After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 699: Star Withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (50)

   Chapter 699 Star withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (50)

  Humans actually felt a sense of crisis after seeing Dangerous Star's game.

   They prepared the same thing as the Zerg and the alien race. After all, no one expected this result before.

  The emperor, Luo family and ancestral generals all arranged reinforcements, but it took time to arrive.

   Originally thought that after they came over, if the alien race and the Zerg had to do something, it would be enough for their legion to hold back the time.

   I really didn't expect that the alien race and the Zerg army would cooperate with the original hatred.

   Sure enough, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

   But if you change to the human race, no matter how great the interests are, it is impossible to cooperate with the Zerg in this life. It is really too deep hatred for thousands of years.

   Everyone doesn't understand what Luo Ning means, but Lu Xun does.

   He smiled and nodded at her, "Of course!"

   Then he said to the ancestral general: "Ancestral general, you leave with all the human races, and Luo Ning and I stay."

  The ancestor general was shocked, "Five princes, you can't do this, even if we die, both you and Luo Ning have to live."

   These two are super 3s human race seeds. Lu Xun should have something special in his mental power. Luo Ning not only knows the ancient runes, but also may be a future super 3s mecha master.

  The people here are all dead in the war. As long as they can change the lives of Lu Xun and Luo Ning, it will be worth it.

   Most of the others thought the same, "Yeah, you go, we stay."

   In fact, not to mention the human race, even the alien race and the Zerg don’t understand.

  The alien admiral raised his eyebrows and said, "The fifth prince and Luo Ning, you are so confident in yourself, do you really think you will survive if you stay alone?"

   "In Luo Ning's words, dreaming is almost the same."

  The Zerg admiral smiled and said, "It is certain to live, but it is because it has become our trophy."

   "When the time comes, we will have one for each clan." The more he talked, the more he felt that this was a good idea.

   Originally, the alien admiral was just sarcastic just now, but it made sense after hearing it.

   He nodded, "As long as the two of them dare to stay alone, we will dare to divide it up, one family."

   These words made the faces of the people of the tribe sullen.

   Luo Ning smiled indifferently, "Okay, this is what you said."

   She still looked arrogant and wanton, "As long as you dare to only let me and Lu Xun stay, we will dare to stay, but don't regret it."

   The alien and the Zerg leader sneered at the same time, "Regret? What a joke."

   Don't say, this Luo Ning is really insane.

   You dare to stay alone with Lu Xun, do you really think that two super-level 3 talents are invincible?

   They brought one of the most elite legions of the two clans. They were basically 3s-level talent warriors, and there were a lot of combined tactics.

   is not comparable to the two Zerg and Alien teams in the previous game.

  Compared to grabbing back the captured aliens and Zerg, it is much more valuable to seize and divide Lu Xun and Luo Ning.

   I don't know if these two were carried away by their previous victories, but for them, it's fine!

  Lu Xun looked at General Zu again, "Take away all the people, including me and Luo Ning's prisoners of war."

   "We won't be stupid enough to die." He emphasized in public that he was not afraid of the generals of the two clans changing their minds.

   After all, the value of the two of them is too great, and the two clans are extremely confident in their own legion strength and will not stop them.

  Admiral Ancestor looked at Lu Xun's firm attitude, and looked at Luo Ning's leisurely and fearless appearance.

   He didn't know what the two were going to do, but before coming here, the emperor and the council had issued orders, and all decisions had to be made by the Fifth Prince.

   So he could only nod, "Okay, then be careful."

  Others wanted to speak, but their ancestors stopped them, "Listen to the order, everyone get on the spaceship and leave this dangerous star temporarily."

   Obeying orders is the duty of a soldier, and everyone can only follow the people of the military to board the spaceship.

   It was at the moment of life and death that Ling Ge realized that Luo Ning was so important in his heart.

   Not to mention death, he felt uncomfortable just thinking that Luo Ning would be injured.

