Chapter 211 The courage is really not small

  The **** who was serving the emperor immediately stepped forward and took the paper from Shi Qingluo's hand.

   was then handed over to the emperor.

  The emperor looked over it, and his breathing suddenly became a little heavy.

   The improvement and process of iron making, he did not understand very well, but he could understand the final conclusion.

  This iron-making recipe, as long as it is successful, can not only increase the amount of refined iron, but also greatly improve the hardness and toughness of refined iron.

   is perfect for making weapons.

  Because of the cement and corn in the past, the emperor believed that this iron-making recipe was real, and it was possible to succeed.

   He suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, "Can you smelt iron?"

   Shi Qingluo shook his head, "I won't."

   "So the emperor still wants to let people who are specialized in this area try it."

   She really doesn't know this stuff, she has never seen iron making in modern times.

   This is what she found in the "Crossing Collection", and copied it down from one that is more in line with the current level of productivity and technology.

  The emperor didn't look like he was lying when he saw Shi Qingluo, but he wasn't too disappointed.

   He asked again, "What reward do you want for presenting this recipe for making iron today?"

   Shi Qingluo said truthfully: "I just want justice."

   In front of such a shrewd emperor, there is no need to be secretive.

  The emperor dealt with those old fox courtiers every day, and it was estimated that he would be troubled by going around.

   So she was going to set up an upright character in front of the emperor.

The    emperor was not surprised, and laughed: "If nothing happened to you before, wouldn't you be prepared to offer this iron-making recipe today?"

   Shi Qingluo nodded without hesitation, "Your Majesty is so wise, you can even see this."

  Emperor: "..." This is the first time he has met such a direct person in front of him.

Whoever    was asked by him, he would definitely have to justify it immediately. He was here to offer iron-making recipes, how could he be so upright.

  Key also patted his dragon fart.

   Looking at the little girl showed a bit of stubbornness and a little bit of fear, but looked at him with a look of trust and admiration.

  The emperor was a little dumbfounded, "You are honest."

   "It means that without this matter, you will not offer this recipe?"

Shi Qingluo replied truthfully: "That's not true. The woman originally wanted to wait until she returned to Nanxi County, and after the limelight of corn had passed, then handed over this iron-making recipe to Mozhi County and asked him to help dedicate it to His Majesty. of."

The    emperor was stunned for a moment, and asked inexplicably, "Why? Then why didn't you come to me directly?"

   Shi Qingluo said: "Muxiu will be destroyed by the forest wind, and the women are also afraid that they will come to offer iron-making recipes after they have just finished offering corn.

   "So I thought about keeping a low profile as much as possible, and when the limelight passed, I would ask Magistrate Mo to present the iron-making recipe, and it would be less eye-catching."

The    Emperor's eyes showed a slight smile, "Then why aren't you ready to keep a low profile now?"

   He said again: "Because of what happened today, it's even more eye-catching for you to present this iron-making recipe."

   Shi Qingluo looked helpless and aggrieved, "No way, just punch it, it's better than being bullied."

   I'm just that honest.

  Emperor was very surprised to face such an upright Shi Qingluo.

   She actually said everything in her heart in front of him, the emperor.

   He asked half-jokingly, "Aren't you afraid that I don't care about this matter, but instead blame you?"

   Shi Qingluo looked at the emperor earnestly and trustingly, "The woman thinks that His Majesty will not."

The    emperor suddenly became interested, "Why do you think so?"

  Shi Qingluo immediately turned on the mode of slapping the dragon fart, and said with a natural look: "Because the emperor is Mingjun!"

   "Before the women came to the capital, I heard many people say that the emperor was very good."

   "Since the emperor ascended the throne, he has reduced or exempted taxes, built water conservancy facilities, and punished corrupt officials, so that the people no longer run around in exile and live a life of peace and contentment."

   "The people's life is better now than before, and they have hope for the future. They all believe that under His Majesty's governance, our people's life will get better and better."

   "After offering seeds to meet His Majesty, the women felt that His Majesty was very dignified and at the same time had a sense of intimacy."

   "His Majesty began to be close to Wanji, and he was strict in governance. In his eyes, not only the country of Daliang, but also our people, it was the blessing of the people of Daliang."

   "Because you are a good emperor who loves his people like a son."

   "That's why the women took the courage to enter the palace today to offer a prescription, and hope to exchange this credit for justice."

   As an emperor, of course, what he likes most is to be remembered and recognized for what he does.

   So Shi Qingluo's words all spoke to the emperor's heart.

   Since he ascended the throne, he has not dared to slack off. He not only hopes to stabilize the country, but also hopes that his people can live and work in peace and contentment.

   The smile in his eyes was even stronger, "You can talk and make me happy."

   Shi Qing's eyes filled with sincerity, "Your Majesty, what the woman said is the truth."

   "Minwomen are honest people and never lie to others." Look at my sincere eyes.

   She found that the emperor was not only not angry, but also very happy.

   I thought that I had made the right bet.

   Then he said recklessly and honestly: "If Your Majesty is unpopular, you will not be a good seed from God. Your Majesty, the people know your credit, so don't be humble."

  The emperor laughed out loud, "You girl, you are really brave."

   He likes people who are honest and love to tell the truth.

  Shi Qingluo climbed along the pole, "That's also given by Your Majesty. Your Majesty is a good emperor, so the women dare to tell the truth."

  The emperor laughed, "Then if I am not a good emperor, you dare not say it?"

   Shi Qingluo smiled and replied, "But Your Majesty is a good emperor!"

  The emperor raised his hand and nodded at Shi Qingluo, and said again, dumbfounded, "Little girl is very clever."

   Shi Qingluo continued to climb along the pole again, "The women of the people thank your Majesty for your praise."

The    emperor found that this girl was not only clever, but also courageous.

   But it didn't make him hate it. Instead, he liked Shi Qingluo's upright temperament.

   He tapped the desk lightly with his fingers, and said after a while: "I will let people investigate today's affairs thoroughly, and then give you justice."

  The third princess is really outrageous.

   And Shi Qingluo is not only lovable, but also of great value.

   In the future, will she think of some things that the old Taoist priest left behind and can benefit the country and the people, who knows?

   Shi Qingluo immediately saluted, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

   She didn't deliberately put the third prince concubine's eye drops in front of the emperor, but she ended up doing it.

   may also give the emperor a difficult and small impression.

   This emperor is a wise man, and Xiao Xianggong said that the eyeliner is still all over the place.

   If the third prince concubine satirized her in the embroidered building today, she would be known by the emperor if she used her power to bully others, and if she disdained good breeds.

   If she took the initiative to say something like this, it would make the emperor feel embarrassed and unhappy.

   After all, he attached so much importance to fine breeds, but his daughter-in-law spoke arrogantly with contempt, and his face was dull.

   Shi Qingluo wisely avoided these, and let the emperor get angry himself, and make more troubles for his daughter-in-law.

   Anyway, she just wanted to be fair, but she didn't say that your daughter-in-law did it. Although everyone knew it, she also kept the emperor's face.

   Shi Qingluo didn't stay much, and left with Xi Rong after speaking.

   is not what Shiqing expected.

   As soon as she left, the emperor ordered someone to investigate the matter thoroughly.

   Including everything that happened after Shi Qing left the door today, he has to know.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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