After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 711: Empress and Empress Cannon Fodder (8)

  Chapter 711 The Queen's Cannon Fodder (8)

  Luo Ning could see that the Empress was disgusted on the surface.

   "Queen Mother, then I'll go back first."

   She stood up, as if suddenly remembered something.

   "The Queen Mother, with the insidious temperament of the third child, maybe she will take the initiative to come to the Queen Mother to admit her mistake, and then beat me up."

   "Nine times out of ten, I will go to the palace to see the Empress tonight."

   "She will definitely say, what is it for the sake of sisterhood, and she can't bear to make me sad, so she gave Gong Ruogu to me."

   "Then she couldn't help but be soft-hearted towards Gong Ruogu, so she went privately, she won't admit that they had a relationship."

   "But taking the initiative to admit the mistake will also make the Queen Mother think she didn't mean it, and then soften her heart."

   "I absolutely don't believe she is innocent anyway. She just can't get used to seeing the mother emperor spoiling me, and she is jealous of our mother and daughter's feelings, so she deliberately cuckolds me."

   "So she encouraged Gong Ruogu to let me transfer the iron ore in my father's dowry to the third child."

   "The third child is so shameless. She slept with the man I fell in love with and still thought about my property. She was too bullying."

  Luo Ning said a lot, and hummed again, "Empress Mother, if she asks you to sue you, don't listen to her!"

The Empress    was stunned, "Gong Ruogu asked you to transfer the iron ore to the third child?"

   Laowu has a villa in his hands, which is connected to a large mountain, which is Fengjun's dowry.

After    Fengjun died, iron ore was suddenly discovered in that mountain.

  Because this was what Fengjun left to his daughter, she didn't take it back.

  I just didn't expect it, but the third child remembered it.

  Why does the third child want iron ore? Make weapons?

   At this moment, the Empress couldn't help but start conspiracy theories.

  This is the case with the high-ranking people, who can't tolerate anyone acting as a demon under her nose, still thinking about her daughter of the throne.

  Luoning nodded: "Yes, it was not long ago."

   "Gong Ruogu means, if I don't do it, he won't marry me."

   "At that time, I didn't know that he was hooking up with the third child, and I almost agreed. Someone told me about them a few days ago, but it made me mad."

   She looked angry, "I just said why he wanted to dig my corner for the third child, it turns out that the third child is his concubine."

   This can also explain why she only revealed the relationship between Gong Ruogu and the third child today.

  Otherwise, with the original temperament, knowing that he is wearing a cuckold, it is impossible to endure for a long time.

   Sure enough, the Empress also thought of this.

   She was surprised before, according to the temper of the fifth child, she should have been unable to tolerate the third child wearing a cuckold.

   It turned out that the two were hooked up only two days ago, and if they chose to attack today, they could indeed step on the face of the third child in public.

   She looked at Luo Ning who was holding her anger and comforted, "I know you have been wronged, and I will help you get it back."

   I thought to myself, will the third child come to apologize in person as the fifth child said?

   If this is the case, and the content of the apology is similar to what the fifth child said, it means that the third child is too deep in his scheming, which makes her very unhappy.

   After all, the bystander is clear, and the fifth one can definitely see it more clearly than her mother's point of view.

   Luo Ning felt relieved when she saw the goddess's heart.

   As long as the three princesses take the initiative to apologize, it will be over. She is looking forward to it.

   After finishing the report, he went directly back to the Imperial Palace.

  Her Imperial Palace is also the best, largest and most luxurious among the eight Imperial Daughters.

   Being able to enjoy it, Luo Ning will naturally not wrong himself.

   After taking a bath and a massage under the service of the maid, she lay down on the bed leisurely.

   Fortunately, the queen was afraid that she would break her body before, and all the people who served were women.

   It would be awkward for her to be served by a male waiter.

  Luo Ning hooked her lips, "Tonight, Gong Ruogu and the third princess will definitely not be able to sleep."

   Sure enough, the other side.

  The Palace of the Three Emperors.

   Luo Yi, the third princess, was sitting in the study with a gloomy expression on her face, which was very different from her usual gentle and handsome.

   She couldn't hold back and patted the table heavily.

   "I didn't expect the idiot, the fifth one, to come out like this all of a sudden. With the love and indulgence of the mother emperor, he will definitely investigate the matter between me and Gong Ruogu."

