Chapter 312 He Can't Take It Anymore

   The next day, the housekeeper of the general's house approached Xiao Baili and said that the food was ready.

   Xiao Baili also knew that Ge Chunru had been grounded and could not run on anyone, so it would be no fun to stay in the General's Mansion.

   So he took Erlang to make porridge outside the city.

  I have been making porridge for several days in a row, but it is not that kind of porridge, it is semi-dry.

   Plus a warm multigrain steamed bun per person.

  Because of the previous heavy snow, some villagers in the village suffered and ran to the capital to escape and beg.

   But they all concentrated outside the city and became a group of refugees.

   But there are not so many people giving alms, so life is very difficult.

  The emperor sent people to resettle them, helped build a shack, and distributed some dry grain cakes every day, but it was also guaranteed not to starve to death.

   Therefore, when they drank a bowl of hot porridge and got a hot steamed bun, everyone looked at Xiao Baili who was standing not far away, making porridge, and they all felt that this young lady was kind and kind.

   As for Xiao Yuanshi, who spent money on food, he was completely ignored by everyone.

   On this day, Liang Mingcheng and Xi Xinheng also mentioned this matter after they met.

   Liang Mingcheng said: "What is Xiao Yuanshi thinking about all day? He is the one who builds roads and cooks porridge, but it's not him who is grateful."

   Who doesn't know in the capital now that General Xiao has done something wrong with his ex-wife and cut off relatives and children.

   I have nightmares every day and feel uneasy, so I have to try my best to make up for the guilt of my ex-wife and children.

   His ex-wife wanted to build a road, so he paid someone to do it.

  My daughter saw that the refugees outside the city were pitiful, so he spent money to buy food and porridge.

   And people in the capital have heard of the reason, so many people think that Xiao Yuanshi must have done too much, and this is the reason why he compensates with uneasy conscience.

   Then, whether it is the people outside the Beijing suburbs who benefited from the road construction, or the refugees outside the city, it is Kong and Xiao Baili who are grateful.

   Anyway, no one really said Xiao Yuanshi was good, and some people joked behind his back that his brain was flooded.

  Xi Xinheng smiled in a low voice: "Maybe it was calculated by Shi Qingluo and his wife."

   This kind of method can only be thought of by Shi Qingluo and his wife.

   Xiao Yuanshi may have thought that he spent money to do good deeds, and then people will remember the kindness of the General's Mansion.

   I guess I didn't expect that every time I did something, the capital would spread the reason why he did it, which made people laugh.

   Liang Mingcheng laughed, "We thought of it together."

   This would be even more fortunate, fortunately he hadn't tried to win over Xiao Yuanshi, otherwise he would have stepped on a big pit.

   I have to say that his youngest son has a good vision in this regard.

  Xi Xinheng pursed his lips, "Stay away from Xiao Yuanshi in the future."

  Liang Mingcheng nodded, "Of course."

   Not only the two of them thought this way, but many people in the capital thought this way.

   Xiao Yuanshi didn't know how to spread it in the capital in a few days, and what other people thought of him.

   was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted.

   was just so angry that suddenly the housekeeper ran over in a hurry.

   "General, the county king's family came to the door, saying that the young master beat up their son, and came to settle the account."

   "What do you want to do?"

   Xiao Yuanshi's face turned black, "Is this the first time that stinky boy has caused trouble?"

   The housekeeper replied, "This is the fifth time."

  Since the young master lived in the General's Mansion, he liked to take the guards of the General's Mansion out for a walk.

   Specially likes to meddle in business affairs. If he sees someone bullying others, or molesting a woman from a good family, etc., he will let the guards fight.

   Then he said, "My ex-father is General Xiao. Although he has cut off his relationship, he said he wanted to make amends for me. If you are not convinced, go to the General's Mansion to find him."

   I only beat the sons of a few court officials a few times before. Who would have thought to beat the son of the prince's family directly today...

  Xiao Yuanshi is really going crazy, what about being well-behaved and sensible? That's it?

   The butler looked at the general who was going crazy, and said cautiously: "And today, several shops in the capital have come to ask for the account."

   "The little son spent more than 10,000 taels of silver outside, all of which were recorded in the account of the General's House."

   Xiao Yuanshi was very inexplicable, "What did he spend?"

   A few days ago, Erlang became closer and closer to him, and said he wanted to buy something, but he had no money on him.

   asked him if he could buy it with the money from the general's mansion, or go out to buy things and keep an account.

   At that time, he thought that children would not be able to spend much money, so he agreed to buy things for the account of the General’s House.

   But a premise is given. Buying large sums of money such as shops, fields, villages, gold and silver jewelry is not acceptable.

  He also prevented Erlang from being taught by Shi Qingluo and others to plot against him.

   Erlang graciously agreed.

   But in just a few days, it cost tens of thousands of taels.

   The housekeeper replied truthfully: "The young master bought a lot of cloth and cotton at the cloth shop and sent them to make clothes for the elderly and children among the refugees outside the city."

   "I went to the bookstore to buy a lot of the Four Treasures of the Study, and sent them to the poor and disadvantaged students who took the exam in Beijing."

   "I also bought a few carts of books, rented a small yard, put the books in it, and provided them to the scholars who couldn't afford them to read for free."

   "Hot water is provided every day, and I also bought an iron stove table where I read books in the yard, and I bought honeycomb that can be used to warm the sky."

   "These expenses are all in the account of the General's House."

   Xiao Yuanshi's eyes darkened a little, "This evil obstacle must be intentional."

   These are all things that can buy people's hearts. That stinky boy took the money from the General's House to do it, and he became a good person, but he asked him to spend money.

   "No, I have to send these two little ancestors away." He couldn't take it anymore.

   Xiao Baili spent a lot of money cooking porridge.

   After finishing the porridge, he said that there are many lonely elderly people and children who have lost their parents in the capital.

   Each family gave a gift, which included grain, vegetables, cloth, eggs and brown sugar.

   It may seem like a small portion, but so many families gave it away, adding up to several thousand taels of silver.

   He also thought about how to send Xiao Baili back to the Xiao residence first, so that he could develop a good relationship with his younger son.

  Who would have thought that the youngest son is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he is specializing in cheating...

   Come on, send them back together this time, otherwise, no matter how big the general's mansion is, he won't be enough to defeat two evil obstacles.

   The housekeeper reminded, "General, the people from the county palace are still waiting outside."

   What else can Xiao Yuanshi do? He can only deal with it himself with a dark face.

  I heard the housekeeper say that because the son of the prince of the county king's mansion wanted to buy good people and go back to be slaves, he brought someone to beat the son.

   The key point is that the son is the most favored son of the prince of the county, and even the son-in-law has to give in a bit.

  Xiao Yuanshi is so angry, what's the matter with people buying slaves to shut down that evil barrier?

   The prince of the county king's family came directly, so he was very rude, and first scolded Xiao Yuanshi, accusing him of not being able to discipline children.

  Xiao Yuanshi could only pinch his nose to apologize, after a lot of good words, and finally he lost a lot of good medicinal materials, and then he sent the person away.

   In the end, he went to Xiao Baili's sister and brother's yard with a dark face and angrily.

   The remaining 13:30~



   (end of this chapter)

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