   He walked to Luo Ning, frowned and said, "Don't make trouble, you get on the spaceship, I'll stay."

  Luo Ning knew that Ling Ge was a qualified soldier, but his temperament was really unpleasant.

   "Don't always look good for others, and impose what you think is good on others."

   "I don't need you to change."

  Luo Ning looked at him indifferently, "You don't even understand me, so what qualifications do you have to babble in front of me?"

   "Go away, I'll be annoyed when I see you."

   In that lifetime, Ling Ge never really understood the original body.

   Now I know I regret it, it's too late!

  Ling Ge was annoyed by Luo Ning's words, "You!"

  Luo Ning didn't bother to look at him, so she turned her head and chatted casually with Lu Xun.

  The ancestor general saw this and said to Ling Ge: "You also go, this is an order."

  Ling Ge looked at Luo Ning with his back to him again, he found that he couldn't understand her more and more.

   She really is no longer the Luo Ning she once knew.

   The girl who loves him seems to be never coming back.

   At this moment, he was completely lost and depressed, withdrew his eyes and turned to the spaceship.

   After everyone has boarded the spaceship, the ancestors will let everyone drive the spaceship and battleship out of the dangerous star.

   However, he did not leave completely, but let the battleship stay in the starry sky outside the dangerous star.

   Once something does happen, they're good to go.

   After feeling that the human race's spaceship was far away, Luo Ning and Lu Xun looked at each other and understood what the other party meant.

  This tacit understanding has been cultivated for several generations, and no one can compare it.

  The two got on the mecha at the same time, and also turned on a flight mode to be accelerated.

   When we were chatting just now, Luo Ning quietly stuffed Lu Xun with a few acceleration symbols.

   Seeing the two of them getting on the mecha, the alien general had an inexplicable feeling, and he couldn't tell the bad feeling.

   "Go on, capture them both alive and take them away." He didn't want to delay the accident, so he personally got on the mecha and took people to catch them.

  The Zerg Admiral didn't have that feeling, but he immediately surrounded Luo Ning and the two with the Zerg Legion.

   The audience of the other two groups watching the live broadcast was so excited that they could not wait to arrest them immediately.

   All the people watching the live broadcast couldn't help sweating, staring at the screen nervously.

   Suddenly, Luo Ning and Lu Xun moved.

   To everyone's surprise, they did not attack or prepare for the two clans.

   Instead, he drove the mecha and went underground.

  Alien, Zerg, Terran: "..." What is this going to do?

  The Zerg admiral sneered, "Thinking that if we escape to the center of the earth, we won't be able to catch it? Whimsical."


   They were about to chase down the hole made by Luo Ning's two mechas when they suddenly heard the sound of bombardment of weapons.

   So he stopped, some inexplicable what the two of them were going to do, is there something wrong with their minds?

  But before they could think about it, the whole earth suddenly trembled, and countless cracks began to open around, and the forest was engulfed little by little.

   "What's going on?" The alien admiral said in shock.

   Before waiting for the Zerg Admiral to speak, two streamers suddenly emerged from the ground and headed towards the atmosphere.

   It can also be seen that they are two mechas, and they are Lu Xun and Luo Ning in terms of color.

   But the speed is astonishingly fast, more than ten times that of the normal 3s level mecha.

   They suspected that even the speed of the super 3s level mecha, they were afraid that they would not be able to catch up.

  The Zerg Admiral saw the mecha that had disappeared before his eyes, and couldn't help but utter a foul language, "Damn, we've been fooled."

   His voice just fell, and Luo Ning's voice came from far away, "You are not fooled, but you are too stupid."

   "This dangerous star is simply a super 3s, or even a more advanced living star beast body, enjoy it, goodbye!"

   "No, I'm afraid I'll never see you again!"

   Her voice came again, and then disappeared completely.

   Alien and Zerg: "..." This woman actually cursed them.

  The heart is trembling, it can't be true, right? how can that be?

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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