After hearing Gu Chen's words, He Zisheng stumbled, but did not return to God for a long time: "Being together ..."

It seems that I can't understand how Gu Chen and He Ziming are together.

"Yes, Chang'an is sorry, I have been hiding from you before, I am actually a broken sleeve, His Royal Highness too. So, we are together ... like, the kind between men and women." Gu Chen had always admired For him, he is no longer admired now, and in the face of He Zisheng, he can openly declare his broken sleeve identity.

He Zisheng still couldn't help himself: "Broken sleeves?"

The concept that men and men can fall in love and be together is a new thing for him ... and he had never thought of it before.

How can men and men be together?

"Yes, I like men by nature." Gu Chen stunned, and told the truth, and asked, "His Royal Highness, too, shouldn't you think I am a stranger, and since then you don't recognize me as a friend. ? "

Growing up together as a child, for Gu Chen who is weak, he still cherishes the friend He Zisheng very much.

He Zisheng stumbled for a long time, as if he had just come back to God. Although he was a little embarrassed, he patted Gu Chen's shoulder suddenly, and said, "How can it be? You and I grew up together, and we have trouble and communion with each other. Why should I This is a trivial matter that dislikes you? It's just Ziqing, you really shouldn't hide from me for so long. "

"I said why your kid hasn't been close to being a woman. It turns out that you have always liked men!" He watched Gu Chen teased.

Gu Chen looked at him with relief and felt that he no longer had to worry about losing his friend He Zisheng.

He Zisheng paused, and then tentatively asked, "What about you and my big brother?"

"We love each other like a man and a woman. I want to keep going with His Royal Highness." He knew he couldn't hide it from He Zisheng, and didn't try to hide it.

He Zisheng asked him: "You two love each other and want to go on?"

"Yes!" Gu Chen said.

He Zisheng asked again, "I ... Brother Huang also think so?"

"... It should be." Gu Chen frowned slightly, but not so sure.

He Zisheng groaned for a while, seemingly standing in the position of a friend, but said, "Since your heart is determined, I'm not good at persuading you, but it will not be easy for the two men to go on in the end ... you are a family Son, my emperor is a prince again ... you are passionate now and ca n’t listen to opinions, but as a friend I still have to persuade you that you ca n’t devote yourself too much, after all, you have to leave yourself a back road what."

"My prince is my prince. I do n’t have to be afraid to ask my father to cover him behind. I just want to go back and chill out. You ... If you are too involved, something will happen to my elder brother. You're gone, Ziqing. "He said carefully.

Gu Chen was struck by his words, and then fell into thought.

The two talked about each other. Gu Chen saw that it was not too early, and then he said goodbye to him.

He Zisheng looked at his back. The previous moment was a gentle and close friend, and the next moment he changed his face, his face was gloomy, and the whole person became extremely hazy. He clenched his fists with his hands, and even his nails were unconscious. He didn't notice it in his own flesh.

"Together?" He murmured, repeating Gu Chen's words that had a strong impact on him.

After a while, he rang a ring finger to summon the dark guard in his sky-eye organization.

Dark Wei respectfully respected him by saluting him: "Master."

"Oh my god, what do you say about a man and a man to be together?" He Zisheng asked something almost inexplicable.

As a destiny son of a straight steel man, he really knows nothing about this.

So, that night, He Zisheng went quietly to a men's style hall under the leadership of the Sky Eye organization to pass on the message, the three teachings and nine streams gathered in the Men's Style Museum, and found a room to watch the live spring between men and men for one night.

He Zisheng then knew that men and men could really be together ...

It really can be so ...

So how should Gu Chen and He Ziming work together?

He Zisheng licked his chapped lips, there was no wave on his face, but he was very moved.

"Drip! You can increase the favorability of the host He Zisheng by 25 points. At present, the character favors the host by 100 points, reaching deep love, unforgettable, please host attention."

He Ziming was lying on the bed exactly, playing the system's own games in his mind, and suddenly a sound of increased system favorability sounded in his mind.

However, the object of this increased favorability is not Gu Chen, who is his favorite, but He Zisheng, the son of fate ...

