There are two purposes for Fulilian to enter the Magic University.

The first is to rescue Darkness, which is the most important point.

The second is to find the master!

Ask her why she helps the Demon King do things.

In fact, Fulilian's impression of the master is not very good.

That guy always complains about collecting useless magic!

He also said that if he puts his mind on studying magic, he will definitely achieve something in the future.

This kind of scolding and complaining about people who love it.

Fulilian will not like it!

But she must meet, after all, that annoying master is many times stronger than herself.

Why did the master who treats the demons like the murderers of his father become a member of the Demon King's forces!

Fulilian must know it.

And there is another important point!

Only by joining the school of Ruby City and engaging in education can you learn more about Ruby City!

For a member of the brave who destroyed the Demon King.

Fulilian seriously suspects that the internal education of Ruby City has a serious tendency of brainwashing!

The Demon King has done something in education.

Fulilian must investigate it clearly, and then it will be convenient to prescribe the right medicine!

Weiwei tilted her head in a silly way:"Well~"

"After finishing her work as principal, she left the school."

"It's a pity that you missed the chance to meet her."

Fulilian tilted her head and slightly expressed her doubts.

Weiwei continued:"After all, our principal is just a figurehead......."

"At the request of the Demon King, he was admitted to a high-level magic university."

"Although she has actual rights, she does not seem to be interested in"


I just come to school when I feel bored to do some advanced work or to correct my school curriculum....

No wonder I always feel something is wrong!

There are magic schools in the outside world, and the principals of the schools are almost always busy people!


Celia's job as the principal is too easy.

Come as you please, leave as you please!

Under the brutal rule of the Demon King, this is forbidden.

The cadres of the Demon King's army are obvious examples!

Fulilian nodded:"Yes, I see." Weiwei clasped her hands and said:"Oh, by the way, do you have a place to live nearby?"

"The school provides free dormitories for faculty and staff. If you live too far from the school, you can choose to live in the school dormitory."

"It's not far from the cafeteria, and there is a library nearby for teachers to use~"

Weiwei introduced Fulilian very seriously!

After all, she is an employee signed by the principal, so she needs to be treated seriously!

You know, in the past, when new teachers joined the company, even if they handed the induction form to Celia, at most they would just stamp it.

It is impossible to write their names on the induction form!


Fulilian was an accident!

Moreover, Fulilian's magic level was very high, from bending spoons to exploding magic.

Fulilian could use any magic that Weiwei knew!

This alone was enough for Weiwei to treat Fulilian with a good attitude.

After all, this kind of almighty magician was very much needed in the school!

"Free dormitory?"

Fulilian repeated.

At present, she still has enough money. As long as she doesn't spend too much, it is enough to live in Ruby City for a month.

But the money is limited after all!

Besides, there are many interesting things in Ruby City, and Fulilian is interested in some things from time to time.

For example, she went to the grocery store some time ago.

She saw a lot of glass products in it. Those things are highly resistant to corrosion!

And they are transparent!

Very suitable for preparing special magic potions.

Those things are very cheap to buy, but Fulilian is sure that the quantity she buys will be large!

In addition, there are food......

Many of the foods suit Fulilian's taste, so this will be a huge expense!

After thinking it over again and again,

Fulilian made a decision:"I choose to live on campus."


Weiwei stood up and said,"I'll take you to the dormitory and introduce you to the school so that you can teach later!"

Fulilian did not refuse:"Okay."

After all, you need to get used to the school sooner or later, and getting familiar with some places in advance will also facilitate your actions.

After all......

Darkness is still waiting for her to save him!

After leaving the office, Fulilian walked around the school under Weiwei's lead.

The school was built in a luxurious style!

Marble floors and marble roofs.

There were also magic stone street lamps in the corridors!

Every step you took, there would be a quote from the Demon King hanging on the wall.

【Time is money, but money can't buy time】

【Learning is an experience, not just knowledge.】

【You already have the gift of learning, and no matter what happens, you can find the answers to your own questions.


Fulilian looked calm, but she was shocked!


The education of the Demon King should follow the strong, and there should be labels everywhere that say one must serve the demons.

