"I didn't expect it to be so easy to get in. I thought it would take some time to talk."

Aqua said in a light tone:"It seems that the guards in the so-called Ruby City are not as strict as imagined. Instead, they are quite casual."

"But this passage is really long!"

"How thick are the walls of the Ruby City?"

The brave team walked in the tunnel of the city wall. They had walked five meters away, but they still hadn't reached the end.

Darkness said:"In order to ensure the safety of the experimental site, the Demon King put a lot of effort into building the wall."

"pity......The price is the death of countless lives!"

All this is because of Su Heng!

The Sword Saint held the big sword, clasped her hands together and said:"All this sin comes from the devil Su Heng"

"Alas, I underestimated Su Heng’s cruelty after all!"

"He treats everyone as an ant and doesn't care about their losses."

"We all experienced the great disaster ten years ago, so I would not be surprised if he did anything cruel."

"But I still feel sorry for the lives that died while building the city wall......."


The brave team all hated Su Heng's brutality, except for one person.

That was Fulilian!

The deeper she went, the heavier her steps became.

Others didn't know, but Fulilian knew that the materials used to build the city wall were all Forbidden Magic Stone.

There was no ordinary material!

Not only that.

She might not be able to analyze the magic sealed in the Forbidden Magic Stone even if she spent a hundred years!

Powerless, insignificant.

And desperate!

If everything was the work of the Demon King, then was the Demon King really dead?

Was what she saw real?


Fulilian was afraid that the Demon King was not dead, and she was worried that she would not even have the courage to stand in front of Su Heng next time.

Slowly, she fell behind the team.

It was not until the team in front reached the exit that Darkness noticed Fulilian who was lagging behind.

Darkness shouted at Fulilian,"Flilian! Come here quickly, we need to register before we can officially enter the Ruby City!"

"Ah, I'll be right there."

Frilian put everything behind her and stopped thinking about these things. Maybe it was all her illusion?

Where in the world did so many Forbidden Magic 15 Stones come from!

It must be a trick.

Frilian quickened her pace and came to the team.

There was another door at the exit. There was one more guard there than at the entrance.

One of the guards confirmed with them:"Is this your first time entering the Ruby City?"

Aqua answered for everyone:"Yes"

"I heard that the wine inside is a fine wine that only gods can taste!"

"There are many strange things"

"We want to go in and experience it, and trade some things."

Several guards looked at each other.

The guard who was talking to Aqua joked,"It's just a little better than outside, there's nothing special about it."

"But if the transaction"

"You don't have the currency that can only be used in the Ruby City, right?"

"Do you need a loan?"


Or if you have precious metals like gold and silver, you can use them to exchange for currency.......

The guard's reaction surprised the brave team.

Why was he so polite?

And he explained everything in such detail.

This was different from what they had imagined.......

They thought that the people of Ruby City, even the guards, would be the kind of people who are arrogant and like to bully the weak.......

Is it just an illusion?

The guard saw that Aqua did not respond for a long time, so he gently reminded:"Do you need a loan or trade in precious metals?"

Aqua recovered and said,"Wait a minute, let me discuss it with my companions."

"It's okay, don't worry."

The guard kept a professional smile, pointed to a chair on the side and said:"You can sit over there, we'll pour you a glass of water."

Following the direction pointed by the guard, Aqua and others saw a row of chairs stuck to the wall.

There were also a few tables in front of the chairs.

Enough for the brave team to sit down!

After looking at each other, most people nodded, and they walked towards the position over there.

Sit down.

Aqua was alert to the guards not far away and talked to her teammates:"What do you think?"

Everything is too weird!

Whose family would be so simple and easy to enter the city?

Aqua and others have been to many cities.

Those guards have never given any good faces, and they even asked for tolls!

And help pour water?

Thank God that they didn't ask for a body search!

Huihui grabbed the staff and analyzed seriously:"This is the territory of the devil, they will definitely poison the water or do other things."

The Sword Saint agreed:"Yes, we can't be fooled by appearances. Maybe the Ruby City uses this method to confuse people entering the city."

Darkness said:"If we don't drink, it may arouse the suspicion of these people."

Cui said:"In order to avoid exposing our identities, we have to drink"


After much discussion, they were still struggling.

Aqua crossed her arms and said confidently:"Hehe!"

