The Lord of Ruby City?

Darkness looked up at Ruby Tong. She had a bunch of goat horns, which was the symbol of the devil. Her human-like appearance showed that she was a high-level demon!

Under the swaying light.

Darkness saw Ruby Tong's eyes clearly. Her red pupils were as bright as rubies! Her manners were elegant, as if she had been specially trained by human nobles.

She was stunningly beautiful.

At least the king of the human empire would start countless battles for a face like Ruby Tong.

Such a beauty is a cadre of the Demon King!

It's funny.

Darkness sat on the ground, sneered, and said unyieldingly:"What do you want to do to me?"

"You can kill me or chop me up, I'll do whatever you want!"

"I am a Crusader and will never bow to you demons!"

Ruby Eyes saw Darkness's reaction and said apologetically,"Sorry, I scared you a little."

"Could it be because I have grown horns?"

Ruby Tong looked innocent and raised her hand to touch her horns.

With a sound of"bo'er", the pair of horns that symbolized the demon clan were directly pulled off.

Darkness was stunned by the sudden scene.

Oh my god?

This thing can be taken off?

Is it a decoration?

Darkness subconsciously asked:"You are not a demon?"

Ruby Tong held the pair of horns and said:"Of course I am a demon, but my horns have disappeared for some reason."

"These are just decorations"

"Do you want it?"

Ruby Eye held her horn and handed it to Darkness:"I can give it to you.~"

"Visitors from the outside world.

" The originally serious atmosphere became a lot more relaxed due to Ruby Eyes' naive behavior.

Celia, who was standing aside and watching, couldn't help but admire her.

I really don't know if she did it on purpose or was really that naive!

But it's normal.

Being able to manage Ruby City and being a cadre of the Demon King's army, you can never look at her with the thoughts of an ordinary person!

Darkness rejected Ruby Eyes' kindness:"No, I'm worried that there is explosive magic hidden in it.


"Also, don't be hypocritical in front of me!"

"I'm not a child anymore."

Ruby Tong's behavior just now at least alleviated Darkness's thorny appearance.

The subsequent conversation was also much easier!

Ruby Tong said with a look of disappointment:"What a pity"

"I thought you would like it."

Darkness looked him in the eye and said,"Just tell me what you want to do to me."

"No need to pretend!"

"You will only make me feel physically uncomfortable!"

Ever since entering the Ruby City, Darkness has had a negative impression of this city.

160 She believes that this city built by the Demon King is the cancer of the world!

The demons who manage this city.

Are they good people?

Who knows, they might be smiling tigers!

Hiding evil thoughts in secret!

Ruby Eyes suffered an unprecedented blow.

As the lord of the city, it was the first time she heard that she would cause psychological discomfort to others.

She walked to the corner of the cell sadly.

With a branch picked up from somewhere, she drew a circle on the ground

"When I came here, I washed my hair and changed my clothes."

"I also took a nice bath."

"I just hope you don't dislike me for not taking a shower for several days."

"I didn’t expect that I would still be disliked!"

"As expected, I am not a very competent city lord."

Ruby Eye raised her head and looked at Celia sadly:"Master Celia, why don't you take over this city?"

"I just want to be an ordinary demon!"

Celia refused without any hesitation:"No, I want to sleep more every day."

How did she become the city lord?

Darkness looked at Ruby Eyes' performance and wondered what was wrong with the Demon King to hand over Ruby City to her to manage!

"What on earth do you want to do to me? You arrested me and still haven't explained the situation to me!

" Darkness hasn't revealed her identity as a hero yet.

She doesn't know how she will be treated if she tells it!

Ruby Eyes then threw away the branch in her hand, straightened her clothes, and said with a straight attitude:"Of course I came here to ask you why you took Alice away.

" It may be non-serious, but when it comes to the point, she can't keep playing dumb!

Darkness gritted her teeth and said:"The Ruby City is training our princess as a war machine.

Is it wrong for me to take her away?


"That's right.

Ruby Eyes agreed with Darkness.

She was not unreasonable. People from the outside world would enter Ruby City because it was a city built by the Demon King, which led to many prejudices.

Many people's actions were also excusable.

The same was true for what Darkness did!

The princess of her country was imprisoned by the Demon King's forces. As long as she was loyal to that country, she would definitely find ways to rescue her!

