
Fulilian looked at Alice who suddenly appeared. Her petite body was like a toy in front of the wild boar.

The wild boar was running towards them not far away.

The wild boar was very big. Its limbs stepped on the ground, cracking the stone bricks and making a pit, which made the ground where Fulilian stood tremble!

Compared with it, Alice was just a ceramic doll that would fall down at the touch!

Fulilian was about to speak, but Alice said,"Don't worry, just leave it to me!"

Is it really okay?

Fulilian was a little worried that Alice would be killed by the wild boar.

Just activate the magic!

After all, life is only once, and it is not worth gambling with it.

This was in the past thousand years.

What that person told Fulilian!

Especially after witnessing his death, Fulilian had a deeper understanding of life.

So she didn't want to see her companions die.

She also didn't want to see the girl who stood up for her die in front of her.

The magic was still in the charging stage.

However, Alice just shook her body, and she disappeared from the spot.

The next second, she appeared above the wild boar, clenched her little pink fist, and smashed it down.


The originally insignificant little pink fist stopped the huge wild boar.

The wild boar's head slammed into the ground, destroying the road and creating a huge pothole!

So strong!

Fulilian was shocked by Alice's terrible power.

I never thought that such a small body could contain such terrible power!

Is this the horror of the children of the Ruby City?

I dare not imagine what they will look like when they grow up.

They should be able to become heroes, right?

Unfortunately, she is from the Ruby City, that is, she is from the Demon King's forces.

Wait a minute!

Fulilian thought of Is who suddenly attacked them.

If she, like Is, uses the human face.

Infiltrates the human forces to deceive intelligence and assassinate.

Wouldn't it be very dangerous for the human"Six Seven Three"?

In other words, the girl in front of her is very likely a death warrior specially created by the Demon King to deal with war!

In order to convince the Demon King that he was not a good person, Fulilian strengthened her prejudice against the Demon King Su Heng.

She believed that the Ruby City was an experimental site specially created for war!

There was Is in front of her.

And there was the little girl in front of her!

Alice touched the wild boar's head and said,"If you don't stay in the wild, you will be caught if you come to the city!"

Alice was controlling her strength. The punch just now only knocked the wild boar unconscious.

It was not fatal!

After all, the ecosystem of the Ruby City has only been cultivated in recent years.

For these wild creatures, don't kill them if you can!

Alice touched the wild boar and looked at Fulilian:"Are you scared?"

She was actually worried!

Fulilian felt a little strange when the little girl suddenly cared about her.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Compared with this, Fulilian was more concerned about Alice's situation.

How serious was the brainwashing she suffered?

Whether she was like Is, loyal to the Demon King.

Alice saw Fulilian using magic and said,"Hey, so you can do magic?"

Fulilian stopped the magic and said,"Well, I am a magician."

"You are very good. You must have received special training to be able to kill a wild boar, right?"

Alice put her hands on her hips when she heard the compliment. She looked so awesome!


Alice said proudly,"Of course I was specially trained. In order to help the Demon King as soon as possible, I go to bed early, eat well, read a lot, and exercise every day!"

Then she showed off her non-existent muscles.

It turned out to be a humanoid weapon specially trained by the Ruby City!

Demon King, Demon King.

You don't even let the children go?

All the sympathy that Fulilian had for Alice turned into a weak sigh:"Alas."

The children living in the Ruby City are miserable.

Do they know that they will become weapons of battle?


"Elf sister, why are you sighing?"

Alice trotted to Fulilian and looked up at her.

Alice made a small expression, concerned about her situation:"Did something happen to you?"

Fulilian shook her head:"No."

I just feel sorry for you. At the age when you should be happiest, you became the devil's experimental tool!

Fulilian, who has the title of a hero, has a sense of responsibility in her heart.

That is to restore these children's freedom!

Escape from the brainwashing of the devil's will!

Fulilian rubbed Alice's blonde hair and asked with a smile:"Do you want to see the outside world?"

"Of course I do!"

Alice showed her longing for the outside world.

The Ruby City is a huge city.

Under Su Heng's influence, the area of a city is much larger than that of a small country outside!


It is always just a piece of heaven and earth.

The space is limited.

It is not as vast as the whole world!

It's not that Alice doesn't like the Ruby City, but she wants to see the whole picture of the world!

Alice continued:"I want to be an adventurer, explore dungeons, and open treasure chests!"

