Chapter 213 What is a pig teammate, this is

   Early morning the next day.

   Everyone saw that it has been almost a month, and the old man Wu, who has not gone to court, actually came.

   Only a very small number of people could roughly guess the purpose of Censor Wu.

   They got the news that yesterday Xiao Hanzheng went to the Wu Yushi Mansion.

   Looks like there is a good show to watch today.

  The third prince looked at Censor Wu and had a bad premonition.

   Sure enough, after the emperor had dealt with some affairs, Censor Wu stood up.

   "Your Majesty, the old minister has something to play."

  The Emperor saw the Imperial Censor Wu, his head hurt a little, but he nodded, "What's the matter?"

   Naturally, he also knew that Xiao Hanzheng went to help Censor Wu to treat his illness.

   I was thinking last night that the kid was very protective of his wife.

   is also very smart to know how to borrow.

   Therefore, he is more optimistic about Xiao Hanzheng and wants to use it.

  Yushi Wu stood up and said, "I want to see that the third prince is not strictly disciplined, and condone the third prince's concubine and her servants to do vicious things."

   Then he recounted what happened yesterday.

   "What do the people think about this incident?"

   "Whoever wants good things in the future will dare to donate them?"

   "And doing this is also smearing the royal family, and I ask Your Majesty to punish it severely."

  The third prince was involved, so he could only bite the bullet and defend, "Boss, this matter was not condoned by me and the concubine."

   Wu Yushi said confidently: "The governor of Kyoto has found out about this matter, and the maid next to the third prince concubine personally went to bribe the local ruffian to do it."

   "The maid next to you did such a thing, isn't it caused by your lax rule?"

   "Whether your imperial concubine knows about it or not, you all know in your heart, don't treat everyone as a fool."

  The Censor Wu used to be able to persuade death in front of the late emperor, but now he is naturally not afraid of a prince.

  When he heard about this, he only felt angry.

  A prince concubine actually did such a heinous thing, how dare the maid do such a thing without her order.

   Even if he doesn't return Xiao Hanzheng's favor, he will play it when he knows it.

   Not to mention, there is still human affection.

   As soon as his voice fell, several old foxes who usually didn't speak much in the courtroom also spoke up, condemning the incident.

   and said that even if the maid did this, the third prince and the third prince and concubine were inseparable.

   Everyone was smart and didn't insist that it was the third princess who did it, but they bit her to take responsibility.

  After all, the governor of Kyoto has already found out the case. It was the third prince and concubine who were not used to seeing Qingluo in the embroidered building, so they carried the third prince and concubine to bribe people to do this.

   That slave has also been taken into custody and confessed voluntarily.

   Of course, everyone knows in their hearts that this is just a fig leaf for the royal family's face.

   If this matter was not ordered by the Third Prince and Concubine, they would not believe it.

   In addition to a few old foxes, Mr. Liang, Mr. Xi and Mr. Fei also rarely ended up.

   This time, the spearheads are all aimed at the third prince and the third prince concubine.

  The juniors stand out for their friends, so naturally the elders can't stand by and watch.

   As a result, many people in the court were stunned.

   Obviously did not expect that all these people jumped out for Shiqing to come out.

   If someone encountered such a thing in the past, it was usually handled in private, and whoever was stupid would bring trouble to the court.

  These people couldn't hold back and looked up to see the emperor's expression.

Just as the    emperor was about to speak, a young censor stood up again.

   "Your Majesty, this minister also has something to participate in."

  The emperor probably knew who he was going to participate in, "Present."

   This censor has a very good relationship with Fei Yuzhe in private.

   Liang Youxiao went to investigate, he knew it, and he acquiesced.

   After all, to deal with the third daughter-in-law, there must be clear evidence of the crime.

  The memorial that was written by the imperial history was handed over, "The minister wants to participate in the private enclosure of the third prince and concubine, and persecute innocent women..."

   He collected Liang Youxiao and took out all the evidence that Fei Yuzhe gave him.

   "This is all evidence, please punish your majesty!"

   After listening to what he said, all the adults present were stunned. I really did not expect that the Third Prince Concubine would actually do so many sinister things.

  The Fu family's father and son's faces were also ugly, and they were even nervous.

   They haven't cleaned up Xiao Hanzheng yet, but they didn't expect the other party to attack first today.

After listening to the    emperor, his face darkened, "I really did not expect that my daughter-in-law would do so many wrong things."

   "A person like this is not qualified to be a princess."

   "Fu's talent and virtue are not worthy. She is not qualified to be this prince and concubine. There is no example of divorce in my royal family, so from today, Fu's family will be demoted to the concubine of the third prince."

   He looked sharply at the third son, "Thirdest son, are you okay with it?"

  The third prince stepped forward with a wry smile, "My son doesn't dare!"

   is not dare, not not.

  The emperor sneered, this son was really dizzy by that vicious woman.

   He really didn't see such a vicious woman, what good was there.

   couldn't help but think of the mother-in-law on the fief.

  The crowned harem back then was also flamboyant and vicious, forcing them to give in and give in. As long as anyone in the harem was favored, they would be unlucky soon.

   He didn't have many royal brothers, and they were all "credits" to that woman. After she was favored and gave birth to a prince, someone else became pregnant, and most of them lost their babies.

   He also nearly died at the hands of that vicious woman twice.

   The key point is that the late emperor was like a blind man, and he loved him so much.

   So when he saw his son like this, he got angry.

   "From today onwards, the errands in your hands will be handed over to the second child, and you should not go to court, until you have dealt with your prince's mansion in advance."

   "Your imperial concubine and side concubine, I will choose carefully for you again."

   Shouldn't have given Fu Wenzheng to marry him because of his son.

   There is also a second child who wants to watch a play, but there is no way.

   He only felt bad looking at his two sons.

   It seems that it is time for the prince to go to court.

   Without waiting for the third prince to say anything, the emperor stood up and said, "Retreat!"

   It can be seen that he is very dissatisfied with the matter of the third princess.

   And the punishment he made was even more surprising.

   No one thought it would be so serious. Not only was the Fu family deprived of the position of the prince's concubine, but she was also demoted to a concubine.

  Don't say, the emperor's move is quite poisonous.

   With the proud and domineering temperament of the Fu family, after being demoted to a concubine, how could he bear this grievance.

  But this is the imperial decree from the emperor, she has to hold back no matter how wronged she is.

   And without the identity of the third prince concubine, can she be so reckless as a demon? Obviously difficult.

   Everyone can also see that today the emperor did it on purpose, and it seems that he wants to explain to Shi Qingluo.

  It has to be said that this completely subverted their cognition.

   It seems that the emperor attaches great importance to that Shi Qingluo, otherwise he would not do so.

   And look at the people who stood up in the court today, they wouldn't believe it if there was no shadow of Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qingluo.

   They underestimated these two before.

  The people of the Third Prince's faction were about to die, and they scolded Fu Wenzheng one by one in their hearts.

   What is a pig teammate, this is it!

   Continue at 16:00~



   (end of this chapter)

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