Almost all the heroes were thinking about how to destroy the Ruby City.

Except for Fulilian!

After learning that the Forbidden Magic Stone Wall was built by the Demon King and that her master was teaching in the Ruby City,

Fulilian's heart was constantly wavering.

Now there is another person who is taking shelter under the rice!

Demon King Su Heng....

This unique demon king.

What exactly is he doing? For every matter, Fulilian is trying her best to find excuses.

To get a glimmer of hope.

But as things gradually increase, Fulilian becomes more and more doubtful of herself!

Have we really eliminated the demon king?

Is eliminating the demon king really the right choice?

Such remarks keep asking herself!

Fulilian shook her head.


Regardless of whether the demon king is really dead or not, it is certain that he will only bring disaster, not to mention that the demon king killed someone important to him!

So eliminating the demon king is the right choice!

Yuli, who is in charge of the guide, is still introducing the Ruby City:"Where we are is in the eastern district of the Ruby City."

"There are three other areas!"

"The central area is the most prosperous area, where there are countless places to eat, drink and have fun."

"By the way, the East District is where food is produced. More than two-thirds of the food in the entire Ruby City is produced here."

"At the same time, you are responsible for the export and import of food!"

Yuli carefully explained the situation of the Ruby City.

But when she mentioned that food still needed to be imported,

Darkness seemed to have thought of something:"Yuli, is there not enough food in the Ruby City?"

"Why do we need to import it from abroad?"

Yuli shook her head:"Enough, of course it's enough!"

"The current food reserves in the Ruby City are enough to feed the entire city for a year!"

"But the city lord said that one year is not enough"

"It will take at least three years!"


Darkness denied Yuri's words in her heart.

Many famines in the past were mostly related to the Demon King.

If the food outside is getting less and less, once there is a famine outside, won't the Ruby City be able to control it at will?

Food is the lifeline of the people.

If the lifeline is in the hands of others, Darkness can't imagine it!

A series of things gave Darkness a clear context.

That is, the Demon King's real idea is not to enjoy the shade under the rice fields, but to make it convenient to create a new famine in the future.

Take the opportunity to win over new people!

What a vicious mind!

Demon King, Demon King, fortunately we have destroyed you.

Otherwise, the world will fall into hell!

"Well, this is the East District of Ruby City!"

Yuli led the team of heroes to officially enter the East District of Ruby City.

The buildings here were something they had never seen before!

Each 283-story building was almost ten meters high!

The road was paved with stone bricks on both sides, and there were no bumps or uneven spots at a glance.

The whole road was very neat!

The middle of the road was pitch black.

There was a white line dividing the road in the middle.

The direction of travel was also clearly marked!

"These......What is it?"

Aqua was so shocked by the structure of the houses in the East City District that she couldn't speak clearly.

As a goddess, she once took over many worlds!

In terms of knowledge, Aqua is the person with the most heroes.


Aqua, who has witnessed several worlds, is still the first time to see a city built like this.

She can't even take it all in!

Yuli explained:"These are residential buildings, roads and sidewalks."

"But this is an industrial area."

"There are no hotels or anything like that, so we have to walk some distance."

As soon as the voice fell, a purple-skinned minotaur pulled a cart of food and passed by them.


With purple skin!

This is an elite demon!

It has terrifying power and can easily break through any wall of the human empire!

And it is easy to go berserk!

Extremely bloodthirsty!

After seeing the purple-skinned minotaur, Darkness immediately drew his sword from his waist and stood in front of everyone!

Yuri stopped him:"Don't!"

"He is a resident of the Ruby City, and he is different from the demons outside!"

Aqua grabbed Yuri and said,"Demons will always be demons, and they can't change their violent attitude towards humans!"

When the purple-skinned minotaur noticed that humans were pointing swords at him, he smiled at Darkness in a simple and honest way.

Then he apologized in a heavy voice,"Is this your first time in the Ruby City?"

"I'm sorry, I scared you."

The purple-skinned minotaur used his calloused fingers to count the number of heroes in the team.

Then he rummaged through the cart and took out fruits equal to the number of heroes.

The fruits were bright and delicious!

The minotaur held the fruits in both hands, came to Darkness, and said honestly,"This is my apology to you."

"I 'm afraid you'll be scared by my fierce appearance."

The purple-skinned minotaur's simple and honest appearance immediately made Darkness feel like drawing his sword and looking around in confusion.......


Too polite!

Darkness instantly became the one who did something wrong.