"I want to go to the desert and then to the ocean!"

"What I want to go to most is the palace of the Demon King. That is the place I have always dreamed of!"

If only I could go to the place where the Demon King lived and see how he worked.

Alice was willing to give up her previous curiosity!

Even for a day!

If she could really do it, an hour would not be impossible!

Because Alice was really curious.

What does the Demon King she admired do every day.

After all, he was able to build the Ruby City so well.

He is even managing the entire Demon King's army!

Fulilian sighed softly. She felt pity for the little girl in front of her who was poisoned by the Demon King's thoughts!

In order to be made into a killing weapon.

She doesn't even deserve to have innocence!

Alice's answer made her want Fulilian to take her out even more:"In that case, I will take you away from the Ruby City."

"How about it?"

Alice shook her head and rejected Fulilian's kindness:"Thank you for the kindness of the elf sister, but I can't leave the Ruby City."

As a half-demon, she is not qualified to leave this city.

Although the Ruby City does not restrict anyone's freedom.

However, Alice, who experienced the incident ten years ago, has a determination that her peers cannot match.

No matter how much she yearns for the outside world.

She will not leave the Ruby City!

Fulilian asked expressionlessly:"Why?"

"Are your parents still in the Ruby City?"

Alice still shook her head:"My parents died in the disaster ten years ago.""


The Demon King is a fucking beast!

Su Heng is simply the most damnable thing in history!

A borer!

Even though Fulilian is emotionally dull, she couldn't help cursing Su Heng in her heart after hearing Alice's words. Not only did he kill his parents, but he also captured the child and used him as a tool of war.

Alice looked only thirteen years old.

Ten years ago, she was only two or three years old, and she had just learned to call mom and dad.

The family that should have been happy was directly broken up by the Demon King!

Now she is imprisoned in the Ruby City and trained as a killing weapon!

Sure enough.

It is the right thing to do to defeat the Demon King!

If the Demon King is really not dead, Fulilian is willing to defeat him again!

The hatred for Su Heng also reached its peak!

Fulilian's cold face became complicated:"There is no one you miss in the Ruby City, why don't you leave?"

If Aqua heard Frillian say this, she would probably get punched!

Which good person speaks so directly?

Can't you be more tactful?

Fortunately, Alice didn't care. She shook her golden hair and said,"No!"

"I have many people here worth remembering."

"Uncle Ignis, the worrying Isis, and many companions around"

"There are many things in the Ruby City that I don't want to give up!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Fulilian frowned slightly.

Because the boy they met a few days ago was called Is.

She actually heard this name from the girl she met unexpectedly in the Ruby City.

What is the relationship between her and Is? []

Fulilian had many questions and wanted to ask the little girl in front of her.

Alice also put her hand on her hair, ready to lift her hair and explain her identity as a half-demon.

But at this time.

The two were interrupted by the sudden arrival of the patrol!

More than a dozen patrols heard the bang just now and rushed over to check what happened.

As a result, when I came over, I saw a wild boar lying on the ground!

There were two people standing not far away.

An elf and a petite girl!

Upon seeing this, the patrol captain immediately arranged two ordinary women to go and comfort them.

The rest of the people surrounded the wild boar.

The female patrol was a succubus with bat wings and a pointed tail.

Even though she was dressed very conservatively.

But her figure was still visible!

When Fulilian saw her, she subconsciously lowered her head to look at her own situation.

Alice was the same.

But she did not lose heart, and whispered to herself:"It's okay, Alice, you just haven't grown up yet."

"She will definitely strike back when she grows up!"

What an ambitious girl!

But her name is Alice?

She should be the Lady Alice mentioned by Is.

Do you want to hand Is over?


At least not now!

The Succubus Patrolman asked:"Do you have anything to do?"

The two shook their heads


Shake your head


Still shaking her head.

After ensuring that the person involved was fine, the Succubus Inspector heaved a sigh of relief:"As long as he is safe."

Then she asked about the wild boar:"Can you briefly explain to me what happened from the time you encountered the wild boar until now?"

Facing the inspection of the Ruby City, Fulilian and Alice were quite cooperative.

Briefly explain the situation just now.

While taking notes, the Succubus Inspector praised Alice:"Amazing!"

"I will definitely be able to lighten the burden for the Demon King in the future."

Stop talking."

Fulilian clenched her palms tightly, holding back the anger in her heart.

I hope the Succubus Patrol will stop talking!