Why are there only sentences that persuade people to study?

Is the person who wrote these words really the Demon King?

Or is he her own master?

Fulilian asked Weiwei in shock:"Were these words written by the principal?"


Weiwei said with a look of longing:"These words were said by the Demon King so that students in the school can study seriously!"

"Only the Demon King could say such inspiring words!"

It's really the Demon King?! This is so surprising!...... no......

Demon King, what are you thinking when you say these words?

Fulilian discovered that as she understood the Demon King more and more, it became increasingly difficult to understand what kind of existence the Demon King was!

Before defeating the Demon King,

Fulilian firmly believed that the Demon King was a cruel and���Killing, ambitious existence.......

I have come across too many things about the Demon King in the Ruby City.......

The Demon King is not what he imagined?

He is willing to improve the overall quality of the residents of the Ruby City, build a nearly perfect residence for the demons and humans, and can also grasp the education of students!......

If it were placed in human society, even if the person who did these things was a tyrant with a fierce personality, his actions would be praised!

Fulilian shook her head slightly.

She was unwilling to admit that the Demon King could be praised for doing such a thing.

Because the person who did this was the Demon King, there must be a huge conspiracy behind it!

We must investigate it thoroughly!

"Compared to other schools, the environment of our magic school is ranked first!"

Weiwei said proudly:"Many people apply to our school because of our good environment."

"This is the classroom, responsible for the earth attribute magic subject."

Flillian poked her head in to take a look.

The interior decoration was very luxurious!

A huge blackboard, and neatly arranged desks and chairs.

This was several times more luxurious than the magic academy in human society!

If it weren't for the desks and chairs, Fulillian would have suspected that this was a royal family decoration!

Weiwei saw Fulillian's stunned expression and continued to say proudly:"Hehe!"

"see it?"

"The Demon King takes our education level very seriously!"

"The decoration of the elementary school is also very good!"

Although Fulilian didn't know what an elementary school was, she still believed Weiwei's words that the Demon King took education very seriously.

As an elf who has lived for nearly a thousand years,

Fulilian knows the importance of education!

Sometimes, a good education can change an entire country.


This is such an obvious point.

Many rulers of human kingdoms never care about this.

But the devil did it.......

If the Demon King was a human, Fulilian believed that he would be a wise king! Unfortunately

, Su Heng was not.......

The king who leads the demons must also be a demon.

""Let's go."

After touring the classroom, Weiwei took Fulilian to continue to know the school!

The school is very large. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At least the magic academy outside is not half the size of this one!

After walking for a while.

Fulilian stopped.

Not far away, there were many students wearing magic school uniforms, holding magic wands in their hands, attacking the dummies!

Among those people, there were both men and women.

Everyone chanted the spell, and when the spell ended, a powerful magic was released!

Easily destroy the prop dummy!

"Very strong..."

Fulilian has mastered magic for hundreds of years, and can recognize all the magic used by those people. It can also be seen that they have mastered it to a certain extent!

Regardless of the power, judging from the degree of mastery, these students' magic level can make them smooth sailing in the outside world!

Crush a large number of magicians!

"This is the combat magic training process."

Weiwei walked to Fulian and introduced it carefully.....[]

Fulilian couldn't help but praise:"They all have good talents."


Weiwei laughed dryly and said,"They are all poor students, and they are training for the make-up exam."

Not even qualified?!

Fulilian was a little surprised at the harshness of the magic university.

If these people were placed in the magic university of human society, they would be geniuses that the principal would pay attention to!

How could they not even pass?

You must be kidding.


That's not right!

Fulilian thought of the devil.

There must be a conspiracy of the devil!

"Hey, Glass, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a man's voice suddenly shouted:"The use of magic requires not only words, but also mentality."

"Your frivolous mentality just now can easily make you be eroded by the magic power!"

"If you are outside, you will definitely make the magic explode prematurely because of your mentality!"

A man who looked only 18 or 19 years old walked behind a male student and hit him hard on the head.


The student cried out in pain and complained to the other party:"Senior Rudy, I know I was wrong. I will definitely correct my mindset and use magic again later!"

