Chapter 13 That's all a little daughter-in-law

   Xiao Hanzheng looked a little helpless.

   "Can I trouble you again?"

   Shi Qingluo looked at him, "Huh?"

  I heard rapid footsteps outside.

   Xiao Hanzheng said weakly: "Can you help me, I want to sit up halfway."

   "Yes!" Shi Qingluo stood up and walked over.

   She pulled Xiao Hanzheng's arm, but did not pull him up.

   I also know that this person has been in a coma for so long, he has not eaten and he cannot take nutritional injections every day like modern times, he must be weak and weak.

   So he bent down and hugged Xiao Hanzheng's back, picked up his upper body and moved it towards the back.

   Xiao Hanzheng, who was in her arms, froze again, wouldn't this woman be shy?

   Moved the person, Shi Qingluo released Xiao Hanzheng and put a pillow behind him, "Okay."

   "Thank you!" Xiao Hanzheng looked a little unnatural.

   Shi Qingluo chuckled when he saw his awkward appearance, is he shy?

  Tsk tsk, her little husband is really innocent.

   Xiao Hanzheng was just half sitting on the bed when the sound of pushing the door sounded.

   Mother Xiao ran in at the fastest speed.

   Seeing the people half seated on the bed, Mother Xiao and Sister Xiao couldn't hold back their tears, and Erlang's eyes were red.

   "Zheng'er, you're awake, it's great!" Mother Xiao put her hands together.

   "Brother!" Xiaomei and Erlang also gathered around.

   Xiao Hanzheng felt real when he saw his mother, brother and sister who were alive.

   It turned out that he really came back. When he returned, his younger brother had not drowned, his younger sister had not been dragged away to be buried with him, and his mother had not yet been killed by a wild beast because he wanted to make money for him to get medicine.

   He still had time to save all of this.

   "Mother!" He looked at his mother sourly and happily.

   Then he looked at his younger siblings, "Bai Li, Yi'er, I'm awake, I'll be here in the future."

  Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you again this time.

  The mother and daughter cried even more fiercely, "Okay!"

   Xiao Hanzheng looked at the people who came over again.

   With a handsome smile on his face, his voice was still weak, "Grandpa, patriarch, uncles, when Han Zheng is in a coma, thank you for helping to take care of your mother and younger siblings."

   Shi Qingluo looked at Xiao Hanzheng, and at this moment there was a sense of gentleness and elegance.

   couldn't help but remember that when he first woke up, his anger was soaring to the sky, his eyes were frosted with frost, like a soul seeker from hell, which was very different from now.

   She raised her eyebrows slightly, this little Xianggong doesn't look simple!

   Patriarch Xiao and others saw Xiao Hanzheng wake up, and they couldn't help showing a sincere smile on their faces.

   Patriarch Xiao looked at him lovingly, "Just wake up."

  A clan elder stroked his beard and said, "You can wake up like this, Han Zheng is lucky."

  Others also agreed.

   When Shi Qingluo heard their words, "Didn't I wake up with joy?"

  Chongxi wakes people up, she still needs this reputation.

   Seeing what a good girl, she took the initiative to ask to marry her for joy, and she really woke up her husband on the day of her marriage, what a blessing.

   In the future, if she is at odds with Xiao Hanzheng and wants to leave, she will be able to stand on the commanding heights.

   Xiao Hanzheng: "..." She really dared to say it.

   After he was in a coma this time, he also woke up by himself. At that time, no one was happy for him.

  People present: "..." How should they respond to this?

   Don't say it's true.

   Before, Lang Zhong had already concluded that Xiao Hanzheng would not be able to wake up, so that they could be mentally prepared, or they could prepare for the funeral, but now he is awake.

   It happened to be the day when the girl from the Shi family got married, which was too coincidental.

   So this hi red is really useful.

   Patriarch Xiao smiled and said, "Haha, Han Zheng's wife is also a lucky one."

   He looked at Xiao Hanzheng and said, "Your daughter-in-law voluntarily came to marry you to be happy. This kind of true temperament is rare, and you should cherish it."

   Xiao Hanzheng was stunned for a while, obviously surprised that Shi Qingluo actually married on his own initiative.

   He had never seen her before. From waking up to now, she looked at him with clear and pure eyes, and there was no love or nympho.

   Now he has nothing but a scholar and fame.

   Even he was still in a coma before, and if he married, he might be a widow, so what did she want?

   He couldn't figure out the reason why Shi Qingluo married him, so he didn't think about it for a while, but he would find out.

   nodded and smiled at Patriarch Xiao: "Don't worry, Grandpa Patriarch, I will."

   Patriarch Xiao nodded, "You've been in a coma for about ten days, and you look weak, so take good care of you during this time."

   "You mother and son should talk well."

   After saying that, we will go out with other people.

   Shi Qingluo also stood up, "I'll send the patriarchs out and continue to use the seats."

   She also took the initiative to give up the space to talk to the mother and son.

If    was replaced by her, he must have wondered why he had a daughter-in-law when he woke up.

   Xiao Hanzheng understands, "Please help my lady to entertain the guests first."

   Shi Qingluo found that this fellow responded very quickly, "Okay, I will."

   So she followed the patriarch and went out.

   After a few people left, Xiao Hanzheng looked at Xiao's mother and said, "Mother, can you explain now, why did I suddenly have an extra daughter-in-law?"

   Mother Xiao smiled with a guilty conscience, "What, she is your younger brother and sister and your savior."

   "I thought that the grace of saving my life should be promised by myself. You marry her as a reward, so I will help you marry her back."

   "Qingluo is very good. Your younger siblings and I like her."

   She said again: "Such a good girl, you will like it in the future."

   She said this a bit more serious, and she didn't know whether to emphasize it to her son or to comfort herself.

   Xiao Hanzheng was puzzled, "A life-saving grace?"

   Erlang immediately said: "Yeah, I almost drowned in the river before, but Sister Qingluo happened to pass by and rescued me."

  Xiao Xiaomei also said: "That day, sister Qingluo sent Erlang back, and met the people from the Wu family in the county town that my aunt took me and forcibly took me away to marry and bury."

   "She beat the aunt, threatened to leave the Wu family, and saved me."

   Mother Xiao added, "You had a high fever that didn't go away before, and repeatedly, Lang Zhong said that as long as the fever didn't go away, you might not be able to wake up again."

   "It was Qingluo who took out the medicine made by her master and asked us to take it for you, and you would have a fever that day."

   "Today, when Qingluo got married, you were really awakened by Chongxi."

   "So Qingluo is not only our family's savior, but also your lucky star."

   She kept praising Qingluo with kind words, and only hoped that her son would not dislike her and treat others better in the future.

   "Yes, sister Qingluo is very good, we like it very much, and my eldest brother will definitely like it." Xiaomei and Erlang echoed.

  Xiao Hanzheng: "…"

   So while he was in a coma, her mother and younger siblings just promised him, ahem, and married him off?

   He also had so many little daughters-in-law without knowing it at all...

   Today's update is over, thank you for your reward and votes~~



   (end of this chapter)

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