After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 230: How could he have such a daughter-in-law

   Chapter 230 How could he have such a daughter-in-law

   Xiao Yuanshi was once again choked by Shi Qingluo's words.

   Don't say, he really can't do both of these things right now.

   With the emperor's attention to Shi Qingluo, he wanted to kill her, and the emperor was the first to let him go.

  I didn't expect that this bad daughter-in-law, in addition to being rude and poisonous, also knew how to use her own advantages.

  Xiao Yuanshi transferred the object again and looked at Xiao Hanzheng, "She said everything, so you have nothing to say?"

   Xiao Hanzheng looked at him inexplicably, "Don't you all know that I'm scared, what else can I say?"

   "If you really want me to say something, then what my wife says means what I say."

   Xi Rui and others squatting in the corner: "..."

   I didn't expect you to be such a Xiao Hanzheng, and what you said in fear seemed very honorable.

   I have to say that Xiao Hanzheng was also broken by Shi Qingluo. Xiao Yuanshi was absolutely angry when he said these words.

   Sure enough, Xiao Yuanshi's qi didn't strike anywhere, "Xiao Hanzheng, don't forget your surname Xiao, even if we broke up before, the broken bones are still attached to the tendons."

   "If this continues, it will only make others laugh."

  What he means is that although they are divorced, they are father and son after all, and everyone is good.

   Xiao Hanzheng ignored her, but looked at Shi Qingluo.

   Shi Qingluo gave him a reassuring look, his eyes full of protection.

   said to the scumbag: "Your general's house has long been a joke, you don't know it, right?"

   "And it must be you and your little wife who are going to laugh."

   She shrugged, "After all, it's not us who have abandoned our wife and children, and framed our original wife's superiors."

   Then he covered his mouth and smiled again: "I heard that you have taken several concubines. You told my mother-in-law before that you couldn't help falling in love with Xiaojiao's wife. The old tree is blooming, which is also a joke!"

  This is what she heard from her mother-in-law.

   "You already have so many jokes, do you care about one more?"

   Xiao Yuanshi's face was ashen with anger, "You, you!"

   "What a eloquent little woman."

  If it wasn't for the wrong time, he really wanted to shoot this daughter-in-law to death.

   Shi Qingluo said with a dazed smile, "It's really my strength to be sharp and articulate, thank you for your compliment."

   She smiled again: "I take back what I said earlier, although you are often blind, you can actually be normal once in a while, such as now."

   Xiao Yuanshi: "..." Shameless, this is the first time he has seen such a shameless person.

   Xi Rui and others outside: "..." Good guy, you can still boast about yourself so shamelessly, you have a lot of knowledge.

   They seemed to be a little thin-skinned before, and they had to learn more from Shi Qingluo.

   Xiao Hanzheng couldn't help but chuckle, why is the little daughter-in-law so lovely.

   Xiao Yuanshi was ridiculed and eaten up today, which has never happened before.

   He looked at Xiao Hanzheng angrily, "Don't imitate your mother's indecisive character. If you want to enter an official position in the future, do you want Shi Qingluo to treat your colleagues like this?"

   Shi Qingluo looked at the scumbag unhappily, "If you say I'll say me, what do you mean by connoting my mother-in-law?"

   "My mother-in-law invited you to mess with you?"

   "When I was young, I was deceived by your rhetoric. I served your parents for you, and raised your children for you."

   "When you become famous, not only did you not endure the hardships, but you were disgusted by you and wanted to demote your wife as a concubine."

   "I'm also glad that my husband didn't learn from you such ruthlessness, and you actually dislike my mother-in-law."

   "Without my mother-in-law, would you be able to learn martial arts?"

   "You haven't learned a single martial arts skill, and without my mother-in-law helping you take care of your parents, so that you have no worries, can you make contributions on the battlefield? I'm afraid your bones will grow hair in the northern border."

   "Please also be a person."

   She snorted coldly, "You have to be thankful that my mother-in-law is good-natured, and if she was a powerful one, she would have broken your leg long ago."

   "With your sweet wife and concubine by your side, what do you think?"

   She really thought so.

   is also the mother-in-law's temper is too good, in her words, she directly broke the scumbag's leg, made him a eunuch, and the little wife of the fart.

   Xiao Yuanshi was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, "Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this?"

   Xiao Hanzheng, who had been acting as the background board, suddenly said, "I'll give it to you."

  Xiao Yuanshi: "..." Where is he the son he was born with, but an injustice.

   Shi Qingluo pouted, "He was stabbed in the sore spot by me, and he feels guilty."

   Xiao Yuanshi gritted his teeth and looked at Shi Qingluo, "Have you fed the dog the female commandments you learned?"

   The daughter-in-law here is more difficult than his sloppy old lady.

   It was mainly what she said, and he had no way of refuting it.

   It is precisely because of this that he is so angry that a mouthful of old blood is stuck in his chest.

   Shi Qingluo rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry, I grew up in the countryside, and I have never learned such noble and noble things as female commandments."

   "And are you too much of a dog to meddle with mice?"

   "My husband doesn't dislike that I haven't read the female commandments, what qualifications do you have to control me?"

   "Don't talk about your elders again."

   She said meaningfully: "You are just a former father-in-law."

   Xiao Yuanshi was so choked again that he didn't know what to say, "You!"

   Shi Qingluo stood up, looked at him and said, "What are you?"

   "Do you really want to hit me? You really want Xiao Hanzheng to leave me?"

   "Unfortunately you dare not."

   "My husband won't take care of you either."

   She looked at the scumbag father who was so angry that he wanted to explode on the spot, but he seemed to be helpless, and she felt relieved.

   "Do you regret now that you broke up with me?"

   Shi Qingluo continued to poke at his sore spot, "If you keep breaking up with your family, you are our elder now, how can I dare to say these words."

   "My husband is reluctant to leave me, and you can use his father's identity to forcibly leave me and send me back to my parents' home."

   "Or in the name of the elders, send my husband a few concubines to greet me."

   She showed a full smile, "Oh, what a pity for you."

   "It was such a good chance to take advantage of us, it's gone."

   "I have to say, we are now particularly grateful to your vicious little wife."

   "If I didn't have her little belly and chicken intestines, I wouldn't be able to hold my original wife's children, and I wouldn't be able to speak freely."

   "In order to thank her and your decisiveness in angering the crown, I can only give Mrs. Xiao and others as a thank you gift."

   Shi Qingluo continued with a smile: "Are you surprised by this gift? Do you like it?"

   Anyway, the scumbag knows it, it is better to say it outright.

   "I guess, you must like it very much, otherwise how can you hug the little wife on the left and the old lady on the right so many beautiful concubines for you."

   "You can still look like a forced victim to your petite wife, hypocritical and pretentious."

   Xiao Yuanshi was so angry that he looked up: "..." Surprise, like a fart, as expected, everything was her demon.

  You bastard, just a bastard.

  How could he have such a daughter-in-law, these are what a daughter-in-law, even a woman, could say?

   Shameless **** to the extreme.

   The last chapter is a bit more, around 17:30~



   (end of this chapter)

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