Chapter 309 Bone

At this moment, Liu Sanqian didn’t fool anyone. Those who helped catch the dark elves got a lot of benefits. They were all hard currency. Take the booster liquid. If you use it well, you can get a life back. It’s bullets and sugar. Needless to say, bullets, sugar is very popular even on the outside.

After recuperating for a lot of time, they have also obtained a lot of good things. Take the strengthening liquid, there are all kinds of them. The powerful countries have basically developed them, but the effects are different. There are six versions in each country. Seven are basically the same, and they are mild and not irritating.

The most powerful is the strengthening liquid developed by the hardness. Of course, I have to mention some digressions when it comes to this. The corpse poison outbreak in this country can be regarded as a typical failure case, which is presented from top to bottom. Consistent chaos.

The upper class felt that it was a plague brought by the lower class. I pray for the blessings of the gods. The lower class are completely unattended. Most of the places are broken slums, and the zombies can’t stop them. The most pleasant thing is that many people pass by drinking Henghe. “Holy Water”, delusional to gain immunity to corpse poison, the result is that the zombies are floating in the water.

At this time, for example, the public figures headed by Pang Xiaosong no longer jump out to praise the hardness, mainly because there is no chance, other countries are disrupted by the corpse king and the corpse army, and for the hardness, it is only Just corpse poison is enough.

Laomei’s strengthening liquid has a good strengthening effect and corresponding side effects. There are seven or eight different models. However, the strengthening liquid developed by the hardness has poor strengthening effect and many side effects. It is said that they are on a cruise ship. I found the strengthening liquid from the United States on the Internet, and it was slowly developed, so the poor efficacy is reasonable.

In the supply station, more and more people came, and they were basically divided into three camps. One is the Western countries represented by the werewolves, and the relationship between the United States and them is not bad, and the other is the Russians. The Russian brothers are also old Dage. The relationship with our country is very good. They are very friendly. Looking at their posture, the zombies are scared. Everyone is not very good. The headed strong man also brought wine and said hello to Liu Sanqian and others. Drinking wounds heal faster.

The third is Liu Sanqian and the others. The natives who come here basically surround them to rest. In addition, there are several fraternal countries and countries that have been aided by their own countries.

This horse riding is called effective social interaction. If nothing else, these foreigners can trust Liu Sanqian, not because Liu Sanqian looks like a serious person, but because our country has made friends for so many years. Speaking of identity is a layer of protection.

Some people say that if the country has so much money, it would be better to distribute all of it to the people. Helping other countries do construction is a waste of water, but they have not considered the benefits of assisting other countries for their own country. White-eyed wolves are always in the minority, and Ascension has an international influence. Needless to say, where do you think those important strategic materials come from? Do you learn from certain countries?

“Moros, Country Z and Russia are friends forever.”

Liu Sanqian drank his glass and drank it, and the strong man on the other side also ate his mouthful. Facing them, Liu Sanqian always had the feeling of encountering the old iron in the Northeast. , Looking unfamiliar, said that even though he only knew a little Chinese and had to call an interpreter from time to time, the two still had a very happy conversation.

“Russian girls are so pretty, can you tell them they can look at me?”

Dongzi smiled happily. Seeing that the girls’ eyes were straight, Liu Sanqian shook his head: “Forget it, if Song Jun is here, maybe that little white face is very rare for a girl.”

“Brother Jun is dying, he’s tanned a long time ago, and it’s you if you want to say nothing!”

Dongzi smiled and slapped a flattery, but Malekis, who was lame on the side, interrupted:

“Liu… Brother Liu, if you have anything useful to me, just say it, I’m absolutely unambiguous, don’t let me succeed in fear?”

“I’m going to leave you alone for a while. Since you asked and asked, it’s OK.”

Liu Sanqian squatted down to look at Malekis, who had many holes in his suit. For a few hours, they only tortured him without questioning, and he was almost mentally ill.

“Let me ask if you have any communication tools in your hand. I know that you dark elves can transmit messages over long distances. The only thing you can’t rely on is your mobile phone, right?”

“This is what you are talking about…”

Malkis trembled and took out a piece of bone from his pocket, wrapped in an unknown black substance, but they didn’t find it in a previous search, and they didn’t know where he was hiding it.

“Is this a phalanx?”


Malekiss said embarrassingly: “This is refined with black magic. The necessary material is the bones of wind spirits. Because their bodies are special, the finger bones are the best. A wind spirit can make a lot of them. Bone numbers like this can be used everywhere, no matter where they are wasted, as long as they are made by the same wind spirit, they can communicate with each other, and it is easy to use.”

