He Ziming cooperated with the Election Party at the age of twenty-nine, and the crime of the biggest secret sale of human organs behind the Fair Party was brought out. This led to the complete downfall of the Fair Party, including the He family. All the families that followed the Fair Party's bad things all fell over.

The Fair Party leader and several participated in the live. The owner and wife who picked and sold human organs, including He Kunshan and Fang Yun, were sentenced to death.

"White-eyed wolf, you ungrateful white-eyed wolf! If it weren't for us, our family took you from the orphanage in the country to the emperor's upbringing. Where can you have today?" He Ziming finally saw the gentleness and demureness, and his anger was beyond control Mrs. Fang Yun, who was discolored and full of hatred, said: "But now you have betrayed the Fair Party and betrayed the He family, you must not die!"

He Ziming looked at the gracelessness of the woman in front of her, but a smile evoked on her lips: "I am ungrateful, I must not die, but Madam, what do you and your husband do to me?"

"If not, we adopted you and brought you to the imperial capital, where can you have today? And how can you reach people at this level, if not for us ... I'm afraid today, you are still a farmer working in the countryside and working in the countryside What about this? It's not a kindness. What else can be a kindness? You, this terrible white-eyed wolf! "Fang Yun was full of resentment.

He Ziming laughed softly, but said, "I am a white-eyed wolf? But when your wife and your husband accuse me, they seem to forget my parents. How did your uncle and uncle die? Kill the father Aunt ’s hatred is not shared, do you say that there is greater mercy between us or greater hatred? ”

He Ziming came here today to deliberately send the culprit who killed his parents ...

As soon as He Ziming's words fell, He Kunshan, who had been silent, changed his face: "You-you know, you already know that you have been pretending for so many years? Did you come to us for revenge?"

"You-do you actually know?" Fang Yun followed his expression.

Their husband and wife couldn't think of it. He Ziming actually knew his own life and the events of the year ... Then, He Ziming knew the long-term things.

And for so many years, he has never shown himself before him ...

too terrifying.

He Ziming's scheming camouflage is terrible.

"If I don't know, who else can avenge my parents who died injustice under Jiuquan?" He Ziming smiled and smiled. He neither admitted nor denied the doubt, but just said, "The cycle of heaven, retribution. Unhappy, after doing so many evil things, ending in such an end, Mrs. He and Mrs. He should have expected it. "

Raising his head is a god.

Everyone should pay for what they have done.

"The cycle of heaven is circulated, retribution is unpleasant, hahaha ~" Fang Yun haha ​​laughed and looked at He Ziming's face sternly, as if it was then that she knew where her family was planted, she hated watching He Ziming said: I should kill you and your parents together. I should n’t leave your life for the sake of one thought, let alone my heart and care about you being the blood of the He family, and Kunshan killed you from the orphanage. Come out and take home! "

It's hard to buy a long time ago.

If she had known that their family would be planted on He Ziming, she should have cut the grass and rooted him, and killed He Ziming and his parents together.

"You brought me out of the orphanage because Yu Yu couldn't bear to care that I was the blood of the He family?" He Ziming listened to her as if she had heard a big joke: "It's not because your husband and wife have been punished. , Because your son has a blood disease and needs a mobile blood bank, it just so happened that I was extremely precious panda blood to get me over as a blood storage container? "

As for the truth, he subdued the lady He.

Fang Yun had no reason to argue, but had to look at He Ziming fiercely and cursed, "He Ziming, you must not die!"

"Before I die, as a nephew, I may have to take you for a ride, please." He Ziming nodded with a smile.

He snapped his fingers, and immediately the police stepped forward to bring the He Kunshan couple in prison uniforms and handcuffs to the execution ground for the injection ...

Fang Yunlin's mouth could not stop cursing and hating He Ziming: "He Ziming, I will wait for you under Huang Quan, and I will not let you die until then."

"Why can't you take me while you are alive? How can you die?" He Ziming smirked and said, "Not to mention, before you waited for me, my parents had been waiting for you more than 20 years under the ground." Mr. He, Mrs. He. "

He Ziming watched as He Kunshan and Fang Yun were escorted to the execution platform. They were injected with deadly drugs on time, struggling, and dying of gas until they became completely cold and turned into two corpses. Place of execution ...

With the death of the couple, the grudges and hatred between him and the He family and the couple also ended.

