Thunder Rain and Dew are all graces. Facing the emperor's marriage, even He Ziming, as the emperor's favorite son, cannot refuse.

Gu Chenpo didn't know how to face He Ziming. Until his party left the Royal Study Room, he waited for a moment before he quietly called He Ziming: "His Royal Highness--"

"Are you intentional? Gu Chen." He Ziming looked at his pale face, but ridiculed and shook him away in disgust.

Just like Gu Chen used to use the most malicious intent to measure him, and used the greatest malicious intent to measure him ...

Gu Chen suffocated, and finally felt some of He Ziming's original feeling, but he still forced himself to bear his temper and said, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I really didn't expect my elder brother and father to make this happen to the emperor. go with……"

He didn't want to make things happen to the emperor to force He Ziming to be with him again. He just wanted to tell his father and brother that he liked men, like He Ziming ... nothing more.

"Have you thought that it doesn't matter, what's important is that things have already become like this, I have no right to choose." He Ziming sneered: "You satisfied? Gu Chen."

Gu Chen said: "His Royal Highness-You don't want to do this."

He couldn't stand such bad words like He Ziming.

"Don't do anything?" But He Ziming wanted it this way, and stabbed the other side with the sharpest words. "Gu Chen, I disgusted you."

After he finished speaking, leaving Gu Chen and turning, he was leaving.

Gu Chen grabbed him.

He Ziming stared angrily.

Gu Chen digs out of his arms for a long time, and pulls out something that is not very delicate in workmanship. He can't say anything, and clumsily puts it into He Ziming's hand: "His Royal Highness, I give it to you."

This is what He Ziming always wanted with him in the past, but Gu Chen never promised to give him a token of love.

Gu Chen was lying in bed for two months and never had time to do it himself ...

It is his sincerity.

"Dice?" When He Ziming looked at the dice embedded with Acacia beans, he understood Gu Chen's meaning, but he still laughed and laughed: "Dinglong dice, An Hongdou, do you know Acacia? Gu Chen, what do you mean, you Such people also understand what is called acacia. Does anyone have a position to ask others if they know? "

Gu Chen's sincerity was something that He Ziming could not have asked for in the past, but He Ziming did not want it at this moment.

Gu Chen ignored his evil words and only pleaded softly, "... His Royal Highness, let's start again."

"Restart? Oh, Gu Chen, what do you take as the king, do you call a dog that is going away? You say you can start again when you start again, huh?" He Ziming heard him say, I wanted to hear something like a joke, and I laughed: "My king told you today that even if you and I are married, my king will never start again with you if I live with a dog in the future, and you will die." Heart it. "

Gu Chen ignored the ruthless words he put down, just looked at him very seriously, and said with a certain tone: "We will one day be able to return to the past, Changfeng."

"There will always be one day ..." he said.

This person is so soft, he doesn't believe that he can't move him with a lifetime ...

He Ziming sneered at his confession: "Oh-"

"Your Highness, you are thin." Gu Chen shook his hand gently, and looked at him carefully for a long time, said.

He Ziming shakes off his hand: "My king doesn't want you to play tricks."

With only one sentence left, he turned away without looking back.

But he was such a genre, and then fell into Gu Chen's eyes, but he did not feel displeased at all, but felt that He Ziming was cute and cute!

They will one day be able to return to the past. Gu Chen firmly believes that ...

After the emperor ordered to marry, Gu Chen's ugliness and the ugly scenes of He Ziming's troubles were immediately known to the public, which caused many people to ridicule and ridicule him in private. In private, intentionally, in a tone that Gu Chen could hear, said that a man like Gu Chen was worse than a woman. It was really wrong to give birth, and it would be better to have a daughter and fall into the family's wise life.

It made Gu's family embarrassed.

Although Gu Chen himself didn't care much, it was actually a way for Gu Chen to appreciate the ridicule and suffering suffered by a prince who was caught by him in the scandal that broke his sleeve.

Although the emperor's will was to firmly confirm the identity of Princess Gu Chenan, He Ziming was able to drag on again and again, and Gu Chen was unwilling to force him.

