After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 706: Empress and Empress Cannon Fodder (3)

   Chapter 706 The Queen's Cannon Fodder (3)

   Not to mention other people, even the empress sitting first was stunned, obviously surprised.

   She asked inexplicably, "Why does Wu'er want such a birthday present?"

  Luo Ning replied with a smile: "I think they are men, but they have a feeling of being a soldier."

   "I think we can look at the problem in another way."

The Empress    asked, "In what way?"

   Luo Ning replied: "The Queen Mother said just now that we will not let a group of widows go to the border to fight."

   "But I think that if the widows of the Lu family are allowed to go to the battlefield, the soldiers on the borders of other countries will be defeated and routed."

   "Isn't this more of a show of my country's prestige?"

   "After all, those female soldiers are not even as good as the male soldiers in our Yan Kingdom. What face do they have?"

   Luo Ning This is the concept of stealing, but it also makes sense to those present.

  Lu Xun did not expect that this uninhibited and unruly fifth princess would actually help them and say such insightful words.

   He immediately pulled the old lady, "Daddy, go and be loyal to your majesty."

  The old lady is a smart person, and she reacted immediately.

   He got up and knelt down to the Empress again, "Your Majesty, the fifth princess is right, the girls of our Lu family are good girls, and the men are absolutely not afraid of battle, and they must guard the frontier and territory for Your Majesty."

   "Please, Your Majesty!"

   In addition to wanting to avenge the wife and owner, the couples of the Lu family also want to continue the purpose and inheritance of the Lu family.

   As long as the Lu family is immortal, they will fight on the battlefield to defend their family and the country, even if they are men.

   Luo Ning helped: "Emperor, let them try it."

   "I believe that the Lu family are all good sons, and they will definitely give the mother a surprise."

   On the border, there are more than half of the Lu family's army, and no one from the Lu family will take over whoever takes over.

   Besides, with her old Lu family around, the Lu family will not be defeated after they enter the battlefield.

   Hearing this, the prime minister could not hold back and immediately stood up.

   "The Fifth Princess Hugh wants to encourage His Majesty, the man should be at home with his wife and children, and go to the battlefield to hang out with a group of women.

   She is very opposed to men showing off and insulting gentleness.

  Luoning looked at the Prime Minister and raised her eyebrows, "Is the Prime Minister looking down on a man?"

  The Prime Minister frowned, "Men are inferior to women, what's wrong with that?"

  Luo Ning looked at the prime minister with disappointment, "I didn't expect that a country's prime minister would have such a small scale."

   "Prime Minister, aren't you born by your father? Isn't your husband a man? Your son is also a man."

   "You look down on them, which means you look down on your father, your husband and your son."

   She sneered and mocked, "You are not filial, you don't respect your husband, you are not worthy of being a mother!"

  Prime Minister: "..." What kind of nonsense are you talking about, she looks down on men, so she will be charged with unfilial piety and other charges?

   Her face changed with anger, "You, nonsense!"

  She is the prime minister of a country, and being accused by the princess of being unfilial and unworthy of being a mother is simply too embarrassing.

  Luo Ning pouted, "If you can't tell me, just talk nonsense, not only the pattern is not good, but your temperament is not good either."

   She said again: "Emperor mother, the prime minister despises men, not only is not filial, but also disrespectful, the emperor is also a man."

   "Does she look down on the emperor too?"

  The face of the prime minister changed, "Your Majesty, I don't mean that."

  The Empress has the utmost respect and love for Huang Taijun's father.

  If she is labeled as disrespectful to the emperor today, she will definitely be used by people to talk about things in the future.

  Luo Ning hummed, "You have it, I'll tell the emperor in a while."

   Huang Taijun is the father of the empress and also her grandfather.

   The key is that her father is the nephew of the emperor's grandfather, so in addition to being favored by the empress, she is also favored by the largest emperor in the harem.

   Hearing Luo Ning's words, the prime minister's face was about to turn green, "Five princesses, please be careful!"

   These five princesses are completely messing around with the favor of the queen and the emperor, which is unreasonable.

  Other ministers who were also going to be listed against this matter could not help but stop.

  The fifth princess has always been arrogant and domineering, and she doesn't care about important ministers at all. Anyone dares to fight, they should forget it.

  The Empress looked at her daughter and offended the Prime Minister as soon as she spoke, her eyes full of helplessness.

   But she didn't like listening to what the Prime Minister said.

   Looking down on a man doesn't mean looking down on his father, it's just outrageous.

   "Okay, what Wu'er said makes sense."

   She looked at the old lady of the Lu family and said, "I named you the general of Zhenguo, and led the army of the Lu family to kill the enemy and serve the country."

   "If you lose the face of my Yan Kingdom, then the General Zhenguo Mansion will not exist in the future."

The meaning of    is obvious. If the Lu family's man goes to the battlefield and can't stand up by herself, she will take back the title of General Zhenguo.

   There were tears in the eyes of the old lady, "Thank you, Your Majesty. Even if we all die in battle, we will never lose Yan Kingdom's face."

   They went to battle and wanted to keep the title of General Zhenguo, so that they could be worthy of the dead Lu family girls.

   Several others knelt down and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

This decision of the    Empress surprised everyone present.

   I didn't expect that the empress who was most opposed to Lu Jia'erlang going to the battlefield changed her decision because of the words of the fifth emperor.

   The influence of the five princesses on His Majesty is really not that great.

   This is not a good sign.

   Huangguijun, who was sitting next to the Empress, held the cup with pale hands, and his face also had a reluctant smile.

   That **** in life had such a big influence on His Majesty.

   Does this mean that they will never be as good as that person in His Majesty's heart?

   He is unhappy and dissatisfied, he hates it!

   The hearts of several princesses are also particularly unpleasant.

  Why is the Queen Mother so eccentric even as a daughter?

   They were all sore at this time.

While    is afraid of Luo Ning, he still wants to win over more.

   Anyway, Luo Ning is infertile, and it is impossible to succeed her. The mother emperor loves her so much. If they pull people to their side, it will be a great help.

   After all, although I hate this imperial sister / imperial sister, it cannot be denied that her influence on the mother emperor is not generally great.

  The third princess looked at her father, who was a little rude, and tightened her hand holding the wine glass.

   She couldn't figure it out, why is Luo Ning so abnormal today?

   It stands to reason that Luo Ning should ask the Queen Mother to marry her by her birthday.

  Why don't you ask for a marriage, but instead help the widows of the Lu family?

   Could it be that Luo Ning also wants to encroach on military power?

   But is it useful to meddle? A woman who can't give birth to a child is not qualified to succeed the throne.

   She is more sensible than the other sisters.

  The reason why the mother emperor loves the fifth with no bottom line, in addition to the influence of Huang Taijun and Fengjun, the fifth is drinking the poisoned wine for the fifth, and another important point is that the fifth cannot be the next empress.

   Therefore, the mother emperor does not need to be afraid that the fifth child threatens the throne. The heavenly family has no kinship, and it is precisely because there is no such conflict of rights that the mother emperor sincerely raises the fifth child as a daughter.

   In addition, the old fifth has always been unable to support the wall with mud, but she did not take it seriously.

   It is that the fifth child didn't go as she thought today, which made her feel that the plan was a little out of control.

   (end of this chapter)

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