Chapter 226 You Can Really Do It

   These words changed the expressions of the maids present.

   Especially the personal maid that Fu Wenzheng brought from Fu's house, this would be even more eager to cover her mouth.

   Can this be said nonsense too?

   Even if you think so, you can't say it.

  Otherwise, if it is spread out, the lady will be in trouble.

   She immediately warned the maids present, "If you go out today, forget everything after you go out."

   added more ruthlessly: "If anyone spreads it out, not only will he die, but the whole family will die too."

  Fu Wenzheng became clearer after hearing what the maid said.

   She snorted coldly and said, "That's right, if anyone dares to spread what I said today, the whole family will be killed."

   This kind of thing, she has done it before, just leave it to the second brother.

  The maids who were present naturally knew what kind of master they were serving, and they all changed their faces and knelt down, "Slaves don't dare!"

   The maid who lighted the incense also knelt down and lowered her head, a mocking smile appeared on her lips, and her eyes were full of hatred.

   They really won't spread the word, but if the third prince hears it himself, they don't care about them.

   Her sister used to be the servant girl who served Fu Wenzheng in the Hou Mansion, and she didn't know how to offend Fu Wenzheng.

   Not only was the elder sister beaten to death by Fu Wenzheng's whip, but their house was set on fire that night, and her parents and younger brother were all burned to death.

   If she hadn't gone out in the middle of the night, she would have been burned to death.

   Later, incognito, in order to revenge, he sold himself to the Hou's mansion as a maid, and married Fu Wenzheng into the mansion of the Three Princes.

   After so many years, she found out that Fu Wenzheng asked the second young master to do it.

   is like the threat of Fu Wenzheng's master and servant today, they really don't just talk, they can definitely do it.

   She can't wait to tear Fu Wenzheng into 10,000 pieces, and only hopes that the third prince can really not be so useless.

   "It's really bad luck to get married."

  Fu Wenzheng felt a little dizzy, stood up and said, "Help me to wash up."

   "Yes!" The maid immediately stepped forward.

  The place where the three princes stand is just a shadow of the doorway. If you don't look carefully, it is not easy to find.

   Therefore, neither Fu Wenzheng nor the other maids knew what the third prince said just now.

  Liang Hengxiao's face was ashen, and he stood at the door with his hands clenched into fists.

   He was a palace girl, and his mother died in childbirth, so he was never taken seriously in the palace.

   was often bullied and treated coldly by eunuchs.

   He remembered that the weather was very cold that day, he was wearing very thin clothes, and his hands were covered with frostbite.

   Who knew that someone would give him a hand stove, and a few days later, a bottle of frostbite cream was sent, which gave him the only warmth.

   So he kept that warmth in his heart.

   Marrying Fu Wenzheng is also because of that warmth and wants to protect her.

   It is undeniable that there are indeed some factors in Fu Wenzheng's family background, but the reason why he wants to fight for that position is mainly for her.

   I hope she will not be controlled by others in the future, after all, she is so proud and flamboyant.

  I didn’t expect that the truth back then would be so unbearable.

   He has always admitted the wrong person who warms him.

   No wonder Fu Wenzheng didn't allow him to touch her. He wanted to respect her, but he really didn't have the urge to touch her.

   After hearing what Fu Wenzheng said now, although he was very angry, he breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and it wasn't that kind of heartbreaking.

   So these years, he may be lying to himself how much he likes her.

   Otherwise, why do you have no other ideas but anger.

   He closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he stepped forward and kicked the door of the room open.

   The people inside were startled.

  Fu Wenzheng saw Liang Hengxiao with a livid face, and asked a little guilty: "You, why are you here?"

  Liang Heng looked at her calmly, "I heard everything you said just now."

  Fu Wenzheng's face changed, and then he said not to be outdone: "So what?"

   In fact, Liang Hengxiao has always indulged her in the past few years, so she used to think that he would let her.

   Anyway, it wasn't the first time she despised his identity.

  Liang Hengxiao said to the maid in the room, "You go out."

  Except for the personal maid, the other maids hurried out of the room.

   They don't want to hear it at all, curiosity will kill people.

  Fu Wenzheng saw Liang Hengxiao like this for the first time, so he couldn't help holding his maid, "Just say anything, she doesn't have to go out."

  Liang Hengxiao didn't force it. After the others went out, he took the initiative to close the door.

   After the maid who lighted the incense came out, she pretended to be going to the thatched hut and slipped away.

   Then, with the help of Xiao Hanzheng's people, he quickly left the Third Prince's Mansion.

  Otherwise, waiting for Fu Wenzheng to react, she, the one who took the initiative to bring up the past, would definitely not end well.

   In the room, Liang Hengxiao had actually calmed down.

   After all, in the palace, he had been treated coldly, and his patience had been practiced.

  Fu Wenzheng looked at him, "What do you want?"

  Liang Hengxiao didn't say anything about the past, and suddenly asked: "You ran to my study in the past two days, are you looking for books and evidence?"

   These words were too sudden, and Fu Wenzheng, who was influenced by the wine and incense, widened his eyes.

   blurted out, "How did you know that?"

After    finished speaking, she shuddered, and her sanity was brought back a lot.

   She hurriedly restrained her expression, her eyes dodged, "I don't know what you're talking about."

  Liang Hengxiao is not a fool, "You have been demoted to a concubine, and you are still thinking about plotting against me, you can really do it!"

   He will get angrier and wiser.

  The line on the Jiangnan side was actually hooked by Big Brother Fu Wenzheng for him.

   He really didn't expect that the person who was going to stab him in the back was also the Fu family.

   There must be the second child's handwriting, but the Fu family is definitely involved, otherwise how could Fu Wenzheng know this?

  Fu Wenzheng saw him speak directly, and broke the jar, "So what, you begged to marry me."

   She felt that even now, she was still confident in front of Liang Hengxiao.

  Liang Heng smiled anxiously, "Do you know why I want to marry you?"

  Fu Wenzheng said confidently: "Of course it's because you like me, and I'm the daughter of Peijing Hou."

   The reason why she still has the confidence is because of Liang Hengxiao's love and her status as the daughter of Hou Ye.

  Liang Hengxiao sneered, "You are wrong, I married you just because of that hand stove and a bottle of frostbite cream."

   "Now that I know that I have mistaken someone, do you think I can still be in front of me like I used to?"

   "Fu Wenzheng, it's time for you to wake up."

   He squinted his eyes and said, "Even if I am a palace girl, but my own father is the current emperor, what right do you have to belittle my status?"

   "Just because you are the daughter of a Houfu?"

   No wonder the father was so disappointed in himself before and did not let him do any more errands.

   Now think about it, he deserves it!

   (end of this chapter)

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