Their drag on marriage was dragged on to the replacement of the court and the emperor, and the new emperor succeeded.

After Gu Chen understood the misunderstanding between He and He Ziming and the loopholes in He Zisheng's words, even if He Zisheng resembled all the loopholes and covered up the past, he told the lies in a round. The relationship is no longer the past, and nodded.

But He Zisheng is indeed the son of fate in this world. Even without Gu Chen's help, he quickly rose up because of a brutal battle, because of leading soldiers to fight, and succeeding in succession, condensing a certain amount of power and people's hearts, singing all the way, in many ways The race for power has changed from an obscure prince to a new prince, and he has become king.

Since that incident, He Ziming has never let He Zisheng enter the palace. Later, he faced the new crown prince repeatedly, and never gave him a good look.

After the new emperor's succession, many people who saw He Ziming's discomfort were called He Ziming, the prince An An, who was beloved in the pre-Emperor period, I was afraid that it would be bad.

Prince An's house was up and down.

Only He Ziming was indifferent, as he always did.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty declares that you will be in the palace!" He Zisheng and the **** standing in front of He Ziming's house announced his purpose with arrogance.

He Ziming was too confused, and he refused to enter the palace with one sip: "No!"

"I also hope that my father-in-law returns to the Holy Ming, and the King is holding him in his body. It is really inconvenient for him to enter the palace and see the Holy Spirit. He brought the sickness into the palace. Please also invite His Majesty Haihan." The people directly under him returned with this words That eunuch.

I don't know how many times this happened this month.

The people under He Ziming were shocked.

Even the old housekeeper couldn't help but persuade him, "My lord, Your Highness Six is ​​no longer the same as before, and it is no longer the past ... even if you have as many suspicions as His Highness Six, this should not be the case. I wo n’t give half-face, but now your Majesty is no longer Emperor. "

"Even if he is His Majesty? My King is Prince An's prince's seal. Would you be afraid of him if he had a gold medal in hand to avoid death?" He Ziming performed his death to the extreme.

Seeing the old housekeeper frowning, he really didn't know how to persuade him.

After that, the relationship between He Ziming and He Zisheng fell directly into the freezing point. He Ziming unilaterally, but after the marriage of the emperor and Gu Chen, the relationship was cold but actually eased a lot ...

As a result, both He Zisheng's blackening value and Gu Chen's favorability increased.

At present, the blackening value of He Zisheng and Gu Chen's favorability are both maintained at 98 points.

He Ziming once made a bet with the system to see if He Zisheng's blackening value reached 100 points first or Gu Chen's favorability reached 100 points first. Now he continues to die, just to thoroughly verify this.

"Drop! Remind the host, the black target of He Zisheng, who can be attacked, reaches 100 points, please pay attention to the host."

After He Ziming once again refused to enter the palace without knowing his life, He Zisheng went on to follow the situation to speculate on the court's courtiers who participated in the memorials, which was based on plotting misconduct, and he speculated that the Royal Forest surrounded the Prince ’s House and invited He Ziming to the palace .

"Master Wang ..." When the Prince's House was surrounded, the old housekeeper was extremely worried. He was worried when he looked at He Ziming, for fear that he would die in the hands of He Zisheng.

However, He Ziming made a gesture of calmness and calmness towards him. "No matter what, the king is the king of An, who was sealed by the emperor, and the elder brother of the saint. Today, the king himself gave up the throne. , These villainous villains can still harm the king? When His Majesty finds out the truth, he will release the king to his house. "

Having said that, there was fearlessness and he entered the palace with Yu Linjun.

"The minister sees the emperor, and my emperor is alive forever." He Ziming met He Zisheng, who was full of blackened value, and worshiped, frankly.

To this day, he has not had close contact with He Zisheng for nearly two years.

At this time, He Zisheng had completely lost the appearance of a teenager two years ago, but was sharpened by the military career much higher than He Ziming, completely like an adult.

