After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 693: Star Withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (44)

   Chapter 693 Interstellar withered imperial rose cannon fodder (44)

   Marshal Luo endured the creepy feeling of being watched by the emperor.

   replied with a proud smile: "That is, my granddaughter was already a 3s-level mecha maker before entering the Dangerous Star competition."

   As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the people present changed again.

   At the same time, he cast an envious, jealous look at Marshal Luo, why is this old guy so lucky?

   They are sour, and they all want to turn into lemon essence...

   There are not many 3s-level mecha makers in the entire empire, and each of them is treated like a baby.

   Not to mention that Luo Ning is still a super 3s level spiritual talent, plus a 3s level mecha maker.

   Maybe one day he can become a super 3s mecha maker, the first in human history.

   After all, there has never been a mecha maker with a super 3s talent, so everyone couldn't help but look forward to it.

   Mr. Luo was surrounded by the eyes of the lemon spirit who were jealous and hated by everyone, and his chin was raised higher.

   Her precious granddaughter is too high-spirited. Today is the most glorious time since he entered the military.

  The emperor is also hot in his heart, no matter whether Luo Ning can become his daughter-in-law in the end, after the game is over, he must strengthen the protection of Luo Ning.

   "Cough, continue to watch the live broadcast, the battle and the game are not over yet."

   He saw that in the live broadcast, the alien powerhouse suddenly took out a bottle of blood and drank it, and his smiling face changed instantly.

   "Trouble, that alien would rather destroy the talent of the Great Wall, and also want Luo Ning to die."

  Other high-level executives, who had already relaxed a lot, couldn't help but mention their hearts to watch the live broadcast.

   Especially Mr. Luo, who has been thinking about his granddaughter in his heart, but he must come back safely and alive!

   Even if the glory just now is not wanted, he only hopes that his granddaughter can come back alive and safe.

   When the other stars who watched the live broadcast saw this, they couldn't help but start to sweat.

   Everyone is staring at the live broadcast, not wanting to miss it at a glance.

  Dangerous star, Luo Ning is not surprised at all, this alien will take the kind of blood that forcibly enhances his strength.

   After drinking the blood, the aliens drew a strange symbol on their forehead with blood, and the strength of the whole person continued to rise.

The    imposing manner is also much stronger, and even his hair is bursting and draped over his shoulders.

   Then he ripped off the pendant from his neck and summoned a 3s-level mecha from it.

   "Today, I have tried to destroy the super 3s talent, and I will kill you all here."

   After he finished speaking with a sullen expression, he directly got on the mecha.

   even fell into the mecha that the Terran was fighting, punching one punch.

   In just an instant, all the mechas on the Terran side were scrapped, and the people inside were also injured.

   Including Song Yifan and Ling Ge with 3s talent and mecha.

   Being able to become the male protagonist of the book, Ling Ge is naturally not a double S-level talent, he is actually a 3s-level dual talent.

   It's just that the Ling family has been hiding, so it is not easy to be remembered by the two clans and assassinated on the battlefield.

   This time, the talent of double 3s level was also exposed. If it was replaced by the past, it would definitely cause a lot of amazement.

  Song Yifan also exposed the talent of double 3s from double 2s.

  But Lu Xun and Luo Ning, who were exposed to over 3s of mental power, stole all the attention.

   Now he didn't play much, and the mecha was abolished by this alien.

  Ling Ge lay in the scrapped mecha, his shoulders were bleeding profusely, and his eyes were dull for a while.

   He really didn't expect Luo Ning to have super 3s mental power, and he didn't know if he had been hiding it all the time, or had it suddenly increased.

   He couldn't accept the fact that he was inferior to a woman.

   In particular, that woman once held a sincere heart and sent it to him, but he did not cherish the wanton trampling.

   This feeling is complicated and indescribable, and then a kind of regret spreads all over the body.

   He raised his head and stood on the rose-red mecha in midair, looking at the beautiful woman.

   This should be Luo Ning, was she delayed by him?