"Everyone, are you sure you are not mistaken? The person who has the most unforgettable feelings for me is He Zisheng, not Gu Chen? Are you sure you did not have a bug?" He Ziming was reminded by this, and immediately in his mind He cried out: "I haven't done anything recently. I haven't even met He Zisheng very much. How can I make him reach 100 points at once, but Gu Chen, I have used him many times." Spring Festival drunk '... "

He felt really incredible.

The favorability of this destiny's son has grown illogical, without scientific basis.

The small mechanical sound of the system, without any feelings, asked: "Who is all?"

"You, all." He Ziming answered without thinking.

The system immediately exploded in He Ziming's mind, and instantly made He Ziming's soul feel the spit and disdain of his eyes in his mind.

Instantly made He Ziming's soul a little dazed: "..."

"Please don't give me a nickname, please call me thank you." The system waited for him to wake up before he made a solemn statement in He Ziming's mind with mechanical sounds.

He Ziming immediately corrected the situation with kindness: "Okay, system, but those are not the points just now. The point is that you really haven't released bua? Do you need anti-factory maintenance?"

"Otherwise, why did I use the" Spring Night Drunk "so many times, Gu Chen still favored me at 65 points, but He Zisheng, who did nothing, suddenly reached 100 points, and he was deeply in love. What? I clearly remember that when I watched the day before yesterday, when he was 75 points towards me, the emotional classification was still brother and friend Christine. Why did he suddenly become deeply in love? "He was puzzled and could only think that he The system should probably be repaired.

"First of all, I'm sure I don't have a bug and I don't need back-field maintenance. Secondly, as the greatest ai of this century, my data will not go wrong, although I don't know what the stupid host did to cause Gu Chen's affection for the host is fixed at 60 points and has not changed. He doesn't know what the stupid host did to cause He Zisheng's brother and friend of the host's emotion classification to change into an unforgettable deep love ... but the data is like this It shows that this world figure's feelings towards the host are right! "The system rebutted with a very calm mechanical tone.

He Ziming: "..."

Well, since you are so persistent, I will believe you once.

Who makes you my system?

In order to find out what is wrong with He Zisheng, He Ziming suddenly changed his affection from his brother's admiration for his elder brother to his eternal love. He took the time to summon He Zisheng once.

However, after seeing this, He Ziming increasingly felt that his system was probably a bug and needed to be returned to the factory for repair.

He Zisheng is still a gentle and quail-like figure. He is a gentle and obedient boy. He doesn't see much power, and he doesn't see any other thoughts on He Ziming.

"The minister sees His Highness ... His Royal Highness." He Zisheng looked in awe of his awe. He subconsciously said something wrong, and immediately changed his mouth when he was half wrong.

He Ziming looked at him, and he felt like he was bullying a child.

But in order to maintain the human character, he still gave He Zisheng a grumpy look: "What kind of ghost is His Royal Highness? Daxing also has a second prince?"

He Zisheng immediately turned pale and looked at He Ziming, pitifully, making people feel that he could cry in almost a second.

"Sorry, His Royal Highness, it was the minister who said something wrong." He immediately and sincerely apologized to He Ziming.

Seeing He Ziming's heart was weak, he waved his hands helplessly and said, "If you want to be the big brother, just call the big brother, you are free."

Others set up almost the same, but also do not want to embarrass the destiny.

"Yes, Brother Big Emperor ..." He Zisheng heard him say it, and immediately he felt happy and elated.

He paused, and after He Ziming said you were casual, what did you suddenly think of? Then he whispered and asked, "... me, can I call you a big brother? Big brother."

I do n’t know why, when looking at the current He Ziming, he suddenly thought of the big brother who was carrying him around when he was young, playing around with him, looking at himself with a gentle and quiet look, and full of his brother's spoiled feeling ... He thought that when he was young, his memory would become more and more blurred ...

But somehow, after knowing the soft heart He Ziming covered under the fierce mask, his memories of his childhood, the good impression He Ziming had treated him became clearer and clearer.

He wanted to call Big Brother He Ziming again.

He Ziming watched him for a while.

He Zisheng held his breath motionlessly, as if he was scared that he didn't do well enough to scare him, and he changed He Ziming's mind.

"Just call it if you want, whatever you want." A moment later, He Ziming closed her eyes, but said so.

He Zisheng was overjoyed, and immediately called out: "Brother ..."

He Ziming suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him for a while, but said, "He Zisheng, I don't want to hate you anymore."

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