He Zisheng laughed when he saw him. It was still gentle as usual, but the full-heartedness and superior attitude revealed in his manners could not be masked: "Brother, the emperor is here, come over and let me see, I remember that I have been here for almost two years. I've never seen Brother Big Emperor, it's really hard to meet Brother Big Emperor. "

He treats He Ziming as close as ever, except that the word “朕” in his own name reminds them that their identities have changed.

"Thank Your Majesty for your concern, Wei Chen is afraid!" He Ziming stepped back, polite and courteous.

However, for two years, their status has been completely reversed ...

Seeing him behave like this, He Zisheng smiled coldly: "I am afraid? Prince An still knows what is fear? You are not the Prince An, who was sealed by the emperor, but the elder brother of the emperor. Is the dead gold in hand? How can you be afraid of me? "

"Your Majesty knows everything about Central Beijing." He Ziming smiled slightly, but was mocking.

"Prince An, you really should be scared. You know so many secrets, and have insulted you for so many years, how can you not be scared?" He Zisheng followed him and laughed: "I know that Brother Xiong has first Huang Qin's gold medal for death-free death, but the big emperor should also know that the monarch wants to die, and the minister has to die ... In the past, the emperor was a fish, the emperor was a sword. It's the turn of the sword, and the emperor is fish. What does the emperor say?

Successor King Loser Kou.

Manipulating his life and death, wiping black into white and white into black are the exclusive privileges of the superior.

"What does Your Majesty want?" He Ziming raised an eyebrow at him.

He Zisheng chuckled: "Naturally, he wants everything that he wants belongs to him. Those who know that he shouldn't let anyone know the secret are all gone in this world."

He was threatening.

"Then Your Majesty will do whatever he wants." He Ziming set aside life and death, it didn't matter.

He Zisheng's eyes were almost red, and he definitely looked at He Ziming for a long time. He wanted to wait for him to ask for himself, but never waited: "Really?"

He Ziming said nothing.

"Prince An's plan was wrong, he bullied the monarch, attempted to rebel, and somebody gave him wine!" He Zisheng ordered, and a palace man brought the wine.

He Ziming never moved.

He Zisheng was anxious, and immediately said, "Brother also asked my brother to drink this glass of wine obediently. After drinking, you and I will not be brothers again!"

He Ziming reached out to pick up the wine.

He hadn't done anything himself yet, and the system screamed in his mind: "Host, can't drink, what if you drink and die? Gu Chen's favorability is worse than the last two points."

"He Zisheng, I wish I wouldn't see you again in the next life!" He Ziming ignored him at all, took the wine glass and drank everything in it.

The medicinal strength of the wine was so great that He Ziming collapsed to the ground instantly, and the whole person seemed like a sloppy mud.

He Zisheng laughed aloud, and pulled He Ziming from the ground with a hand: "I wish I would never see you again in the next life? Does the older brother really think I will kill you?"

"My brother, Your Majesty, I can't afford it." He Ziming wanted to push He Zisheng aside, but it didn't make much effort.

He Zisheng helped He Ziming, who was unable to move, reached out and touched his cheek, and smiled gently: "Also, I just said that as long as I drink this glass of wine, you and I will never be brothers again."

"What do you want to do?" He Ziming couldn't control her body, but her consciousness was sober.

He Zisheng didn't answer, just looked at him deeply and asked, "Brother remember what happened when we were young?"

"..." He Ziming.

He is not a prince who remembers your childhood as a fuck. Besides, even a prince who is so big may not remember such a long time.

"At the time, I was the least favored of all the princes, because my mother was just a scum of a slave library, everyone could bully me, and the father was too lazy to open one eye and close one eye. However, even the minions can watch me as low as they eat cold meals and worn out clothes ... "He Zisheng seemed to recall:" Only you, only you are different, Only you are good to me and taught me to be a person and protect me from being bullied by others. You told me that I am the prince of Daxing and your brother ... "

He saw for a moment that the precious young Crown Prince came towards him, drove away all the bullies for him like the advent of God, severely punished the **** who treated him coldly, and then stretched out to him like a spring breeze. Take a shot and say, "Come here, don't be afraid, I am your elder brother, you are my brother, the prince of Daxing, and I will protect you in the future."

