When He Ziming said this, everyone present was shocked. Su Yuehe looked at him in disbelief and couldn't believe what he heard in his ears: "... Fang Ming, what did you say?"

"Have you forgotten? Lin's trip." He Ziming didn't even look at him, just staring at Lin's trip.

He said verbatim: "Six years ago, I had a car accident and woke up in a car accident without any other injuries, but you told me that my kidney was injured and was removed. We were friends at the time, and I know you see It turns out that I like you. You told me at the time that you were hurt by me. You will be with me. You love me. You will take good care of me forever. Have you forgotten? Lin's trip. "

Lin Zhi's unconsciously took a step back under his questioning.

"Although I was very sad at the time, I didn't think about it and believed you, and I am very grateful to you. But until recently ... I recently learned that my kidneys were not injured at all and were removed by you and transplanted On Su Yuehe's body, he was in a state of kidney failure. He would die without this kidney, and my kidney source could just match him. "He Ziming closed tightly, crying blood.

Lin Zhixing looked at him extremely slyly, and the whole person was sly and murmured unconsciously: "You ... how did you know?"

He thought he could hide this secret for a lifetime.

"So, you acknowledge it, Lin's trip." He Ziming didn't answer the question and smiled sadly: "There is no impenetrable wall in the world, Lin's trip."

He has seen too many things like Lin Zhixing, who likes to stand on the moral high ground to comment on others, and thinks that he is an affectionate species who is affectionate. Good man, he also knows that to deal with such people, he can only attack him at a higher moral high ground. Will let him know that it hurts ...

Otherwise, someone like him will never reflect on himself and know how much pain he makes others.

He Ziming took a step forward, his eyes flushed, and he pressed hard: "Tell me, you tell me, I didn't have a car accident at that time, everything is your arrangement, because you want to give my kidney to Su Yuehe Really? Is it all your deliberations? "

"No, it's not ..." Lin Zhi took a step back unconsciously, his skin was ripped off, he didn't know how to face Fang Ming, but just unconsciously whispered: "You really had a car accident, a car accident It was really an accident, but ... but at the time you were not injured and your kidneys were okay, but ... but Yuehe, Yuehe will die, your kidney source just matches, so ... so I ... "

For a moment, he was so obsessed with each other that he did such an unforgivable thing.

He had vowed to treat Fang Ming well and treat him for a lifetime, but ... but somehow they became what they are now.

Su Yuehe unconsciously touched the place where his kidneys were. He couldn't believe everything in front of him. He only knew that something had happened six years ago. When he was a vegetative for six years, he lost one kidney when he woke up, but he didn't know the original. This kidney is not his own, but Fang Ming's ...

Lin Zhixing always thought that the good friend of the good guy actually did something like this, all together just to save him ...

For a moment, Su Yuehe understood why Fang Ming hated him so much and hated Lin's trip that they wanted to die.

In the previous life of Lin Zhixing, after being betrayed by Fang Ming in that way, he never retaliated. He never even said a bad word about Fang Ming, only that he was bad.

At that time, Su Yuehe only thought that Lin's trip was affectionate to Fang Ming.

Only now did he know that the truth was so unbearable.

"So you took my kidney and gave it to Su Yuehe, didn't you?" He Ziming looked resentful: "Lin Zhixing, what qualifications do you have to ask me why I derailed and betrayed you? You stole a kidney of mine You've been with me for six years without derailment. You gave me money and the company to take care of me. I almost broke up with my family because you love me. You want to be with me, not because of guilt. I feel sorry for me. ?"

Lin Zhi didn't dare answer even a word.

He Ziming took a step forward and gave him a punch in the face of his face: "What kind of qualifications do you have in such a way after Su Yue and wake up, you look at him and care more about him than me? Why accuse me of being narrow-minded and jealous? Is your **** inlaid? Ah. "

"I ..." Lin Zhi's trip was too dare to fight back, and he was defeated and defeated.

Six years ago, it has been too long and too long now. During this period, he had been cheating Fang Ming while brainwashing his own kidney. It was because of a guilt that Fang Ming was with him. It was only when Fang Ming was in an accident with the car ... Brainwashed, brainwashed to the end, even he almost forgot how Fangming's kidneys were gone.

Began to blame the other person for being bad-tempered and small-minded like a normal couple, and fundamentally forgot that he was not qualified at all when facing Fang Ming.

"Still you want to tell me that I just lost a kidney, but you lost your love, eh?" He Ziming gave him a punch without mercy: "I still think of Su Yuehe , Regard Su Yuehe as Baiyueguang, even so, you can't forget Su Yuehe, you can't treat my love with all your heart. "

Lin Zhixing was beaten by his nose, his face was swollen, his nose blood flowed, but he didn't mean to fight back at all. The whole person collapsed to the ground, and the memory of the horses and flowers was connected in series. It was only at this moment that he completely understood his voice What a disgusting and unforgivable thing.

