Chapter 288 Throw it away

  Ge Chunyi was run by several people.

  Especially, she has already started to say that her character is not good.

   Seeing that the second prince's face turned black, she hated Shi Qingluo a few people in her heart.

   These people just saw her being favored, so they deliberately couldn't get along with her.

   She stood up angrily with a face of humiliation, "You, you!"

   Then he fell directly towards the maid behind him, looking like he was fainted by anger.

   If it goes on like this, I don't know what the second prince will think of her.

   These people joined together to humiliate and run on her, and she couldn't speak to them at all.

   And she couldn't explain the uncle or brother-in-law.

   After what happened at the gate of the silver building just now, she felt embarrassed every time it was mentioned.

   So I can only imitate my sister and pretend to be dizzy to escape.

   I couldn't help but complain about Xiao Yuanshi, my brother-in-law.

   This kind of secret thing, isn't it said that it has been arranged so that no one will know?

  Why Shi Qingluo, this slut, knew about it and deliberately revealed it in public.

   It seems that this brother-in-law is not as useful as he thought.

  The maid behind Ge Chunyi hurriedly supported her, "Concubine Side, what's the matter with you?"

   She then said to the second prince, "Your Highness, Concubine Ge has fainted. "

   Shi Qingluo laughed, "As expected of sisters, it's just the right time to faint."

   She did not let Xiao Xianggong go to see a doctor for Ge Chunyi, and exposed the other party's pretending to be dizzy.

  Ge Chun felt dizzy. It was because he heard that he had been very angry after the miscarriage. He passed out a few times in the General's Mansion, and his body and bones were indeed not very good.

  Ge Chunyi looks very healthy at first glance, and she is a scheming bitch, how could she be so easily stunned.

   This is the beginning, you don't need to disable the opponent's game at one time, keep it for the next time.

   "Second prince, your concubine's body and bones are really not very good. Hurry up and send it back to the house. Please ask the imperial doctor to take a look and take care of it."

   Shi Qingluo deliberately said again: "It's also possible that I didn't eat to lose weight, so I fainted from hunger."

   "In a coma" Ge Chunyi: "..." She is obviously dizzy, this **** is too bad.

  The second prince twitched the corners of his mouth, what the **** was he fainting from hunger?

   "You send Concubine Ge back to the house." So he ordered someone to send Ge Chunyi back.

   Shi Qingluo suggested, "Second prince, you dote on Concubine Ge so much, are you willing to leave her here alone?"

   "Then you must send it back in person, and call the imperial physician to see it."

   She gave the second prince another look that you understand, "Such a delicate beauty, you must spoil the second prince when you go back."

  Second Prince: "..." Throw it away when you run out.

   This woman is really smart, knowing that being "loved" by him in the backyard is not a good thing.

   But that's all, he naturally won't let her down.

   He felt that there was still some drama in winning her over.

   So he got up, "Okay, then I'll take her back in person."

   However, unlike Xiao Yuanshi, he personally hugged him.

   Instead, he instructed the maid to carry Ge Chunyi onto the carriage.

   At the same time, he greeted the shopkeeper of the restaurant and asked him to put the account on his head before leaving.

   Because when I came out, I took a carriage.

   So go back, Liang Hengshao and Ge Chunyi are also in the same carriage.

   After getting in the car, he drank tea leisurely and watched her pretend to faint.

   After a while, Ge Chunyi felt that the second prince was looking at her, and she couldn't take it anymore.

   Then he opened his eyes as if he was waking up, and looked at him with a weak and dependent look, "Your Highness!"

  Liang Hengshao raised his eyebrows, "Awake?"

  Ge Chunyi sat up and pretended to be a little confused, "Why are we in the carriage?"

   Liang Hengshao looked at her with a half-smile, "You're completely dizzy."

   "It seems that I still eat too little, I'm starving."

   "After I go back, I'll ask someone to build a small kitchen in your yard. You can usually cook whatever you want, and eat more."

   Such grace is enough, right?

   The hatred in the backyard will definitely be stabilized.

   He was really used to seeing Shi Qingluo's straightforward and straightforward temperament, and looking at Ge Chunyi's pretence again, it really made him a little offended.

  Pampering is not necessarily a good thing, but it's a pity that these backyard women can't see it through.

   I felt a little regretful in my heart. I missed out on such a smart and transparent woman as Shi Qingluo, which made Xiao Hanzheng a little bit more sour.

  Ge Chunyi wanted to cry with the second prince, but when she heard this, she couldn't help but feel happy.

  I became more and more certain that the second prince liked him, but in order to win over Shi Qingluo, he always stood by the other side in the restaurant.

   This is not to compensate myself.

  There is a small kitchen in the courtyard, and she will be the only one in the backyard of the Second Prince's Mansion.

   Although it will make those women envious and jealous, they may come to find trouble for themselves.

   But she couldn't refuse this favor.

   She sighed inwardly, she was half happy and half worried about being liked by the second prince, and it was impossible to keep a low profile.

   She threw herself directly into the arms of the second prince, and slapped his chest with a small pink fist. Her voice was as soft as water, "Your Highness is so kind to your concubine."

   She asked tentatively, "I always thought I was thinner before, but does Your Highness really think I'm thinner?"

  The second prince put his arms around her, but there was not much smile in his eyes, "No, you are just right."

  Everyone in the restaurant was right before, Shi Qingluo is unique, such a pretentious woman, don't imitate her, don't emulate her.

  Ge Chunyi leaned in his arms, but didn't see his eyes.

   A look of joy appeared on his face, "Then I will listen to His Highness."

   Sure enough, the second prince said that before to win over Shi Qingluo.

   She is still the best looking figure like her.

   Shi Qingluo, a village woman who has never seen the world and can't help but move her chopsticks when she sees delicious food, doesn't deserve it.

   Back to the Second Prince's Mansion.

   Liang Hengshao personally sent Ge Chunyi back to the backyard.

   also asked people to invite an imperial doctor to see her, and asked the housekeeper to build a small kitchen in her yard.

   After hearing this, the women in the backyard didn't know how many handkerchiefs were torn off.

   The story of what happened in the Silver Tower before has been widely heard, and the women in the second prince's backyard have also heard about it.

   Originally, I was thinking of waiting for Ge Chunyi to come back and watch the joke, and His Highness might get tired of her because of this.

  Who would have thought that when this woman went out for a trip, it is said that she fainted for a while, and when she came back, she hired an imperial doctor and made a small kitchen, which made them mad.

   Even after the second princess found out, she felt uncomfortable again.

   This Concubine Ge is also too favored. His Highness has never favored anyone like this before.

   Is it really like what people outside said, His Highness was shocked when he saw Ge Chunyi?

   But she just looked like that.

   also felt that Ge Chunyi was very difficult, so he couldn't help but take a little more precaution.

   Many women in the backyard have the same doubts as the second princess.

   They didn't think about taking precautions, but envy, envy and hatred, and they all tried to think of a way.

   Ready to pull Ge Chunyi down, not wanting to see her continue to be so favored.

   On the other side, after the second prince left, everyone happily finished eating and then broke up.

   Not surprisingly, after the story of Yinlou spread, Xiao Yuanshi and his little wife also became the biggest joke in the entire capital today.

The people of the    aristocratic family were very contemptuous and contemptuous of the two of them, and even the common people couldn't help but scold them.

  The censors are even more like fighting chicken blood one by one, preparing to "fight" General Xiao in the court tomorrow.

   I have to go out, come back and write again, the remaining 2 chapters are around 18:00~



   (end of this chapter)

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