After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 100: Being abused to the point of doubting life

  Chapter 100 Was abused to the point of doubting life

   The two sat and played a game.

  Bai Xu can also play chess, and thinks his level is okay, so he leans to the side to watch.

   Looking at him, he suddenly felt bad.

   In fact, the chess skills of the two are not comparable to him at all, they are good at attacking people.

  Mo Qingling was born into a family, and he was older and more powerful than him, so it was normal.

  But Xiao Hanzheng's chess skills were so superb, and it seemed that he was even better than Mo Qingling, which made him feel surprised and shocked.

   Seeing Shi Qingluo also watched the two play chess attentively.

   Bai Xu asked meanly, "Do you understand?"

   Shi Qingluo raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "Not only can I understand it, but I can also go down."

   "When they finish playing, let's have a game too?"

  Sample, actually underestimated her.

   Bai Xu was attacked by Mo Qingling and the two of them, just looking for a sense of presence, Shi Qingluo came to the door just in time, "Okay!"

   After waiting for a while, Mo Qingling and the two finished.

   Xiao Hanzheng won.

  Mo Qingling was very surprised, obviously did not expect Xiao Hanzheng's chess skills to be so superb.

   He didn't know, this was still under the pressure of Big Brother Xiao, and he only played half of the level of his previous life.

   It was rare for Mo Qingling to find an opponent with such good chess skills in this small county town. He originally wanted to play another game.

   But I also heard Bai Xu and Shi Qingluo's words before.

   He was curious about Shi Qingluo's chess skills.

   So he gave up his position, "Come on in this game."

   Bai Xu and Shi Qingluo were not polite, they sat down and started to play.

   At first, Bai Xu was calm and a little arrogant, but the more he went down, the more serious and hesitant his face became.

   The result is self-evident, Bai Xu was so abused that he wanted to doubt his life.

   Can't compare to Mo Qingling, can't compare to Xiao Hanzheng, he can't even compare to a little village girl...

   He looked unlovable, "Your chess skills are so high."

   Shi Qingluo raised his chin arrogantly, "That's it."

   "In front of other people, I would not dare to say that my chess skills are high, but in front of you, I can still say it."

   She was often abused and cried in those years, so she worked hard to study chess before she achieved today's results.

  Xiaobai actually underestimated her, and of course she would cry too.

  Bai Xu: "..." It's so heartbreaking.

   Mo Qingling was surprised again. I really didn't expect that Shi Qing's chess skills were not low.

   She and Xiao Hanzheng have not been married for a long time. Obviously, she has such a high level and cannot be achieved in a short period of time.

   That is, I learned it during Taoism.

   He couldn't hold back for a while, "Miss Xiao, let's have a game?"

   Shi Qing nodded generously, "Okay!"

   She also wanted to play against ancient chess masters.

  Xiao Xianggong's big boss level, she will accept her fate, she can't compare.

   So the two started to play, and I had to chase after you every step of the way.

   It took a long time to end the game, and the two tied.

   Mo Qingling's impression of Shi Qingluo has risen a lot.

   Playing chess can watch people, he found that this little woman is very atmospheric and patterned, and there are grooves in her chest.

   "You husband and wife are both very good at chess, and I admire them."

  Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "Your Excellency is wrong!"

   Then Mo Qingling played the second game with Xiao Hanzheng.

   As for Bai Xu, he has already gone to the side to draw circles and shut himself up.

   Shi Qingluo saw that the sky was almost dark, so he got up and took Xiaomei to the kitchen to prepare a cooking pot.

  Xiao's mother's knife is good, so she cuts the mutton, and cuts down a thin slice with one knife.

  Because I have to rinse the vegetables to eat, it doesn't taste good when rinsed with water. When I went out before, I asked my aunt to stew chicken soup.

   Put onion, ginger, jujube and seasonings that can be bought in the county, and add some sun-dried wild mushrooms to stew together, such a soup will taste delicious.

