After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 703: Star Withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (End)

  Chapter 703 Interstellar Withered Empire Rose Cannon Fodder (End)

   After returning to the Imperial City, Luo Ning didn't run around, just living a simple life between school and home.

   Most of the time is devoted to study and research.

   Of course, I also make time for dates.

During the    period, he suffered a lot of assassinations, but she resolved them all.

   Soon another year passed, and the senior year started with mostly practical classes.

   Luo Ning went directly to Luo's mecha company and built his own team to study new types of mechas and super 3s-level mechas.

   On this day, the assistant knocked on the door and came in.

   "Mr. Luo, Leng Ying has researched A-level mecha, which can be driven by people with B-level talent. It has now been announced on the whole network."

   Luo Ning has always made people stare at Leng Ying.

   She smiled and said, "Let her be happy first, and in a month, our results can be announced."

The assistant    nodded excitedly, "Okay, I'll go get ready now."

   Their results are finally coming out, and they all waited for months.

   The efficiency of that Leng Ying is really slow.

   But in the past few months, Mr. Luo has transformed a newer type of mecha.

   The assistant thought about it and reported it again: "Leng Ying has been pestering Ling Ge for more than half a year, and some time ago, he personally went to Border Star to find him."

   "But her terminal was hacked by Ling Ge. She went to the border star and encountered danger. Ling Ge did not appear. She was rescued by another legion."

   I thought I deserved it. I stole their fiance from President Luo at the beginning, but now I can't see it.

  Luoning has not paid attention to his situation since Ling Ge's friend called the terminal that day, and then Ling Ge went to Border Star the next day.

   Hearing this news, she only felt ironic, "It seems that this pair of scumbags and **** can't be locked up."

   "Don't need to pay attention to their news in the future, save time." She ordered.

   Before that life, Leng Ying often despised her original body as a dog licking dog, her love was humble, she only liked to entangle men, but it would push men's hearts further.

   In addition, the original body was stimulated by Leng Ying, and often did what the villain female supporting characters did, so it contributed to Ling Ge and Leng Ying.

  This time, after she arrived, she promptly got out of the entanglement with Ling Ge, and did not participate in the feelings of the two.

   As a result, the two did not succeed.

  What makes Luo Ning amused is that, based on the news she often hears, Leng Ying has completely turned into the dog-licking look she once despised.

   Ling Ge would take care of him at first, but now he completely ignores it, but Leng Ying couldn't let go but became more entangled.

   This is really called the cycle of heaven and retribution!

  Leng Ying's mecha achievement caused a sensation in the whole empire, also known as the first case of cross-talent.

   She was praised very high all at once, and those bad reputations in the past were also washed away by buying a navy army.

   One month later, in the office.

  Leng Ying took Ling Ge's latest battle video against the Zerg and watched it. This battle was won with less, and a large elite group of Zerg was completely destroyed.

   As a result, Ling Ge's combat video was posted on the Star Network by others, and it also meant to promote the power of the human side.

   Her fingertips landed on Ling Ge's handsome face, her eyes couldn't help turning red, "You went to Border Star without saying hello, and you didn't take the initiative to contact me."

   "I didn't answer the terminal when I called you, why are you so cruel?"

   "Is Luo Ning really that good? But now I'm overpowering her, can you turn around and look at me?"

   Leng Ying despised Luo Ning before, but now she has fallen into a trap to realize that it turns out that you can be so humble when you love someone, just for the other person to look at yourself.

   "This time, you must have seen the achievements of my mecha research and development. I will prove to you that I am no worse than Luo Ning, and I am the one you should care about in your heart."

   was talking to himself when her secretary knocked on the door and came in.

   "Master Leng, it's not good."

  Leng Ying's face turned cold when she heard this, and she reprimanded, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

  Secretary has long known that Leng Ying has a bad personality, and takes anger at them when there is no success, and is particularly arrogant when there is success.

   He made a long story short: "Luo family's mecha company announced the untalented mecha developed by Luo Ning, as well as the cross-level combat armor, which completely stole our limelight."

  Leng Ying's face changed, "What? How is this possible."

   She immediately opened Xingwang to take a look, and sure enough, all the popular ones were hung with Luo Ning and her mecha research results.

   It turns out that Luo Ning has developed a mecha that can be driven even if he has no talent level as long as he uses his mental power.

  This kind of mecha is not for the main battle, but a protective mecha, and it can also fulfill the mecha dream of ordinary people who have no talent level.

   The most shocking thing for the entire interstellar is the cross-level combat armor that Luo Ning then announced.

  For example, the mecha warriors who could only drive A-class mechas can now use the new version of S-class mechas.

  2s can drive 3s-level mecha.

   For the Empire, this is a major event that can improve the overall combat strength.

   So Luo Ning managed to steal Leng Ying's limelight and became popular.

  Leng Ying saw Luo Ning's smiling face in the interview, so she couldn't hold back her anger and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

   even gave birth to a sigh of both Shengyu and He Shengliang.

   But she didn't even think about it. Today's achievements in mechas are inseparable from the chance and teacher who cut off Luo Ning.

   After that, she couldn't get in touch with Ling Ge.

   After another half a year, Luo Ning announced that he had developed a mecha that surpassed the 3s level, and also demonstrated the capabilities of some mechas live on the whole network.

   caused a sensation throughout the interstellar space.