The whole team of heroes was also confused!

Huihui said in astonishment:"Is this still the demon we know?"

Aqua rubbed her eyes:"I remember the purple minotaur, but it is an uncontrollable elite monster."

"Very bad temper!"

"Why do you look so simple and honest?"

Cui pinched the arm of the Sword Saint next to her:"It doesn't hurt at all, I'm sure it's a dream."

The Sword Saint pinched her face and said:"Stupid Cui!"

"You are pinching my arm, of course it doesn't hurt you!"


He was patrolling in uniform and was near here.

He saw Darkness draw his sword against the minotaur. He immediately shouted a warning:"The man over there!"

Darkness was stunned and pointed at himself:"I��?"

The next second, she clearly saw the patrolman running towards her quickly.

The patrolman soon arrived in front of Darkness.

He immediately grabbed the opponent's wrist, and the long sword fell to the ground with a bang. While kicking away, he kicked Darkness to the ground with force.

The patrolman grabbed Darkness's hand and said,"What are you doing?"

"Using dangerous tools in public, I will arrest you according to the law!"

The patrolman's ability is not strong.

Anyone in the brave team can dodge his grasp.


The Minotaur's honesty and simplicity completely shocked them.

It took a long time to react!

Yuri held her forehead:"Alas, it really attracted the patrolman."

As for the brave team.

Darkness's companions grabbed their weapons, but hesitated whether to take action.

After all,......

They were the ones who did something wrong!

Seeing this, the purple-skinned minotaur hurriedly explained to the inspector:"Sir, this is her first time entering the Ruby City."

"You'll naturally be scared when you see me!"

"I'm fine, I wasn't frightened!"

After hearing the purple-skinned minotaur's explanation, the inspector softened his attitude:"Really?"


Then the inspector checked the stamp on Darkness' wrist.

After confirming it, he let Darkness go.

The inspector told Darkness seriously:"You cannot use weapons casually in the Ruby City, and you must not point weapons at the residents."

"This is a city where humans and demons coexist. The demons are not as bad as you think. Do you understand?

Darkness nodded in a daze:"Yes......."

She never thought that one day she would point her sword at the demons and it would be a mistake.

The world is crazy after all.......

No. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Ruby City must be crazy!

The inspector turned to the purple-skinned minotaur and said,"What do you think of her drawing her sword against you?"

"In the situation just now, you have the right to claim compensation from her."

Hearing the word"compensation

", Aqua covered the money in her safekeeping. She didn't want to draw her sword against the demons and then compensate the demons! []

In the outside world, they can get a lot of rewards for killing demons!

How come it's the other way around here?

The purple-skinned minotaur chuckled and didn't mention the claim. Instead, he admitted his fault:"I don't have any idea. I am a very scary existence to people in the outside world."

"It was my failure to remind her in time that led to this incident.

The purple-skinned minotaur looked so honest that even the inspector sighed.

He couldn't help but say,"You are too honest."

"After all, this is a place built by the Demon King, and we should give more good impressions to the tourists outside."

The purple-skinned minotaur held the fruit and smiled foolishly.

The originally scary skin became inexplicably cute at this moment.

Darkness's heart was upset, and she felt mixed emotions. It was her first time facing the demons.

She felt guilty!

When she was outside the Ruby City, Darkness wanted to cut the demons into pieces!

Although the purple-skinned minotaur did not continue to pursue Darkness, the patrol needed to be diligent and responsible:"Since this is your first time entering the Ruby City and you don't understand the rules inside, and the person involved doesn't want to continue to pursue you, you will be dealt with leniently."

"You and your friends must remember that the Ruby City is not the outside world, and you must never attack any of the residents inside!"

"When you encounter a real bad guy, there are exceptions to being brave and righteous."

"If a similar accident happens again next time, we will strictly enforce the laws and regulations!"

The inspector preached not only to Darkness, but also to his teammates!

After the sermon, the inspector took out a small notebook from his pocket, pointed to one of the pages and said,"This is a ticket."

"Even though you made the mistake without knowing it, it is still a mistake and you still have to pay the fine."

"A total of five hundred. Do you want to pay now or wait for a while?"

The inspector said in a warning tone:"If you refuse to pay, we will send someone to send you away from the Ruby City."

Darkness took the ticket and looked at Aqua with a look of help.

Although Aqua was very unhappy.

But now is not the time to resist, she can only pay the fine honestly!

When paying the money, Aqua was reluctant as if she was giving her own child away!

