After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 697: Star Withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (48)

   Chapter 697 Interstellar withered imperial rose cannon fodder (48)

  Ling Ge suddenly lost his appetite when he saw such eyes.

   His eyes fell on Luo Ning, who was busy roasting meat. He always felt that there was light on her body, and it was getting more and more dazzling.

   After returning to the Imperial City, he will talk to Luo Ning again.

   It used to be Luo Ning who didn't want to give up on him, but now he can't let go of her.

   He had to admit that she succeeded in attracting his attention, always affecting his mind, she won!

  Leng Ying and Bu Yi are just curious if the worm meat is really as delicious as others say.

   After taking a few bites, even if I don’t want to admit it, I have to say that it’s really delicious.

   So they also have no appetite.

  Luo Ning discovered that insect meat can be eaten, and it has a lot of nutrition and energy value that is beneficial to the body.

   In addition, the fact that the Terran side could not be destroyed and won the first place this time is also the biggest credit to Luo Ning and Lu Xun.

   After returning, Luo Ning's credit will be converted into military merit, and his status can be further improved.

   The whole process has been seen by the live broadcast of the star people all over the network, and it will definitely become a highly sought after object in the whole empire.

   This made them jealous, envious, and at the same time helpless. How could this woman be so lucky?

   The audience watching the live broadcast saw that everyone was eating happily, and it didn’t look like an act at all.

  【It turns out that worm meat can be eaten, what have we missed? 】

  【If we knew earlier that worm meat can be eaten, our table would be richer. 】

  【In the past, all humans were eaten by Zerg, but I didn’t expect that there would be another day. 】

  [Originally I felt disgusting looking at these worms, but now I see the golden meat skewers roasted by Luo Ning, I suddenly don't feel disgusting and want to eat them. 】

  【I'm on the frontier star, I'll go fight a zerg in a while to try it! 】

  【I want to try it at the same time, seeing them eat so well, I'm so hungry too. 】

  【Luo Ning has already explained how to peel the shell, where to get the most tender meat, and how to bake the most delicious, I will do it again. "

  【Same as above! 】

   There are people who want to eat it, and there are people in the border star who ran to fight insects and tried it.

   It's not just the human race that is staring at the live broadcast screen and wants to eat, but the alien race is also similar.

   They never thought that it would be delicious to peel off the Zerg.

   looks really delicious.

   Luo Ning's action completely brought the craze of eating insects between humans and aliens, and it has continued.

  The human race and the alien race thought about how to taste the worm meat, or how to cook it well.

  The faces of the top executives and Xingmin who watched the live broadcast of the Zerg changed again and again, and some of them even vomited.

   They didn't expect that one day their own family would be put on the dining table.

   If it proves that their meat is delicious, it also contains energy that can improve physical and mental power.

   They couldn't imagine how ruthless the human race and the alien race would be to the Zerg.

   They may change from the top of the original food chain to an existence that is eaten at the end.

  This **** Luo Ning is just poisonous...

  The high-level Zerg because of this change, the Zerg Emperor immediately held a high-level meeting of the Zerg.

   On the one hand, they discussed how to assassinate Luo Ning and Lu Xun, and on the other hand, they found a way to solve the crisis that a large number of clan insects might be eaten.

   Dangerous Star.

  Luoning looked at Song Yifan and others who had finished eating the skewers and said, "Go to work after eating."

  Song Yifan looked at her puzzled, "What are you doing?"

Luo Ning said as it should be: "Of course, before the Zerg starship arrives, quickly peel off all the 2s and 3s insects, dig out the tender meat, and bring it back to everyone in the Imperial City to taste it together. already."

   "Otherwise, apart from the border star, there are not so many high-level insect meat on the imperial star to eat."

   Starships will have refrigerators that are many times better than modern refrigerators.

   Even after a month or two, the quality of the meat will not change when you go back, just like when you put it in.

  Song Yifan then reacted, "That's right, let's bring some more back to eat."

   He said again: "When the time comes, can you make all the worm dishes you mentioned before and give us a taste? I'm looking forward to it."

  Luoning chuckled and said, "We can't eat alone. After we go back, I'll start a food live broadcast to teach you how to cook worm meat."

  People present: "..." Luo Ning is indeed not ordinary cruelty.

   As soon as this live broadcast starts, I don’t know how many bugs will be saddened.

   But they just wanted to say it was beautiful.

  The human race has been wandering all the time, and finally settled in the interstellar space, but they have been harassed and attacked by the Zerg.

  I don't know how many compatriots of the human race were buried in the insect's mouth, and there were many talented people who became the breeding vessels for the eggs.

   If human beings had the most tenacious vitality and undead spirit, they would have almost been wiped out by the Zerg.

   Fortunately, the human race learned to make mechas, and then gradually they could start to compete.

   This feud has been for thousands of years, and now they feel that eating insect meat is very refreshing.

   I believe that the same is true for other Terran compatriots.

  Song Yifan said with a smile: "Okay, I will definitely come to your live broadcast room every day to stand guard."

  Others also said: "We are also going to squat."

   Then a group of people hurried forward, dragged out the worm meat of 2s and 3s, and started to peel the shells.

   Luo Ning thought of it, Song Yifan and others naturally thought of it too.

   As long as the high-level officials determine the taste and value of insect meat, they can promote this ingredient to the whole people.

   The high-level Terran and Star Miners who watched the live broadcast had big smiles on their faces.

   Then someone couldn't help but ask Luo Ning, "Can aliens eat it?"

   An alien who is carefully learning how to peel and dig insect flesh: "..." Do you want to ask so suddenly.

   can't help but get nervous, they don't want to become ingredients at all.

  Luoning shook his head, "No, the aliens look like firewood, it's definitely not delicious."

   "And humanoids are too cold to eat, so don't try it."

   Alien Race: "..." The gods looked like firewood, it must not be delicious, and it is too cold, is this a human word?

   Aren't they worthy of being ingredients? Who do you look down on?

  Bah, they are not ingredients.

   I have to say that although I am very unhappy with Luo Ning's description, the aliens are still relieved.

  The Zerg originally wanted to gloat over the misfortune, but now they couldn't help being angry.

   Luo Ning is too poisonous, so I just stared at them.

  The human race thinks what Luo Ning said makes sense, and everyone's acceptance of eating insect meat is still high, but it's okay to ignore the alien race, it really likes the cold.

   Just when everyone thought Luo Ning would let the aliens go.

   She added: "Although aliens can't eat it, I found that their hair and the horns on their foreheads can be used as materials for drawing talismans, and the effect will be several times better than the cinnabar I used before."

   Hearing her say that, the human race was excited, they had witnessed the power of Talisman with their own eyes.

   At this moment, Lu Xun emphasized: "In the future, if you collect the hair and horns on the foreheads of the aliens in the battle against the aliens, you can take them to the military in exchange for resources."

   Because of this, everyone couldn't hold back and looked at the alien's hair and the horns on their foreheads as if they were looking at a baby.

   made the bound alien terrified, and scolded Luo Ning countless times in his heart.

   In the live broadcast, there was a sigh of relief, but the alien was suddenly remembered: "..."

  Luo Ning is too poisonous...

   Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~ This story is not much~



   (end of this chapter)

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