   She has also become the first super 3s mecha division in the entire interstellar.

   Another year later, Luo Ning and Lu Xun entered the palace of marriage.

  The two went to the border star to join the army together, driving a super 3s-level mecha, and abruptly solved the original Zerg and alien pressure situation.

   And lead the army to drive the Zerg and the aliens out of the frontier defense a long distance.

   spent two years in the border star, Lu Xun still stayed in the legion, Luo Ning was designated as the heir by Marshal Luo and returned to the imperial star.

  She counted the property under her name, according to the suggestions of netizens on Weibo.

   Created a charity called "Imperial Rose".

  This organization has established schools in all low, middle and high planets. No matter what status people are, even the poor can send their children to school.

  We also set up various professional classes in the school, and those who want to learn voluntarily sign up.

  The tuition fee is not a penny, after all, you can’t cultivate the mentality of getting something for nothing.

   It is also impossible to let the poor give birth to the nobles and the rich because they owe their ideas.

   After all, birth cannot be changed, but fate is actually in your own hands.

   Tuition fee waiver is based on merit, and the waiver is very strong.

  The agency has also established hospitals on various planets. The poor people only need to submit an application, and after passing the examination, the medical expenses will be reduced or exempted a lot or directly free of charge.

  Luo Ning also spent money to raise an elite mercenary battle group, specializing in fighting star thieves, and eliminating star thieves who robbed or robbed many routes.

   Opened an orphanage, adopted orphans who were abandoned, and sent them to the established school to attend classes when they were old.

   has invested in a lot of planting stars, and retired soldiers who have lost their combat effectiveness on the battlefield, if they have not found a job, they can go to work, provide food and accommodation, and the wages are very fair.

  According to the suggestions of netizens, we have done a lot of good things that are beneficial to mankind.

   And because of these charities, Luo Ning's status in the hearts of the people of the empire has been constantly increasing, and she has become the proudest heir to the Luo family.

   Another two years passed.

   On this day, Luo Ning came out of the mecha company and got on Lu Xun to pick up her car.

  Lu Xun said: "Ling Ge was seriously injured, and he will not be able to go to the battlefield in the future. He can only be a cripple, and Leng Ying is in prison."

   Luo Ning was a little surprised and quickly reacted, "Leng Ying moved?"

   The death of the original body was caused by the star thief, but Leng Ying behind it was the pusher.

   She asked people to check, only to find that Leng Ying had rescued the star thief leader.

   Because of this, she told Lu Xun, he told her to devote herself to doing research, and he stared at it, and she didn't care.

  Lu Xun said with a smile: "As you expected, Leng Ying was frustrated again and again and took the initiative to contact the star thief leader."

   "Originally, I wanted to assassinate you. I had people release fake news about your travel, and they were ambushed nearby. I found out the specific location and reported it."

   "It happened that Ling Ge's garrison planet was the closest, so the military sent him there."

   "The head of the star thief did not expect to be ambushed and attacked, especially when he saw Leng Ying, who he liked, betray him because of Ling Ge."

   "So with the idea of ​​perishing together, I **** with Ling Ge."

   "In the end, he may still have feelings for Leng Ying. After sending her to a small spaceship, he detonated their battleship."

   "No one thought he would do this. Ling Ge's mecha was 100% damaged by the explosion, and he was seriously injured by the explosion."

   Luo Ning sighed: "Leng Ying not only made herself imprisoned for the rest of her life, but also killed the man she loves the most. It's amazing."

   Of course, there is also a great role of his family Lao Lu.

   In general, the original body's revenge was also avenged. The two not only regretted it, but also received the punishment and retribution they deserved.

   This incident soon broke out across the empire.

  Leng Ying colluded with the star thieves and wanted to kill Luo Ning, but in the end, he made the very promising Lieutenant General Ling Ge of the empire become a waste.

   This shocked the whole empire, and then Leng Ying became the bed bug everyone yelled at this time.

   is even worse than the one who was scolded in the original life, and his reputation is much more stinky.

   The entire Star Online scolded for a week or two before it gradually stopped.

   After Leng Ying entered the prison, what she did was also known by the people in the same cell.

   These people happen to hate star thieves the most, so Leng Ying has to be cleaned up every day, and the pain of life is unbearable.

   even regretted that after reading this book, why did he think so hard to rob Luo Ning's protagonist and Ling Ge.

   If she hadn't robbed, wouldn't it have been like this?

   And after Ling Ge was treated in the hospital, he went to a modified ecological star, which happened to be the place where he saved the original body.

   Luo Ning felt ironic when she heard the news.

  People say that late affection is cheaper than grass, what is the use of Ling Ge coming to affectionate now? Really cheap.

   In the next time, Luo Ning will develop the mecha business and charity at the same time.

  Lu Xun also became the youngest and strongest marshal of the empire.

  The two retired when they were 100 years old and traveled everywhere together, leaving a strong legacy in the history of the interstellar empire.

  Imperial roses bloom forever!

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~ The last story "The Queen's Cannon Fodder" will start tomorrow, and I will open it separately and quickly through the new book and then turn it into a long novel. I will throw it away in two days and receive it in advance~~



   (end of this chapter)

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