The inspector counted the number and said:"Okay, the fine has been paid."

The next second.

The ticket in Darkness's hand turned into powder!

The inspector said:"The fine record in your information has been deleted"

"Finally, I wish you all a happy time in the Ruby City!"


Darkness wanted to cry but had no tears!

A hero who destroyed the Demon King, but because he wanted to destroy the demons, he paid a fine!

It hurts, too much!

When Darkness was sad, a red apple was stuffed into her hand.

The purple-skinned minotaur comforted her with a simple smile:"Eat it, the fruit just picked is so sweet!"

Darkness felt more complicated when she saw the apple in her hand. She even doubted her life a little!

You know, in the outside world, Darkness has never been treated so well!

If these things happened outside.

Even if she took out the identity of a hero, she would most likely be blackmailed for a large sum of money!

Being scolded is a small matter!

As a result.....

In this city built by the Demon King, I experienced the warmth of human hearts in the demons I had been fighting against.......

It's full of irony!

"Eat it, it's sweet!"

The purple-skinned minotaur said honestly:"After eating something sweet, you can't be sad."

"You are a human being, and your smile is much more beautiful than that of a minotaur with weird skin like me!"


So heartwarming!

Darkness was now completely filled with self-blame.

She didn't even dare to look up at the purple minotaur's expression.

This monster was so simple, honest and heartwarming.

But she drew her sword against him!

I am really not a human being!

Under the gaze of the purple minotaur, Darkness ate the apple.

It was crisp and delicious!

Compared to the apples she ate outside, it was dozens of times sweeter!

"It’s really delicious!"

Darkness gave a high evaluation.

The purple minotaur smiled foolishly:"As long as it tastes good!"

Then he gave the remaining apples to Darkness’ other companions.

After all the apples were given away.

The purple minotaur said:"These apples are compensation for the possibility that my fellow tribesmen may scare you. It’s not a lot, don’t mind!"

"Don’t let my incident ruin your mood in the Ruby City!"

Touched! Darkness was so moved by the purple-skinned minotaur that she was speechless.

She organized her words for a long time and finally said,"Thank you!"

The purple-skinned minotaur was embarrassed by the sudden thanks and scratched his head and said,"If you want to thank someone, go thank the Demon King!"

"If not......"

Before the purple-skinned minotaur finished speaking, he saw a figure.

It was his team leader! He didn't even bother to finish what he had just said:"The team leader is here, I will go back to work."

Then he returned to the position where he pulled the cart and continued his previous work.

Thanks to the devil......

This is the funniest hell joke Darkness has ever heard!

The person who needs to be thanked was killed some time ago!

And the people who killed him were none other than Darkness and others who were treated warmly!

So far, from the people of Ruby City that he has contacted, it seems that no one knows that the Demon King Su Heng is dead.

Darkness dare not imagine.

If these people knew, what kind of treatment would he and his companions suffer!

The incident came to an end.

Yuri continued to guide them, and repeatedly emphasized:"The demons in Ruby City are not the fierce and brutal demons outside."

"They are all part of the city!"

"Next time, don't point your weapons at them."

"The Minotaur uncle just now was kind-hearted. If he met a demon with a bad heart, it would not be as simple as a 500 yuan ticket!"

The brave men were silent.

It was not because of self-blame!

Instead, they were constantly brainstorming and analyzing the situation.

After walking for a long distance, the moon was already hanging in the sky.

The starry sky was in full view!

Yuli took them to the hotel:"This is a hotel with a better location. There are midnight snacks and shops open in the middle of the night around it."

The next step is to help with various check-in procedures!

After waiting for everything to be over.

Yuli stretched:"Okay!"

"Today's guide mission is over!"

"If you still need it tomorrow, you can make an appointment now~"

Yuli made a very money-grubbing expression!

Aqua decisively took out a hundred yuan and gave it to her:"Sorry to bother you tomorrow too!"

She didn't want to waste this little money.

But there were still too many questions waiting for them in the Ruby City!

If there was no Yuli as a guide.

It is estimated that the money they had would not be enough for compensation!

After seeing the money, Yuli smiled particularly brightly:"Okay!"

"I will continue to serve you tomorrow!"

Ruby City.

East City District.

Ignis came here to check the grain production according to the instructions of Ruby Eye!

After all, the Demon King is dead.

There will be huge changes in the alien world in the future!

As the granary of Ruby City, East City must be managed carefully! Ignis saw a piece of information when reading the recent documents of East City!

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