The people of the Ruby City, don't they realize that they are living in the Demon King's experiment?

Even the succubus are experimental subjects! As expected, the demons are still the demons, and they actually want children to go to the battlefield to make merit!

Or for the Demon King!

Fulilian tried her best to restrain the murderous intent in her heart........

Now is not the time to cause trouble.

At least for the sake of our companions, we cannot do anything out of line in the Ruby City!

Alice put her hands on her hips, her nose lifted high by the praise:"Of course!"

"I can be Alice!"

The succubus inspector exclaimed:"Are you the dragon-slaying Alice?"

"Yes, it was me."

Alice was surprised that the Succubus Patrol knew that she had killed the dragon, after all, it was something she did a few days ago.

How did it spread to Dongcheng District today?

The Succubus Patrol immediately took it for granted:"That's not surprising."

"After all, you are Belzer Gustave Hussod Alice"

"The one who inherited the blood of the brave"

"come on!"

"You must make good use of the blood of the brave, stand firm in your inner thoughts, and help the Demon King!"

"Don't be like those who call themselves heroes and think about conquering the Demon King."

The Succubus Patrolman spoke to Alice in a child's tone.

Her colleague said behind her:"Hey, don't use the hero's bloodline to deny the efforts of Lady Alice!"

Alice touched the back of her head embarrassedly and said modestly:"No, I can be so powerful thanks to the blessing of the hero's bloodline."

"Otherwise, I can't slay the dragon!"

Alice didn't think the blood of the hero was strange.

On the contrary, she enjoyed the bonus brought by the blood.

The few people were chatting happily.

Only Fulilian!

She looked at the petite Alice without any ripples, but her heart was in turmoil!

Darkness had mentioned it in front of them.

She said that in her country, the former royal family had the blood of the hero.

If they were still alive, the strength of the hero team could be greatly improved!

Darkness also mentioned the name of one of the royals.

Belzegus Deli Xiusode Alice.

If Alice can have the same name, then such a long name, the probability of having the same name is almost 0! What's more , only the royal family of the destroyed Belze ancient kingdom can have the

Belze ancient surname in the world!

Alice also admitted that she The so-called brave bloodline refers to the person who once killed the Demon King and was given the title of Brave by the God.

The first king of the ancient kingdom of Belzer, the person who officially slaughtered the Demon King before Su Heng!

In other words.

The little girl in front of him is no one else.

It is the princess of the fallen ancient kingdom of Belzer!

She is still alive?!


Fulilian thought about it seriously.

She felt that it was not a particularly strange thing that Alice was still alive.

Brave bloodline is very rare in the world.

It is reasonable for the Demon King Su Heng to leave one for research and taming.


Fulilian couldn't help but be amazed.

Su Heng, that bastard, if it weren't for Alice's brave bloodline.

Wouldn't she have survived? No.


2 This matter must be told to Darkness, and Alice must be taken away from the Ruby City.

Otherwise, it will make enemies for humans!

The Succubus Patrol sighed:"Fortunately, Lady Alice came to the Ruby City a long time ago, otherwise you would also be in the brave team of the Lord who is fighting against the Demon King!

" Alice expressed her pride in joining the Ruby City:"I think my father will be proud of me for being able to serve the Demon King!

" These words were heard by Frelian, and became more and more irritating.

How ironic.

If the ancient King Belzer knew that his descendants were proud of joining the Demon King's forces, he would probably kick the coffin open!

But it's not Alice's fault.

Living in the city built by the Demon King, it's normal to be brainwashed!

The two people were talking at this time.

Unable to let Frelian continue to endure, she placed a magic trace on Alice and turned to leave.

But she was noticed by the succubus patrol:"This elf lady


"Are you in a hurry to leave?"

Fulilian responded perfunctorily to the demon's question and left.

Alice looked at Fulilian's back and said,"She looks a little unhappy."

The succubus patrol also felt strange:"And when we were discussing the Demon King, she didn't join the discussion."

"It is clearly an honor to work for the Demon King!"

Another inspector said,"It is probably a new tourist who arrived today and does not know the situation of the Demon King yet."

That makes sense!

No wonder Fulilian's expression has been wrong since just now.

"What should I do then?"

"What if the elf sister just now thought that we were brainwashed by the Demon King?"

Alice is a smart person and immediately thought of this aspect.

But when she wanted to catch up, she could no longer see Frielian's back!

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