“No wonder you are called the dark elves, and you do all this kind of shit.”

Liu Sanqian suddenly realized it, and it is not surprising why he asked Tia about this in the first place, but the latter, as a wind spirit, hesitated.

“Black magic is forbidden, but black magic is also the easiest to learn, and a large part of black magic is regarded as forbidden because it is too destructive, but bones are not a big deal, right? I know For some of your human history, there were people who used human bones as necklaces in ancient times.”

“That also happened in ancient times. Can it be compared with the present? Have you not distinguished your situation, buddy?”

Liu Sanqian frowned and said, “How far can this thing communicate?”

“On your planet, there is no problem for a few hundred kilometers, and you can communicate with other bone numbers. In theory, it can be infinitely far away, but it won’t work in the abyss. It will last more than a thousand meters.”

“So that the secret realm can be used normally, who are the dark elves with you?”

“There is another one. We were still together when we came down from the top. Later, we separated under the influence of the folding space. We have never been in contact.”

“It’s useless for you to say so.”

Liu Sanqian’s eyes were fierce and he tilted his head to the side. Malkis immediately panicked and said hurriedly:

“I’m useful, I can help you deal with other dark elves! You also know that dark elves are not that easy to deal with. Although weakened by the maze, they are much stronger than the upgraded people like them. Besides, there are all kinds of elves. Kind of magic.”

“How can you help?”

Liu Sanqian looked at him with a faint smile. The latter shook his head and said, “I will naturally tell you when I run into it. I have to guarantee my safety. I can’t trust you. Maybe you will kill me soon. ”

“It seems that you have not been tortured enough.”

Liu Sanqian shook his head, and several people immediately gave Malekis a vicious look. Malekis shrank back, wishing to drill into the rock, and hurriedly changed his words:

“I said, I said, I can sense the breath of other dark elves, about five hundred, no! Two hundred meters, only a few tens of meters away from the wall, the remaining can also be used, so it is definitely enough! This way you also have Preparation time.

And I also know the life gate of the dark elves, and the gesture of raising their hands when they cast spells. This will definitely help you. Each dark elves are good at different things, but I pack a ticket, and I know the most commonly used ones! ”

“Okay, then I will keep you, even if you are guilty of crimes, if you really helped me, I will not blame you for your previous mistakes.”

“Thank you Brother Liu.”

Malekis said gratefully, but he couldn’t believe it at all. Anyway, it would take a while to live longer, and maybe he could find a chance to escape.

“After so long, your leg injury is almost healed, right?”

Liu Sanqian suddenly smiled and said to him, but his pupils were big, and he swallowed and said in mourning:

“Brother, don’t be so good, I shouldn’t come to your earth when I’m riding a horse. What the hell is this, I won’t play anymore, you kill me, I won’t run away, if it’s not good at all, you have to do it again. Where did my energy recover from this broken place? You let me die forever!”

“Don’t, I’m not the unreasonable person, this is not the basis for our mutual trust.”

Liu Sanqian smiled and patted him on the shoulder. He didn’t even notice that he had collapsed. He picked up the dragon spear and quickly pierced his crusted leg wound.

“The mental capacity is too bad.”

Dongzi shook his head, no one could have imagined that a dark elf had been destroyed like this.

“Brother Liu, let me tell you a good news!”

Linda suddenly ran over and said happily: “Did you see those Americans who just came in? Didn’t you ask me to have a chat with the other person? They said that one of them is Rick Wales!”

“What’s the matter with Rick? What’s wrong, is he famous, big star?”

Liu Sanqian looked at the past wonderingly. The Americans all stood up, as if they had seen five or five open. “Oumaiga, Oumaiga,” one after another, saying that it is a sidewalk to welcome you can’t be overstated, and that’s surrounded by The man in the center is not very old, but he has a shaggy beard and a bit more mature. The muscles on his arms are not like those he had trained in a gym. He has a tattoo of a cross on his neck.

“It’s also a kind of star.”

Linda said with light eyes: “The stories about Rick Wales have been published. It is said that he lived in a slum in a slum, living in an abandoned truck compartment, and robbed him in his teens because he was treating his mother. After he got out of prison, it can be said that he used to be a small gangster, but later established the own gathering place with his own writing. The more gangsters grew, and later he severely damaged the corpse king! Although he was cooperating with other people, he relied on cannonballs. But the greatest credit is definitely on him! I just heard others talk about it, but I didn’t expect him to be in the secret realm. That’s all, right now is a good opportunity to kill the corpse king!”

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