"Have you forgotten who I am?"

"I am the goddess of water. It is easy for me to evolve the toxins in the water!"

With Aqua here, they felt relieved.

After a while, a guard came over with a transparent kettle and a dozen cups.

Everyone's attention was on the kettle of water.

There was a layer of frost on the outside of the transparent kettle, and you could see the water bubbling.

You could also hear the sound of clanging!


When the guard came over with the kettle, he said,"This is lemon honey soda water. In order to increase the taste, we specially added some ice cubes."

"After all, you have worked hard along the way, you need to enjoy yourself!"


They all knew about lemon and honey.

But what is soda?

Moreover, there are suspicious bubbles in it!

How can we enjoy it?

What a joke!

Are the devil's men treating us as fools?

The brave man had the urge to draw his sword.

But he was worried that it would cause too much noise, which would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble and casualties.

So he held back!

One of the female guards took a white cup and poured a glass for each person.

"Think about it, it's not too late to make a decision"

"We don't think there's much to do today, and we have plenty of time."

"But it is recommended to make a decision before dark."

"In case of a handover, the successor may not be very clear."

The guard helped pour water while explaining enthusiastically.

After pouring water for everyone, she smiled at them and said,"Please don't feel too much pressure. The Red Jade City is a very tolerant city."

"Please enjoy!"

"You can add more water after you finish drinking, but please don't take the kettle away."


"I don't mean to discriminate against you. After all, many merchants saw that the kettle was made of glass and took it away without telling us."

"Although it is not worth much, we still need to apply for purchase, which will cause us some trouble."

"If you have any questions, you can always contact us."

After saying that, the female guard turned and left.

This warm-hearted look made the brave team shudder!

Oh my god?

This is the devil's subordinate!

Logically speaking, the devil's subordinates are also ruthless!

But this warm-hearted look.......

They felt guilty for questioning whether the water was poisonous.

Aqua picked up the kettle and said seriously,"Glass is very expensive."

"A piece of glass that is only one-tenth the size of this kettle can be sold for at least five gold coins outside!"

"This size is estimated to be worth fifty gold coins or more!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"They must be using this thing to lure us. If we take it away, we will be caught by them!"

Aqua pointed at the bubbling soda water and continued,"Look, whose drinking water has bubbles in it?"

"The devil's men obviously think we are fools!"

Then he poked the white cup with his hand, and it immediately sank again.

This is a disposable paper cup made by Su Heng in another world.[]

It was a very common daily item.

But it surprised everyone!

Their eyes widened!

Aqua continued to analyze:"This soft cup is obviously a low-quality product when you touch it. They are totally treating us like fools!"

"We don't need to blame ourselves for that person's kindness."

"Be clear, they are the devil's men!"

"Could it really be that simple?"

What Aqua said made some sense, and the heroes' self-blame was swept away.

Then, Aqua cast the magic of essence liquid.

The water that was still bubbling was purified and turned into ice water without any taste. After waiting for Aqua to finish the purification,

Darkness and the others picked it up and drank it.

There was no taste.

But it was icy and cool, and it was very relieving!

Huihui said:"It's so comfortable to drink a glass of ice water after walking all the way!"

"Fortunately, Aqua is here"

"Otherwise , we won't even be eligible to drink ice water."

Hearing the praise from her teammates, Aqua became even more proud.......

Fulilian, who had been distracted, picked up a cup of water without Aqua noticing.

The water was not purified by Aqua!

Even though she had been deceiving herself that the building materials for the city wall were just disguised as forbidden magic stones, her mind was still in a mess!

Because the magic needed to maintain such a huge city wall also requires amazing magic power to do it!

It can even be equal to the total amount of magic power used to destroy the Demon King at that time!

That was the magic power of everyone.

The explosion magic that was just cast!

Fulilian did not collapse now, which was enough to prove how good her mentality was.

After she felt her mind getting more and more confused, she simply drank the lemon honey soda in her hand.

The moment she drank it,

Fulilian's mind became clear!

The sour and sweet taste, and bubbles kept bursting in her mouth. It was a delicacy she had never enjoyed before!

It was so delicious that she even forgot to think about those messy things!

Fulilian glanced at the cup in her hand:"What is this?"

"It tastes so good!"