  She started to make the sauce.

  In addition to sesame paste, there are also freshly opened fermented bean curd sauce and soybean paste.

   also stir-fried bolognese with miso.

   It’s a pity that the chili is missing, otherwise it would be more delicious.

   At dinner time, a strong fragrance drifted into the courtyard.

  Shi Qingluo had put a freezer in the place where he ate a long time ago, and the room was no longer hot.

   Seeing that Mo Qingling and Xiao Hanzheng had just finished their game, she shouted, "It's time to eat!"

  Bai Xu was originally going to leave, but he heard new ways of eating and sauce, so he stayed to eat.

   After a few people washed their hands and sat down, they saw that the pot in the middle was a little strange.

   The key is that it can be cooked with charcoal without putting it on the fire or stove.

   Lamb, pork, chicken and fresh vegetables are placed on the table.

   Shi Qingluo brought in another wooden tray with several kinds of dipping ingredients on it.

   "This is sesame sauce, it's best when dipped in mutton."

   "This is fermented bean curd sauce, this is soybean paste, this is meat sauce."

   "You can take whatever you like, and you can taste it."

   The dipping sauce she brought was prepared in a quantity that everyone could taste one by one.

   Except for Shi Qingluo, none of the people present had eaten this way.

  Mo Qingling said with a smile: "I didn't expect that there are so many ways to eat mutton with dipping sauce. Today we will try it."

   Bai Xu was also interested, "It's the first time I've seen you."

   He also saw business opportunities from it. After all, their Bai family started out by opening a restaurant.

   Mother Xiao and Little Sister Xiao didn't come to the table, they drank chicken soup on the kitchen stove.

   is mainly to avoid suspicion, after all, Xiaomei has not been engaged yet.

   Shi Qingluo stayed with him. The men and women of Daliang were not very defensive, and there was no rule that women could not serve at the table.

   She is a married woman, and her husband is also on the side, so there is no need to avoid suspicion.

  If Xiao Hanzheng was not around, she would not be suitable to sit and eat together.

   In these respects, although Shi Qingluo is a modern person, she should always pay attention, she doesn't want people to feel that she is an alien.

   And keeping a distance from the opposite **** is what she should do as a married woman, which is also a kind of respect for Xiao Xianggong.

   Of course, she herself will not go out and eat with a foreigner alone. If Xiao Xianggong dares to go out to play and eat with a woman alone, she will let him get out.

   A few people couldn't let go at first. After all, they have never eaten and cooked with people like this.

   But after a few bites, I gradually let go.

   Don’t say, this way of eating is not only innovative, but also delicious, and it brings people closer together.

  Especially when dipped in the dipping sauce that comes with Shiqingluo, the taste is absolutely amazing.

   On a hot day, a few people ate mutton hot pot and drank ice-cold plum juice, only to feel refreshed.

   Even Mo Qingling put down the image burden of the son of an aristocratic family, and kept rinsing the pot with chopsticks.

   His favorite is also sesame sauce, followed by fermented bean curd sauce made with sesame oil.

   Bai Xu's favorite is fermented bean curd sauce, followed by sesame sauce.

After    finished eating, Xiao Hanzheng made kung fu tea again to help everyone get rid of boredom.

   After resting for a while, Shi Qingluo went to stir up a bowl of black sesame paste for everyone.

   "Lord, what do you think of this sesame paste and sesame paste?"

   Although Mo Qingling had already endured, he still finished the flax paste, "Very good."

   He said sincerely: "If Nanxi County can make sesame paste, sesame paste and linseed head oil, I will take the people to thank Mrs. Xiao first."

   This meal was the most comfortable meal he had ever eaten in Nanxi County, and even the meal in the capital felt a lot worse than the cooking pot.

   Xiao Xiucai's wife is really a capable person.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~Continue at 0:5, and strive for tomorrow's me to be able to send it at one time~



   (end of this chapter)

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