Very strong...

Cui and Alice fought for several rounds, but she was always at a disadvantage in terms of swordsmanship!

If there was no level blessing, no equipment blessing.

Cui has already lost!

After all, I am not a swordsman, this kind of thing should be left to the Sword Saint.

Cui comforted herself in her heart.

There is no way......

She is indeed not as good as Alice in terms of technique.

Alice has almost broken all the sword moves she exchanged just now.

If it weren't for the level difference, she would have lost!

What is the level of this person?

Based on the fight with Alice just now, Cui inferred that the level is probably above 150+!

The ceiling of the human camp!

Too strong.

This person!

Before Cui could speak first, Alice said with satisfaction:"Not bad!"

"You are much more interesting than the bone dragon at the bottom of the maze."

This made Aqua very dissatisfied!

She cheered Cui on the side:"Cui, don't forget our identity!"

"Don't let this little brat get ahead of himself, he deserves a beating!"

"Don't let up, end the battle quickly!"

That's a nice thing to say.....

Cui really wanted to say that it was a bit difficult for her to defeat Alice without the help of magic tools!

But she couldn't say it!

Damn it!......

But if we continue without using magic tools, we really cannot win!

Should we use tools?

It is even worse.

Now it is a swordsmanship competition. If we use tools, we will lose!

Cui took a deep breath and said,"Forget it, I give up.""

"I am not as good as you in swordsmanship."

"After all, I'm not a real swordsman, to be more precise, I'm a magic swordsman."

"There are other real swordsmen."

Cui chose to take back her sword.

After all, it was not a life-and-death duel, so there was no need to fight to the death!

This dampened Alice's mood:"No, I'm still in the mood, and it feels very unpleasant to end it suddenly."

"How about you use some power other than swordsmanship?"

"Although I can't beat you, I won't regret it!"

In the previous competition, Alice also understood the gap between herself and Cui. Although she has an advantage in swordsmanship.......

The power gap is too big.

Many times, Alice used skills to make up for the lack of power.

Not to mention that Cui has other props!

Whether it is the protective gear on her body or the sword in Cui's hand.

All of them are not ordinary items!

If she activates those props, then she will lose!

There is no doubt that she will lose.

Cui did not take advantage of Alice, and shook her head and refused, saying:"What's the difference between that and losing?"

"If you want to compete in swordsmanship, I recommend you to compete with another companion of mine, whose swordsmanship level is top among humans."

At this moment, Cui betrayed the Sword Saint without hesitation!

After all,......

The materials that Alice threw out were more than just a few.

They were enough for them to buy a carriage and speed up their return to the capital of the empire!

The Sword Saint didn't know that Cui was talking about her, and asked her other companions in confusion:

"Who is Cui talking about?"

"Is there such a powerful swordsman in our team?"

The Sword Saint held her sword, looking very innocent.......

Everyone's eyes moved to her.

Only then did they realize that they were talking about her!

The Sword Saint pointed at herself in disbelief:"You are not talking about me, are you?"

Aqua, Huihui and Cui all nodded.

There were three sword users in the team, Cui, Darkness, and she.

Aqua spread her hands and said:"Originally there were three sword users. One gave up, and the other one......"

"Well, you're the only one left."

"If not you, then who else?"

"Your reaction is too slow!"

Darkness is still in the Ruby City.......

When Aqua thought about this, she regretted leaving the Ruby City.

Besides being the Demon King's territory, it was actually a land of comfort!

Even though the residents knew that the Demon King died at the hands of the hero, they did not blame the hero! They just mourned for the Demon King.

Isn't this a hundred times more comfortable than the outside world?!

The Sword Saint shook her head in panic:"This is not good!"

"How can I attack ordinary people? After all, I am a......."

When the Sword Saint was about to say that she was a Saint, she suddenly realized that she couldn't say that!

If her identity as a hero was discovered, she would run into a lot of trouble!

The Sword Saint quickly changed the subject:"I, I, I'd better duel with you......."

Because it was too hasty.

The Sword Saint had no time to cover up, and could only divert attention by agreeing to a duel.

So stupid......

Cui looked helplessly at the Sword Saint. She is a Saint of the Church after all!

She is also the Sword Saint. Even the slowest Shield Saint can think faster than you.......

