After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 687: Star Withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (38)

   Chapter 687 Interstellar withered imperial rose cannon fodder (38)

   Next, despite the extremely cold weather, everyone continued on their way.

   Along the way, we also encountered a lot of dangers from the planet. Poisonous insects and ants came out, and mutant flowers and plants that can eat people attacked.

   In extremely cold weather, it becomes difficult for star beasts to find food, so the team began to encounter star beasts that came out to find food frequently.

   Everyone has to fight frequently every day, not only the mecha is damaged, but some people are also injured.

   Fortunately, because of the cooperation of Lu Xun and Luo Ning, they can often save people who are dying at critical times.

   In addition, the overall strength of the team itself is not weak, so there has been no case of personnel falling.

   Aside from them, the other two teams had similar encounters.

   In this way, everyone has been away for nearly a month in Dangerous Star.

  Then the land began to become softer and softer, the color of the soil gradually turned green, and the surrounding vegetation became greener and greener.

   also changed from extremely cold weather to extremely hot weather.

  Everyone has changed out of thick clothes and put on summer clothes, but it is still hot and sweaty.

   Even because he was wearing short-sleeved shorts, he was bitten by mosquitoes all over the bag.

   Taking a break at noon that day, looking at the four Luo Nings who were still wearing long-sleeved trousers military uniforms, no sweat, and no bites, everyone was so envious that they wanted to cry.

   But who made them not have a cooling talisman.

   Fortunately, there is an anti-itch and insect repellent toilet water prepared by Bu Xiao, otherwise they will be worse.

  The mecha can escape the heat, but the energy is limited, who knows how long it will take to end the game, and they don’t waste it.

  Otherwise, the energy will run out in the later stage, and the mecha will no longer be able to drive.

   They will no longer look at people on the surface.

  Many people even looked at Ling Ge with a fool and sympathy.

   If this guy chooses to hook up with Leng Ying without a brain, and makes Luo Ning so angry that he breaks off the marriage and breaks the relationship, he will also become the one who sleeps comfortably against the tree.

   After getting along for nearly a month, they increasingly do not understand Ling Ge's choice.

  Ling Ge has been often seen this way recently, from the beginning to wanting to be angry to the present.

   looked up at Luo Ning, who was getting more and more dazzling, he smiled bitterly, he didn't know why he chose so.

   is like the saying on the Internet, if it is too easy to get, it is not easy to cherish it.

  The former Luo Ning was like this for him.

   After this period of time, he also saw that Luo Ning was not playing hard to catch, she was really estranged and even hated herself.

   This made him very uncomfortable, and even regretted it for the first time.

   also tried to ease the relationship, but Luo Ning ignored him at all.

   Even as soon as he approached, she would actively jump away as far as possible to maintain a distance, to clear the relationship, and said that she did not want to misunderstand the stars who watched the live broadcast.

   He has always been used to being high above, and he took the initiative to approach her, but after getting this result, he couldn't pull his face down to get close to her.

  Otherwise, what would people who watch the live broadcast on Xingwang think of him? Do you want fame?

  Ling Ge didn't know, he is now a scumbag scolded by the whole network, and his reputation has long since disappeared.

   Even Father Ling and Mother Ling became more and more disappointed with him, so they turned to train little sister Ling instead.

   Lu Xun and Luo Ning opened their eyes and looked in one direction.

   "Enemy attack, prepare for war!"

   "There are Zerg!"

  Lu Xun and Luo Ning's voices sounded at the same time.

   No one hesitated this time, and hurriedly summoned the mecha to prepare for battle.

   After a while, no Zerg came, and everyone looked at Lu Xun and Luo Ning inexplicably.

  What about the Zerg?

   The previous warnings of the two were right every time. Could something go wrong this time?

   Luo Ning walked towards a big tree a few hundred meters ahead with a spear.

   Then he stabbed a green beetle with a big slap on the book with his ultimate move.

   It made everyone a little confused. Luo Ning ran to kill the beetles. Could this be the so-called Zerg?

   But after a lot of things before, they didn't dare to question it again.

   Just when everyone was puzzled, the spear had already landed less than an inch away from the Beetle.

  The beetle suddenly turned into a large insect more than one meter long, revealing an insect face with facial features.

   and quickly dodged the spear that Luo Ning stabbed.

  This Zerg raised his claws and fought with Luo Ning.

   asked in common language in confusion: "Aren't you mentally damaged below a? Why can you find me?"

   They have all the information about the human team, and Luo Ning is the waste of mental damage.

   Seeing that she can't drive a mecha, she can tell the news is correct by directly fighting with her body.

   Therefore, Luo Ning is not the person they focus on and want to kill.

   The focus was on Song Yifan, Ling Ge and others.

   "I'm smart." Luo Ning bluffed and pierced the hard shell on his shoulder when the Zerg was caught off guard.

  Zerg: "..." What kind of answer is this.

   But now is not the time to explore this, he suddenly let out a few high-pitched roars, this is the secret language of Zerg communication.

As soon as    sounded, everyone immediately prepared for battle again.

   Well, Luo Ning and Lu Xun's judgment was correct, they were careless.

   Who would have thought that the Zerg would turn into a beetle and attach to the tree, this was the first time they met.

   Sure enough, in just a moment, more than 20 Zerg appeared in the woods.

   "Pretty alert."

   The leader of the Zerg team looked at Lu Xun, "Aren't you the trump card on the human side?"

   Before they thought it was Song Yifan or Ling Ge.

   But now he found that it was more likely to be Lu Xun, the fifth prince who had no sense of existence in the past.

   As for Luo Ning, I don't know how he discovered his companion.

   But a man who can't even drive a mech, they don't care.

  Lu Xun originally planned to hide it again, but he found that Luo Ning was also a super 3s mental power, which should be a hole card left by the empire on purpose.

   In order not to expose Luo Ning, he will expose it first, anyway, he will know sooner or later.

  Lu Xun hadn't answered yet, and suddenly arrows with lethal force came towards everyone.

The    arrow is also hung with a green slime specially designed to corrode mechas.

  Song Yifan has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he can see what it is at a glance.

   His face changed, "Be careful, don't let the slime get on the mecha, otherwise it will be troublesome."

  Before on the frontier star, the soldiers just didn't know this stuff, and then said.

   Mechas are severely corroded, affecting performance and combat.

  Therefore, the casualties were very large, and for the time being, there is no way to deal with this kind of slime.

   "The aliens are also here." Ling Ge also recognized the slime, which was invented by the aliens.

   Everyone looked at the densely packed bows and arrows, and laughed bitterly in their hearts, there is no room to hide!

   Suddenly, Lu Xun's mental power fluctuated.

   A silver circle resembling a mask spread out from him, spreading around, and quickly enveloped everyone in it.

   Then everyone saw the densely packed bows and arrows that were flying in and landed on the silver aperture, but they couldn't pierce in, and they were all blocked on the ground.

   "Mental power materialized!"

"how can that be?"

   The team members on the human side were shocked, as were the contestants who were attacked by the Zerg and alien races.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~ The update will still be around 0:5 tomorrow~



   (end of this chapter)

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