After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 671: Star Withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (22)

   Chapter 671 Interstellar withered imperial rose cannon fodder (22)

   Luo Ning could see their regretful expressions at a glance.

   She smiled and said, "I still have a few bottles of that potion in my hand. After the competition is over, I will send the potions to the Imperial Pharmacy Research Institute in the name of the Luo family."

   "I hope that the masters of pharmacy in the research institute can study the formula based on the potion, or get inspiration to develop a similar new potion."

   "This will also help those officers and soldiers who were forced to retire due to their mental damage on the battlefield."

   She had planned it before.

The reason why    did not take the formula directly is that there are several mutant plants and medicinal materials in the potion, which are not found here.

   She herself is not good at pharmacy, so the pharmacy masters of the Imperial Academy have to study it herself to see if they can find a substitute.

   Hearing Luo Ning's words, the three selection officers all showed grateful smiles.

   "You are very thoughtful, we thank you on behalf of the soldiers!"

   All three came from the military, and they did not have any faction, only loyal to the empire.

   If this kind of spiritual potion can be researched, it will be of great help to the empire.

   can save the future of the mentally damaged soldiers in the army, so they are very happy.

   Luo Ning said with a smile: "You're welcome, I am also a part of the empire, and I also hope that the empire will become stronger and stronger."

   The three have a better impression of Luo Ning.

   Who used to say that Luo Ning, the third generation who might become the heir to the Luo family, was a love brain?

   People clearly love the empire very much, and they are also concerned about their careers, and it is impossible to see that they are only pretending to be affectionate.

   Then Luo Ning proposed to apply for some materials to remake Rose.

   After the three of them knew that she was a mecha with super 3s spiritual power, their application to her was not rejected.

   After all, if you want to use Luo Ning as the trump card of the hegemony tournament, of course, her strength cannot be inferior.

   The three of them can't decide all of them, they have to go to the resource bank to apply, and at the same time, they need the help of Marshal Luo.

   But basically there is no problem.

   Mr. Luo still has something to do in the military department, so he separated from Luo Ning after he went out.

  Although I really wanted to share the news of my granddaughter's spiritual upgrade with my old friends, I held back because of the competition.

   He was suddenly looking forward to it, and the expressions of the old guys when they found out will definitely be exciting.

   On the other hand, Luo Ning went back to the Imperial College and went directly to the mecha manufacturing laboratory.

   On the second day, the final list of the three teams was announced.

   The whole people were surprised when they saw that Luo Ning was on the default list of the military academy.

   Then he was surprised again after seeing Leng Ying in the mixed team of other academies and the people.

  Xingxing is even more noisy.

  【What is this? Although the Luo family has privileges, that's not how they play, right? 】

   [Yeah, if it is replaced by the former Luo Ning, we will definitely admit that she is on the default list.

   But now her mental power is damaged, and even the mecha may not be able to drive, nor can she manufacture and repair the mecha, she is completely hindered by going to the hegemony competition, right? 】

  【The Cosmic Hegemony Tournament is related to the entire empire. Whether it can get more resources to improve its strength, and represents the honor of human beings, why make a joke about the number of entries? 】

   [Luo Ning's mental power is damaged so badly, don't you have any points? Why are you still participating in the Tournament? 】

  【Could it be because Ling Ge is on the list of the military team? 】

【No way? Could it be that she said she wanted to break off the marriage and cut off the relationship, but she was just trying to get it out of the way, but she actually wanted to repost? 】

  【I really liked Imperial Rose, but now I am only disappointed. 】

   [The selection department came out to explain, why do you do this? 】

   Originally, the people were dissatisfied with Luo Ning's appointment, and after Bu Yi was taken away by Luo Ning, they refused to accept it, so they bought the navy band rhythm in private.

   The scolding of Luo Ning on the Internet continued, and it even turned into a collapse.

  【And this Leng Ying, why can a student from the Department of Film and Television also make an internal decision? Is it difficult for her to act against the Zerg and alien races? 】

   [That is, Luo Ning still has the physical talent of double s, and is the direct line of the Luo family. Why is this Leng Ying? 】

   [I heard that Leng Ying was determined to be behind the fourth prince. 】

  【Shadow, this default selection is completely shady, resolutely protest! 】

   Not only Luo Ning was scolded, but Leng Ying was also scolded, and even worse.

   Luo Ning knew that she would be scolded, which was all expected.

   She was a star in her own world, so she naturally knew that being scolded was actually a big traffic, black and red were also red.

   has popularity and traffic, as long as the whitewash is turned over, the effect of the reversal will be doubled.

   So she didn't make any response, even though there were countless private messages on XingBo, either she was persuaded to voluntarily retire from the competition, or she was scolded.

   But Leng Ying responded by posting a blog post.

   said that since everyone questioned it, she decided to give up the pre-determined quota and go for the selection herself.

   This operation also surprised everyone.

   Her already stinky reputation has improved a lot. Everyone thinks that Leng Ying's character is not very good, but she has self-knowledge, not like Luo Ning.

   even paid attention to Leng Ying's participation in the selection.

   At the same time, the official head of the selection department posted an announcement on Xingbo.

   Luo Ning was the default candidate more than half a year ago, and her decision to participate in the Cosmic Contest will not change.

  【You all said that it was more than half a year ago, Luo Ning's mental power was not damaged half a year ago, but now she does not have that strength. 】

  【Or let Luo Ning be like Leng Ying, give up the quota and go to the trial. 】

   [That is, if Luo Ning can get a spot in the selection, then we will be convinced. 】

   This time, the people below not only scolded Luo Ning, but also scolded the selection department.

   But neither Luo Ning nor the selection department have explained, let alone changed their decision.

   Everyone couldn't help but continue to scold.

  Especially a few days later, Leng Ying actually passed the selection. After winning the entry by himself, the scolding against Luo Ning and the selection department soared again.

   At the same time, many people have changed their views on Leng Ying.

   No matter how Leng Ying's emotional and private life is, but in terms of backbone and strength, this time he is better than Luo Ning.

  Leng Ying bought another wave of shuijun stir fry, which made her whitewash a lot, and it became a comparison picture with Luo Ning.

  The establishment of self-reliance and self-reliance is more stable.

   This makes Leng Ying even more complacent. Even if there is no live variety show, she can still suppress Luo Ning.

   When the Cosmic Hegemony Tournament begins, she will let everyone in the universe know that Leng Ying should be the protagonist of this world, and Luo Ning, the imperial rose, is a thing of the past.

   Luo Ning was originally in the military academy, but people often came to persuade her to give up the quota, etc., which made her very annoying, so she moved back to Luo's house.

   I didn't bother to pay attention to the scolding on the Internet, and continued to study mecha manufacturing.

  Bu Xiao saw that his friend had become Leng Ying's comparison picture, and he was very angry.

   Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~ Tomorrow 0:5 at 0:50~



   (end of this chapter)

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