But it was just understanding!

It didn't mean that she was allowed to do it.


Darkness was speechless for a moment when faced with Ruby-Eye's frank admission.

Not sure if she heard it right:"What did you say?"

Ruby-Eye repeated what she had just said:"From your point of view, it is not a wrong thing to want to take Alice away."


Darkness looked at Ruby-Eye with astonishment.

Could she really have a problem with her brain?

Not to mention the Demon King, even if it was any noble of the Human Empire, if they encountered such a thing, the other party would talk a lot.

As a result, the demon in front of him admitted it so readily?

Darkness suddenly began to question the Demon King's vision. He actually chose a person with a problem in the brain to be the lord of Ruby City!


Ruby-Eye's decisive admission also gave Darkness the confidence to continue:"Since you said so, then why did you lock me up?"

"You bunch of executioners, you don’t even spare the children!"

"Even brainwash them, making them do things for the power of the devil"

"Aren’t you ashamed?"

"The Ruby City should disappear from this world just like the Demon King. That is the right choice!"

Celia became a little irritated when she heard what Darkness said.

Does this woman know what she is talking about?

Ruby City disappears from the world?

Let alone ordinary people who have finally settled down in the city, what should the demons who have controlled their reason do?

Where should the half-demons who need Ruby City to suppress the infection go?

Ignorance is not a sin.

But you can't be a fool!

The current Ruby City has not made any ideological invasion or territorial invasion to the outside world.

At most, it has the name of the Demon King's legacy!

It's a pity that the person in charge is not herself.

Celia still resisted the urge to teach Darkness a lesson.

She leaned against the wall quietly to see how to deal with Ruby Eye.

Ruby Eye's reaction was very flat, without any expression.

It was impossible to tell whether it was angry or thinking about something.

This made Darkness think that she had made the lord of Ruby City speechless!

"You have nothing to say, right?"

Darkness sneered,"You still think what I said is right."

Ruby Eyes shook her head and denied,"No, I was just organizing my words so as not to shock you."


Darkness was stunned. She didn't expect to get such an answer.

Ruby Eyes continued:"What you did is not wrong for you."

"But for Alice, it was a fatal mistake."

"Do you know about half-demons?"

Darkness shook her head.

Although she had heard some information about half-demons before being captured by Celia, she was not sure what they were.

Ruby Eyes gave Darkness some general information:"Half-demons are a kind of infected human. They have some characteristics of demons."

"Under normal circumstances, half-demons will suffer the pain of becoming a demon, and their bodies will feel like countless ants crawling on them."

"After being eroded for a period of time, sanity will continue to be lost in pain."

"Until becoming a complete demon!"[]

"At that time, they will not have any human reason, only a desire for blood."

"The soul will be imprisoned in that body and suffer inhumane torture."

"This is the half-demon!"

It's the first time I heard...

Darkness asked Ruby Eyes:"What's the relationship with this half-demon?"

Ruby Eyes made a shushing gesture:"Don't interrupt me."

Then she continued:"Alice is a half-demon."

"To be precise, at that time, in the ancient kingdom of Belzer, except for the people outside, everyone was infected and turned into half-demons!"

The sudden truth seemed to strike Darkness like a bolt from the blue!

Ten years ago, she had a quarrel with her family and left the ancient kingdom of Belzer to become an adventurer.

She had never known what happened in the kingdom!

"No, what you said must be false, it must be false!"

Darkness did not believe Ruby Eyes' words.

Because if it was true, then that country would be annihilated by the human empire!

Why would the Demon King need to do it?

"So what did Princess Alice say? She is still a normal human being, not the half-demon you mentioned!"

Darkness told what she saw.

Ruby Eyes asked her,"Are you willing to show your ugliness to others?"

The sudden soul-questioning question made Darkness, who had prepared all the words, choke.

Ruby Eyes continued,"The half-demon clan is sometimes only a small part, and sometimes it is half a demon."

"Although the Ruby City is a country that does not discriminate against anyone, many people will not excessively show their half-demon parts."

"In the outside world, many people would hide their scars."

"Alice is the princess of the ancient kingdom of Belzer, but she is just an ordinary person in this city, and a little girl who loves beauty. She doesn’t need to show her half-demonized side."

Every word of Ruby Eyes pierced Darkness' heart.