"I'll take a word for you, what about Changan?"

"Chang'an, little Chang'an, you are my brother."

Although he was named the prince, before He Ziming appeared in his life, his life was always dark. It was He Ziming's appearance that changed his destiny and taught him what is dignity and how to be a person.

Once, He Ziming was the only sunshine in his life, which gave him the greatest warmth in that cold deep house and that his cowardly mother could not afford him asylum at all.

He Ziming looked at He Zisheng who was intoxicated with memories, only hair was in his heart, and watching him was like watching a crazy maniac.

He Zisheng ignored him, only rubbing He Ziming's face repeatedly, causing He Ziming to get a goosebump: "I thought we could always get along with brothers and brothers so respectfully, but then one day the queen died suddenly, and you too changed."

"You who protected me before suddenly became the person who took the lead in bullying me and insulting me. At that time, you looked at me like a dog. I even started to think why you taught me to do Alone, teach me what is dignity, do you teach me to destroy me and humiliate me? "He Zisheng held He Ziming sideways and put it on the bed:" At that time, and for many years after that, I thought I hated Yours, hate you more than hate and humiliate each of me. I hate you for teaching me how to be a person, how to enjoy love, and then deprive them all. I vowed to defeat one day. You, take everything that you have, and then fiercely, fiercely all the humiliation you put on me, this honorable crown prince, doubled back, let you kneel in front of me and beg for mercy, crying Shit ... "

He Ziming listened to him openly, but sneered: "Is that so? Congratulations, you have now taken everything I had. Just want me to kneel in front of you and confess for mercy and cry. That is impossible. He Zisheng, you still kill me! "

"For so many years, I have been holding such a secret desire, desperately suppressing myself as an obedient and obedient dog before you and you, but the mentality of people is really strange, maybe I am a dog before you When it ’s been a long time, I really have a mentality of dogs. There are many times when I do n’t even realize it. The more you humiliate me and torture me, the more I want to behave better and listen to you, maybe You can be nice to me, like me a little ... "He Zisheng said, but he smiled lowly:" After returning to God, I hate you even more, hate you for letting me be with you It took me too long to hold back my oppressive grievances, and I really forced myself into a dog for you.

He Ziming sneered: "You **** sick!"

Except for being sick and shaking, he can't explain the strange state and psychology of He Zisheng now ...

"Maybe." He Zisheng did not deny: "I hate you for so long that I later realized that there are so many misunderstandings and secrets between you and me, and I don't know how to adjust my mindset. For you, I tried to convince myself to go back to your brotherhood, but I couldn't do it. "

He Ziming sneered.

He Zisheng stretched out his hands to untie his placket: "I also feel that I am sick, otherwise how can I have such an awkward clinging mentality to the elder brother who has been protecting himself? Until later, you were with Gu Chen-I was Startled, oh, it turns out not that I'm sick, but that I've always loved you, brother. "

"What nonsense are you talking about?" He Ziming was furious, and even the blue tendons on his forehead exploded, but he could not exert the slightest strength.

"I said, I have always loved you, brother. My favorite person when I was a kid was you, and the person I hated the most was you ... I have been staring at you, and I have always been in my heart. Ah. But in the past, I never knew that I had such a feeling for you ... "He Zisheng looked at him obsessively, his voice soft as if it could turn water.

He Ziming looked at him in horror: "Are you crazy?"

"To this day, I finally know what I want most." He Zisheng leaned over and kissed his lips: "Be my Zitong, brother, this is what I ask for."

He Ziming wanted to bite him, but Yaguan couldn't make half the effort.

He could only let He Zisheng's lips and tongues loose freely in his mouth and stir until He Zisheng licked enough and crawled onto him, ready to start the next step.

He Ziming couldn't push him, and then he let his eyes go to despair, "We are brothers."

