""Flillian, are you hiding something from everyone?"

The Sword Saint stood in front of Flillian and blocked her way.

The Sword Saint is a person who is good at observing others.

She usually holds a big sword and her eyes are covered with black cloth.

Although she can't see clearly, she can feel the emotional fluctuations of others!

Flillian looks slow every day, and her behavior is sometimes like a little girl.

But she can feel that the other person is very calm!

But after entering the Ruby City

, the Sword Saint felt her anxiety, especially today.

Before the quarrel with Huihui, that kind of emotion almost reached its peak!

It was not what Huihui said at all, and she didn't care about Darkness's comfort.

On the contrary, Flillian was the one who was most worried.

According to her previous behavior, she would definitely say it!

But this time she didn't, on the contrary, she was hiding something.

Flillian stared at the black eye mask of the Sword Saint, holding the staff, and walked around her expressionlessly:"No, don't worry about me."

The Sword Saint grabbed her hand:"You are lying, I can feel it."

"Feelings are never accurate."

Flillian stared at her captured hand and did not try to break free.

She would never say what was hidden in her heart.


The Sword Saint did not buy into Fulilian's tricks and tried to get her to speak in an almost pleading tone!

Fulilian was somewhat moved....

She chose to close her eyes and pulled her hand away:"I want to go out for some fresh air. We can talk tomorrow if there is anything."

Her shoes made a tapping sound as they stepped on the matte gray tiles.

There are many strange things in the Ruby City.

These things will not surprise the heroes anymore.

Fulilian stopped at the stairs and turned back to look at the Sword Saint who was about to catch up:"I want to walk around by myself. Please don't follow me."

"You just stay here."

"The nights in the Ruby City are safe, and I confirmed that yesterday."

"Don't worry."

She didn't even wait for the Sword Saint to react, and went downstairs on her own.

The Sword Saint, who didn't dare to chase after her, was left standing there, at a loss!


The Sword Saint is now more certain that Fulilian is hiding something.

What is it?

Is it about Darkness?

Or is it something else ?......28

Fulilian walked on the street. There were not as many people wandering outside tonight as there were last night.

After they learned that the Demon King was dead

, they consciously stayed at home and did not go out for entertainment.

This was very rare in the human world.

Unless the wise king died, civilians who wanted to go out that night would be forced to stay at home by soldiers.

It was not like the Ruby City, where people consciously reduced their entertainment activities at home!

Fulilian had only taken a few steps when she saw a donation box with red words written on it:

【[Fundraising for the Red Jade City]

There are also very small words next to it to explain the donation!

【The Demon King has passed away, and the Ruby City is about to enter a high-load operation state. I will work with the street office to raise funds for the Ruby City!】

【Reminder: All donations are guaranteed to be delivered to the city lord]

This kind of thing would only be laughed at in the human world.

No one would donate!


But it was filled with the currency of the Ruby City, including gold and other precious metals.

When Fulilian saw this, a hint of ridicule appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She was not laughing at the Ruby City, but at the outside world!

In the outside world, merchants would always inquire about the news of the emperor of the empire.

Once they heard the news of his death, the merchants would choose to go to the capital of the empire to do business immediately.

Because the emperor is dead.

The people in the palace will collect taxes!

The tax is not small, and it is collected according to 50% of the personal assets.

This leads to the merchants in the capital.

As long as they know that there is any movement of the emperor, they would rather bribe the soldiers to stay in the capital for a few days!

After all......

The taxes outside the capital are even more outrageous!

Up to 90% of a household's tax can be collected!

That tax also has a good name, the blessing tax!

Let the emperor bless the people to live a happy and stable life in the afterlife!


The people of Ruby City did this spontaneously.

If it were in the outside world,

Fulilian could even imagine that it would take the death of a responsible and good king to make people do this!

But in Ruby City......

Fulilian just felt that these people were being poisoned more and more seriously by the devil's thoughts!

"This city must be eradicated."

Flillian muttered to herself.

The tip of her staff drew several circles in the air.

Then the tail of the staff lightly tapped the ground.

Flillian floated up into the air, and her height exceeded the top of the tallest building in the East District.

Her vision suddenly became wider!

The entire East District was in full view!