She was still defending herself:"No......This must not be the case."

"You are lying to me!"

"There is no such thing as a half-demon. I have traveled half the world and have never seen such a thing!"

Darkness seemed to be grasping at the last straw.

I hope my heart will not collapse!

After all,......

If that were the case, I would have made a big mistake.

Ruby Eyes put her hands in front of her, no longer as innocent as before. She was as quiet as a noble lady!

She said,"From infection to becoming a demon, the process is no more than two hours."

"Even if I become a corpse, I still can't stop it"


Ruby Eyes stopped talking and looked at Darkness calmly.

Darkness became impatient:"And what?"

"I just said that the half-demon infection appeared in the ancient kingdom of Belzer ten years ago."

Ruby Eyes continued:"You should have heard that the ancient kingdom of Belzer was destroyed by the demons overnight."

"In fact, those demons are infected humans."


Darkness's brain was like a thunderbolt.

Her eyes were dull and she kept shaking her head:"No, it's impossible!"

"That's what the devil does!"

"Only the Demon King can mobilize a huge number of demons!"

She kept looking for loopholes in Ruby Eye's words.


This is the last straw to prevent her from collapsing!

If the fall of the kingdom has nothing to do with the devil, then she will destroy the devil to avenge her family.......

Isn't that true? This is Darkness 's motivation to keep going in order to defeat the Demon King! Even if she is covered in wounds, even if she can't wear her favorite cute dress.......

Because the country was destroyed by the demons, it was her only belief!......

Now she was told that the most important belief was no longer valid.

So what did she do?

Ruby closed her eyes, not looking at Darkness's ugly posture, and said quietly:"Even the Demon King can't bypass the spies of the Empire and organize a large number of demons to go to the ancient Kingdom of Belzer, which is close to the center."

"Besides, he has no reason to destroy that country."

Darkness' eyes were red, and he even forgot that he was a noble.

He roared with a ferocious face:"It must be the work of the Demon King. It must be the Demon King who made my country become like that!"

"No, it was other human empires that coveted the land of the ancient Kingdom of Belzer, which led to such a purgatory."

The Ruby Eyes remained calm:"The disaster ten years ago was ultimately the result of the internal strife among you humans."

"In fact, it has nothing to do with the Demon King."

Since the truth about the destruction of the ancient Kingdom of Belzer was revealed,

Ruby Eyes also revealed the culprit of the disaster ten years ago.

The revelation of the truth made Darkness shake her head.

She didn't believe everything Ruby Eyes said!

"Absolutely not!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

Darkness roared hoarsely,"You must be lying to me and trying to shatter my faith!"

"I have no interest in shattering your beliefs."

Ruby Eyes still closed her eyes, not looking at Darkness's ugly posture:"I am only stating the truth of everything, so that you don't continue to misunderstand the Demon King."

Darkness's mind became unclear:"If what you said is true"

"So what was all this revenge for?"

"I......Killing the demon king is meaningless."

"fraud......You are a big liar!"

Darkness wanted to refute Ruby Eyes, but she couldn't find a way to refute.

Because everything she said was reasonable!

Now think about it.

Ten years ago, after the fall of the ancient Kingdom of Belzer, most of the bodies Darkness saw were the bodies of demons.

There were very few human bodies!

At first, Darkness thought that it was the demons who ate the people.

Now it seems......

The missing citizens were not eaten, but turned into demons!

When Darkness finished speaking ,

Ruby Eyes and Celia fell silent. The words"Kill the Demon King" kept ringing in Ruby Eyes' ears.......

Ruby Eyes emitted a strange red light.

A pair of horns grew back on her head.

Then she suddenly grabbed Darkness's neck and said,"Are you a member of the Hero's Team?"

"It was you who killed the Demon King!"

Darkness' throat was choked and she couldn't speak at all.

The strong feeling of suffocation made her almost faint!

At the last critical moment.

Celia came to the cell and knocked Ruby Eye unconscious with a knife.

This allowed Darkness to continue breathing!

Celia apologized:"I'm sorry, the city lord's power is out of control again."

Then her hands were wrapped with magic power, and she grabbed a pair of horns of Ruby Eye.


Celia took off the pair of horns and said:"The city lord is sleepy, I'll come to talk to you when I have time."

"This brave man who made a mistake......"

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