Chapter 234 It makes her sick

  Other families in the capital naturally heard about this.

  's impression of Xiao Yuanshi was greatly reduced again.

   General Xiao has really passed. Since he has broken up and separated his family, why should he run to the door to ask Xiao Hanzheng to divorce his wife?

   Besides, they didn't think Shi Qingluo was bad.

   I used to think that this was a village woman, not worthy of Xiao Hanzheng, who was a scholar and a scholar under the old family.

  But since Xian Seed and Xian Tie Fangzi came out, plus Shi Qingluo and Xi Rong have a good relationship.

   These people also discovered that Shi Qingluo may have a prosperous life.

   I heard that Xiao Hanzheng was the one who woke up with joy.

   Xiao Yuanshi is not used to seeing his own son, right?

   On the other side, Xiao Yuanshi returned to the General's Mansion with a gloomy heart.

   As soon as he sat down, Ge Chunru came in with chicken soup.

   "General, I made chicken soup, you can drink a bowl."

   Xiao Yuanshi was also accustomed to her love to boil chicken soup, took it and drank it, and said perfunctorily, "Thank you for your hard work."

   Chicken soup every day, he is also tired of drinking it.

   couldn't help but think of the pigeon soup that Liu Ru simmered for him yesterday, which tasted much better.

   Seeing that Ge Chun hesitated to speak, he asked, "Do you have something to say?"

  Ge Chunru nodded, "Isn't it because my brother and the others are going to Northern Xinjiang tomorrow, so I want the government doctor to follow him."

   Xiao Yuanshi felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this.

   He had just vomited blood from anger, and his wife was unhappy when he saw him, so she didn't ask questions or care, and mentioned her brother as soon as he came.

   He couldn't help frowning, "The doctor's house is in the capital, and he would not be willing to let him go to northern Xinjiang."

  Ge Chunru was thinking about his younger brother, so he didn't pay much attention to Xiao Yuanshi's expression.

   "I don't want him to stay in the northern border forever, or just follow him first, and when my brother's legs are completely healed, he will come back."

   Her brother's legs are scabbed now, and he can walk on the other leg even with a cane.

   But she was still worried, afraid that something might go wrong on the way.

   Originally, she wanted her brother to go to northern Xinjiang after the New Year, but her husband said that the iron would be struck while the iron was hot.

  It was late, waiting for Xiao Dalang and others to stand firm first, it would be a lot harder to find out the problem and replace it.

   She was right when she thought about it.

   And when my younger brother went out a few days ago, he was ridiculed by his former classmates.

  My younger brother doesn't want to stay in the capital anymore.

   Xiao Yuanshi shook his head, "The doctor in our house is definitely not good."

   Just kidding, Ge Chunyi committed crimes and went to northern Xinjiang to be punished, not to enjoy happiness.

   sent the doctor of the general's mansion to follow, what would the emperor think?

   Seeing Ge Chunru's suddenly ugly face, he reassured him: "I'll find a doctor with good medical skills in the capital to follow him."

   At that time, he said that he was worried that the old man and the old lady were getting old, and they were afraid that there would be problems with the bumps along the way, so he found a boss to follow.

   can not only appease Ge Chunru, but people outside will also feel that he is filial.

   The old man and the old lady were also at ease.

  Ge Chunru didn't know what he was thinking, so the initial displeasure disappeared.

   took the initiative to lean into Xiao Yuanshi's arms, "The general has a heart."

   also stretched out his hand to draw circles on Xiao Yuanshi's chest, "I will repay you."

   In the past, Xiao Yuanshi carried the person to the study room by himself.

   Now because of what happened in the past, I feel so aggrieved, and I have lost that interest.

   Just then, there was a knock on the door.

   Xiao Yuanshi was stunned for a moment, then said, "Come in!"

   Then he saw Liu Ru come in with a porcelain jar.

  Liu Ru was surprised when she saw the two of them.

   She saluted first, "I have seen the general and madam!"

   then said with retreat as advance: "It seems that I am not here at the right time. I am disturbing the general and his wife. I will retire first."

  Ge Chunru said with a cold face, "You are presumptuous, you are a concubine, you actually call yourself me in front of the general and me, and you don't know any rules."

  Liu Ru's face turned pale, and the corners of her lips trembled, "I, concubine."

   "I won't be a hindrance to Madam in the future, I'll just go back to where I used to live."

   A look that made her call herself a concubine or a slave, but she couldn't do it.

  Ge Chunru got angry when she saw her coquettish appearance, "Then why don't you go back! You actually call me again."

   then instructed the maid behind him, "Go and teach her how to be a concubine."

   She had long wanted to slap this fox, but she hadn't found a chance before.

  Liu Ru bit her lip and tears came out, but she lowered her head and looked resigned, and did not ask Xiao Yuanshi for help.

   When the maid walked in front of Liu Ru and raised her hand to fan down.

   Xiao Yuanshi said: "Okay, I asked Ru'er to call herself me."

   He looked at Ge Chunru, "She was also a young lady in the past. If you didn't make trouble, she would have married someone else to be the right wife."

   "It's not what she wanted to marry into the general's mansion. It's a grievance to her. It's just a title. There's no need to care so much."

  Liu Ru raised her head and looked at Xiao Yuanshi with a complicated look, her tearful eyes were hazy and her makeup was light, making her even more pitiful and moving.

   She looked hesitant, "It's all my fault, don't blame Mrs. General."

   "After the general sends me back, Madam will not be angry anymore."

  Xiao Yuanshi softened a bit when he saw her appearance, "You are all mine, don't mention it again in the future."

  Liu Ru bit her lip and looked at him with moist eyes, "Yes, but I don't want the general to be embarrassed."

   Xiao Yuanshi pretended to be a tiger, "I know what you mean, but I won't mention it again in the future."

  Liu Ru looked at him moved, "Yes!"

  Ge Chunru watched the two interact, and when she heard the words of the two, she was half-dead with anger.

   Especially Xiao Yuanshi's shouting "Ru'er" made her sick.

   Xiao Yuanshi had never called her that before, but he basically called her "Chun Ru" and occasionally called Mrs.

   called the saucy fox "Ru'er".

The name    is also disgusting. Tao Liu, a little slut, must have deliberately chosen the name Liu Ru to disgust her.

   She didn't know that this was actually taken by Shi Qingluo for Taoliu on purpose.

   Of course, the purpose, Ge Chunru, guessed right, and was deliberately disgusting her.

  Ge Chunru asked Xiao Yuanshi with red eyes, "General, are you blaming me?"

   Xiao Yuanshi sighed, "It's not your fault, but Ru'er's incident was indeed caused by you before."

   "I've been working outside all day, and I hope to come back and see you all getting along in harmony, so don't be angry."

   This matter is still Ge Chunru's pot.

  If she didn't ruin Liu Ru's reputation, his mother wouldn't bring people in to be his concubine.

  Ge Chunru and Taoliu: "..." You are blind, how can you live in harmony.

  Ge Chunru was so angry that he fell backwards, but he was so choked that he couldn't say anything to refute.

   She really regretted going to Taoliu that day.

   Instead, it was designed so that this little **** could enter the general's house as a concubine.

   This feeling of shooting yourself in the foot is too uncomfortable.

   also had a strong resentment towards Xiao Yuanshi. After all, even if she was impulsive that day, he could completely send people away.

   Taoliu wants to marry a good family, he can help arrange it.

   She had to let him in and touch it, so she didn't believe that he didn't care at all.

   It's still her head to blame, the more she thinks about it, the more angry she becomes, tears welling up.

   (end of this chapter)

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