He Ziming's accident was already his thirty-two-year-old accident. Even he himself did not know whether his accident was an accident or a deliberate murder. He had no way to guess if someone was behind the scenes. If so, who killed him ...

No way, this is the case in a political vortex. Politics is extremely dangerous.

There are too many people who want his life, and He Ziming can't even count them.

He hurriedly reviewed his life and watched his car collide with another car at night.

"The last world, your life has been reviewed ... Will the host choose to return to his own body, or stay in the mission world to continue various fast-wearing tasks?" The mechanized voice of the system rang in He Ziming's mind immediately.

He Ziming smiled thoughtlessly and said, "Of course it is to return to his body."

He has experienced so many fast-wearing worlds just to return to his own body and life, not to become a system npc in countless fast-wearing worlds.

"I think I need to remind you that we don't have the right to look back in time in the real world, so even if you go back, you can only go back a few years after your car accident, not before it." Together After so long, the system is still very reluctant to He Ziming.

He Ziming raised an eyebrow: "What do you mean?"

With his knowledge of the system, the words of the system must have not been finished.

"That is to say, after your brain died in a car accident, your body can only be kept intact, not damaged, and alive ... your consciousness returns to the body, you can be resurrected. If your body has been buried, or Cremation, you go back to death completely, and even consciousness no longer exists. "System dedicated reminder:" In the virtual world, we cannot detect your physical condition in the real world ... Excuse me Do you still insist on going back? "

It tried to persuade He Ziming.

He Ziming returned with a half and a half chance to live, but if he stayed, his consciousness could get eternal life.

In the face of its lobbying, He Ziming's attitude was firm and unchanged: "Go back."

Even if he died, he would die in his own body and return to his own world ... He didn't want to live forever in a state of falsehood in this way.

"Okay." Seeing that he couldn't change his mind, the system could only send him back.

He Ziming's consciousness became transparent little by little in the system hall. Just before it disappeared, he said with a smile to the system: "All, I will miss you."

"Get out, get out." The mechanical sound of the system was a little choked with impatience.

He Ziming's consciousness finally disappeared completely in the system hall and began to return to his own body.

As for whether his body in the real world has been judged to have been cremated, buried, or kept there like a vegetative body, he lives mechanically ...

Even He Ziming himself was unclear.

Only his legal first and only relative, Jiang Zesheng, was able to make this choice.

But how exactly would Jiang Zesheng choose?

He Ziming himself was not very clear.


When He Ziming was a little conscious again, the whole person was already in the clouds and fog, and I do n’t know where it is tonight. He wanted to open his eyes, look at things, and move ... but he couldn't open or move ...

Every day, he can only hear a voice that makes him feel very familiar, and the voice that is not cold is chattering in his ears, sometimes telling him stories like coaxing children, sometimes reading poems and singing nursery rhymes ... … Inexplicably, the sound made He Ziming feel warm and nostalgic.

Every day that He Ziming couldn't move, I was eager and looking forward to the sound, and accompanied him. When the sound went away, he would feel very lonely and unhappy.

On this day, He Ziming waited for a long time. The owner of this voice didn't come, which made He Ziming very unhappy.

He Ziming waited for a long time, but finally came the voice that made him nostalgic, but it was accompanied by another female voice.

He Ziming was even more upset.

"When are you going to be ridiculous? He Ziming is dead, he was declared brain dead by the doctor, and he will never wake up ... you have to let the hypnotist again and again put your consciousness into his consciousness. Here, trying to awaken his consciousness, hundreds of times, sometimes a few days, sometimes a dozen days, he did n’t wake up, but your spirit was getting weaker and weaker, and you could n’t support it at first sight, did you know that you have been The mentally ill patient. "The older female voice spoke in a sloppy tone to the voice that made him nostalgic:" When he was alive, I didn't see how you loved him? He is dead now, and you are tossing again What? "

Who is He Ziming?

What does it mean to have never died of brain death and never wake up?

He Ziming didn't understand and didn't know what the female voice was talking about. He couldn't do anything, but listened in silence.

"The abuse of hallucinogenic addiction, do you think you have a few lives to do so? Do you think you can see him again with hallucinogens? I tell you, it's all your hallucinations, he's dead Jiang Zesheng! "The female voice kept talking about the master who made He Ziming miss the voice.

The master of the voice rarely replied, only when the woman said that He Ziming was dead, and sadly and firmly corrected: "No, he is not dead, he will definitely wake up again."

The young man's voice revealed a deep, restrained sorrow.