Since I've agreed.

Cui also held back the thought of complaining:"Let's change positions."

Cui looked at Alice again:"The next duel is left to the Sword Saint. I hope you still have the strength."

"If not, you can take a break."

Alice said energetically:"Don't worry! I still have plenty of strength!"

Both sides prepared again!

Now Alice's opponent has become the blindfolded Sword Saint.

Before the battle, Alice said to the Sword Saint:"Do you need to take off your blindfold? My sword is very fast."

"You'll have to try your best to keep up!"

"Of course, if wearing an eye patch can unleash your full strength, you can also ignore what I said before."

Alice was originally born into a noble family, but after becoming a swordsman, she had long forgotten some of the etiquette of being a noble.

Because it is too troublesome to use!

It is better to be open and comfortable!

The Sword Saint took off the black cloth on her eyes:"As you wish"

""I am very strong in swordsmanship after taking off the black cloth, at least among humans."

The Sword Saint said this very modestly.

But it is true!

In the human world, the Sword Saint's swordsmanship level is the best, except for the Ruby City!

Taking off the black cloth is not only a respect for Alice, but also a respect for her own swordsmanship!

""Okay, come on!"

The Sword Saint picked up the sword in her hand.

The hilt of this sword looks like a scale, a weapon from the Church!

It is said that it was once a gift from God!

"You guys just introduced yourselves, so I’ll introduce myself as well."

The Sword Saint said politely,"I don’t have a name. Since I was a child, I have been highly compatible with swords, so I was given the name of the sword."

"Just call me Sword!"

Alice also repeated her self-introduction and said,"Alice Boreas Greyrat"

""Come on!"

After the two sides introduced themselves to each other, they still followed the rules just now!

Sylphiet threw the copper coin.

Waiting for the moment of landing, the swords of the two people collided with each other!

In terms of level, the level of the Sword Saint is 193.

It is a little higher than Alice's level!

The gap is not big.

However, in the duel between masters, the data panel has a little more.

That is also a qualitative improvement! The seemingly weak arms of the Sword Saint made Alice's palms holding the hilt numb!

They can't take the advantage in strength.......

So, Alice changed the direction of attack, intending to use skills to make up for the gap on the panel!

When changing the sword moves, the Sword Saint increased the strength of her hands, interrupting Alice's thoughts!

Skills are the way to win with swords, but so is strength!

When strength is dominant, the Sword Saint will not waste too many moves, creating gaps to give Alice a chance!


Alice said with dissatisfaction when she saw that her sword path change was interrupted.

"Personal physical fitness is also a part of swordsmanship."

The Sword Saint said cunningly.

After all, this is reality.......

In a real battle, when the two opponents are of equal level, strength is the key to victory!

"I know you are stronger than I thought!"

After confronting the Sword Saint for a few seconds, Alice quickly changed her sword moves and launched an attack!


No matter how fierce Alice's attack was, she still couldn't gain much advantage!

But that didn't mean the Sword Saint was relaxed. She focused more and watched Alice's every move.

She kept looking for ways to break her moves!

But every time she found a way, Alice would change her moves! She was as agile as a kitten in the forest!

"Cui, am I dazzled?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Aqua rubbed her eyes and asked Cui beside her in disbelief:

"Sword Saint......Bah, Jian and that little brat were fighting back and forth?"

"It's still about sword moves!" If Cui had failed just now, she could have explained it by saying that she was not specialized in swordsmanship.......

Now the Sword Saint is fighting with Alice!

What kind of rebellious little brat?!

Cui couldn't give an answer, so she could only ask Luo Qixi who was not far away:

"What is Alice's level?"

"The sword's level is 192, and mine is 196, so it stands to reason that she shouldn't be too bad."

Luo Qixi didn't hide it and answered directly:"189."

So high?!

Cui was slightly shocked.

Sure enough......

After Su Heng became the Demon King, people with excellent talents rose to a higher level very quickly! []

Cui didn't know for a moment whether Su Heng was too powerful or Alice's talent was too high!

However, what shocked Cui even more was that Alice was at a similar level to the Sword Saint in swordplay despite the level difference!

What kind of monster was this?......

Cui swallowed her saliva and looked at Lokisi and Sylphiet.

Where did they come from?

