu Xiao drove to pick up Luo Ning, and the two walked around for several hours, buying a lot of clothes and jewelry.

  Luo Ning also went to change her hairstyle.

   I permed my smooth straight hair into big waves, and dyed it a very attractive, bright and eye-catching red.

   She has fair skin, delicate and bright facial features, and big red waves reaching her waist, making her even more stunning.

   Seeing the brand-new Luo Ning, Bu Xiao was full of surprise and sigh.

   and pulled her to put on a **** black suspender skirt that she had just bought at the mall, which bulged at the front and back.

   It turned out that it was much better than the lady's dress just now.

   The original body has always been a little conservative because of Ling Ge's preference, but it doesn't suit her appearance and temperament.

   Now that Luo Ning is here, naturally she is happy and suitable.

   Sure enough, the effect is great.

  Bu Xiao felt that it would be too wasteful not to go clubbing in this outfit.

   So he shook her hand, "Come on, let's go clubbing, we haven't had a drink together for a long time."

   Luo Ning smiled indulgently: "Okay!"

   It was already dark, so the two of them went to eat first, and then went to the bar.

  The second and third generations of the top giants have their own circles and places to play.

   The two of them went to a bar that the three generations of the rich and powerful in the circle like to go to.

   There are no vulgar businesses here, and ordinary people can’t come in and spend money if they have money.

   Only nobles can come in and play.

  There are halls and private rooms, but most people who choose to play or drink only will choose the hall.

   Only private rooms will be reserved for parties, discussions or birthdays.

  Bu Xiao is a frequent visitor here. Although Luo Ning seldom comes, the doormen know them all.

   The two of them brushed their faces and entered the door.

  As soon as Bu Xiao walked into the hall with Luo Ning on his arm, he attracted the attention of the people present.

   It's really that today's Luo Ning is sexy, enchanting and stunning, with a perfect face and body, plus her freshly dyed and permed hair, she can't be unattractive.

   Taking a closer look, this turned out to be the Imperial Rose Luo Ning that inspired the entire upper-class circle today. It's no wonder that everyone is not restless.

  Many people who knew Luo Ning had even more surprised expressions on their faces.

   Is this still the Luo Ning who dresses conservatively and moves more and more towards the style of a lady and a good wife?

   is so surprising and amazing.

   Sure enough, Imperial Rose should be dressed up so brightly and attractively. She used to be too bland and plain to reflect her beauty at all.

   Now it really looks like a rose with thorns, attracting people to pick it up.

  Luo Ning has long been accustomed to such attention, and continued to walk forward with a calm expression.

  Bu Xiao leaned into her ear and said with a hey smile: "Ling Ning, you are really like a walking hormone now. The way those men look at you, they can't wait to eat you."

  Luo Ning rolled her eyes at her, "You're almost there."

   "Let's go dancing later, I'm very excited now."

   Bu Xiao hummed and continued: "If only Ling Zha Zha was here, let him take a good look at your beauty and make him regret it."

   Her Ning Ning is so beautiful, but I don't know how much better than that Leng Ying.

   It's just that Ning Ning was too conservative in the past, but now she releases her charm, let Ling Zha Zha see it, and it's cool to see him regret it.

   Luo Ning shrugged, "What he thinks has nothing to do with me,"

   The two walked to Bu Xiao's old place to sit down and ordered two glasses of wine.

   Chatting while drinking.

   Soon acquaintances approached to strike up a conversation.

   Zu Xinyu looked at Luo Ning and said with a smile: "Luo Ning, you are so beautiful today, you are so amazing to me that I almost didn't recognize you."

   Luo Ning shook the glass, "Just recognize it later."

   Zu Xinyu asked, "Luo Ning, are you really going to lose Ling Ge?"

   Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, "I thought that my previous actions of posting on Twitter had already shown my decision."

   Zu Xinyu also raised his eyebrows, "You won't regret it? After all, you have been chasing him for more than ten years."

   Everyone at their level knows how Luo Ning has been chasing after Ling Ge over the years, helping him sweep a lot of tails.

   The key is that Ling Ge's attitude is not good, and he looks like he can be abandoned at any time, and Luo Ning, as the first-line lady of the Luo family, is still persistent no matter how abused she is.

  Everyone sometimes feels that Luo Ning's brain is flooded.

   Suddenly know that Luo Ning is going to give up, they are a little unreal.

  Luo Ning laughed, took a sip from the glass, "What's there to regret, those more than ten years of chasing are fed to the dog."

   "Just treat it as a reward for saving me from that desolate star. After the report is over, it will end."

   Many people don't know why the original body is chasing after Ling Ge, and she has never explained it.

   That kidnapping in Desolate Star, because it involved two top giants, the news was blocked.

   The upper family knew that Yuanshen and Ling Ge were both imprisoned by the star thieves, and then rescued by the two families.

   But he didn't know how Ling Ge saved the original body.

   As a result, many people think that the original body has a brain, but as the most honorable young lady of the Luo family, she is chasing Ling Ge shamelessly, which is completely incomprehensible to everyone.

  Lick the dog and love the brain are the labels on the original body before.

   Although Luo Ning also felt that the original body was a little in love, the way of chasing and loving Ling Ge was over.

   But it is impossible to deny the pure sincerity of Yuanshen's love, but it is a pity that he really fed the dog in the end.

   In the past, the original body was too lazy to explain, she only knew that Ailing Ge was enough.

  Luoning felt that it was necessary to tell this matter so that everyone knew that the original body was not a brain-dead.

  Ling Ge was so deeply imprinted on her when she was young, and the acquiescence and connivance of the other party led to this result.

   Both are at fault, and Ling Ge is not innocent.

   At this time, several people have come over and are also ready to strike up a conversation.

   After hearing Luo Ning's words, they all sat beside them.

   "You have been chasing Ling Ge for so many years, because he once saved you?" One person asked in surprise.

  Luoning nodded, "Yes, Ling Ge and I were kidnapped by the star thieves to the barren star, you should have heard about it. Back then..."

   She roughly recounted what had happened.

   "I thought he was tall at first, so I liked to run after him, and he acquiesced."

   "Later, because of his acquiescence and connivance, I thought that we liked each other, and then fell deeper and deeper."

   She shrugged and said, "Who would have thought that this is not the case. The wedding event gave me a chance to sober up."

   "There is an old saying in the Paleo-Earth period, I think it's a good one."

   "If he is ruthless, I will divorce him, so since Ling Ge gave up on the wedding, then I will divorce him."

   She knew that these guys were gossiping, so she satisfied their thirst for knowledge.

   (end of this chapter)

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