Letting He Ziming follow her heart is unconscious, and wants to hug him and coax him.

He Ziming thought that the owner of this voice must be a very important person to him.

Otherwise, how could he be so distressed?

"He has been sentenced to brain death by a doctor. Do you know what is called brain death? That is, he has already died. He is lying alive and breathing, but it is only a dead body that can breathe, as long as the oxygen mask When he pulls out, this body will die with his soul. "The woman suspected of being a mother and mother violently corrected the man.

The master of the voice was still stubbornly correcting: "It was the doctor's diagnosis that was wrong, he was only asleep temporarily. He was not fatally injured, how could he cause brain death? The vegetative was not a precedent for waking up."

"Vegetarians can use hypnosis to get relatives into his consciousness to awaken his sleeping consciousness." The woman sneered, sneering at the man's self-deceptive rhetoric: "But what about him? How many times have you entered his consciousness Now, his consciousness has not fluctuated at all, even the doctor advised you to give up ... he is completely dead and cannot wake up anymore, when will you deceive yourself? "

The man is still insisting, firm: "No, he is not dead, every time I enter his consciousness, I will have a long and long dream, I can feel him, he is alive, and one day he will wake up . "

The man is not dead, who is he alive?

He Ziming didn't know. He just realized from the man's words that the man must care about him. The inexplicable He Ziming was a little jealous.

He cares about men like this, how can a man care more about him than he does?


"If, as you said, he is still alive and conscious, and as his legal spouse, you ca n’t wake him up and down again and again, you can only explain one problem, that is, he does n’t want to wake up at all. I don't want to see you, I just want to hide from you, I would rather be a lying corpse here than to wake up with you. "The woman said fiercely.

As soon as she said this, there was silence in the ward immediately, and there was no more sound ...

Only one volt of breathing was heard.

Her voice was too sharp.

He Ziming, who didn't understand everything, felt a tingle inexplicably, not to mention a man.

The man made no sound for a long time.

He Ziming felt his sorrow and pain from the air.

"No, it's not like this." He Ziming wanted to refute the woman, hug him, and coax the man so that he would not be so sad.

But sadly, he could do nothing.

"Ze Sheng, he is dead, you accept this reality, let the doctor take his oxygen mask off, and come out from this matter quickly." The woman was also aware of her own words, then softened. In tone, he reassured again: "In the beginning, although it was the Fair Party who proposed marriage, it was you who wanted to congratulate him ..."

"I don't know what happened between you, and you feel that you owe him something, and you don't know why you never told him that you are the one who has been helping his netizens ... Mom knows you are sorry, but in the past The end is over. "The woman sighed deeply:" You have already avenged him, and Qingyun did not know how much he did behind him. You have been entangled in grievances for so many years. It's ... "

Who are the netizens?

Who proposed He Ziming?

He Ziming had a mass of paste in his brain, and he couldn't understand the intertwined relationship.

The man did not speak for a long time.

He Ziming suddenly wanted to open his eyes to look at him, and to look at the one in front of him, he was planning to do another powerless attempt.

But what He Ziming didn't expect was that he actually opened this time ...

Jiang Mu's station was facing the bed where He Ziming was lying. When she saw Jiang Zesheng silent, she was trying to say something to persuade him, but she suddenly saw He Ziming's eyes that opened suddenly.

The mother of Jiang suddenly exclaimed, "Oh! Hey!"

Sitting on the side of He Ziming's bed, Jiang Zesheng followed her screaming and hurriedly looked at the people lying on the bed.

He Ziming, who had just opened his eyes, just faced a gloomy, decadent, pale and tired Junxiu face ... Although not very flattering, it was the type he liked.

He Ziming thought like that in his heart.

"You ... are you awake?" The man appeared unconsciously, his gloomy eyes flashed with hope, star-like light.

He Ziming started talking and asked, "You ... who are you?"

"Don't you remember? I'm Jiang Zesheng ..." The man clenched his fist unconsciously.

He Ziming shook his head subconsciously. After a while, he asked, "Who am I?"

"You are He Ziming."

"What is our relationship?"

Jiang Zesheng was silent for a while before he was restrained and replied, "I am your husband in the legal sense."

If life is just like first sight, why is Qiu Feng sadly painting a fan.

Then let's go back to the first sight and start over from the first sight ...

(End of text)

The author has something to say: There will be a fairy and magic fan tomorrow! muah!

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