"You'd better do so."

Rudy knocked his head again:"Also, I am a teacher now, please call me teacher"

"Do you understand?"

The student nodded seriously:"I understand, Senior Rudy!"

Rudy was helpless with this naughty student.

He wanted to quit his job as a teacher.......

But no!

This is a position specially arranged by the Demon King.

Rudy is also a time traveler, but the world he traveled to is different from Su Heng's!

More than ten years ago.

Their family encountered a major transfer event!

And Rudy was successfully transferred to the demon territory. He was only a few years old, and attracted Su Heng's attention.

So he was captured by Albedo and taken to the Demon King's Palace!

That was the first time Rudy saw the Demon King, and it was also the most frightening time in history.......

He was even ready to die.

But at that time, Su Heng only exposed Rudy's identity as a time traveler.

He did not kill him!

Instead, he gave Rudy two choices. One was to continue to survive in the demon territory.

Su Heng didn't care whether he lived or died!

The second was to become an experimental subject and enter the Ruby City for experiments.

Then he found Rudy's whole family!

In order to let his family survive, Rudy chose the second one.

He became one of the first residents of the Ruby City!

After living in the Ruby City, Rudy changed his view of the Demon King.

From the original hostility to admiration!

Later, the Ruby City established a magic university, and then at the request of the Demon King, he became a student of the magic school. Some time ago, he became a teacher at the school!

It's just very sad that the Demon King died.

Rudy was about to continue educating the student, but he saw a familiar person standing not far away.

So he let this group of students train themselves.

Rudy came to Weiwei:".Ren, are you coming to see their training?"

"Don't worry, I will teach you.���"

Rudy spoke with confidence!

Weiwei said:"I am assured that you teach them. After all, you are the first batch of students in this school, and you are also the teacher chosen by the Demon King."

"I'm just showing the new teacher around the school!"

New teacher?

Rudy noticed Fulilian.

She had white hair and the long ears that were standard for elves!


Rudy glanced at Fulilian.

She was very pretty!

If it were in the past, he would have come over to chat with her.

But the Demon King was dead.

Rudy made up his mind to change his bad habits in order to protect the Ruby City!

For the Ruby

City. To repay the Demon King!

Rudy smiled at Fulilian and said,"Hello, my name is Rudy, a teacher of the Offense Department."

"If you have any questions, you can ask me!"

For some reason, after seeing Rudy, Fulilian felt some physical disgust.

However, she still held back and took a step back.

Fulilian asked Rudy:"Are those students unqualified?"

Rudy answered readily:"Yes,"

"In the last test, their offensive magic power, chanting speed, proficiency and mentality all failed to meet the standards."

Flillian couldn't help but say,"Is the Magic University so strict?""

Outside, as long as the power meets the standard, it will pass!

How can there be any other explanation?

Rudy's expression became serious:"This is not strict with the students, but responsible for the students' lives!"

"Magic is a subject that cannot be taken lightly. In battle or in daily life, any one of them may lead to your death!"

"The Demon King has strictly emphasized this point!"


"I am not strict at all." Is this also what the devil said?......

Demon King, why do you care about so many things!

Fulilian's expression became more and more complicated.

Now she understands the Demon King less and less!

On the other side.

The brave group decided to enter the underground maze to explore.

Huihui held the staff in the underground maze and complained:"The underground maze is a bad civilization!"

Because you can't use explosion magic in it!

If you use it, it will affect your companions!

Cui killed an undead creature and said:"Leave it to us here."

"Just follow us and don't get lost!" Hui Hui was a little reluctant, but she still agreed.......

She also wants to do something for the team!

"However, the first level of this underground maze is above level 70"

"With such a high level of difficulty, won’t the Adventure Association step in to take care of it?"

"In case the creature inside gets out"

"For people nearby, it is an irresistible disaster!"

"No wonder they think we are going to die if we enter the underground maze."

Because the difficulty is too high, Cui is also very alert!

What if a higher level creature appears?

But it will hurt Huihui!

After all, Huihui is just an ordinary explosion magician.


Cui heard a strange movement and immediately stabbed over there!

"Hey! Who are you?"

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