Chapter 219 Relationship Exposure

  Old Mrs. Xiao saw her son like this, and her heart skipped a beat.

   I can't let my son give up on carrying people back to the house.

   She immediately put her hands on her hips and said, "Bah, you poisonous woman, her name is Liu Ru, you made up any peach willows."

   "And you are very clear about the building. You didn't come out of it, did you? So everyone looks like the same person."

  Ge Chunru was not lightly insulted by these words, "Old lady, I respect you as my mother-in-law, but you can't humiliate me like this."

   Mrs. Xiao sneered, "You are a high-ranking outsider, and you deliberately miscarried and framed your first wife, and you brought up the building every time you talk about it. How can you be clean, what kind of humiliation is this."

   "What my mother said is the truth."

   "You, you..." Ge Chunru was so angry that his eyes were black and his head was dizzy.

   Xiao Yuanshi's face turned greener, "Mother, what are you talking about?"

  The old lady couldn't keep her mouth shut, she actually said such a thing.

   He's been covering it all the time.

   Old lady Xiao glared at him, "What nonsense am I talking about, for this woman, you divorced your first wife and broke up with your own children. Is it a lie?"

   "There's nothing to hide about this kind of thing, it's not your fault, she forced you."

   She said confidently: "If you don't say it today, if she makes more troubles in the future, people don't all know it, and it's even more embarrassing."

   She kept hinting to herself that she was all for the good of her son, yes, it was for the good of her son.

   This is also what Shi Qing was taught. When he felt that it was difficult to choose, he kept hinting to himself.

   Sure enough, she always thought it was for the good of her son, and she didn't feel guilty anymore.

   Xiao Yuanshi also wanted to faint at this moment, and gritted his teeth: "Now go back to the General's Mansion."

   Suddenly someone asked at the door: "The general's wife said Xiao Hanzheng just now, did you mean the lady's husband at the time of Xianzhong?"

   Xiao Dalang happened to be standing at the door watching the play, and couldn't help but say, "Yes, that's Xiao Hanzheng."

  Xiao Yuanshi: "..." The old Xiao family came to harm him on purpose.

   "What, it's actually Xiao Hanzheng."

   "All surnamed Xiao."

   "Could it be that Xiao Hanzheng is the cut-off son of General Xiao?"

  Xiao Dalang said again: "Yes, that is."

   Xiao Yuanshi just wanted to shut up his nephew at this time, but if he shouted in front of so many people, he seemed guilty.

   "Such a good son and daughter-in-law, General Xiao actually cut off the family for the sake of the outer room, really..." I didn't know what to say.

   "General Xiao seems to be a lover!"

   "This general's wife is really powerful. Not only did she deliberately miscarry her original wife, but she also forced the general to break up with such a promising son. She really isn't an ordinary person."

   "And this is too small, ruining the innocence of Miss Liu, and falsely accusing others that Xiao Hanzheng sent to seduce the general."

   "That's right, Xiao Hanzheng is a scholar from a small county town. This time I heard that the capital where his daughter-in-law came to donate seeds, how could he be so powerful, and he even arranged an outer room for his father."

   "Murdering and killing hearts, deliberately using this to ruin Xiao Hanzheng's reputation, this general's wife is really powerful."

   "So splashing dirty water in front of everyone, you can't tell how to suppress it behind your back."

   "How many good stepmothers are there? Not to mention the stepmother who forced her own mother to almost demote her as a concubine, and finally went straight to the court."

   "What kind of stepmother, she's already cut off. She can't be regarded as someone's stepmother."

   "That's right, they both broke up. Speaking of which, General Xiao and Xiao Hanzheng don't matter anymore."

   Someone was at the door with a rhythm.

   These people were of course arranged by Xiao Hanzheng.

   was just Shi Qing's idea. She was used to seeing the power of rhythm in online public opinion in modern times, so she asked Xiao Hanzheng to get some support to bring rhythm.