"I said earlier that after drinking this glass of wine, you and I will never be brothers again." He Zisheng stripped He Ziming's clothes without a doubt, saying: "And ..."

He backed away from the palace, pulled down the curtains next to the bed, and Fang Min whispered in He Ziming's ear: "Are we really brothers? Brother should be very clear in his heart."

"I don't know." He Ziming denied expressionlessly.

"I think, my elder brother loves me very much, and he doesn't know it." He Zisheng rubbed his body with He Ziming, and said with a low smile: "You have been so good to me since you were a child, even knowing my mother-in-law The Queen Emperor died, even if I was not a royal bloodline, I concealed it for the sake of security and smoothed out all traces ... Big brother did so much for me. If it wasn't for me, I am afraid No one will believe it. "

He Ziming was indifferent: "I don't know anything."

The real Prince-in-law was true. I really did not know that Rong Fei was the culprit who killed the Empress Yuan, and He Zisheng was not of royal blood.

"Okay, my elder brother said I don't know, that's not known. As long as I know in my heart that my elder brother loves me, it's enough." He Zisheng was obedient to him, but looking at He Ziming's nude, he thought of another person unconsciously Immediately said: "There is Gu Chen, presumably the big brother is also because he and I are so close, and my best friend, will go after him and say he likes him with him."

Yes, that's everything.

He and He Ziming were the only people who should have been intimate, and no one should have stepped in.

In the face of his good self, He Ziming sneered: "Oh! You think too much. I was with Gu Chen only because I liked him, that's all."

"What's so good about him? However, it's a very unusual family. Just a few words will make him partial and partial, and he will be solicited from his elder brother. If the elder brother says he likes him, I won't believe it. He Zisheng talked to himself so powerfully, Ren Heziming said that he was self-conscious and only believed in what he was willing to believe.

He Zisheng slowly kissed He Ziming's lips: "Brother, don't hate me."

He Ziming closed his eyes weakly.

The system's voice immediately rang in He Ziming's mind: "Does the host need to use 'Spring Night Drunk' for He Zisheng, who can attack?"

He Ziming just wanted to say yes, opened his eyes, and unintentionally met the sad eyes of He Zisheng, and saw a drop of tears falling from the corner of his eye, but his heart felt strangely familiar.

This feeling reminded him of his lover in previous worlds.

He Ziming was inexplicably softened, and when he reached the lips, he changed to "... No."

The soul of this man made him inexplicable.

He Zisheng's hand reached into He Ziming's body: "Brother, don't be afraid, I won't make you hurt."

"Sorry, brother, I love you."


He Zisheng is very considerate and attentive, and can be said to be a gentler lover. After he finished working on He Ziming, it was a matter of noble dignitaries who did n’t even know how to cover the lover with a blanket and fell asleep. Not only did He Ziming carefully clean up, he even changed the clothes on his own. Already.

He Ziming gave him a compliment in his heart, but on the face he still maintained a derivative and unlovable expression.

Although He Zisheng's soul made him feel inexplicable, he still had not forgotten his professional ethics as a fast-wearing worker ...

"Brother, you look so good. Good to see. I want to hide you. No one can see it. Only I can see it ... you are me." He Zisheng ignored his love. Care, while covering the quilt for He Ziming, whispered in his ear.

To tell the truth, He Ziming's appearance is not exceptional, it is not a glorious and ecstasy type, but I don't know why he seems to be able to keep his eyes as long as he sees He Ziming, the whole soul told him to **** it away Now, I feel that no one can look better in this world than his elder brother.

As if He Ziming had hidden some monsters under his skin, he was told that he wanted to steal He Ziming and hide it, so that he belonged to himself.

And now, he finally did it ...

His elder brother is alone.

He Zisheng was particularly excited, and after a moment, he asked He Ziming again, "Brother, do you hate me? Do you want to kill me?"

"I just want you to stay away from me." He Ziming's eyes were empty and his voice was hoarse.

He Zisheng smiled softly, and whispered in his ear: "Even if you hate me, there is no way to kill me, unless I die ... otherwise, I will not let you leave me."