The sweet and sour taste lingers on the tip of the tongue, and the bursting bubbles make people linger! I can't help but drink it all in one gulp!

Looking at the empty cup, Fulilian still wants to continue drinking!

So Fulilian picked up the kettle and poured herself another cup in front of everyone.

Aqua hurriedly dissuaded:"Flilian, the water may be poisonous!"

Fulilian said without hesitation:"It's okay, you can detoxify me."

She ignored everyone's dissuasion and drank another cup.

Huihui came to Fulilian:"Is it really that delicious?"

"You can try to drink some, anyway, Aqua is there to back you up"


Huihui, unable to resist the temptation, immediately poured herself a cup.

After taking a sip, her eyes lit up!

"Oh, Ishii!"

Then the rest of the people started drinking. As for Aqua.........

I can only look at her and savour her!

After all, she is responsible for detoxifying everyone.


Darkness coughed twice to ease the embarrassment of the previous rudeness, and brought the topic back on track:"We will definitely need money to enter the Ruby City."

"I still have some gold coins in my hand that can be used for exchange."

As he spoke, Darkness took out a bag of money.

The other heroes also took out some.

There were a total of 300 gold coins, more than 100 silver coins and scattered copper coins.

This was all the wealth of the heroes!

More than 90% of it was the reward they received for their adventure missions.

It was a bit ridiculous.

The heroes who defeated the demon king didn't even have 500 gold coins in their entirety.���!

Not as much as some nobles spend in a day!

Aqua took half of the gold and silver coins and said,"Let's just trade half. We can use the rest when we return to the empire.""


The heroes unanimously agreed to Aqua's proposal.

After getting everyone's vote, Aqua came to the guard post with 747 coins.

She put the money on the table and said,"Let us trade these for the currency of the Ruby City!"

"Okay, let's go count them."

The guard smiled and served Aqua.

The three of them carefully counted the gold and silver coins, weighed them, and then did some calculations.

Fulilian sneaked a peek at the words they used when calculating. They were twisted like earthworms, but simple and clear!

The speed of calculation was much faster than ordinary words.


The devil also changed the characters used in the Ruby City?


Two guards left with a bag of gold and silver coins, and within a few minutes, they returned with a bunch of strange rectangular objects.

One of the guards handed the things in his hand to Aqua:"These are the banknotes of the Ruby City, a total of 100,000, 10,000 per copy, 100 notes per copy, and a denomination of 100 per note. You can count and confirm them yourself."

"Finally, please stretch out your right hands."

They followed the instructions and stretched out their right hands.

The guards took out the stamps and stamped them on their arms!

"This is the pass to the Ruby City. As tourists, you can freely enter and exit certain places."

The guard also reminded:"But your stamp is a level 5 stamp, the lowest kind, so the areas you can visit are not as many as you think!"

"Once you arrive at a restricted area, the seal will become hot, and in serious cases, the person will fall into a coma!"

The sudden strict rules made the team of heroes feel a little more at ease.

If they still want to be as casual as before.

Doesn't it mean that there is something fishy in the Ruby City?

The stamping was completed.

One of the guards opened the door behind him:"Welcome again to the city where humans and demons coexist - the Ruby City!"

Aqua walked in the front and led her companions into the Ruby City.

But Fulilian was reluctant to leave.

She had a lot of questions to ask!

After waiting for all her companions to leave, Fulilian bravely said:"This is the city built by the Demon King, right?"

The guard who was asked paused, without the enthusiastic expression just now, and became serious instead:"Yes."

Fulilian clenched her palms and said, confirming with him:"Is the material used to build the city wall called the Forbidden Magic Stone?"

The guard replied:"I don't know, I only know that the city wall was built by the Demon King alone."

Hearing this answer, Fulilian's limbs turned cold.

The so-called wall made of human lives was actually built by Su Heng himself?

Before she had time to wonder, another guard interrupted and said,"Speaking of which, there was an elf before, she said that the material of the wall is called Forbidden Magic Stone."

Fulilian's body paused, dropped the staff in her hand, grabbed the table���Asked:"What is the name of that elf?"

The guard recalled for a moment and then gave the answer:"It seems to be called something like Celia."

The moment she knew the name, Fulilian's legs instantly went limp.

She sat directly on the ground.

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