   She sat next to several ministers and two advisers who had long since taken refuge.

   A minister said: "Then shall we hurry up and cover up one or two?"

   They didn't expect that the fifth princess was actually playing with Gong Ruogu, and even in front of so many people, it was revealed that the third emperor and Gong Ruogu had an affair.

   This situation is really bad.

   Not only will the empress' impression of the three princesses become worse, but it will also affect the reputation of the three emperors in the court.

  The third princess shook her head, "It's useless, if you do it, there must be traces. The idiots of the fifth child have discovered this, and the Queen Mother's Dragon Guard will definitely be able to find out."

   "Now we can only think about how to reduce the impact of this incident on me."

   It took a lot of time for her to establish the impression of being elegant, talented, and gentleman in the courtroom, and she was so stained by the fifth child, **** it.

   The key is that after this, all the layouts she had arranged in the past two years were ruined.

  I originally thought that Gong Ruogu would be able to win the fifth, and after marrying the fifth, he would blow the pillow wind, and then let the fifth go to the mother emperor to blow the wind.

   The old fifth has a lot of money, industry and good things. If she wants to get to that position, she needs to spend money to win over ministers and careers before she succeeds.

   At that time, Gong Ruogu will be able to start and turn the old fifth things into hers.

   At first, I watched the fifth madly fall into it according to the plan, who knew that the **** was actually betting and playing tricks with others.

   really **** her off.

   And Gong Ruogu is also a waste, so confidently said that the fifth is being played by him in the palm of his hand.

   Who is playing who now?

   She originally liked and had feelings for Gong Ruogu, but it was worth sacrificing a man she liked for the great cause.

   Besides, in the future, as long as the matter is completed, she can bring Gong Ruogu back to her side.

   Now I suddenly doubt my vision.

   Even the fifth child was playing tricks and humiliated Gong Ruogu in public.

   If she accepts this again, won't she be the man she doesn't want to play with the fifth child?

   "Your Highness, if the Empress cannot be changed to investigate this matter, there is only one way to go," said a counselor.

  The third princess heard this and pulled back her thoughts, "What way?"

  The counselor replied: "Take the initiative to admit the mistake to the Empress."

   "His Royal Highness said that you and Gong Ruogu have known each other for a long time, but I didn't expect that the fifth emperor would have a deep-rooted love for Gong Ruogu."

   "You can't bear to see your sister sad, so you want to give up your love."

   "Who knew that Gong Ruogu would not give up on you. I had sought it out several times in private, but you all refused."

   "It made the Fifth Princess misunderstood."

   "His Royal Highness can admit that he has a private relationship with Gong Ruogu, but never admit that you have had a relationship together."

   "After the explanation, I kept admitting my mistake, saying that I shouldn't be indecisive, let the five emperors misunderstand, and shouldn't be soft-hearted towards Gong Ruogu."

  The third princess frowned slightly, "In this case, will the mother be disappointed with me?"

   Counselor said: "Does your Highness think that if you don't apologize, the Empress will not be disappointed in you?"

   "It's better to take the master control in your own hands."

   "The Empress is in her prime and is still an ambitious emperor. She is not happy that any of her daughters has a reputation over her."

   "His Royal Highness voluntarily admits mistakes, which is also equivalent to placing a weakness and stain in front of His Majesty."

   "Although His Majesty will still be disappointed with His Highness, but he never found out in person, and the disappointment of His Highness is even worse."

   "His Royal Highness can also take advantage of this incident. During this period of time, he will accumulate power, keep a low profile for a period of time, and let a few people from the First Princess go to dance."

   I have to say that the counselor's words spoke to the heart of the three princesses.

   In fact, she no longer wants to admit her mistakes. After such an analysis, it is necessary to apologize.

  Others also expressed that they thought this idea was a good idea.

   So the three princesses stood up, "Okay, I'll go into the palace now and admit my mistake to the queen mother."

   You can’t wait until tomorrow to be ginseng to admit your mistake, otherwise you will miss a good opportunity.

  The three princesses entered the palace non-stop, unaware that all the plans were predicted by Luo Ning.

   has fallen into the pit that Luo Ning dug a long time ago, and can't jump out.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~ I will send it back and correct my mistakes~



   (end of this chapter)

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