"..." He Ziming.

Such a person who can talk to others and take other people's opinions as air is really letting the naughty do not know how to respond.

When He Zisheng finished speaking, he was leaning over He Ziming's lips, and a dragonfly swept a kiss, and held the person tightly in his arms. He closed his eyes with extra peace and went to sleep.

He Ziming couldn't move, so he was forced to lie in his arms and pretend to be dead.

"Host, how are you feeling?" Just then, the system's voice rang again in He Ziming's mind.

He Ziming maintained a paralyzed face and said, "Just one word," Shuang ", I thought He Zisheng was weak and weak like a girl. This body work must be weak, but I didn't expect people to look beautiful. Indisputable ... He actually lives such a big job, I really want to live this life every day in the future, so that he will intensify his efforts to poke my coquettish flower. "


Looking at He Ziming now using such a tough body, but with such disgusting words on his mouth, seriously, it was really vomiting.

The system asks again: "So, did the host decide to choose He Zisheng as the spouse of your world without using 'Spring Night Drunk'?"

"Of course, I can't meet anyone who feels this way to me in every world." He Ziming smiled evilly and wanted to come to an afterthought.

System said: "Okay, I know."

"What about the host's plans for the ending of this world?" He asked again.

He Ziming smiled brightly: "Of course-be."

"Ah?" The system didn't respond for a moment.

It also thought that with a lover, He Ziming would want to die in this world ...

He Ziming smiled gently and said, "I haven't forgotten that the task we have to do in this world is to impress Gu Chen. If it is not dead, how can he make Gu Chen immortal and become his eternal white moonlight?"

"... Oh, okay." The stupid system didn't quite understand the thinking mode of such a complex creature as the host, so it had to be obedient.

The system stopped, and He Ziming, who could not move, saw that He Zisheng was breathing evenly, and he seemed to be asleep. He immediately relaxed himself, and then continued to pretend to be better off, and then went to sleep.

He fell asleep and woke up again.

In order to prevent He Ziming from thinking or doing anything, He Zisheng not only arranged many palace guards in the palace, but also lit the soft incense all day in the palace where He Ziming lived, so that he could not make much effort all day and could not escape. He said that even eating a meal, such as a toilet, exhausted his whole body, and he was too tired to breathe.

He Ziming did not like this.

But in addition, He Zisheng is still a lover who is quite satisfied with him. A generation of emperors fought and cursed before him, brought him tea and water, took a bath, and washed his feet. In addition to being unable to leave, what should he give? Said that at night, it also automatically acts as a massage stick, making He Ziming's little life so comfortable that he can no longer be comfortable. The whole person is fatter than when he was in his own palace.

However, in order to maintain humanity, He Ziming can't show the slightest gesture of joy. He can only pretend that life is better than death ... desperately suppressing his own power of flood and waste.

He Ziming didn't like that he had too many people in the former palace. He spent more than two months in the palace. He just let He Zisheng remove the majority of the people in the palace who were responsible for carefully guarding him.

He Zisheng saw that he was gradually obedient and compromised, but he did not disobey him.

On this day, He Ziming pretended to be fascinated by soft tendons while having a meal. His lack of energy hit the table and broke a table's food.

The remaining palace people heard the sound and hurried in to clean up, but he did not know that He Ziming took advantage of the trouble to secretly hide a piece of ceramics.

He Ziming hid the sharp fragments in his sleeves, and then hid them in the quilt during the lunch break.

"Host, what do you want to do? Wouldn't you want Junjun? The son of destiny in each world is the pillar of the world. He Zisheng is the son of destiny in this world. When he dies, the world will collapse, and our mission will be It can't be finished. "The system was startled and hurriedly reminded.

He Ziming ignored him, still doing what he did.

He Zisheng sleeps with He Ziming every day. Even if he doesn't do anything, he will fall asleep holding He Ziming. Only then can he sleep peacefully.

In the evening, He Zisheng went to sleep with him as usual.

After he fell asleep, He Ziming opened his eyes in the darkness.