He whimpered unconsciously, intermittently: "I'm ... sorry ..."

"Lin's trip, you made me sick!" He Ziming did not accept his apology at all.

In his opinion, even Su Yuehe's previous life, everything that the original owner did was excusable and reasonable ...

On behalf of the original owner, He Ziming kicked her hate and slumped to the ground. The trip to the unconscious Lin: "If you love him so much, why don't you dig your kidney to him and your family's kidney to him? My kidney? "

"I will never grow a second kidney in my life. If this kidney goes wrong in the future, I can only wait to die." He punched and kicked: "Lin's trip, you ruined my life ! "

He wants to make this self-righteous, noble, affectionate person live a lifetime of condemnation and moral attack.

He wanted him to feel guilty and regret his whole life.

"I'm sorry ..." Lin Zhizhi's face was completely torn, and he spit on his face fiercely. He could not help but confess to He Ziming and apologize.

Only then did he understand that he had ruined Fang Ming's life ...

He Ziming ignored him and dragged Lu Wensheng, whose face was green and wondering what he was thinking, put on his clothes and was ready to leave: "Let's go."

Lu Wensheng frowned. Although he really wanted to teach the two to give out to He Ziming, he finally compromised and let He Ziming pull him away.

Su Yue looked at them helplessly: "Fang Ming ..."

Lin Zhiling was still muttering: "Sorry ..."

"Never again appear in front of me, I'm disgusted to see you." He Ziming passed by them, leaving only such a sentence, and pulled back without a trace of Wen Sheng Yang Yang.

"Drop, you can target Su Yue and his favorability +30. At present, the favorability is 90, reaching love."

"Drop! You can attack the target Lin Zhi's favorability +15. At present, the favorability has reached 100, reaching shameful love."

As soon as He Ziming stepped out of the door, the prompting sound of Su Yuehe and Lin ’s increased favorability sounded in He Ziming's mind, but He Ziming was irrational, but chose to pull the landing and Wen Sheng found a place to continue his escape. .


He Ziming likes to be perfect in his work, so even if he still derails the same way as the original owner, betrays Lin, and sells the secrets of Lin's Group Company, he still stays behind.

As long as Su Yuehe and Lin Zhi's visit calmly investigated, he will find that he has not done anything. Although he sold some of Lin ’s secrets, he did not reveal the core, leaving the Lin ’s group room for recovery. Su Yue and the people sent by Su Heng almost abducted her life. He Ziming regretted it halfway, turned against the water, and asked someone to release him.

These illogical and self-contradictory things were done, and it looked like Fang Ming was struggling, struggling, and finally chose to harm them. Half of them chose to stop.

However, He Ziming didn't say a word to them, because he knew that the sensitivity of Su Yue and He Lin's trip had happened, and he would soon find out and discover these `` good things '' he had done.

The system asked him: "The host task is almost complete, why do you still want to do this? Isn't it bad to leave Lin's trip without everything?"

"Although the favorability of Lin's trip is now full, but he is swinging left and right like a grass on the wall. Although he hurt me, I also hurt to go back, maybe it will be a long time in the future, his The favorability also fades. After all, it seems that we are not in any way equal. He stole my kidney, and I also caused him to lose everything and level everything. The Lin family had treated me well before, but it seemed I am ungrateful, for the sake of revenge involving innocent people, right and wrong. ”He Ziming analyzed very thoroughly:“ Only in this way let him find that even if I hurt him so far, I want revenge, half of the revenge can not be done, I ca n’t bear to let go His fierce hands really killed him and killed Su Yuehe, so that he could always bear my affection and think of me, and in the middle of the night, he would remember Fang Ming and think of it all his life. Live in guilt, you ca n’t forget, and you ca n’t get out. ”

He put it bluntly: "Fang Ming has paid so much for him. When this support is no longer and Lin's crisis needs him to stand up, he will eventually understand how good and how good Fang Ming is when he grows up. Precious, and how disgusting he hurts such a good person. "

"The favorability of Lin Zhi's trip is already full, waiting for memory and time to continue to deepen this image, beautifying Fang Ming that he has lost in his mind ... It won't take long for me to completely surpass Su Yuehe The white moonlight and the cinnabar mole that became the true heart of the rest of Lin Zhixing's life, he felt painful and regretful only once he thought about it. ”He Ziming said calmly:“ Fang Ming will be after all this, It has become a thorn in the gap between Su Yue and Lin's trip, so that they look at each other and hate each other. As soon as they see each other, they will think of Fang Ming until they can no longer face each other. "

As soon as he thought of this ending, He Ziming was so excited that he wanted to laugh.

Although he does not know much about the human world and feelings, in the face of such a host, the system applaud and shouted: "666."

What else can we say?

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