   Although he didn't accept being crushed that much, he sincerely hoped that she would survive.

  Leng Ying and Bu Yi also looked at Luo Ning with confusion and jealousy.

   What is even more embarrassing is that they still have to pray for Luo Ning to win that alien race, otherwise they will be wiped out.

   That alien not only scrapped the Terran mecha, but also kicked all the Zerg to Lu Xun's side one by one.

  The voice of the alien race came from the mecha, with endless murderous intent, "All the zerg and alien races are desperately involved in the fifth prince of the human race, otherwise I will let him die first."

   The alien race rushed forward without hesitation.

  The Zerg was completely forced to rush up, and even cursed in their hearts.

   These two clans are so shameless. Each and every one of the contestants with super-level 3 talents hides their Zerg's honesty. It's too bullying.

   Only the alien and Luo Ning are left here.

   The alien sneered, "Now I see how you can defuse my offensive."

   Then he dodged and disappeared in place.

When    reappeared, he was already behind Luo Ning, and his mental power turned into a big knife, which was held by the mecha and slashed towards Luo Ning and Qiangwei.

   After his strength skyrocketed, his body could not bear such strength, so he could only borrow mecha.

   This speed is completely unknown to the previous one, and the time is only a blink of an eye.

   The human race present and the people watching the live broadcast were all nervous.

   Someone couldn't help shouting: "Be careful!"

   Luo Ning has fought with advanced power users in the last days, and has rich combat experience and keen perception.

   She was already prepared, and at the moment when the opponent's big knife was cut, she had already entered the rose, and turned around and threw out a talisman.

The    talisman is wrapped with her spiritual power, and the moment it touches the big sword, the spiritual power activates the talisman and dissipates immediately.

   "Boom!" A loud explosion sounded.

   Then along the direction where the two were standing, all the surrounding land was lifted, leaving a large deep crack.

  The big sword was exploded and collapsed, but a strong force still flew out and fell on Luo Ning's body.

   was blocked by Luo Ning's spiritual energy materialized aperture, and there was a protective charm.

   However, the aperture and the talisman also shattered, and Rose flew out a hundred meters away.

   The big sword that condensed his mental power was shattered, and the alien was not feeling well. He couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood.

   "Luo Ning, I must kill you today!"

   He raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face full of hideous and madness, this time he directly started to burn his life to bless the secretary.

   He shouted arrogantly: "I can release the trick like just now again, even stronger, I don't believe you can block it again."

  If he didn't burn his lifespan, he just used a secret technique. After returning home, after raising him for a few years, there is still hope for a complete recovery.

   But now Luo Ning is forced to the last step, he will be backlashed to the point of being alive, and it is impossible to have super 3s mental power anymore.

   The people who had just breathed a sigh of relief were frightened again, and the alien race became stronger again visible to the naked eye.

   Luo Ning is in danger!

   Luo Ning was also injured a little bit, and the strength of this alien's secret technique has nearly doubled.

   Now at the cost of burning life, his strength has soared again.

   Luo Ning looked at the opponent and materialized his mental power into a big sword, and was about to slash at himself again.

  If there is no last hole card, she really has to finish the game today, and she realizes that the alien race is more insidious than the Zerg.

   But luckily she was prepared.

   She suddenly took out seven talismans and stuck them on the mecha's hands, feet, forehead, chest and back.

After    is activated, the whole mecha burst into a dazzling light, giving people a feeling that it has become much stronger.

   Then Luo Ning said arrogantly and Versailles, "Cut, whoever doesn't have a trump card, who can't skyrocket and improve his strength."

   "And I'm different from you. After you improve your strength, you will become a waste that can't even reach 3s level talent."

   "And I temporarily upgraded the mecha to super 3s level, and it won't cause any damage."

   "This move, I took it!"

   "Today's battle should end!"

After    finished speaking, Rose dodged and disappeared in place, faster than the alien race just now.

   For the first time, he revealed the modified weapon, a long spear, and stabbed straight at the alien's head.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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