Because, He Ziming strongly demanded that no one be in their dormitory after they fell asleep. In Nuo Da's palace, no one except He and the sleeping He Zisheng.

He Ziming accumulated some strength, slowly got up from the bed, fumbled to find the ceramic fragments he hid in the quilt in the afternoon, just facing the sleeping He Zisheng was against his fair neck.

"Host!" The system screamed in his mind, almost thinking his host was crazy.

He Ziming ignored him at all and went into the play completely. He looked at He Zisheng who was lying on the bed and breathing together, and almost cut the ceramic pieces with his hands.

He knew that with just one click ... He Zisheng's life would be as long as he had just one click.

He Zisheng will die.

He Ziming watched He Zisheng for a moment, his hand holding the porcelain trembled, his eyes were red and almost dripped, but in the end he failed to start.

Instead, I chose to remove the hand holding the piece of ceramics, and almost tossed it aside and left the pieces aside ...

At the moment when the system thought he had persuaded his host to return to normal, Ben lying on the bed and breathing together, suddenly fell into a deep sleep, but He Zisheng suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, grabbed Lived in the arms of He Ziming.

"He Zisheng-you?" Ben Ziren gave up and didn't know what to do. He Ziming looked at He Zisheng in astonishment.

Facing a pair of smiling eyes, He Zisheng looked at him with a smile, and his voice was sweeter than honey: "I knew that my elder brother was reluctant to kill me, and just a little bit under the elder brother's power could kill me. ... But Brother is still reluctant after all, even if I did something like this to you, will Brother say you don't love me? "

He always said such things before, but when he said that, even if he didn't say anything, he knew he was deceiving himself, but now his tone is positive.

He grasped He Ziming's hand as if he had caught some hard evidence.

"You have always been awake? You just installed it, and everything was arranged by you?" At this time, if He Ziming never understood that He Zisheng was just pretending to sleep, and always knew that he had hidden the ceramic fragments Assassination, then he is a fool.

He Zisheng looked at him obsessively, his eyes were like a happy child: "It doesn't matter whether I pretend or not. The important thing is that I know that my elder brother is reluctant to kill me. Even if there is a chance, you are still reluctant ... My elder brother really treats me The best person. "

How many years has he been in the army without being wary?

He Ziming was abnormal for the past few days, and he was looking for an opportunity deliberately. So, he gave the opportunity to him.

In the final analysis-

He Ziming had never changed, and was reluctant to touch him.

This discovery made him extremely happy, sweeter than eating honey.

Let him see a possibility in the despair and bitterness of watching the walking dead He Ziming all day, a possibility that he and He Ziming can go on well and carry on for a lifetime.

"Go away, don't touch me!" He Ziming shook his hand away without going to see him.

He Zisheng was very excited, like a little milk dog peeking into the bones, and carefully licked He Ziming: "Admit it, you love me, brother."

He Ziming can't stand such clear, innocent, child-like eyes, so he didn't show much resistance. He just half-pushed with He Zisheng Yunyu.

When the battle was over, He Zisheng really fell asleep this time.

He Ziming only responded to the system in his mind: "Too much thinking, why can't I stop trying to kill the son of fate? I just don't want to continue to be weak all the time, I have to pant after eating a meal, which is very uncomfortable."

"Also, it is very inconvenient to do things ..." He paused, adding again.


Sure enough, the host position was too high for him to reach.

Unsurprisingly, He Ziming disabled him for the next day.

Once again, the feeling of being able to make Shangli is a word ‘Cool’ for He Ziming!

Since that night, the relationship between He Ziming and He Zisheng has also eased a lot. After determining that He Ziming will not harm himself or kill him, he is almost laissez-faire about He Ziming.

Because he particularly loves being alone with He Ziming, the palace man who cares for He Ziming has not increased according to He Ziming's previous meaning.

Although He Ziming still doesn't care much about He Zisheng and always treats him blankly, but He Zisheng is so happy that he can sing a drama by himself, making the atmosphere between him and He Ziming really look like Inextricably good friends.

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