If these people joined the brave team, the journey to defeat the demon king would be much easier, right ?......

It's already the past tense.

After all, the Demon King is dead!

But it's good that there are a few more strong men who can resist those cadres of the Demon King's army.

The duel between Alice and the Sword Saint lasted for more than ten minutes!

In the end, the Sword Saint was slightly better in swordsmanship, and Alice was declared defeated.

She fell to the ground exhausted:"No more playing!"

"I’m so tired!"

"My swordsmanship is not as good as yours!"

Alice did not blame the level difference.

Losing is losing!

No need to find too many excuses.

The Sword Saint stretched out her right hand towards her with a warm smile on her lips:"If you were the same level as me, then the result might be different."

Alice chuckled and said:"How is that possible?"

"Your swordsmanship is better than mine!"

"I saw it at the very beginning of the duel."

Only by fighting with people of the same type can you discover your own shortcomings! Alice became more convinced of this during the duel with the Sword Saint! The Sword Saint smiled slightly:"You are also very strong!


"In terms of swordsmanship, you are the first human swordsman who can fight me with my eyes."

"Very good!"

Alice grabbed the Sword Saint's hand and stood up at once.

After a few pleasantries, Alice looked at the spoils in Aqua's hand unwillingly:

"According to the agreement, those things belong to you."

"Fortunately, I have some money saved, otherwise I would have to eat dirt next time!"

Although Sylphiet would not see me eating dirt,

"This is the one you're talking about!"

Aqua was very greedy and accepted the things that Alice sent over with a smile:

"I can eat better today!"

Cui looked at her goddess's greedy look and let out a sigh.

Which goddess is so obsessed with money?

She's a water goddess!

Alice had no intention of going back on her word, after all, it was already agreed upon.

Cui extended an invitation to Alice:"Do you need to go back to the nearby city to reorganize?"

"I want to treat you to a meal to apologize for accidentally attacking you just now."

"I hope you can accept it!"

Cui is the princess of the elves. Although she got the spoils, she was the one who did something wrong! She should apologize.

Alice accepted it generously:"Okay!"

"It just so happens that we need to go to a nearby city and have a good rest!"

"Thank you very much, then!"

The shy Sylphiette had no objection to this matter.

After all, they had to go to a nearby city to rest!

It was a bit embarrassing to be invited to dinner, but it was only natural that the other party was at fault.

Needless to say, Lokixi would not intervene unless it affected the safety of both of them!

The matter was settled.

The two teams went to a nearby city together!

It took about half an hour for several people to arrive at the nearest city together!

After entering the city, the Sword Saint curiously asked Alice:"Where did you learn swordsmanship?"

Just from the sword duel, the Sword Saint could be sure that the person who taught Alice swordsmanship must be better than herself! Sure enough......

There are still many people in the world who are stronger than the heroes.

I really hope they can join the team of heroes!

Alice scratched her hair and said,"It's inconvenient to say, but they are indeed much stronger than you, probably more than 30 or 40 times."

30 or 40 times.......

Wouldn't that mean he's as powerful as the Demon King?

Aqua immediately refuted this statement:"No way!"

"How could there be such a powerful person in the world!"

Aqua felt that they were also heroes who destroyed the Demon King.

Their strength was at the top level in the world!

If the difference was thirty or forty times, wouldn't it mean that Alice's master was stronger than the Demon King?

How could it be impossible?

Alice recalled that her master, Gilenu, was the principal of the Sword Academy. His level was above level 500!

That was not just thirty or forty times, it was probably more than a hundred times!

When Alice was about to refute, passers-by started to communicate with each other.

"Alas! How could the Demon King be destroyed by the hero?"

"He is the strongest demon king!"

Alice was about to refute, but she swallowed it back immediately.


The demon king is dead!

Ruby City.

High-level magic university.

Fulilian struggled for a long time and barely woke up from her dream.

"Very hungry......"

Her stomach started to growl.

So she got out of bed and walked towards the cafeteria. However ,

Fulilian was still half asleep and forgot where the cafeteria was.......


Fulilian randomly chose a road and walked for ten minutes. She didn't find the cafeteria, but walked to the iron fence of the school!

Suddenly, a figure broke in and a golden figure walked past her.

Fulilian didn't react at first.

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