Chapter 308 Are these two devils?

   Xiao Yuanshi was also a little angry, and he didn't know how to explain it.

   Could it be said in front of everyone that Ge Chunru can't be born, so he can't spread branches and leaves.

  Then this stinky boy might just use Qitiao's no to talk about it.

   So he could only change the subject, "You don't need to call me Mistress, just call Aunt Ge."

   Calling the little girl, he sounded like he was calling out a woman from the wind and dust...

   Erlang said aggrievedly: "No, she wronged my mother back then, so I don't want to call her Aunt Ge."

   He is still a child and can be willful.

   Xiao Baili's mind changed, "Why don't we call her Sister Ge."

   "Anyway, she was originally General Xiao's niece, so it doesn't mean that she is out of line."

  Ge Chunru: "..." She was about to collapse.

   Are these two devils?

   Feeling the gaze from the maid and the servant, her face turned pale.

   Finally, the uncle and niece were not mentioned, and these two **** deliberately mentioned it in front of everyone.

  What elder sister Ge, obviously she is mocking her.

   Xiao Yuanshi was also **** off. This daughter is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

  He did not bring his children back, but invited two little ancestors to come back.

   I suddenly regretted that I sent someone to pick up Erlang before returning to Beijing today.

   His face sank, "Nonsense, don't shout."

   Xiao Baili also showed an innocent face, "No shouting, you dare to say that she is not your eldest niece?"

   Xiao Yuanshi's face also turned green, "Xiao Baili, is this how you treat your elders?"

   Xiao Baili shrugged, "But we've already broken up!"

   So what kind of elder are you?

   "You!" Xiao Yuanshi was so angry that he fell to his knees.

  Bastard, this dead girl is really getting worse and worse with Shi Qingluo.

  Where did the obedient and weak daughter go?

  Ge Chunru couldn't help but say, "Then why did you come to the door today?"

  Since they are all divorced, what kind of door are they going to go to?

  Xiao Baili looked like I was helpless, "We don't want to come either. Who told General Xiao that he wanted to compensate our siblings and invited us to be a guest at the General's Mansion."

   "Our brothers and sisters had to reluctantly come. After all, he still has to build a road for my mother."

When    mentioned the road construction, Ge Chunru was very angry.

  This dead girl is as shameless as her bitch.

   She looked at Xiao Yuanshi aggrieved and questioned, "General, why do you really owe Kong Clan to repair the road?"

   Xiao Yuanshi was irritated, "Yes, I have already agreed."

  Ge Chunru couldn't hold back and burst into tears, "You, are you and her disconnected again?"

   She can accept that there is an extra concubine like Taoliu in this family, and a few connecting rooms brought back by the old lady in the backyard, but she really can't accept the Kong family.

   She was the winner back then, so Kong Shi, who did not accept the loser, was not allowed to come back, or let Xiao Yuanshi take heart.

   Xiao Yuanshi hasn't replied yet.

   Xiao Baili sneered, "Miss Ge, please be careful when you speak."

   "My mother and General Xiao have long since reconciled, how could it be possible to be disconnected."

   "My mother is not you. She likes to rob other people's husbands and pick up broken shoes that others don't wear."

   "My mother is not rude to General Xiao. If you pay her back the money, she won't even want it."

   "If you think of it as a treasure, my mother will only think it's cheaper than grass."

   Xiao Yuanshi: "..."

  What are ragged shoes that others don't wear, what are they meaner than grass? Are these words to describe my own father?

   He said with a dark face: "Xiao Baili, how do you talk?"

  Xiao Baili continued to look at him innocently, "I didn't say that you are a broken shoe, you are inferior to grass, I said that Ge Xiaoniang regards things as treasures, but my mother does not despise them."

   Then she shrugged again, "If you really want to bring yourself in, there's nothing I can do."

   Xiao Yuanshi choked, "You, you're just ridiculous."

   He really shouldn't have brought people back, and now he deeply regrets it again.

  Be a fart guest, these two evil obstacles are deliberately looking for faults and responding to them.

   Xiao Baili said with a smile, "Is there? What's wrong with me?"

   "It was Ge Xiaoniang who was thinking wildly, I just corrected her mistakes."

   "General Xiao, do you really like to welcome us as a guest!"

   "If you are not welcome, we will leave now."

   "Then go to the street and ask everyone, do you treat guests like this?"

   Xiao Yuanshi: "..." This daughter is also here to restrain him, and now he really wants to say that he is not welcome.

   But he couldn't, he could only say with a bit of gritted teeth: "Naturally welcome."

   Xiao Baili chuckled and said, "It turns out that you are welcome, that's fine, let's just stay for two days."

   She found out about the scumbag and the outer room, it was really cool.

   Sure enough, what my sister-in-law teaches is the king's way.

  Ge Chunru and Xiao Yuanshi: "..." Actually, you don't have to be so reluctant.

   Taoliu and the maidservants who were standing beside them kept laughing all the time.

   They never thought that these two young ladies and young masters would come back so powerful that the general and his wife were so angry that they couldn't speak.

  The man is amazing.

   Xiao Yuanshi could not wait to leave people alone in a place to fend for themselves, "Then I'll take you to the residence first."

   Xiao Baili and Erlang were not embarrassed this time, and nodded politely, "Okay, I will trouble General Xiao."

   I just came to the General's Mansion, where did I go, it's boring to play it all at once.

   Seeing that the two were no longer raising their bars, Xiao Yuanshi couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

   I don't care about the little wife with red eyes and tears, I just hope to get rid of the two little ancestors as soon as possible.

   So he led the two of them towards a yard.

   Although Ge Chunru was furious to the point of death, he was afraid that the two would act as demons or seek favors from Xiao Yuanshi, so he followed unwillingly.

   Taoliu was so happy to see the humiliating show of the two, and followed behind without hesitation.

   While walking, Xiao Baili asked, "General Xiao, what yard do you want us to live in?"

   Xiao Yuanshi replied, "Arrange you to stay in the hospital."

   Xiao Baili asked again, "Is the guest house worse than that of Ge Xiaoniang's younger brother and sister?"

   Ge Chunru, who was walking behind, couldn't hold back, "Can you stop being called Xiaoniang Xiaoniang? This is impolite."

  Xiao Baili didn't get angry, but nodded with a smile, "Really? We really don't know it's rude, after all, we're scumbags in the countryside, and we don't have much knowledge."

   With a full smile on her face, she said meekly, "Sister Ge, don't be angry, then we won't call you little girl in the future."

  Ge Chunru: "..." This title is even more disgusting.

   Can she strangle this dead girl now, it's just too poisonous.

   Xiao Yuanshi is going crazy too.

Mrs.    didn't shout, Aunt Ge didn't shout, she insisted on calling a little girl or sister.

   These two evil obstacles are definitely intentional.

   What would someone say about the General's Mansion if they heard the two call "Sister Ge"?

   (end of this chapter)

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