Flillian had to admit that the Ruby City covered a very large area!

At a glance, just half of the area of the East District was already larger than the largest capital in the human world!

This did not include the wild part.

"Where is Celia going?"

Frillian floated in the air, looking around, looking for where Celia would be.

She wanted to save Darkness!

Only by her own strength.......

Fulilian tightly grasped the staff in her hand, and had no confidence in facing Celia.

That was an elf who had lived for countless years!

The first and strongest magician.

With her own strength alone, she could rival the level of the Demon King's army cadres.

When Fulilian faced her, she had no confidence in winning!

It could even be said that she needed to prepare her last words in advance before going to find her.

After all,......

She is too strong!

After searching in vain, Fulilian fell to the ground again.���

It happened to fall in front of a carriage!

Fortunately, the carriage braked in time, otherwise there would be an accident.

The driver of the carriage cursed:"Are you crazy?"

"Flying around the city, what if the magic fails and hits someone?"

Flillian turned to the groom and bowed her head slightly to apologize:"I'm sorry."

At this time, a middle-aged man came down.

"Elf girl? She must be a guest from outside."

The middle-aged man apologized to Fulilian:"I'm sorry that you were locked up in the Ruby City."

Fulilian tilted her head, not understanding what he meant.

He explained:"This should not have happened. I thought it would never happen."

"The so-called most powerful demon king actually died in the hands of a brave man"

"This generation of heroes is very strong."

The middle-aged man sighed absentmindedly, and finally couldn't help but sigh.

"Sorry, I got off topic."

He immediately changed the subject:"The Demon King is dead, and the Ruby City has lost its greatest shelter. We can only choose to close the city."

"If you want to leave, I can apply to the city lord."

"The procedures may be a little complicated and may take some time."

"Don't worry, the Ruby City is the Demon King's territory, but it is also the safest and most normal city in the world. I guarantee it with my dignity."

"So there is no need to panic, so just fly in the Ruby City and find a way out."

He regarded Fulilian as an elf who flew because of panic.

Fully demonstrated the gentleman style!

Fulilian was silent for a moment before she said,"I'm looking for a high-level magic university."

She still remembered the information she asked from passers-by!

The middle-aged man paused, surprised that Fulilian knew this school.

After all......

This is a product of the Ruby City!

Very few people outside know about it!

But with a little effort, you can still find out relevant information.

"Um......It seems that you are very fond of magic."

The middle-aged man touched his chin and asked,"Do you want to study?"

"No, if you are an elf, your attainments in magic are far beyond those of ordinary people."

"Becoming a school teacher is not difficult"

"It just so happens that the school is short of teachers, you can go and apply for the job, which can help stabilize your financial situation." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He thought about many things for Fulilian, not just studying.

He even thought about finding a job!

Fulilian just looked at him.

When the middle-aged man saw Fulilian's gaze, he reacted and introduced himself:"After saying so much, I forgot to introduce myself."

"Ignis, that's my name."

"Don't think I talk too much, I actually have some status in the Ruby City"

"If you want to go to a high-level magic university, I can give you an address. Whether you want to be a student or a teacher is entirely up to you."

While speaking, Ignis took out a notebook from his pocket.

It was filled with work-related content!

He skillfully took out a pen from his pocket, turned to a blank page of the notebook, and wrote down the location of the high-level magic university on it!

After knowing that Ignis's identity was not simple, Fulilian clenched the staff in her hand! She thought to herself.

If I kill him, will the Ruby City be in chaos?

The thought echoed in Fulilian's mind for a long time, and finally she let go.

Not now!

Doing so will only cause trouble to my companions.

What's more, he is a human!

"Here you go. If you want to be a teacher, you can just mention my name.

Ignis gave her a kind smile and said,"I think, with your level, it won't be difficult to become a teacher in the school."[]


"The school administrator is also an elf. You may have heard of her name."


The first magician ——Celia!......

When Fulilian heard this title, she was completely sure that it was Celia from the Ruby City.

It was her master!

Fulilian didn't know what had happened to make her, who hated the demons, willing to work for the Demon King.

To train more magicians for the Demon King!


Fulilian wants to find her and ask her the reason in person!......

Save Darkness!

Ignis looked at Fulilian.