   Sure enough, the effect is great.

   Many real passers-by also began to talk.

   "No wonder even my mother-in-law was forced to die. It's too poisonous."

   "Looking at the gentleness of this general's wife, I really didn't expect this kind of person to be behind her back."

   "I heard that she disrespected her mother-in-law for a long time, but today it's true."

   "She is even more unaccustomed to seeing the general's biological son, and pouring all kinds of dirty water on them."

  Because someone took the lead, everyone joined in the fun, not so afraid that the general Xiao Yuanshi would retaliate against them.

   He couldn't have killed everyone here.

   Hearing that everyone was scolding him outside, after Ge Chunru had a miscarriage, because of her brother's affairs and the popularity of the old Xiao family, she didn't take good care of herself.

   This time, he was so angry that he passed out.

   supported her maid and hurriedly shouted, "Madam, what's the matter with you, Madam?"

  The rhythmic person at the door immediately said: "Isn't it because of a guilty conscience and pretending to be dizzy?"

After    finished speaking, he immediately changed his position, so when Xiao Yuanshi looked over, he could not be sure who said it.

   Xiao Yuanshi was too angry at this meeting, "Bring Madam and Miss Liu back to the General's Mansion."

   After he finished speaking, he couldn't hold back and left first with his sleeves thrown.

   I was really afraid that if he stayed any longer, his mother and others would do something else.

   His entourage immediately said, "Yes!"

   Then let the strong old woman quickly hold the two into the carriage.

   Mrs. Xiao and others also got into the carriage and left.

   They had to go back and watch carefully, they couldn't let Ge Chunru send people away.

   A big play made everyone enjoy it.

   After the people from the General's Mansion left the courtyard, everyone went around to find acquaintances and chat about the good show they just saw.

   Soon the ministers in the capital also knew that Xiao Yuanshi was actually Xiao Hanzheng's biological father.

   The key point is that the two of them also broke up, and it was Xiao Yuanshi who took the initiative to break up for an outer room.

   This really makes it hard for them to say anything!

  Although Xiao Yuanshi is a newcomer, many well-established and well-established nobles of aristocratic families do not look down on him.

   After hearing this news, I felt even more contempt.

   also thought that Xiao Yuanshi was blinded by that vicious little wife.

   Xiao Hanzheng worshipped Mr. Hou as a teacher, and also has a capable daughter-in-law, plus his own temperament and ability are not bad, it should be very promising in the future if there are no accidents.

   Xiao Yuanshi did not raise such a son, but listened to his step-wife in the outer room to encourage him to break up the relationship, which is really confusing.

   And the censors seem to have been beaten with blood.

   specially asked the servants to inquire about what happened in the yard today, to determine whether Xiao Yuanshi really demoted his wife as a concubine, married his wife as his wife, and even broke up with his own children for the sake of his wife.

   As long as it is true, they will have a copy tomorrow.

   Shi Qing finished watching the play in the courtyard, and asked Xiao Hanzheng, "Is that Ge Chunru really dizzy or pretending to be dizzy?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "It's really dizzy."

   He can still see this.

   Shi Qing dropped his mouth and said, "This ability to resist attacks is too weak."

   The mental quality is not good, and this is about to faint.

   After that, you should not be dizzy often.

   She asked again, "Will the scumbag listen to Ge Chunru's words and suspect that Taoliu was arranged by us?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "There is no problem with Taoliu's new identity."

   "You helped her put a mole on her face again, and the makeup has also changed a lot. At most, it looks like it."

   "And Tao Liu is not so easy to get rid of.

   Shi Qingluo is right when he thinks about it. Compared with scheming methods, Taoliu, who has been specially cultivated, may be even better than Ge Chunru.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes, I will go back and correct the typos when I finish the update. Recently, the input method is too easy to make mistakes, or there are inexplicably few words and many words.



   (end of this chapter)

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