It was like he was looking at his own daughter!

Although he knew that elves had a long lifespan.


Seeing the other girl's attitude, I couldn't help but think in this direction.

Ignis put away the paper and pen:"Well, it's getting late."

"Rest early to have better growth..."

"I don't know if it works on elves."

"I'm leaving first. Remember not to fly around in the Ruby City!"

After saying all this, Ignis got back on the carriage.

Watching the carriage disappear into the night,

Fulilian glanced at the paper with the address of the High-level Magic University.

Then she put it in her pocket!

"continue.....Let's relax."

Fulilian did not stop. The quiet street made her feel at ease......Everything in the Ruby City made her feel irritated.

The thing that Fulilian couldn't understand the most was why her master was willing to work under the devil!


What happened ?......

"Don't think too much about it."

Fulilian continued to focus on the streets of East City.

The floor tiles here are laid neatly.

Each tile is very hard!

When you knock on the floor tiles with the bottom of the staff, you can feel the level of construction.

It is far better than the construction of the human empire!

She was a little suspicious whether Su Heng had invested a lot of energy in this city.

Otherwise, how could it be built so well?

In the past two days,

Fulilian was only thinking about the bad things about the Ruby City and forgot that this city was a place that the human empire could not compare to.

""It's great."

Fulilian couldn't help but sigh. She had lived for a thousand years and had never seen an area comparable to the city in front of her....

This is the devil's territory!

"This city still has many secrets, and there are many things worth learning."

Flilian suddenly felt reluctant.

She couldn't bear to destroy this city!

After walking for a long time, Fulilian saw a wooden bench not far away.

So she sat there.

Now she didn't need to think about the Demon King or care about anything.

Just enjoy the quietness....

This should be the mentality, but it makes Fulilian feel uneasy!


She is still concerned about the captured Darkness!

The capital of the Church and the Empire.

Everyone in the city is drunk.

The whole city is celebrating the death of the Demon King!

"Great! The evil demon king is finally dead!"

"From now on, the world will be peaceful and we won’t have to worry every day!"

"you do not say?"

""Captain Denise, come and have a drink too."

Those soldiers drank wine and ate delicious food.

It was like entering heaven!

Denise pushed away the wine handed over by her subordinates and looked for the figure of Chi Tong in the crowd.


No matter what she did, she couldn't find it.

Where is it?

She asked the elf magician Malucier who was eating barbecue next to her:"Malucier, have you seen Akame?"

Malucier, who had golden hair, swallowed the barbecue in her mouth and said:"It seems that she went back to her room. I don't know what to do."

"Go call her out."

"In such an important moment, you have to enjoy it!"

Important moment?

Denise doesn't think so.

"Okay, I'll go find her now."

Denise picked up the big sword next to her and walked towards Chitong's room.

Chitong's room was in a remote corner.

It used to be a storage room!

She could have lived in a bigger and more luxurious place, but she refused.

She said it was quiet here!

Denise knocked on the door:"I'm Denise."

"Please come in."

After getting permission, Denise pushed open the heavy iron door.

She saw Akahima wiping the blade with an alcohol ball.

Denise said,"The Demon King is dead, are you still maintaining your weapon?"

That weapon is no ordinary weapon! It is one of the imperial tools that the empire created thousands of years ago specifically to challenge the Demon King!

The ability is very terrifying!

Although, in the subsequent years of the empire, the imperial tools changed from weapons to conquer the Demon King.

It became a tool to consolidate the imperial power.

Akahima carefully raised the Murasame in her hand and said,"The death of the Demon King does not mean the battle will be over."

"When the Demon King was still alive, the Empire had been eyeing the various kingdoms, and new battles could break out at any time."

"Besides, there are also officers from the Demon King's Army...."

"Aqua and the others haven't come back yet."


Chi Tong glanced at the big sword behind Denise and said,"Don't you always hold a weapon in your hand?"

Denise smiled and said,"It's a habit."

"What about you? Who are you going to fight next?"

Akagami said without hiding:"The Empire"

"You and I are both imperial experiments, and we know how twisted this country is."

"It's just that when the devil is there, it looks peaceful on the surface."

"Now that the Demon King is dead, will peace continue?"

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